Vote Fraud Deniers In The US…Part Cinco de Mayo

1. I told you about ballot stuffing in Bridegport, Connecticut.

2. I told you about vote buying in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

3. I told you about new found absentee votes Chicago, Illinois

4. I told you about hundreds of uncounted ballots found in storage in rural Michigan.

Let’s now move to the Wild West…where men are…skip that.

Arizona has long been considered a Republican State. And in some ways it still is. Home of the so-called McCain Republicans, it has become decidedly uni-party since the death of the old war forever war mongerer.

This has been reinforced in recent years by a massive influx of illegal aliens and their Demonrat sponsors who now control a significant part of the state’s governmental apparatus.

But as this story highlights, the problem of voter fraud has been going on in Arizona for quite some time. Thanks to a unique law that allows illegals to obtain a drivers license and register to vote in Federal elections almost 100,000 registered voters may not in fact be legal to vote in the US election.

One hundred thousand potentially illegal votes cast in an important swing state just might have an effect on the election. Do you think?

And according to sources this has been happening for decades.

So there’s really nothing new here.

The point is…as we all know elections in the US are safe and secure and the real threat to democracy is the Orange Hitler and his MAGA Minions.

As an afterthought…I wonder why they let them vote in Federal Elections but not in the State elections?

Nominated by : General Cuntster

35 thoughts on “Vote Fraud Deniers In The US…Part Cinco de Mayo

  1. Looks like last chance saloon over there General. If Trump doesn’t get in, then the whole country will be stitched up forever., unless the illegals actually get on well and change allegiance which is most unlikely

  2. I was an illegal immigrant in the US late 70’s I had a drivers license and got a letter to do jury service (need to be a citizen to serve on a jury and to vote) I phoned up told them I was a resident alien not a citizen, they thanked me for letting them know so it seems nothing has changed.

  3. Fucking hell, General, US elections seem to be run along the same lines as those in Zimbabwe and Somalia. This is, of course, entirely necessary in order to see to it that the correct democratic outcome is assured.

    With the ‘far right’ advancing across Europe, it will soon be necessary to set aside all elections due to any one or more of the following – a) a global pandemic, b) war emergencies in the Middle East and Ukraine, c) an environmental crisis causing the melting of the polar ice caps, d) trans people feeling upset.

    • This is the plan. Enjoy your smart green life in your smart green apartment in your smart green city where you take smart green transportation to your smart green job.

  4. Massive vote rigging in the UK, it’s rife in places like Bradford, Oldham and other choice cities of the north.

    It makes us stronger.

    • I have it on good authority that in some communities your postal vote is filled in by a staff member at your local religious community centre….💩

      Diversity is our strength…!

    • There are slightly more subtle devices in use as well. When my sister and her daughter went to vote there was a bunch of intimidating p*ki youths standing around outside. They took the hint, turned around and went home.

  5. “… the real threat to democracy * is the Orange Hitler and his MAGA Minions.” yes of course… and yes, at the * add ” and Europe”. Any serious country in the world has a thing called e.g. a civil register, i.e. the admin KNOWS who is and who is not a citizen. But what to expect of a country whose “conservative” party’s candidate for prez is a multiple bankrupster, a notorious liar, a convicted criminal, a Putinist, and a porn star shagger while his wife was nourishinghis fresh satanic brood ?

  6. Postal or Mail in should be banned, it’s a complete affront to the principle of democracy, one man one vote.
    It’s difficult to prove fraud unless the ballot is actually visibly fraudulent, but we know that in certain communities the women are told what to do and they obey, even men are instructed by ‘community leaders’

    The US system seems to be a complete minefield, you can see why so many don’t trust it.

  7. To quote that famous gentleman Mark Twain..”If voting made any difference they wouldn’t less us do it”.

    I think that just about sums up democracy,particularly that of the last twenty five years or so..

    It seems like every country that supposedly holds the idea of democracy dear is doing its level best to destroy it by watering it down to nothing.

    Ah well,soon be Hitler time again.

    • The only vote that surprised the powers that be is brexit, I wonder what the real majority of leave vote was. Of cause it made no difference as they just ignored the vote and we never left Europe.

  8. It will be interesting to see how the US election pans out. ‘They’ cannot possibly let the Republicans win so will pull every stunt they can to get Harris in as the next president. The horse faced twat can’t run herself let alone the US, so obviously a puppet.
    Perhaps what needs to happen in the US is what’s happening in the UK right now, the ‘voting’ in of yet another useless pile of shit, showing very clearly that these scum do not work for the good of the country or its people.
    Perhaps then, the people will stop voting for crap.

    • “According to sources”. I wonder what those sources may be. And there the answer is, in the next to last paragraph. Which is the only factual part of this nomination.

      • In fairness, it seems that voter fraud is merely a backstop. to be deployed when the much cheaper, permanent option fails.

  9. Voter fraud in the US is real. It is absolutely amazing to me that I can document multiple instances of actual fraud, arrests, indictments and even institutional involvement and there are still those of you who deny it.

    It’s one thing to believe what propaganda outlets like Auntie Beeb, The Fail and La Guardia tell you about Donald Trump. It’s something altogether different to deny reality when you see it. That’s a whole different level of partisan delusion.

    Trump / Vance
    Stop the Steal

    • I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that the outcome of elections is decided before any votes are cast. After all, what proof do we have other than what we’re told.
      I believe the only instance where ‘they’ were caught out was with Brexit, ‘they’ really weren’t expecting that.

    • Maybe voter fraud should be enshrined in The Constitution. It must be about time for a 28th Amendment.

    • @General Cunster

      As far as I understand it, there were “a few” instances of votes cast by people who… ahem… were no longer people.

      • The rationale behind that was prevalent in Chicago electoral politics…

        …if they were alive they’d vote for us.

  10. Well, if there is a shady cabal guiding history behind the scenes, all I can say is that they are a bunch of incompetent (and probably incontinent) buffoons.

  11. They’ve still never told us what that fat cunt Ruby Freeman and her daughter were doing pulling suitcases of ballots from under tables and running them through the tabulators several times, after sending everyone home, at 1am in Georgia. I guess they must just have been scanning their KFC receipts for their expenses.

  12. re: the Header pic… the FBI warning on a region 1 DVD warns of potential 5 years in prison, or $62,500 in fines for a single instance copyright piracy.

    Just a wee observation!

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