The Chris Kaba shooting


Met armed police officer cleared of the ‘murder’

Should never have been charged, let alone charged with murder….murder is pre-meditated and by definition is not by ‘accident’ This police officer never woke up that morning with the intention of killing anybody, let alone this piece of shite. Yet, he ended up in court, with the potential of receiving a life sentence for doing his job- protecting his colleagues and the public from this loser.

This is a pretty biased report from the good old BBC (note how many times they mention Kaba was ‘unarmed’)


You don’t need to do much research to find a more accurate report of the events that lead up to the shooting. I won’t bore you all here by going into all the details, but suffice to say, this blick cunt brought it on himself……however (and it’s not surprising any more in today’s world) the blick ‘community’ think their ‘brothers’ actions was acceptable behaviour and are calling it all a miscarriage of justice.

If you have seen a proper report and the associated video of this cunt signing his own death warrant you will have every sympathy with what this officer has been put through over the past couple of years


Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

82 thoughts on “The Chris Kaba shooting

  1. I think it truly appalling that the police officer, Martyn Blake, had to endure a trial for murder on that most fearful of stages at the Old Bailey – but the torture doesn’t end there – apparently some of Kaba’s “friends” have put a bounty on the head of Sgt Blake, so he will forever be looking over his shoulder because of that scum and his criminal acquaintances.

    No wonder Kaba’s mother wanted details of her sons past to be supressed.

  2. One George Floyd was enough. If he’d not been a pound shop gangster he’d still be alive, police got him before his brethren.

    Instead of attacking the police his mother should turn her rage on her own community.

  3. What?

    That young man with his sweet boy-next-door smile was a violent criminal, due to be charged with attempted murder?

    That’s a shock. Can someone pass those clueless wet types who chanted about ” justice for Chris” some tissues so they can wipe the egg of their faces.

  4. Great to see the boss of the Met coming down firmly on the side of the copper. One has to wonder how Cressida Dick would have managed the post trial speech.
    Interestingly,the fuckin’ Beeb has gone on about the cunt due to become a father but failing to mention that he was forbidden to contact the woman as he had a court order against him due to domestic violence.
    I look forward to an interview with his parents talking about his dreadful history.
    ‘Justice for Kaba’? He got it.

  5. The leftist news managed to find a cunt of an ex pig, he said he should have also been charged with manslaughter….. it would have been easier to bust him.
    Another less doting father and architect.

  6. Has anyone else seen the full body cam footage?
    Seeing the look of surprise on the murder monkey’s face when the bullet goes through its skull is priceless.

    Something the prosecution also kept hidden was the restraining order from the mother of his illegitimate offspring for domestic violence.

    Also the gunshot residue found on his sleeve and the balaclava found in the car. Both evidence of the nightclub shooting a day before.

    What a total piece of shit. Absolutely no loss to society whatsoever.

    All those protesters and the family probably want to button it now as well.

  7. how long before the simians start rioting? I’m sure 2TK will deal with them just as harshly as the white “rioters”.

    • ….who was kind to his dear old nan and always ready with a cheeky smile?

      Also an aspiring rapper who was turning his life around.

      Only tragedy here is this piece of genetic dross managing to reproduce before being removed from the planet.

      • That’s him to a T. Well, at least according the Guardian, the BBC and ‘Community Leaders’.

  8. This follows nicely from the General’s cunting a day or so ago.

    Stalinist Russia couldn’t have done a better job of subverting the truth.

    A gangster was shot trying to run down armed police..its not news its proper clean justice.

    How sad our country is rammed with foreign shite and Quisling cunts,both going to any lengths to ruin what’s left of anything worth bothering about.

    Churchill would have made the officer a hero,now he’s likely fucked for life by the cowards who masquerade as our representatives.


  9. He should be roundly condemned by his ‘community’ and family for the piece of shit he was. We all know that’s not going to happen. No doubt he was a wonderful human being, regularly helping old ladies across the road and volunteering to read to the children at the local church. Cunt, simple.

  10. Violent abuses by the police are rampant in the States. Obviously, I can’t speak to the issue in the UK.

    But this appears to be what the old timers in the American South used to call a “public service homicide.”

    The rationale for which was; He needed killin’.

    • Doubtless his family would say that at 24 he had his whole life before him. However, shooting a rival gang member probably means that he would not have seen his 25th birthday.
      I suspect that many of the people who knew him are thinking ‘good riddance’.

      • Agreed Gig,

        We’ve all heard the “lament” by the victim’s family and their lefty apologists.

        He was a smart boy who could have been a Brain Surgeror or Rocket Scientoligist if Mr. Whitey hadn’t been so racist.

        It’s what I call, Institutional Stupidity.

    • In general, General, the British police are really quite gentle, especially when they are dealing with “members of the co-moon-itee” innit. I have no doubt in believing Sgt. Blake feared for his colleagues, and with good reason. I am just sorry he had to go through this dreaful farce of a trial.

      • Hey Boggs,

        I have no doubt that the officer feared for his life and the life of his fellow officers. From what I have read, he was fully justified in taking action.

        Our history and culture of policing is different here in America. And to be truthful I differ with Trump and his attitude towards the police.

        Police in America are plagued by incompetence and corruption. Many officers are violent power tripping bullies who lie and abuse their authority over average citizens every day.

        Local news stations around the country are filled with stories of their failures. And in this day of cell phones, body and surveillance cams the claims are often well documented and indisputable.

        Still they deal with scum like this guy Kaba every day and criticizing them is a double edged sword.

        You want them to take action against degenerate gangster scum like Kaba, but I don’t want little old ladies tased because they’re arguing with some punk assed bitch with a badge and a micro penis who has a serious inferiority complex.

    • Kaba sounds like a right cunt who was acting like a right cunt at the time of the shooting, but even so, there are still some race-baiters going on about it being a ‘racially motivated’ killing.

      As far as I’m concerned, the fucker had it coming. It’s a case of one down…

      Afternoon all.

  11. But for the grace of God he could of been the next lammy.

    Still never mind Africa is full of low IQ violent chimps, and with a labour full term so will Britain.

    So when’s the rioting starting?
    Or has Rodney put the fear of God into people..
    My mistake that’s just for honkys.

  12. Like that other cunt, Duggan. Just think of all the trouble saved by the simple expedient of a 9mm lead injection. All the money saved in benefits for the inevitable children he would have fathered and all the crime associated with him. Good riddance to another piece of shit – shame it isn’t the start of an extended “Sondereinsatz”.

    • M’Lord, I see you’re a fellow history connoisseur with your use of ‘Sondereinsatz’.

      I lament the fact that the German National Socialists went after Eastern Europe and the Ivans. I’ve had nothing but good dealings with them, as well as some family ties on my other half’s side.

      Now, if they’d gone south after the Tree Swinging bunch, things would have worked out much better long-term, wouldn’t they? Imagine all that fertile land and natural resources… that and a lack of crime and general savageness on our shores.

      • Indeed Cuntis – in the Phillip K Dick book “man in the high castle” the Germans win WW2 and turn their attention to Africa, where they use the systems developed in occupied Poland to clear it of the indigenous population for “Lebensraum”.

      • A good read, M’Lord! Or at least what I got to read of it. My ex’s bastard cat decided to piss on the book (left on a kitchen table); so it went in the bin. I never got around to getting to the part where the Germen clean up on The Dark Continent.

        Worth finishing, or will it leave me in a state of wishful thinking?

  13. This piece of shites parents must of been rubbing their hands at the thought of a big payday for unlawful killing.

    Catalogues and Carribbean cruise ship brochures all over the living room.

    I would of loved to see the faces on them when they realised Golden Ticket days been cancelled 😂

    Fuck Chris Caba,
    Criminal and fuckin halfwit.

    • I believe the payout they were expecting is referred to in the States as ‘the ghetto lotto’.

      That’s why they churn out so many butt nuggets. At some point the police are going to off at least one of them and then it’s gold teefs and KFC family buckets for life.

  14. The thick as pig shit PG Tips gang will still be demanding ‘ justice ‘ even though everyone now knows for sure what a criminal scumbag Kaba was. I hope more get fucking shot.

    Fuck them.

  15. We have one in Hull rearing it’s head again from 1997. Died when he collapsed in the nick. Clearly not touched as all on CTV. Violenrt cunt had been taken to hospital after a fight and then to the nick too be charged with disorder.

    Black family still weeping and fucking wailing for compo.

    • Vitamin D deficient meeja studee stoodents and incels. The males are neckbearded, pudgy-bodied incels and the females are undernourished, asexual underachievers with lesbian haircuts.

      Ship them down to the pedigree chum factory for processing.

  16. Blacks don’t like the police telling them to stop.
    They’re entitled.

    Like that athlete twat and her boyfriend.

    Someone with a gun tells me to stop ?
    I’m hitting the fuckin brakes pal!

    These mudflaps think they’re above the law.

      • Taking a Bullet in the Head party, I think she is the only surviving member but doesn’t say much anymore

    • Remember when Dawn Butler MP in her shades and big car got stopped by the police in Hackney?. She was very cross about it, because the police were racists, according to her. And I bet they thought she was an up her own arse cunt.

  17. Where is the justice for Martin Blake, the CPS need fucking, whoever decided to name him needs fucking, if he or any of his family are attacked that person who made the decision should be in court for whatever befalls the victim.

    On the side of poor Chris, he could have gone on to blow away several N’s before he became the target himself, his family must be proud of his record.

  18. George Floyd was another one.

    Refused to comply and resisted arrest.

    Next thing he’s whining about

    “Cain’t breathe!! Cain’t breathe!!”

    Well if you hadn’t been a silly sausage maybe you could breathe?

    The officers probably thought he was a drama queen?
    But for once he was right.

    He couldn’t breathe.

    Oh well.
    No point crying over spilt milk.

    • Hey!! fentanyl george was the inventor of the banana and mayonnaise sandwich, show some respect…

      He was working on a syrup sandwich when his talented life was cut short.

      • I still dispute his brothers claim that George invented the Banana butty.

        I’d had them for years!!!

  19. Once, I heard that in Germany, a pillow can be considered an offemsive weapon. Anything can he a wespon, especially a car. The copper deserves a medal for accurate shooting.

  20. The CPS would have had all the facts about the horrible black cunt.

    Even the stuff that was not allowed into evidence in court.

    They still decided to allow the police officer to be charged with murder.

    Who’s side are they on?

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