Sir Keir (24) and Lady Victoria Starmer

are a pair of cunts.

Welcome cunters to the new Game Show taking the country by storm. I give you SUPERMARKET SWEEP, where contestants Keir and Vicky Sponger are given £107,000 to spend as they please, but in limited time before the game is up.

Enjoy watching as the Spongers rush through the store throwing Arsenal, Taylor Swift and Coldplay tickets into their trolley. Suits for Keir and frocks for Vicky get bagged as well before the Spongers retire to a luxury penthouse for a well-earned rest.

Also planned for the autumn’s TV schedules:
David ‘Henry VII’ Lammy in Brainbox Challenge
Dirty Ange in Slagheap Challenge
Rachel Thieves in The Great British Granny Freeze
and last but not least…
Huw Edwards in It’s a Knobout

Compulsive viewing for us all.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt

70 thoughts on “Sir Keir (24) and Lady Victoria Starmer

  1. All my adult life I’ve always despised politicians, no matter what side of the aisle the nominally pretend to be from.
    I’m very much aware that each and every one of these fucking traitors is bought and paid for by a combination of corporate interests, banks, lobbyists and the evil WEF, same as all western politicians.
    But this cunt takes the biscuit. An open communist control freak quisling, he has nothing but the worst intentions for all indigenous Englishmen and women.
    I don’t dream of taking cancer lightly, but I truly hope this miserable wretch gets dick, ball and ringpiece cancer simultaneously and that a modern day Guy Fawkes manages to gas the entire houses of commons and the lords too.
    Traitors of England should be executed.

      • You would on savile and the likes of anyone like that, plenty of horrible cunts that dont deserve to be alive.

    • But apart from all that, he’s an OK bloke! Actually, NO! Anyone who becomes an MP displays a certain lack of ambition, unless that ambition is to become a cunt. In that case, Achievement-UNLOCKED!

      • I propose a 50 year apprenticeship to become an MP, on a dairy farm.
        Only after 50 years milking cattle should they be allowed to rise to milker of the system and even longer if they wish to be head milker.

  2. Starmer said he would never pay for private healthcare for him or his family if they needed it.
    Of course not! Some other cunt will pay for him.
    Also, I can see a military coup on the horizon if he and his band of Commie Cunts think of giving away Gibralter or the Falklands.

    • I would also love to see it. But the armed forces in this country swear allegiance to the Crown so, unless that useless wannabe tampon Charles instigates it (unlikely) it will not happen.

      • Very true the oath is to the monarch heirs and successors. Not the fucking politicians as far as my increasingly addled brain tells me. But in view of the dire state of our armed forces I doubt if they could take over a medium sized supermarket.

  3. I can’t see this guy lasting too long as Prime Minister.

    He was waiting in the wings for months, knowing for certain that him and his party were looking at a landslide election win.

    You would have thought that he would therefore be well prepared.

    It must be his arrogance that makes him think that he can implement unpopular policies and openly accept bribes without retribution.

    If the rumours about his sexual preferences are true and he makes himself even more unpopular I think that his own party will find a way to ditch the cunt.

    • Careful what you wish for TAC

      Starmer is a nasty, Stalinist cunt, but what would replace him is even more dangerous and inept.

      The only way to get rid of these cunts is with mass civil disobedience, until they are forced to call a general election.

      Thousands of dead pensioners this winter should light the blue touch paper.

    • I dunno Artful. I think he’s working on the assumption that all this corruption will have been forgotten by the electorate by the time of the next election five years down the road. Half of his MPs know full well that they are only there until that election and they won’t rock the boat in case it brings that election forward. In the meantime they will be following his example and being on the take for every penny they can wring out of the system before they have to go back to working for a living.

      • Does he really think we are that simple?

        Starmer is going to have to pull some rabbits out of his hat, if he thinks I’m going to forgive him for this stunt.

        I’m not going to forget the withdrawal of the Winter Heating Allowance for pensioners, nor the freezing of the PA tax free limit in any kind of hurry.

        I paid over £2k in tax, last year.
        I also have a letter that confirms that I’ll never pay tax on my State Pension, I bet a lot of other people do, so when that tiny pension of £4.35pm is totally absorbed by tax, what next?

  4. The amount of MP’s accepting tickets to Taylor Swift concerts is fucking weird. That said the teenyboppers who like this tart are prime future Labour voting demographics.

  5. If excepting all these freebies wasn’t bad enough, Taylor swift and Coldplay tickets..

    Just proves what I always thought, a closet bender who likes noshing on small, smelly pàķi cock..

    And his beard has a face like a well worn sandal..

  6. Well the super injunction is holding as no paper has dared to publish the truth yet. Who paid for that I wonder?

    So how do you explain your sham marriage, Prime Minister? Did she dump you when she found out you’ve got a kid (allegedly) from your bit on the side (in which case please let it be Flabbott, 5 Bellies, Mrs Doyle or Pixieballs)?

    Or having given Lord Back Alley the front door key to No10, did he reciprocate with the keys to his pad, like people who’ve got a thing going often do?

    Until you come clean the rumours will continue to spread faster than a rent-boy’s buttocks in a Covent Garden penthouse.

    • Started well Hasn’t he. Just proves what the majority know politicians are total cunts, hard pushed to get a fag paper between the parties.
      Anyway got the offer of a part time job, collecting the bodies of hypothermia victims but have to use a hand cart because the van budget was given to the lgbtdserwax mobile library service. So come the frosty nights I will be collecting lots of neighbours and we won’t be going for a pint.

  7. Being an old age pensioner, I’m going to bury myself under the duvet and by the time I reemerge, they’ll be gone and hopefully some sensible replacements will allow me to switch on my heating for free.

  8. To discourage p@ncing that Starmer and his toadies love so much, I think the Labour party should snub Gaylord Alli next year by hosting the first Conference to embrace full frontal nudity- imagine Wes Streeting having to paint and powder more than his cheeks (all four of them) , Lady Victoria displaying weals on her arse where Kweer has wielded the whip too harshly, Kim Leadbetter revealing that she has a dick, Dawn Butler’s tits bouncing on the floor as the droop beneath her kneecaps, and old Kweer’s bollocks applauding themselves – the whole bloody cabinet unmitigated – and of course all the cobwebs dangling off AnalEase Doddery’s withered tits and minge,.

    Full Frontal Labour – no artificial aids or foam rubber used. Even Chris Bryant won’t be allowed to wear his butt plug.

  9. Regarding the super injunction, I’m getting the feeling that, gayLord Alli aside, it’s Peter Mandelson who’s gone balls deep in ‘Sir’ Kier’s botty in return for allowing this piece of spiteful wet lettuce the Prime Ministership.
    What do other cunters reckon?

    • I bet quite a few bumboys have had a go on his raddled old arse – lets face it half his cabinet are poofters. His very best friend Miranda Blair got caught cottaging years ago.

    • I’m thinking it’s something more mundane,like he’s been flabbily rattling Lisa Mandy or whatever the stupid bitćh is called.

      Literally a House of Cards.

      fuck em

    • Pretty good theory, the bastards will do anything to stay on the gravy train. Bet he went bareback as well, might have been a spit roast with a compliant Romanian a la Vazaline.

  10. Banana boat race fizzog, will be able to keep warm this winter with an extra prick and balls nestled in the crack of his arse.

  11. Some people you only have to look at to know that they are a wrongun.

    The actor Tom Selleck.
    I just know that he has smelly feet.

    Robson Green has terrible BO.
    Don’t ask me how I know, I just do.

    Eric Knowles from Bargain Hunt has fucking awful bad breath.
    It’s obvious.

    Kier Starmer has a filthy arse and skid marks in his kex.
    He doesn’t use enough paper and he doesn’t have a bidet.
    Tell me I’m wrong.

    The cunt.

      • Morning Thomas and everyone.

        I forgot to mention that it’s plain to see that Fiona Bruce has a severe yeast infection.
        There is no doubt about it.

      • The young ladies that Tom Selleck sagged in the past were disappointed Thomas.

        For obvious reasons they asked him to keep his socks on.
        Besides that he has a short, fat cock with a surprisingly tiny bell end.

        It looks like a scaled down can of Coke with a walnut whip on top.

        Allegedly of course.
        I’m not one to start rumours.

  12. 2nd Attempt! Apparently when Sir Bung(a) attended Reigate Grammar School it was a State School (and free). It soon became a Private School, but because he was already there, his Private School Fees were all paid by the Local Authority. What a very lucky son of a Tool Maker!
    I wonder why none of our Dear Leaders ever respond to my letters asking about this freebie…

  13. I get the taking freebies, owt for nowt greed.
    They’re politicians after all.

    It’s the hypocrisy that rankles.
    First to call it out when some Tory halfwit was getting his palm greased.

    That and the unsmiling, no personality essence of the cunts.

    True wretches to a man

  14. £2 an half grand for glasses.
    The goggle eyed cunt.

    How much are normal bi focals?
    Hundred quid?

    I wouldn’t know, I’m not a speccy foureyed twat.

    But seems expensive?

    Probably Taylor swifts wore a pair and he wanted the same.

    • I’m a speccy, foureyed cunt Mis, and yes you’re right. Mine were a couple of hundred from Specsavers.

      But mine aren’t designer specs paid for by someone in my intimate circle.

      • Hehehe 😂

        Morning Geordie,
        Im getting to the stage where I probably need reading glasses myself.

        Watch how my posts about speccy twats grind to a halt when I do!!

        We can start a tribute band as the Proclaimers then😂

        You read that ok?

      • I would walk five thousand miles, but would MPs stretch that far, even if laid end to end?

  15. I detested Bliar with a vengence, I tried to avoid it as much as possible.
    But I want to see the kneeling smarmie commie hanging on a meat hook.
    Total and utter cunt, yet they voted for it.
    Good morning 🙏

    • What is unusual is that the full size children who usually vote labour have gone very quiet.

      The BBC have shut their fucking faces about ‘The savage cuts’ made by the Tories too.

      The labour party have nothing on offer, other than equal shares of misery.

      • What ho Odin.

        I reckon that misery is the one thing that members of this government won’t be taking their equal share of.

        Pensioners may freeze, our bills will soar, we’ll struggle to get appointments at the doctor, the dentist, and the hospital, but like Politburos of old, they’ll be looking after themselves with their snouts in the trough.

      • Absolutely Ron. That’s a given.

        Don’t forget they’ll bankrupt the country (even more), raid private pensions, because people who save for their retirement are capitalist pigs and generally leech whatever they can get away with from the long suffering taxpayer.

        Have you ever considered that income tax is actually a fine for going to work?

  16. Sir Kweer is a saprophytic fungus living off the puss on the country’s suppurating corpse. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  17. “My son requires a quiet place to study for his GCSEs. Therefore my whole family will move into a multimillion Covent Garden pad owned by my fwiend Lord Alli, all for a daily reacharound and a glance at Downing Street documents. We’ll pwobably stay there after the exams. I can’t see any pwoblem.”

  18. I expect people at h the top to take some cream from the top of the bottle, it’s how it works and it doesn’t matter which walk of life it is human nature dictates the top dog eats the best.

    Starmer however told us these days were over and this sort of behaviour ended with him. Let’s face it he isn’t short of a few quid and he can afford to dress himself, pay for tickets to football or whatever else it is.

    Worse still he gives his chief donor a free pass to number 10, the same donor who’s now under investigation for failing to declare his interests in the lords.

    Instead of equality he has made 2 tier policing an.official government policy.

    His first targets in government were the disgruntled white working clsss and pensioners whom he suspects of all being guilty of having voted conservative.

    His policies on VAT on schools and removing winter fuel payments were both introduced without proper impact assessments and both it turns out are looking to become serious errors of judgement and failed policies.

    A large percentage of his own MPs are having serious doubts he is fit to lead and his government does not have a mandate from the people.

    The first budget of the new government is likely to reduce the standard of living for millions of working people whilst the extra revenue will be used not to bolster the income of the poor but spent on vanity projects abroad or green projects which are meaningless in the big scale of global carbon emissions even if you believe in the climate scam.

    The new cabinet is fully behind abolishing freedom of speech and the main reason isn’t hate speech, misinformation or fake news, their biggest concern is people tell truths they don’t wish to be spoken.

    One of his supporters said in here we need to give him a fair chance, I would counter if we are to have a chance we need to fight this government every inch of the way.

    So yes his behaviour around donations is pure hypocrisy but I expect that of all politicians, but isn’t it kind of a convenient distraction from the real damage he is doing whilst we all focus on his wardrobe?

  19. This whole Taylor Swift concert ticket thing reminds me of the Hamilton craze here in the states a few years ago.

    Lin Manuel Miranda, a talentless leftist wokie I cunted a couple of years ago, wrote a hip-hop Broadway musical about Alexander Hamilton and the American Revolution with a diverse/minority cast playing all the key roles.

    Needless to say it was beyond repulsive. And needless to say politicians from all over the country were fighting for tickets with some even being bribed. One of the most notable “bribees” was Andrew “Ghetto” Gilliam who ran unsuccessfully against Ron DeSantis for Governor in Florida.

    Even RAT News’ so-called “conservative” TV personality “Rino” Dana Perino (who worked in the Bush Jr. administration) obsessively talked about Hamilton on air.

    As for the Taylor Swift thing…I actually, she has a minuscule…almost negligible amount of talent. But I wouldn’t walk across the street to see her even if someone gave me free front row tickets.

    It must be the politician’s vain, self centered need to feel relevant that leads them to participate in these shallow, self indulgent social debasements. They need to see and be seen participating in a cuntish social ritual with others of their kind.

    If it were me and some cunt wanted to bribe me? He’d have to talk to me with…cash…e pluribus unum…In God we Trust…Coin of the Realm…dollars…bucks…pounds…shekels…quid…dinar…moulah…gidas…green train riding money!

    Show me some dead Presidents (or live monarchs) and I’ll figure out how to spend them.

  20. Victoria Sponge – a grabby little bint. Buy your own frocks.
    Starmer is such a shifty lying cunt. He will be written in History books (if such things will be allowed in socialist oceana) as Britains Nixon – tricky dicky mark 2.

    Also, taking advantage of the October 7th Anniversary of the horrific terror attacks on Israel to try to hide his sacking of the Grey woman from the news headlines is particularly shamefull and dispicable. I couldn’t care less about Grey, but taking advantage of Israels mourning is a craven act.

    On a lighter note, Rachel theives, tired of being compared in appearance to Richard III, has decided to get a diy kit from boots and dyed her hair orange.
    Now looks like she’s been tango’ed.

  21. Yeah, but none of this is important. What REALLY matters is did he get the sausages back from Gaza? The useless, lying, greedy cunt.

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