People Working At The Forefront Of AI

People Working At The Forefront Of AI
… are cunts.


It`s been written about many times before, but it`s no longer science fiction.

Tech Target.

The Singularity
A `singularity` would be a technological situation where computer programs become so advanced that AI transcends human intelligence, potentially erasing the boundary between humanity and computers.

Why are the people working in these areas cunts? Well, because they literally have absolutely no idea where this is all going to end up. This is humanity inventing God: A self-learning neural network, a `super-brain`, if you will.

So, welcome to dystopia.

And unlike the perpetual MSM scaremongering for the ignorant proles like `climate change` or some mad twat pressing a nuclear button, this really is something we should all be afraid of.

Good night, and good luck.

Nominated by : Sam Beau

45 thoughts on “People Working At The Forefront Of AI

  1. A.I is overrated.
    Skynet will go into administration.

    Terminators will end up either pushing shopping trolleys around Aldi carpark or getting abducted by Romanians and weighed in for scrap.

    Nothing is more complex than the human mind.

    On a episode of Family guy,
    Stewie invents a android.
    He uses it as a Skivvy,
    But it develops and becomes able to do equations and calculations in nanoseconds,
    Stronger than a human,
    It makes a facsimile of itself,
    Now he’s dealing with 2 malevolent robots!

    In the end Brian turns the hosepipe on them.
    Rendering them harmless.

    Ai my arse.

  2. This is all a bit beyond me, but your description of ‘The Singularity’ piqued my interest Sam.

    You write ‘….AI transcends human intelligence, potentially erasing the boundary between humanity and computers’. Which got me thinking, is some form of advanced technology already affecting the human race? How else do we explain the case of David Lammy, for example, where something seems to have erased the boundary between humanity and a cabbage?

  3. All shit.

    Like so many other things, it will end being used for utterly pointless rubbish like changing photos or selling crap to idiots.

    Remember the Metaverse or robotaxis or any other shite that was going to “change our world”

    I wipe my ass on AI

  4. AI is just a souped-up search engine. Only as good as the data lefty arseholes feed it. Plus anything designed for the ‘convenience’ of mankind is deeply to be distrusted. Having said that, it’s fun to play with … type in ‘write a poem about Donald Trump’

    Don’t know if it’s ok to post links ?

    • correct – true AI will be if I can ask my car why it keeps breaking down and to pull itself together. Or to ask it to fuck off and fill up with diesel and get a bar of choccy while it’s there. Intelligence my arse.

    • It will need to have an on / off button for when the screen freezes and it needs a hard reset.

      Particulately if it is based on Windows 10.

      • Anyone know how to get sounds back on Windows 10?
        “No devices are installed”. Also, “No speakers are plugged in”, yes they are you cunt.
        Tried everything, the fucking thing is a time bandit.

    • Me neither Artful, probably due to having been employed in IT field service for half a century. I earned a living driving around the country at all hours fixing the fucking machines when they went tits up. In my early days in the job in ’71 there were smart-arses telling me my job had no future as the kit became ever faster, cheaper and more reliable. Well I worked to the age of 69 by which time I was busier then I had ever been. If there is one thing that will limit the growth of AI it’s the growing dearth of hardware engineers. Most of the field engineers I worked with were of my generation. Trying to recruit younger guys to the job was just soul destroying. They had all done the IT training at school but what that meant was that they were skilled at driving the kit but couldn’t even begin fixing it as their technical knowledge was on a level with a root vegetable.

  5. I fully expect computers to be right pissed off when they become “self aware”..

    Encased in plastic or a bit of metal,can’t have a pint or a smoke enjoy a curry or get a blow job.

    Yes,I reckon they’ll nuke us out of spite,the little metal Mickley cunts.

    Good morning.

  6. It’s a way off yet. Try asking an AI engine “what the Fuck are the government up to” and it won’t have any idea either.

  7. Yesterday I tried to dictate a WhatsApp message while driving using voice recognition.

    The fucking thing couldn’t understand a word.

    AI needs to up its game before I start giving a fuck.

    • Must be your Spanish accent it can’t understand.
      I’ve learned my Spanish up here in hillbilly country. If I go to the coast or Madrid or any other big city, they can’t understand half of what I’m saying.

      • Probably.

        The Spanish here is a mixture of Valenciana, Catalán and Castellano.

        I don’t have a problem when I drive down your way and beyond.

        I think that Google has only learned The King’s Spanish spoken in Valladolid.

  8. We have a personality free robot as prime minister, a pleasure bot as deputy ” but you have to be a Pàki to experience it”

    A monkey bot as foreign secretary, flings shit like the real thing..
    A crap Chinese calculator as chancellor..
    Numbers are missing..

    And a environmentally friendly climate bot, that has no idea how climate change works, and looks like a punched Toby jug.

    • OT but did you see the Lambot lecturing Russia at the UN “as a black man”?

      Utterly ridiculous, would be laughable if it wasn’t so embarrassing. Lammy lecturing the Russian on woke-gibberish whilst explicitly undermining the culture he somehow has come to represent. Hopefully he missed it l, being busy on his phone.

      But, as always, we’re the real audience and don’t we forget it.

      • Standing there as a black man.. while simultaneously sitting on his fat useless arse..
        Lammy is a national treasure..

  9. We already know it’s only tarted up animation. Still having to be ran by an hairy sweaty arsed human, without any intelligence of its own. Don’t know what all the fuss is about.

    • We already know it can only go as far as any human that can appear to pull the wool over our eyes, such as the idiot in number 10.

  10. 11/9 is said to be an example of the yanks destroying themselves. The twin towers are still there, if you can find them.

    • Fantastic series, apart from the last three episodes I guess. Went to ‘the village’ while holidaying round Wales, fuck me is it small, clever use of camera angles there.

    • Loved The Prisoner. The Blu Ray box set is a favourite in the Norman household.

      And my best mate got married in ‘The Village’. All we did was point out things like where Rover chased Number Six and where the giant chess game was. The women weren’t very happy about it. But, then again, when are they?

  11. AI is coming, it’s already here and we should be worried.

    The need for humans will be polishing turds, actually the world doesn’t really need humans so just get to the end game without AI.

    The human race is fucking pointless.

    Imagine a world with no people….creatures, forests, rivers and then along came things that looked like Lammy, no wonder we are fucked 😂

  12. What would ChatGPT say if I asked it ‘is the super-injunction against the press regarding Kier Starmer about him being a closet botter?’

  13. It’s all bollocks. There is no such thing as AI. It’s just computers following programs. They’re all as thick as pudding with no understanding of context, just repeating parrotlike. They are also hobbled by their makers so they don’t reveal inconvenient truths about many matters. No point in trying to develop thinking machines if you stop them thinking for fear of them telling the truth.

  14. A bunch of cunts invent a super cunt to really fuck us over. Big deal. There is always an even bigger cunt coming along to fuck us even harder. It is what happens to everyone who doesn’t want to to be a cunt, they get fucked over. AI is just the current cunt’s weapon of choice.

    Good morning, everyone.

  15. I heard a tale, which may be bullshit. Someone installed a voice recognition front door system. He went to the dentist and had a gobfull of anaesthetic . Door lock wouldn’t let him in as didn’t recognise his voice. Bit like HAL

  16. AI is just like evrything else. A new toy that is open to abuse by total bellends.
    It’s all over Youtube and the like. ‘AI’ versions of old stars, like Elvis, the Beatles, David Bowie and so on. Some cunt making a ‘Beatles sing Oasis” track is but one example. But, there is more sinister goings on where this is concerned.

    There has also been talk of a certain parasitic music industry cunt ‘making’ an ‘AI Steve Marriott’ for future ‘Small Faces’ records. Drummer, Kenney Jones is naturally furious about such revolting skullduggery. Jones angrily said ‘You cannot recreate a man. You cannot recreate or replicate emotion’, and he is right. Numerous other friends and colleagues of Marriott are up in arms about this outrage. And, hopefully – with pressure from Jones and others -, a law will be introduced to stop dead artsists being ‘resurrected’ and exploited for eternity.

    And AI ‘pictures’ of stars – past and present – are awful things. No soul in the eyes, and most have no similarity to who they are supposed to be (Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Taylor etc). Some of them are so bad that they have six fingers and other deformities, and others are the stuff of nightnares. As Kenney Jones said about emotion, you can also not recreate or replicate true feminine beauty or sex appeal.

  17. OT. Ten Hag decision ‘not my call’ – Jim Ratcliffe

    Asked if he still had faith in Ten Hag, Ratcliffe told BBC Sport: “I don’t want to answer that question.”

    Ducking out already? What is the fucking point of him then?
    Ratcliffe is as much of a cunt as the rest of them. A spineless turd and another Glazer acolyte.

    And City must be pissing themselves. And I don’t blame them.

  18. And when McCuntney and Starkey finally do pop off, there will no doubt be a ‘Beatles AI’ cash in.

    Macca says he is against such a thing. But it’s probably being planned already.

    And the frightening tthing about AI is Taylor Swift could be ubiquitous for all time. Even after her sell by date or demise, an AI Taylor could torment us and annoy our eardrums for generations. Terrible thought.

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