A whoops duckie cunting for our porcine and pompous Health Minister, Wes Streeting, he of the Alan Carr voice and limp wrist not only has fairies at the bottom of his garden (or indeed IN his bottom), but he also has stupid ideas about pissing away public money on gimmicks.

It seems young Wessie is very concerned that so many unemployed people might derail Daddy Starmer’s economic plans he is going to sanction giving weight loss reduction injections (Ozempic) free on the NHS to stop unemployment. I daresay he read about in in “Women & Home when he was having his shampoo and set last weekend, to look good for hubby.

Several things wrong with this:

1) It is expensive

2) It gives terrible side effects including gastro-intestinal problems and as the drug is still quite new no real long-term contraindications are known,

3) Perhaps most seriously: Most long term unemployed people are unemployed because they chose to be so (certainly younger people) and has nothing to do with weight. You see some very svelte people on benefits.

So Wes duckie, yet another crap but trendy idea – a sledgehammer to crack a walnut, that you probably dreamt up when Joe was giving it to you when you were on all fours on Saturday night. As Joe must have said “what an arsehole!”: No doubt Kweer will sign it off – he hates to disappoint his boy.


Nominated by; W.C.BOGGS

83 thoughts on “WES STREETING MP [2]

  1. Here’s a better suggestion Streeting, fuck off and take Starmer together with the rest of this shit ‘government’ with you. Don’t come back.

  2. OT.

    Rashford being Rashford (i.e: a cunt) and Anthony being incapable of making Altrincham’s subs bench – let alone Manchester United’s – concede and United close the game down a’la Dave Sexton.

    Fuck them.Fuck them all.

    Come back, Jose. All is forgiven.

      • Wouldn’t suprise me, Helmit.

        What I do know is that he is shit.

        In eight years, he has only scored over 20 goals in just one season. In the top twenty all time Manchester United strikers, this cunt wouldn’t even register. Rashford doesn’t evem come near Stuart Pearson, Jimmy Greenhoff and Andy Ritchie. Never mind greats like Denis Law, Dennis Violet, Ruud van Nistelrooy and Eric Cantona.

  3. For a government so bound by human rights law it also breaks the relevant UN CHARTER.

    Law prevents us stopping illegal immigrants but that’s fine.

  4. Excellent idea.

    Let’s start with the Flabbott, 5-bellies Nugee, Dawn Butt and Therese Coffin-Dodger. Outside of politics they’d all be unemployable.

  5. Givng fat people drugs?! This is fucking Britain. We are not chinks or koreans for God’s sake. Orwell did get it right, but he also got it wrong. Because 2024 is even worse.

    What if a fat person has a genuine condition? Like a metabolisn or glandular problem? Not everyone binges on shite and sits around. Not every case is the same.

    Fucking hell, this sort of shit is a step away from Mengele. And what will Streeting aand Keir Stapo do when some poor sod has a proper aversion to these drugs and actually dies from them? Because somebody will, You can bet on that. All we’ll get is ‘lessons will be learned’ and ‘enqiry’ and all that crap, as the poor fucker is put in a coffin.

    And white these Stasi pigs target fat people. Will they also get the hordes of RNLI taxi customers and Pakis and Africans into work? Will these bastards have to learn the English language? Will they have to stop getting everything for free? Will they now have to pay in to the NHS, like everyone else had to?

    No, thought not. Target the white riff raff, as usual.

    • These ‘drugs’ will either make someone lose their hair, throw up, see things, and other unpleasant side effects.

      I’d make that Streetig slug eat the bloody lot.

    • “What will Streeting aand Keir Stapo do when some poor sod has a proper aversion to these drugs and actually dies from them? ”

      Wessie will put on his concerned face and say “lessons will be learned, duckie”.

      If it wasn’t for the corset Gaylord Alli bought him, Kweer would need that drug, too.

  6. Speaking of pissing away public money, any comment yet from Kweer’s team about the young hotel worker stabbed to death with a screwdriver by one of our dinghy guests over an argument about a packet of biscuits?

    Diversity is our strength.

  7. Well, we all know the ‘logic’ of this Keir Stapo regime….

    Let out a dangerous and repeat wife beater and woman abuser, to ‘free up’ spaces in HM Prisons. And his terrified wife will have to lump it, it’s tough shit if she can’t sleep at night and fears for her life.

    Then immediately replace him with a bit of a mouthy hooligan, whose ‘crime’ is kicking a police van and shouting outside a hotel. This heinous villainly must be combated and dealt with.

    If Blair was Satan (which he was), then Starmer is Satan’s turd.

  8. Here is a novel idea to get fat cunts back to work, cut off their benefits..

    Here’s another to stop dinghy rats, a one man tent and a prepackaged sandwich and directions to a nearby field.

    Never trust a 40 plus man that looks like he has never had to shave his face.
    Creepy looking poof.

    • That’s all the makeup and Polyfilla he wears. He has to look pretty so Joe Dancey will continue to waddle up his what-do-yer-call-it

  9. How about Mr streeting taking the fat jab he’s not exactly the picture of health by the looks of he/him/them whatever his moniker…go on wes roll up your sleeve and put that cream horn out of your mind …😩

  10. Streeting’s cranium is filled with candy floss. Just like all the rest of Sir Kweer’s cronies’. They look for fun, quick fix solutions to national issues. The prisons are too full – let them out. Mass uncontrolled immigration is fucking stupid – hum a tune loud enough and it will be as if it is not happening at all. We are so in debt that we cannot afford any more money for the doctors, teachers, train drivers – borrow another £50 billion. The silly Americans might vote for Trump – send Tristran and Emily from Islington over to talk them out of it. There, that’s all that tricky stuff dealt with, it must be time for crumpets and a game of Whose Wearing the Trousers Today?

  11. No injections are needed, just put scales in the entrance to McDonalds, KFC, etc. Too heavy and the doors don’t open.

  12. By the day, I become more convinced that politicians are not real and it’s all a projection to (try to!) keep us in line.

    Jokes aside, this cannot possibly work. The only sustainable way to lose weight is to eat less, move more. Lord knows, I’ve learned that the hard way despite trying to start smoking again, cocaine, etc etc. Good ol’ fashioned exercise wins out every time.

  13. Wes Streetings gob is shaped perfectly for sucking cock, no wonder Kweer has him in his team, the dirty bastard.

    Injecting the fat bone idle is a good idea, a boot up the fucking arse, cheap and more effective.

  14. Another stunning example of the type of talent “Top Tier Kweir’s” Landslide victory has allowed him to bring into the Government.

    I can’t wait to see the next policy in the mandate.


  15. Few things instantly strike me when I see Wes Streeting on telly

    1) he always looks like he’s at a wedding?

    2) his face is like a babies arse,
    When’s he going to need to start shaving?

    3) he’s never done a thing that requires getting a sweat on or dirty, he’s never done a honest day’s work.

    That aside, he’s a politician so I don’t trust him on instinct.

    He’s going to get a sweat on if he thinks he can get the feckless lazy fat cunts on the dole up before 10am.

    This country is full of computer gamers with bad backs.

    • He was a former leader of the National Union of Students, the biggest non-job in the world. What gets me is that he wants to “ban” smoking and vaping because it causes bronchitis and cancer, he wants to ban fast foods because it causes obesity, yet this health conscious little mincer is a bum boy of many years standing. Taking it up the arse can cause AIDS yet he doesn’t advocate banning buggery. That would affect so many members of the cabinet and the House, so self interest comes into play.

      • Oh, great.

        A sodomite with power over the entire NHS.
        I dare say there will be more strikes and walk outs before long,

        And buggery is to be appaluded, according to modern ‘society’. They even have kiddies books telling us how ‘normal’ and ‘great’ it is. ‘Grandpa’s Pride’, I fucking ask you?….

  16. Zempig is a new drug and the side effects are unknown.

    Test it on illegal migrants.

    In fact test all drugs on them.

    Replace rabbits, mice, monkeys etc in research labs with Rashid no English and Achmed I’m fifteen.

    • Tie them down and drop concentrated sulphuric acid in their eyes to see if it has any adverse effects. Post the results to the public as solid useable information.
      Do about 250,000 as an initial sample just to be sure.

    • So much for my body my choice

      Some side effects are very well known.
      None of them good. No superhuman strength or being able to turn invisible or your hair growing back.


      Also a possible thyroid cancer link which will be brushed off as a rumour or conspiracy theory.

      Until people get it a few years from now.

      At which point they’ll say they know naffink abaaaht it

      • I am White ‘n’ Black Cunt.
        Black and White Cunt’s respectable twin.

        My family doesn’t mention that bumboclaat degenerate Black and White Cunt.

        He liked to lickee da laydees assholes but ended up getting E. Coli.

        The dyam fool boi.

  17. Cheaper to chop the fat cunts legs off..

    then give them a free smart watch.

    Health and fitness all the way with our Trotskyite chums.

  18. This comes in the same week that the NHS said it wont fund a new drug to slow Alzheimer’s disease but giving porkers weight loss injections is ok? Not being fat will boost the economy then Wes? By that logic Ethiopia should be a fucking superpower.

    • Ol’ arse 🐒 Wes knows the serious side effects only too well. He has thought this one through; this will bump some fatties off, save on bennies costs and reduce the queue lengths at McDonalds drive ins.

      He thinks he’s a genius. Fucking cocksucking brain donor.

  19. He also wants to squander millions via “handing out smart watches to monitor our health”.I despair at our spineless toothless “government”. Common sense has left the building.

    • If they were that bothered, they could make a big difference by limiting the number of takeaways in towns and cities, which would probably deal with some of the illegal immigration as well.

      Not to mention road accidents…I live quite near a main road in Bristol and all you can see in the evening is these cunts on bikes whizzing about with big packs on their backs for the takeaway shite to go in. These cunts spend a fair amount of time fighting amongst themselves as well, when they are not trying to mow people down. One of the cunts was on local news recently, complaining that they work all the hours God sends and barely earn anything, and have to live in a clapped out van. Well, the message is clear then…you are surplus to requirements and should fuck off.
      I heard that this wonder obesity drug has a black market for vacuous cunts who want to look “beach body ready” for their holidays without the inconvenience of dieting or exercise, presumably this may be why it would be offered in injection form rather than tablets.

    • I bought a box set last year, good stuff. Annie’s voice always reminds me of Judith Durham because of her pitch and clarity.

      • Loved what Annie said about the origins of the song.
        Most people associate it with ‘the’ Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis. However, Annie said she wrote it about the street lights from her home town. She was flying out of Manchester Airport to the USA. And she saw the lights below as the plane left the UK.

  20. That voice of his is more camp than the ones you heard in seventies sitcoms like Are you being served and It ain’t half hot mum.
    Definately takes it rather than gives it.
    Ooh, scratch your eyes out dearie!

  21. How’s he look like a Topman mannequin all the time?

    I can’t wear a tie for over 15 minutes, and get gravy stains on my trousers within the hour.

    The precious little clothes horse cunt.

    Bet he costs Lord Ali a fuckin fortune?!

    “Get Wez in here, I’ve had a £500 bill from the Body shop”

  22. He looks like cabin crew. I could see him fussing in first class asking Elton John if he wanted a sticky fudge finger for desert.

    • Do you mind? I’ll soon be Cabin Crew…
      And I only like laydeez not any Washing Machine salesman-types, nor any other poofy bastards.

  23. That Dalek sounding cunt Kueer starmkopf would be well advised to put me in the highly paid job getting dolemoles off their arse.

    And Lord Ali would only have to buy me a new motorhead ♠️ t-shirt and pair of rigger boots, bargain!

    I’d have a dance off every signing on day,
    An you better dance like John Travolta or I’ll stop your benefits.

    If you dance well? You can dance and put things on a supermarket shelf at night
    Your a employee of Sainsbury’s.

    Can’t dance? Get down the food bank .
    Bin appetit

  24. Christ on a bike.
    Is this the level of intelligence of your present government?

    Does this cunt ever go out and look around?
    If he did he would see that most people in Britain are overweight at best and morbidly obese at worse.

    Being a fat fucker doesn’t stop you from working.
    Being a lazy cunt does.

    Stop paying benefits to people who are too bone idle to get a job.
    When they can no longer pay for their daily visit to Gregg’s and their nightly takeaway they will soon find work.

    • Fat or mental.
      Or fat mentals.

      My diagnosis,? Pisstakers.

      If you’re mental then you should be in a funny farm finger painting your rubber walls with your own shite.

      If you’re a fat cunt go to America where you can blend in.

      Fuckin draining the country dry.

  25. I wonder if you are a fat bastard but ” according to Starmers” you don’t work / not working class (your income is from assets / shares)

    You will also qualify for the fat jab….🐖

    • Labour really is the poofters party as well as the Islamic Party of Great Britain – and they are so fucking stupid they don’t realise that the Islam branch hate the kweer branch. Thanks to all the Mudslimes Wessie now has a majority of less than 550. One more push and the little bum boy will be looking for a new non-job. Anything where he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty. I’d suggest personal assistant to Eddie Izzard.

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