The alcohol content of beer and wine

is becoming a cunt.

Looking around the stacked shelves of the booze Isle in any leading supermarket one could be forgiven for believing that all is well in the world for those wishing to partake in a drink or two.

However, dark forces are at work! the bastards. Mrs E/cunt as now decided she prefers Rose pinot grigio to the white version. Tastes like fucking flower petals to me but hey ho she is drinking it.

Anyway whilst looking for it I noticed the alcohol content on the bottle, 10.5%.
That’s low I thought remembering seeing it has 13% on the white bottles.

Any how I decided to check the white wines, fuck me 10.5 % was the norm. This got my gander up so off I went checking the whole fucking Isle like a wino with withdrawal symptoms.

Stella 4.6% used to be 5% Kronenbourg the same, Barley wine 7.7 % used to be 10%. Same with the spirits. Now they dropped Gin down to 37% from 40% a while ago but I saw some at 35% and Brandy.

I could go on many more examples even Special Brew down.

Nanny fucking state is my guess. Why can’t the cunts just leave things alone.
Bastards have made chocolate bars the size of minis and a bag of crisps barely has enough in for a sandwich, all in the name of obesity. Robbing the public blind more like.

Bastards burn in hell fire whoever is responsible.

Nominated by Everyonesacunt.

99 thoughts on “The alcohol content of beer and wine

  1. In warmer months I like to drink a well chilled white Zinfandel, or Grenache.

    I like reds, but unfortunately they don’t like me, and I’ve yet to find a white I like.

    The wine I drink is usually 10.5%.

    In the colder weather, I switch to sloe gin, Gordons at 26% slips down so smoothly I have to remind myself to put the bottle away, but I also like gin liqueur, usually about 20%, and in 50cl bottles, it’s easy to find you’ve drunk the bloody lot!

    I’m 70, and I don’t give a monkeys toss anymore. I’ll get pissed if I want to, just keep hair clippers hidden.

    • Why not indeed JP.

      By the time I get to seventy the Islamic Republic of the United Kingdom will have banned alcohol.

  2. Polish beer is fucking strong. That and Plymouth Gin ,(Navy Strength) obs. I was also given a bottle of Oxford Rye, 51.3%. Tastes brilliant too.

    I think it is the supermarkets that need avoiding. They are the tools of the nanny state. All that diversity crap, and promoting alcohol free drink, bacon free bacon, halal chicken – grovelling to the towel headed jizz monkeys is the name of the game.

    • I agree, Twenty.

      I buy all my booze on line, or Younger has a home delivery, where including my wine boxes ensures her free delivery.

      Also, if it’s “not” bacon, sausage, chicken, etc, why do they make it look as much like the real thing as possible?

      Whose fooling who?

  3. I drank 10% canned larger and ended up with the removal of the gunge from a ventricle of the heart through the wrist, a kind of slow heart attack. That was 12 years ago and I’ve never taken a drop since.

  4. I remember buying a bottle of Polish Vodka while in Vienna some years back.
    Jesus ! it was like drinking antifreeze.

    I have found some bottled beers from European countries better than the canned stuff – that being said, I have drunk ‘Galahad’ – Aldis Fosters copy. They’re Stella copy is better than the real thing since SA nerfed it.

    I have found that Thatchers Cider is infinitely superior to strongbow, woodpecker or any own brand ciders.

    • Thatchers gold not too bad but a tad sweet for my pallete
      Much prefer Dry Blackthorn.
      I remember when me and my brother got a drink off my dad as young uns he would buy us Autumn gold I think his thinking was as it was sweet it was no so bad but I don’t think he realised it was stronger than most of the other ciders of the time.
      Happy days.

  5. Digression:
    Its pointless Old Trafford prolonging the inevitable and sling out Ten gallon shit for brains while the going good. If anvil head could pull one over on their fiddling neighbour’s at the cup final, I’m sure that could be done most weeks ?

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