Amanda Holden (6)

is a cunt.

Hi guys, been a while, hope your all well.
I would like to nominate Amanda Holden, you may think WTF but bare with me, I love a pretty face, there are many Kate Beckinsdale Salma Hayek to name a few, either one of which I would crawl across a hundred yards of broken glass just to shit in her handbag.

However, then you have these sad, has been plastic, taxidermied, attention seeking slags on the last gasp of a career who will say,do,pose absolutely any excuse for a like on fbook, step forward Katey price, Carol Vauderman,Cluadia Wankleman, Lilly fucking Allen, you get the idea.

The one I really take umbrage with however is this absolute skank Amanda Holden, doesn’t seem to matter if im on line, watching telly, even the radio, this spunktrumpet just keeps popping up in various states of undress, flashing her freshly put on knickers while the pair she has just taken off stink up her handbag, unless of course she keeps doggy bags ready her her next arranged/ surprise photo opportunity, honestly I have seen more of this nipped, tucked, pumped whore surgically copied from her daughters waaaaayyy younger body than i have seen of my own, it doesn’t matter how many pages i block or mark as not fucking interested, there she is again.
Nobody appreciates a pretty form more than me, but now im wishing a nasty infection on her.

Doesn’t help of course this fucker has the morals of an alley cat, has had a charisma bypass operation whenever criticised, is I total narcissist that would put that other uber cunt Me, again Sparkle to shame.
So its time for the old cougar to realise, making yourself look younger dosnt actually make you younger and no amount of gash flashing is going to change that, yes you have a gifted taxidermist, but in this day and age so what, just try and enjoy what life you have left and stop ramming your remodelled tits into everyones faces , especially mine, so fuck off, bon voyage you over exposed old attention seeking cunt, honestly im sick of the sight/sound of her…….

Daily Star

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

58 thoughts on “Amanda Holden (6)

  1. ‘Famous’ for screwing that talentless scruffy long haired twat Neil Morrissey.
    A first class skank of the highest order.

    And her ‘breakfast show’ with that cunt Jamie Theakston on the soulless Heart FM is the stuff of nightmares. Holden’s over the top ‘sincerity’ and ‘love’ for sad cunts who phone in is blatantly false as fuck. Nobody is that nice to anyone. Especially nobodies who listen to that shite. Holden is definitley from the Cilla Black school of celebrity fakery. All smiles and pretending to be interested. Then she is a complete cunt behind the scenes. Only Holly Wllhoughby rivals Amanda Holden for fake cunt celebrity twattery. Although Carol Vorderwhore runs them close.

    She is also comes across as the sort of cunt who would step on her dog or her granny to get up the celebirty ladder. And I bet she’s done it and all.

    • Thank you for that Norman.

      I honestly had no idea why she was famous, as I was out of the country at the time some bloke was launching his filthy custard up her cavernous vagina.

      Apparently that was some kind of national scandal. Although I can’t think why some Essex slapper getting her face left looking like a plasterer’s radio on a regular basis would make the local rag, let alone the national tabloids.

      • Oh, it was big news back then, Odin.

        All over the papers at the time. For some strange reason, some F-List slapper being married to Les Dennis of all people. was seen as big time by these tabloid vultures.

        But then Holden started fucking that scruffy twat from Cunts Behaving Badly behind Les’s back, and it was all over the placce. Neil Morrissey was labeled public enemy number one, and Amanda was outed as the whore she really is. The coverage on this ‘story’ was absolutely absurd though. F-List bottomfeeders at best.

  2. The last time I flashed my unmentionables it panicked a nearby herd of grazing elephants which then stampeded and trampled several natives. I`d like to think they had a good eyeful before being squished.

    • I didn’t know you lot wore any unmentionables Sam. So have you started doing so?

      Isn’t that cultural appropriation?

  3. TV nightmare horror show this week…

    Mary Berry and Claudia Winklecunt together.

    Granny from Tweety Pie meets E.T in a Beatle wig.

  4. Just like that decrepit old superwhore, Madogga.

    Pushing 65 years of age, and the dirty old bag of fish guts is still flashing on social media. She wasn’t even any cop in her prime. That huge gap in the teeth and the worst nipples of all time. So, she’s goimg to look even worse now..

    Of course, hordes of poofters idolise this crusty old crabs machine. the gay ‘community’ really does have the worst taste in the world.

    And how this auld slayg is seen as a ‘feminist icon’ is laughable. A prostitute with a record contract, nothing more. ‘Like A Virgin’? I don’t think anybody who frequents this site was even born the last time she could call herself a virgin. Talk about way back in the midsts of time. Yes, she really is that ancient.

    • She’ll be 67 next August which makes her behaviour on stage even more bazaar than it all ready is. Silly old trout.

  5. She sure is fuckable !

    But nobody fancies Amanda as much as Amanda does.

    Her self obsession and being a bit of a slag, is a bit off putting.

    If I was going to play matchmaker and get her a celebrity boyfriend I’d pick pubehaired religious trucker Peter Sutcliffe.
    And I’d send them on a date around Leeds red light district.

    • If Pete was late due to traffic on the M1 I’d set Amanda up with chubby funster Levi Belfield.

      A date in secluded Epping Forest with a picnic and length of baling twine made into a ligature.

      • I asked Ronnie kray to take Amanda out but he refused.
        Says he’s a homosexual.

        Babs Windsor Tried to fondle his helmet in the Blind Beggar but Ronnie said

        ” Git your mitts offs me you saucy mare!
        You need bleedin locking up.
        Get out of it.”

      • Babs WIndsor was full of shit, I reckon.
        Sure, she was Ronnie Knight’s moll (and she knew it).

        But mouthing off about how she slept with Reggie Kray and George Best. Notice she only came out with these ‘revelations’ when both men were dead.

        Heard she was a bit of a cunt too, Did the ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ velvet rope routine in restaurants and bars. And all this ‘national treasure’ bollocks. Carry On Films and NeverEnders and that’s it. The sight of a 35 year old Windsor and a 30 odd year old Anna Karen fighting as ‘school girls’ in Carry On Camping still makes me wince.

  6. On the subject of thick celebrity wimmin, if they give that airhead Alex Scott the MOTD job it’ll kill the program, she can’t even talk properly.

    But she will fit the BBC bill. Black, woman, tuppence flicker, knows nothing about football history, says ‘innit’ a lot.

  7. Absolute cunt of a slag. Slept her way to the top. Just wish it would get caught out doing something dodgy like snorting coke off an erect cock. It even does the voice over for the post code lottery now. We are doomed.

  8. The Daily Star, eh?

    Ah well, this sure beats reporting on boring stuff like, well, the News.

    • The Daily Star is hilarious.

      Any change in the weather – warm or cold – and they have it as front page news. ‘UK To Get Freezing Winter! What A Shocker!’

      We’ll get freezing weather this Winter…. No shit.

      The Sunday Sport was also pure comedy.

      ‘London Double Dacker Bus Found on The Moon, with Elvis Driving It.’

      • We used to get the daily sport on building sites when I was 15.

        I remember their up to the minute cutting edge journalism when some bloke on death row was due to be fried and they ran the story with some old shit like ‘As his body twisted and his flesh crackled from the 10,000 volts’.

        He was actually given a last minute reprieve and wasn’t executed.

        Those ‘journalists’ now work for the Daily Star.

  9. Great nom Fug.

    Holden’s really up there with the ‘famous for being famous’ z list skanks who can’t resist flashing their drawers for the meeja.

    There must be cash it. The tabloids must be forking out for pictures of the likes of her, Price and Vordemort, who knows why?

    Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy looking at pics of gorgeous milfs, but to my mind that’s Salma Hayek, Alex Kingston, Liz Hurley, Rachel Weisz territory we’re talking about.

    Afternoon all.

  10. She does seem to be popping up on fb and TikTok a lot. I wasn’t sure who she was exactly, but having read the above, I now know: another so-called celeb we wouldn’t miss.

  11. Never heard of it, what’s it do?
    Do I need to get out more, or am I better off ignoring the cunts…..

  12. Never heard of her, until I read why she’d been nominated. Then it was the same old run of the mill tart whose loosing her looks and wants to be noticed for having no talent whatsoever and only wants attention for what a plastic surgeon can do for her. How pathetic is that. Why not grow old gracefully such as Charlotte Rampling and Isabelle Huppert are doing in the form of an acting career. It makes me sick why silly twats with no talent are thought after. Its the same old story. The stupid public.

  13. Don’t watch telly but Norman mentioned Carol “melting” Vordermort so it’s his fault..

    Imagine Carol and Amanda fisting each other in a farmers field whilst Harvey Price,disguised as a heap of manure,creeps up on them with his engorged king Kong in his hand after 2 bottles of his mums vodka..what thoughts are crossing his primordial mind?

    Oh the humanity!

    Amanda would do owt an English Gentleman could think of.

    Bloody Good Show.

  14. All this attention seeking and narcissism is probably a way of trying to block out the memory of shagging Les Dennis when starting out climbing the showbiz greasy pole. Look, we all make mistakes Amanda, Fat Reg was married to a woman and Gary Lineker used to be white. Fucking celebrities and their first world problems.

  15. Sorry but i would fuck Amanda in the arse and cum on her face.
    But not Vorderman as she is such an unlikeable cow and absolutely barking mad.

  16. Amanda will do anything for publicity, up to and including Les Dennis. She really is a vacuous attention seeking tart.

    Obviously very fuckable with magnificent nips.

    A cunt yes but…..

    • What a load of bollocks. Are they going to stop talking in Welsh when an Englishman walks in anywhere? Who cares what some sheboon thinks. She should no be here anyway.

    • It is a well known fact that dogs are colour blind and therefore it is impossible for them to be racist.

      It’s the smell that makes them go berserk.

    • The sheboon is objecting to the fact that dogs take up valuable outside shitting territory when the Africans think they have first dibs on it to drop their faeces.

      Just ask David Lammy.

      • I thought he just flung it at people he doesn’t like or packs of hyenas that have just chased him up a tree.

  17. The attention seeking spunk trumpet is now putting send a gift on her Fuck book posts, so as suspected she, s a gold digging slag as well.
    Honestly I wish she would just perminantly fuck off, if I see see her plastic face or any other taxidermied part of her it will be to fucking soon…

  18. Holden’s fanny is probably as flappy as a wizard’s sleeve. Like a carelessly made ham sandwich.

    • Remeber the infamous cheese and tomato Pot Noodle, Paul?

      I dare say that is similar to the stench from Holden’s snatch.

  19. Holden isn’t even the fittest celebrity female radio presenter.

    Kelly Brook and Kirsty Gallagher are miles nicer.

  20. I agree she is a talentless, fame hungry cunt.

    But, she has one of the filthiest laughs I’ve ever heard- gives the the right horn, and I bet she is a dirty cow, who would love me to fuck her in the shitter, then get her to piss on me.


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