The addictive use of Mobile Phones

is a cunt.

It’s just before 9am and I have pulled into a motorway service station for a coffee and a piss.

It’s sunny and quite warm and there are a dozen or so people sat around outside at the various tables and on benches.

Each and everyone of them are staring at their mobile phones.

My first mobile phone was in a car and was installed about 40 year’s ago.
It cost me about £3.000 if I remember correctly.

It was hard wired into the car.
It had its own dedicated speakers and microphone.
The handset was on a cradle between the front seats.

I needed it because I was a busy person doing a job that involved a lot of travelling.
Thankfully the company that I was with paid for it.

But even though car phones were a novelty I didn’t use it that much.
I didn’t need to, but it was there when required.

On an average journey I may have received one call.
I may have made the occasional call but more often than not the phone was unused.

I look around now and I see nothing but people with their faces stuck into their mobiles.
Youngsters, housewives, scruffy bastards who are probably not working.
All of them intently staring at their phones.

Go to any restaurant and you will see entire families or groups of friends silently looking at their mobiles.
There will be no conversation at all.
Even when eating these people will have their phone propped up in front of them. Probably watching videos.

Why is it that nowadays everyone, regardless of their age needs to be constantly stimulated?

It seems that nobody can spend any time at all without being informed and entertained.

I remember watching an episode of Star Trek.
There was a game which the crew had started playing using a special visor.
It was so addictive that everyone was playing it all of the time.
Nothing else got done.

The episode was about how this game had been planted on board by an enemy and how easy it was to control the crew and eventually take over the ship with just the use of entertainment.

With the misinformation and propaganda on the Internet and so readily available, I believe that we are quickly heading that way.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

65 thoughts on “The addictive use of Mobile Phones

  1. ‘They took away our opium. So they gave us beer and football.’
    – Anthony Burgess.

    ‘They took away our beer and football. So they gave us gambling and moible phones.’
    – Norman.

  2. I have one, but purely for medical and personal reasons.

    I refuse to have one of those iPhone abominations. I have no desire to be near TikTok, ‘X” (Musk, you twat), Facebook or any other narcissists breeding grounds.

    I am one of the old school. A person who believes that a telephone is for talkiing on and nothing else. A phone isn’t a bloody toy. It isn’t something to build your life around either.

    Also, the rise of the mobile has killed those wonderful red phone boxes we used to have in Blighty. Another part of England now sadly gone.

  3. Another modern disease and part of the loony phone and social media culture is wishing dead people happy birthday.

    The amount of cunt trumpets wishing John Lennon a ‘Happy 84th Birthday’ today. He’s been dead for 43 years, for fuck’s sake.

    I dare say that oportunist old cunt Macca will be wishinng a ‘Happy 84th’ to his ‘old mate’.

    Right on cue….

  4. I need one.
    I can check my bank account
    Check work bookings
    Talk to customers
    Ever use it to navigate to a address.

    Plus I use it to post high brow intellectual posts on ISAC.

  5. I have all my CD’s ripped to mine so I listen to music when I’m out and about. Other than that, the odd text, very rare call and using Google maps as a satnav when I’m driving somewhere unfamiliar. I spend about £20 a year on a traditional PAYG tariff (which I gather you can longer get). Oh, and I read ebooks on it if I’m waiting at an appointment.

    • When these things first came out, I decided I wasn’t going to get one until the time came when I had no choice. That day hasn’t arrived yet. I’ve got my phone at home with its answering machine and that’s all I need.

      • I used to pay £8pm for unlimited calls until I realised we don’t spend that much. But Now charges around 25ppm for calls whereas O2 charges me 3ppm so we’ve stopped using the landline for outgoing calls.

  6. More reliant reliant on mine than I care to be but needs must.
    This site is about as close as I want to get to social media.
    As far as I can tell Facebook X
    Tik tok and the rest seem to be full of morons or wannabes but if I’m honest that’s just my opinion without trying them and the truth is I’ve no intention of trying them either but most news items seem to confirm my opinion.

  7. Back during lock down I used to leave my phone in the house and go out for walks at abaaaat 5 in the morning when I knew the nosy old busy body 3 doors down wouldn’t be awake to see me go out more than once a day.

    It was great. There’s some woods about 15 mins walk from my house and I’d see deer and foxes early on the in the morning.
    Saw a red deer stag once. The only time I’ve ever seen one. Got a good picture of it. And a muntjac deer another time.
    Was going to send the photograph into that competition on Country File.

    Sorry that isn’t right.
    I mean Climate alarmism fire and brimstone we’re all gonna’ die in a raging inferno file.

    • I was paranoid that the government were going to track my phone and be able to work out that I’d been out more than once a day.

      Back in the old United Kingdom of North Korea days.

  8. I have a flip phone. Everybody who has a flat phone either drops it or hits it too hard w/their finger and breaks the glass.

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