Phillip Schofield (11)

Like the un flushable turd that he is, the mincing little poofter, who enjoyed doing wimminz things on the television every morning, and generally being one of the girls, is to stage his comeback for three consecutive nights on Channel 5 (akin to be shunted over to Radio 3 at 2 a.m. on a wet Monday) . He will be “alone” except for a handful of cameramen, on an island (and lets hope for their own sakes the cameramen are not too young or too pretty) to tell “his side of the story”.

What the fuck – we all know the story – he as good as groomed a schoolboy (though granted the little mini-mincer didn’t look as if he needed too much grooming), when he was old enough got him a job on his tatty TV show and then took to taking him to his London flat for clandestine bumming sessions behind his wife’s back. I wonder who played the man? they were both benders by the look and sound of them. He got found out, his name stunk on ITV and the rest of the media, and now Phil has no excuse to paint and powder himself every morning. But he probably does. End of story – it doesn’t need three evenings to tell it:

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

A second helping of this cunt from Jeezum Priest below.

Just when you thought you’d heard the end of this cunt, he rears his ugly head yet again.
Perhaps emboldened by his recent TV appearance on Phillip Schofield – Castaway, he has decided to blame his brothers misconduct for his downfall as a presenter.

Now, his brother is a bad ‘un, without a doubt, but to lay the blame at his door, and not take any responsibility for his own actions is disengenious to say the least.

After all, his brother didn’t prise apart the bum cheeks of the young man, or lube him up to help dear Pip out, did he?

More about this cunt from Liberal Liquidator below.

Phillip Schofield’s Cast Away (if only)

If you had an inappropriate workplace relationship with a much younger co-worker, lied about it to your colleagues and bosses, ruined your lucrative career and saw your marriage end and became a byword for making peoples skin crawl, you might want to keep quite for a bit.

Not so one Phillip Schofield who less than eighteen months on from leaving This Morning in disgrace following some extra curricular bumming activities of the office intern is back with a new show on C5. Cast Away will see Schofield stranded on a desert island off Madagascar for ten days with no food, water or crew and just an old copy of Boyz magazine.

After getting over the disappointment from his agent telling him no its not Epstein’s island nor is there a Boy Friday to go naked spearfishing with, Schofield informed us he will use the experience as a period of self-reflection and soul searching. Probably his struggles with mental heath too, naturally.

Schofield is just another self-pitying narcissistic luvvie twat who is looking to revive his once glittering career. Short of administrating a Lubbocking like Barrymore or a hot mic Big Ron “fucking lazy thick n*gger” moment, there seems to be very little that will flush turds like Schofield down the shitter for good.

Maybe he will get bitten by something exotic or taken sausage by some Somali pirates?

I don’t think we are that lucky.

65 thoughts on “Phillip Schofield (11)

  1. Apparently he blames that Willy Holloughby.
    Calls her ‘ the Witch”.
    Because she didn’t publicly back him.

    Nothing is His fault.
    But they’re like that Fairies aren’t they?

    All dramatic, prone to tantrums.

    The little bandit has nobody but himself to blame for sabotaging his career.

    • Holloughby. was as guilty as he was.

      She had Schofield’s ‘boy’ on the This Morning couch.
      Treating a teenage ‘trainee’ like he’s a celebrity and even ‘interviewing’ the little rentie sodomite. She did this as a ‘favour’ to her co-presenter and knew full well what was going on. Just like ‘Dame’ Fester Rancid and Sir Jim’ll.

      Guilty as hell, the pair of ’em. The dirty side of showbiz incarnate.

  2. So is this guy a Sword Swallower or a Garden Gate? Or does it really matter?

    Perhaps the only label that really matters is cunt.

    “…taken sausage…”

    LOVE IT!

    • General, when LL says “Maybe he will get bitten by something exotic or taken sausage by some Somali pirates?” I think he means salami pirates.

    • Never been the same man since Gordon the Gopher left the closet.
      A series of little furry friends has obviously taken its toll on the ravaged ring, and the Khaki button years for some more trifle.

  3. His next job with that growing tropical beard will be the New Captain Birdseye.
    Island full of young boys must be his dream cum true. Dirty millionaire cunt.

  4. Robinson Crusoe discovered Man Friday whilst a castaway.

    He met him on a Friday ironically.

    I’m surprised Phil didn’t find a Boy Thursday.

    They could use coconut halves as bras and make grass skirts together.

    And palm oil makes a viable lubricant,

  5. He was testing the waters. The cunt goes to an island alone with a camera to put his side of the story and wallow in self pity.

    The TV production company and the broadcaster win either way because it’s bound to generate a viewing audience and clicks.

    Schofields gamble was that the majority of viewers would buy his sob story and he’d make a glorious return to TV as a wronged hero not the exposed groomer he’s currently seen as.

    The entertainment industry including Holly would have welcomed him back because as far as they are concerned his only crime was getting caught. The entertainments industry is a welcoming home for all sorts of deviants, they are welcomed and they are celebrated.

  6. What happened to celebrity hellraisers instead of celebrity pillow biters?
    I don’t want to hear about what fucking schofield is doing but the likes of Ollie Reed and Richard Harris were still entertaining even when not working

  7. Theatrical, prickly, flamboyant, prone to bouts of self-righteousness, anger and sadness, lies at the drop of the hat, blames everybody except himself when things go wrong – a particular love of Max Factor and a God complex. A fawning, heaving fruit-flavoured slab of mother love

    Just what they need to replace Dame Kweer as leader of the Labour Party. Twins separated at birth

  8. Schofield and Willoughby’s on screen relationship dripped with insincerity from every pore.

    A pair of narcissistic psychopaths.

    The way she sat and announced his “coming out” to viewers was vomit inducing.

    And not a second thought for the cunts poor wife and kids I imagine.

    • I bet they slagged each other off and stabbed one another in the back time after time.

      Like Smashie and Nicey (‘We’re really greats mate aren’t we, mate’), only real.

      • I also reckon those two Easter Island headed cunts Ant and Dec loathe each other the same way.

      • All TV cunts are the same now you mention it. Its just the nature of the beast. All tits and teeth Lorraine Kelly is probably loathed by the backstage crew. She built her whole career on ‘I love the Gays, isn’t everything fabulous’, just look at that dyke Ellen Degenerate.

  9. I assume as the footage made it to the TV that he’s back.
    If he had come to me with the idea, the footage would still be lying next to his bleached skeleton in thirty years time.

  10. He wants sympathy and he wants to get his slappable face back on the television.

    He will be back.

    It’s not like his appeal for sympathy is going to the vote.

    The castaway shite is just the start of his return.

  11. Repulsive revolting repugnant bummer.

    I hear he’s going to resurrect his TV career in China.
    In fact, Phillip is going to use a new stage name.

    Fuck Um Yung.

  12. I don’t know what’s more of a cunt. Schofield himself, or the hypocritical shitbags who suddenly decided he was damaged goods.
    Let’s not forget, there were plenty, especially sleb wimminz and journalists, who told us he was ‘stunning’ and ‘brave’ when he came out.
    Then suddenly, when it became apparent he actually indulged in homosexual practices, they were aghast.
    What do these fucking retards think being gay entails?
    Mincing around on daytime telly talking about makeup?
    ‘He lied to me’ cried the vacuous bint, Holly Whatsherface, which is somehow infinitely more of a crime than lying to his wife and children, apparently.
    I’ve no intention of defending Schofield, he had it all and blew it. But the rest of the media and tv lot are equally as guilty of being utter cunts.

  13. Irritating, prissy, narcissist cunt.

    I hope the fucker is marooned on his desert island, with nothing to eat except raw crabs and other shellfish. It won’t make one iota of difference to his breath – the usual aroma of a young man’s helmet.


  14. If it was a heterosexual male chasing after a much younger woman and cheating on his wife then he would be gone, never to be seen again.

    But he is a shirt lifter so different rules apply.

    He can go around sucking cock and getting bummed, shaming his family and potentially taking home all sorts of sexually transmitted problems for his wife.

    The cunt.

    Channel 5 who put out this castaway shit should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

  15. There’s still a space for him on TV surely?

    Through the glory hole
    Only fools and arses
    Downpants abbey
    Changing grooms
    Strictly bum dancing
    And I’m a celebrity…get your pants off.

    Give the lad a break

  16. You get this annoying twat raises his ugly head once again, as though we haven’t had enough to put up with. The cunt should’ve laid low for a bit longer, until at least they were burying the fucking twat.

  17. Off topic

    That. Elon musk has just showcase his latest nightmares.

    A gay robot called Optimus.
    It’s camp as Christmas.

    A ugly as fuck taxi that drives itself

    And a robot van that looks like a giant toaster.

    He’s fuckin crackers.

  18. Like most people on this site, I didn’t watch the castaway programme.

    There was no way that I would sit through 3 hours of that shit.

    What I did see was the trailers where the bender was crying, “Was what I did enough to ruin a life completely?”.

    It didn’t ruin his life completely.
    There he was, back on the television.

    It’s not as if he did the programmes for nothing.
    He would have been paid more for his 3 hours of exposure than most of us would make in a year.

  19. Malcolm X lookalike and trouble spouse Jay Blades has been in court today,

    And he’s plead Not Guilty to the charge of coercive and controlling behaviour.

    The Judge called for a recess to proceedings and explained to both Blades and his missus to stay away from each other.

    Jay replied

    “Yo judge it’s her you need to tell.
    She never bloody listens.
    I phoned her 70 times yesterday before she answered.
    The stupid bitch.”

  20. If you squint really closely at the header picture behind Schofield, in distance you can just make out a raft with Michael Barrymore, Huw Edwards and Tom the cabin boy on it. Poor Tom, you’ll be getting a jolly rogering tonight.

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