The alcohol content of beer and wine

is becoming a cunt.

Looking around the stacked shelves of the booze Isle in any leading supermarket one could be forgiven for believing that all is well in the world for those wishing to partake in a drink or two.

However, dark forces are at work! the bastards. Mrs E/cunt as now decided she prefers Rose pinot grigio to the white version. Tastes like fucking flower petals to me but hey ho she is drinking it.

Anyway whilst looking for it I noticed the alcohol content on the bottle, 10.5%.
That’s low I thought remembering seeing it has 13% on the white bottles.

Any how I decided to check the white wines, fuck me 10.5 % was the norm. This got my gander up so off I went checking the whole fucking Isle like a wino with withdrawal symptoms.

Stella 4.6% used to be 5% Kronenbourg the same, Barley wine 7.7 % used to be 10%. Same with the spirits. Now they dropped Gin down to 37% from 40% a while ago but I saw some at 35% and Brandy.

I could go on many more examples even Special Brew down.

Nanny fucking state is my guess. Why can’t the cunts just leave things alone.
Bastards have made chocolate bars the size of minis and a bag of crisps barely has enough in for a sandwich, all in the name of obesity. Robbing the public blind more like.

Bastards burn in hell fire whoever is responsible.

Nominated by Everyonesacunt.

99 thoughts on “The alcohol content of beer and wine

  1. Manchester City Centre has got worse.

    Apart from the now obligatory hordes of Dooshkas, Dark Personages and Peacefuls, the town centre now has more pisspots than ever. Now they congregate, about eight or nine on a corner. Usually near the bits that have been boarded up and/or vandalised. There aremore now than there were in the 70s and 80s.

    And then there’s the spice heads. Fucking cunts.

    • In this country, apart from fentanyl, (in the US the hardcore junkies take fentanyl cut with xylazine, a large animal tranquiliser, they call it ‘tranq’), there’s nothing more damaging than spice, despite its innocuous nickname.
      Ultra-strong synthetic cannabis solution sprayed onto generic plamt material, it’s the absolute opposite of the compound it’s masquerading as.
      Proper herbal cannanis tincture will stop Parkinson’s temporarily, amongst a host of other benefits.
      Spice wraps its chinky tendrils around the brains of individuals already not overburdened with intelligence and fucks them utterly.

      • You need to put ‘Site Apothecary’ after your name on here. Salute TtCE, I’m going to look into Red Kratom, I’ve found a mushroom growing kit online and about to search for Liberty Caps, to pick and consume, probably sell to schoolkids as well. Fuck it.

      • Excellent. If you ask admin, perhaps they’d be willing to give you my email address.
        I have vast amount of knowledge about growing mushrooms, both gourmet and naughty, without which your likelihood of a succssful rookie grow is only so-so at best.

      • Liberty caps you are probably too late for. you’ll find them end of August to mid September.

        I too was recently looking for a shroom growing kit, having consumed plenty in my younger years.

        if your going to start, start out mild with mexicans.
        The Hawaiians will blow your socks off.

        Spice is shit by they. does nothing for me.

      • Odin, there’s far better ways to know than with a kit…as I said to Pooter up above, feel free to email me…I’ve been growing successfully for years and could maybe give you some tips.

      • Absolutely not. They barely come out in the Scottish borders til the end of September and all of October is reliable, into early Nov.
        Find some “old land”, unploughed, preferably with sheep.

      • Thank you kindly Thomas.

        Hints and tips would be very much appreciated.

        I will happily reciprocate with hints and tips for growing organic greenery.

      • Thomas,
        Can you grow water cress on pissed stained undercrackers?

        Asking for a friend

  2. OT. A perfect tale of agony.

    The other day, I was in Salford Royal for major surgery on my fistula arm.

    Under the knife for three hours, arm cut up to fuck,stitches all the way up (or is it down?) and it stings like a load of wasos up your arse. I was also under all the drugs I’d been given.

    I’m lay there, and what walks in? A nurse who is as fit as. An arse that would crack walnuts, killer legs, a lovely face and tits you could bounce off. Tell you what, having the raging horn while being in pain and stoned is very strange and not something I would recommend.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery from all of us here at Admin Mansions. By the way, did you get the nurse’s number? Asking for a friend – NA.

    • Wish you well, Norman.

      Having the raging horn and engaging in sexual activities while on champagne, coke, weed and Viagra is one of my very favourite things to do with a lady who has similar interests.

      Sadly, I am now married. So none of that kind of fun anymore thankyouverymuch.

      • Thanks, Tez, Biscuit and Odin.

        A defeat to Villa today will please our good mate Ron,
        But it will pile on the agony for me.

      • 0-0. So, he lives to fight (yet) another day.

        Ten Hag and Ruud seen disagreeing during the game, Ruud probably suggested attacking football.

      • I was expecting Villa to thrash us today. And – to be honest – I was sort of hoping for it.

        I was quietly hoping for a Crystal Palace December 1972 style beating, and a Frank O’ Farrell type demise for that cunt Ten Hag.

        Shame there’s no Tommy Doc to replace him now though.

    • Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, Norman. Just in case I ever find myself in the same position, would you tell me whether you were able to force it down with your good arm without being noticed?

      • As I am left handed, the needles go into my right arm, Isabel.
        It’s not too bad once they’re in. It’s the messing bou that causes the pain.

        An angioplasty is blowing up a microscpic balloon inside the vein to make it wider. And it really fucking hurts, even with anaesthetic. When they blow up the vein and inject you wih dye, it bloody kiils.

        On Wednesday they ‘raised’ the fistula up inside the arm. Cut virtually the entrire length of it. and it is currently held together with sterilised strips. Sort of like stitches in tape form. It has a dressing on top of that and the best nurse in the building looked after it yesterday. But it don’t half smart. And there’s going to be a corker of a scar. But. I hear the birds love a scar.

    • I didn’f unfortunately, Admin. Married man and all that.
      Her name was Vanessa, and she works at Salford Royal.

      Thanks for the best wishes, much appreciared.

    • I wish you a speedy recovery Norman, besides you don’t mind me saying a speedy kick up the arse for anvil head also, to help him out the door.

    • Hey Norman,

      I’m late with a reply but I’ve been thinking.

      If you have a “normal” recovery instead of a speedy one you could get more drugs and continue to see your Angel of Mercy. Perhaps you could even charm her into giving you a…sponge bath.

      I mean no malice or ill will…I’m just saying…

  3. I have just checked the severally bottles of wine in Casa Cunter.

    Fidencio is 11,5%.

    I have no idea if that is good or bad but I drink a bottle of the stuff any night that we spend at home.

    I then fall asleep on the sofa.

    You may think that is extravagant, but at 1,40€ a bottle it’s cheaper than water.

    • It’s a fucking disgrace what they’ve done with alcohol levels, Gold Label used to be ten point something and it’s nosedived, same with Special Brew and other drinks. Prices haven’t come down though, so you have to drink more and pay more to get the same effect.
      They’ll give an excuse about trying to mitigate the problems caused by alcohol, but there aren’t any problems caused when it goes down my neck. Why should I pay for things done by other people?

  4. Well spotted Ev, though it’s all pretty irrelevant.

    Obersturmfuhrer Sponger is going to ban alcohol anyway to please Liebour’s chosen demographic.

    While it’s still allowed I’m going to sink a few tonight to celebrate Gray’s resignation. Hopefully the first of many.

  5. Nothing directly to do with this cunting but I’ve just read that nine hundred, nine fucking hundred, migrants landed here yesterday. I’m off straight out to fill the boot with White Privilege Lightning and drink myself into a stupor. It’s either that or go out and kill some of the fuckers who are already sullying the once pleasant footpaths of this little town. I am outraged, incensed, seething with not just the ungrateful, taking us for granted parasitic cunts but also with the politicians who won’t lift a finger to stop them.

  6. Just a question when did you take that header picture, I never saw anyone with a phone let alone a camera. Any chance of a few quid royalties?

  7. You name it some corporate cunt has fucked it,then add the exchequer charging more duty on higher strength refreshments..

    It’s not very nice of them,but at least scotch has to be full strength otherwise its not scotch.

    Naturally our Supreme Leader will be working out how to tax alcohol into Prohibition then be baffled as to why smuggling goes ballistic.

    Thank fuck he gets it all for nowt,otherwise I couldn’t sleep at night.


  8. Nanny State is correct. Why shoukd we be told what to eat and drink, or banned from smoking. Why do a bunch of PPI Eton twats or token black Labour dunces have a say in how we spend our leisure time? These cunts’ favourite time in history was the lockdown periods with curfews and empty streets.

    What next? No Cheese? No music from the 20th Century? No wanking?


  9. Has anyone ever tried proper Absinthe from eastern europe (not the pathetic ‘Sebor’ shite you get over here)?
    Bottle of Green Fairie absinthe. 70% nuclear firewater with the herb wormword infused, for that very slight hallucinogenic touch.

    • I may well have done in Fucking Belgium of all places a long time back..alas I can provide zero insight Thomas as I was very,very drunk indeed.

      • many years ago was in gent in belgium and had 7 pints and was unable to walk, couple we were staying with had a good laugh at me in the morning and told me the beer was 10.5%.thing was he had 9 pints and drove us home and was neither up nor down. i couldnt even keep water down the next day

  10. Check out the wine from Chile or Australia.
    Usually cheap, and around 12 or 13%.
    My first port of call. None of the French vinegar, and no Argentinian swill.
    I’ve never forgiven the cunts.

    • Aussie has gone down to 10.5 or 11 as well … I like a decent 13 or 13.5% as the poison of choice, but I notice they’re selling that off on offer, as if to drain it away making space for far diluted bottles.

      • Shiraz, Malbec, Zinfandel are all good grapes. I wouldn’t touch the Aussie crap. The Convicts send all their shite stuff

  11. Ah, now this is a cunting right up my street as I regularly partake of a delightful beverage (namely Chardonnay) and have noticed this phenomenon over recent months. I thought the growers may have been having a shit year for grapes, but then as you say, all the booze across the board has been similarly reduced. The prices have gone the other way. It’s shrink-flation, nanny-stateism and probably preparing us discreetly for the alcohol-free ‘idyll’ of living under Abdul in our near future. God knows they’re trying to git rid of the pubs too. Isn’t life just great under two-tier free-gear probably-queer Sturmer. 🤨 (For the word-police of GCHQ, usage of the word queer here refers to odd, weird). 🖕

  12. Holsten Pils was once a good drink that came in a bottle. At 6.5% A.B.V. I lived on it back in the 80’s. Then some cunt thought it was a good idea to reduce it to 5%, & stick it in a can, still availabe today.
    Southern Comfort was once 50% & brewed on the banks of the Mississippi, apparently, ‘The Grand Old Drink of the South. Now it’s down to 35%, has changed colour, tastes vile, & is made somewhere in Northern Ireland. On the continent they leave things alone, Kronenbourg is 5.5% & Leffe Blond is still 6.6%, whereas over here it is now 6%. The tax has a lot to do with all this, & those interfearing cunts Drink Aware don’t help. When a beer has been fucked about with, I can usually tell. Alcohol = calaries = taste. Another one that’s seen some action is Malibu, once 24%, I has recently seen one in a pub at 18%. I guess this is going to continue, until we all end up drinking spirits.

  13. The trick is to not drink crap, i can barely think of a single real ale that has came down in percentage and any cheap wine is barely worth drinking anyway.

    My biggest issue is none of the above, Its the 65p unit minumum pricing here, making a hilarious assortment of supermarket own brand budget, supermarket own brand, Glens, Smirnoff etc…. all the same £17 a bottle.

    • Also, have a look in Coop. For £10 quid you can leave with 2 Hereford rump steaks, a side and a bottle of quaffable 12 percent pinot grigio or a 13.5 percent rioja.
      I’m on an extended camping trip and there is not a lot of shops on the small isles, This deal in Coop has kept me well fed and watered.

  14. Just got back from B&M with some 10% abv Faxe in the black can. £3.10 for 500ml iirc. Quite nice. Just waiting for it to chill. Also got some of the std 5% 1L cans (£3.30). Often have some interesting stuff, stock can be a bit variable.

  15. To be honest, I miss the days of the weak beer. Great refresher and no getting pissed. Tesco used to do an own brand lager of about 2% and a bitter of about 3%. Now every fucking beer is 5-6%. It may sound a bit gay, but too strong for me.

      • It may sound gay Artful but it has it’s place. When I was working I would have a can or bottle of that and know that I was still safe to drive.

  16. Peeblesshire is right, its the quality of the beverage that is the most important part, even if it costs a bit more and sometimes quite a bit more.
    Mid late 90s went too Dublin to see Dire Straits at the Point depot.
    After the long drive me and a mate went into a pub on the north strand before the concert not knowing that Sherif street was directly behind the pub on the Liffey under the railway bridge.
    We walked in and silence was the greeting from the dark surrounding moustaches of men.
    The old man who I assumed was the landlord walked up to us from behind the counter and said ” how ar lads, where are ye from”
    Every eye is on us, its not hard to feel it.
    Limerick I replied, Limerick city to verify.
    “We are going up to the Point to see Dire Straits”
    Ah very good says the barman owner, ” what will ye have”
    “Two pints”(Guinness) The dark eyes released there glare, interrupted conversations started up again and a semblance of peace ensued.
    The Guinness was Nectar, we had five and was contemplating fk the concert, it was that good.
    Dire Strats were unbelievably brilliant that night.I will never forget it.
    Sorry for not being a cunt about drink.

  17. When I buy white, I always go for alcohol content over price but I usually got for a 12% as 13% gets me way too groggy. The only beer I drink is the Daura Damm gluten free stuff from Sainsbury and although expensive, it’s 5.4%……. probably to disguise the horrific flavour as all gluten free beers taste crap.

  18. OT but I’m sure you’ll want to raise a glass of something slightly alcoholic with me to celebrate the 745 new citizens that arrived on the beaches of Kent yesterday.

  19. There used to be a bodega in the next town to me.
    They had lots of different wines which you poured into your own bottles or containers from pumps like you have in petrol stations.

    A very acceptable red or white cost 1€ a litre.
    I don’t know what the alcohol content was but it would get you pissed, so who cares?

    I used to take a few 5 litre plastic containers along and fill up.

    Sadly the place is no longer there.

  20. Don’t know if you’ve noticed Everyonesacunt but nowadays Meths is now 94.7% where it used to be 98%!!

    And the hand wash in hospital is now 70%?!!!

    How am I meant to stock a proper drinks cabinet at this rate?


    • Miserable, in reply to your comment about me working as a go go dancer at Spearmint Rhino, yes I did. Here is me in my prime.


      All my IsAC chums were very supportive and good tippers! Although I’m glad I swerved Cunt Engines offer of showing me his taxidermy collection in his celler.

      • Chris Quinten was full of himself.

        Thought he was the top bollocks when he got on Coronation Street. He was as wooden as fuck in his first appearances. Totally useless. But, he did make the the part of Brian Tilsley his own in a way. But he was never that great. He was borderline OK as a second string soap character and that was it. But Quinten thought he was good enough to crack Hollywood and America. Needless to say, he wasn’t and he didn’t.

        Co-star and onscreen wife, the now departing Helen Worth, warned Quinten to be happy with his lot as Brian and not to let his vast ego get the better of him. He didn’t listen, he crossed the top brass at Granada, and they killed his character off.

    • Howya Mis, I used to drink a small Poteen now and again.
      Irelands answer to Absinthe but even the good quality stuff would tear strips out one eventually.
      A bit like that fethynol shit, if you drank too much

      • How do Mecuntry 👍

        Yeah, it’s meant to be lethal isn’t it?

        My lad likes Absinthe.
        I’ve tried it out of curiosity but not really my thing.

      • It is Mis, if you wanted to stay in the one position after a session of Poteen, you will be granted that wish after the eyes close,
        for twelve hours or more

    • Ahh, But when I was working down in Cornwall during “covid” the local gin distillery started making hand sanitizer but forgot to put in any nasty stuff, We had boxes and boxes if it at the office, Someone soon figured out the lack of peroxide or anything else made it a very drinkable, very cheap 85 percent vodka, best diluted with something.
      The second batch we got from same place was 70 percent and full of rubbish. Colwith distillery I remember.

  21. My old man swore by Joey Holts.

    The bitter was passable at times. But their lager (Crystal) was bloody terrible. Can’t say I was ever a huge Holts fan though.

    I was a Boddingtons or Bass man. myself.

    • Sweet and dead sticky isn’t it Moggs?

      Nigeria has a massive Guinness plant that employs loads of people,
      They love the stuff.

      You can buy it in ASDA.
      Guinness import.

      • I don’t think so, but I’ve only had a couple of bottles and it was a few months back.

      • I did a job and they supplied their own labour.
        Load of Nigerians all drinking little bottles of Guinness export.

        They told me about it,
        I tried it but it’s not really my thing.

        They fuckin loved it.

  22. Anyone on here tried Old Tom?
    It’s brewed in Stockport by Robinson’s,

    I remember they wouldn’t serve it in pints back in the day, only in halves.

    We always have one on a lads night out.

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