People who won’t admit that their hearing is going


are cunts.

The main offender is my other half who just won’t acknowledge this. I can stand facing him, about two feet or less away, say something and just get a “what?” or blank look in response. If he’s not facing me, I’ve no chance at all of making myself understood.
If I try and suggest it is time to go for a hearing test, I get told that it is not him and that I’m mumbling. I was willing to consider this but others have said I am very clear. I end up repeating myself so often I feel like a fucking simpleton.

I even went for a free hearing test myself, to hopefully inspire him, and predictably there was nothing wrong with my hearing . Still no interest ( I thought the “free” bit might swing it). If he has the telly on when I’m elsewhere in the house, the volume is so loud that it sounds like a fucking spaceship is landing on the place.

I tell myself it is all part of the journey etc and he does have very many good qualities, but the trouble is I get to work and my boss is exactly the same – he recently got hearing aids which was a bit of respite but one of them is now broken so we have the old situation again, until it is fixed, His wife told me in confidence that she had been absolutely sick to death of everyone shouting around the house, until the hearing aids were fitted.

I know a lot of us struggle with the concept that we are getting on, but when avoiding the issue could get you run over or miss important instructions, surely it’s time to face up to it.

On a tangent, when I was a child, we were aware that one of our cousins was deaf, but his parents would not acknowledge this. Things came to a head when , at a family birthday party, another cousin tactlessly put a large saucepan on the deaf cousin’s head, and started banging it hard with a metal spoon – no reaction. The other adults rounded on the parents, which was unpleasant but did at least mean the poor kid then got the help he needed.

I had trouble finding a suitable link so please dispose of this one if you can find a better one!


Nominated by Mary Hinge.

89 thoughts on “People who won’t admit that their hearing is going

  1. Mary, if he got a hearing aid he’d probably turn it off to save the batteries. Like that woman on Fawlty Towers.

  2. Oh Mary, you sound just like my wife. She says I’m going deaf. Her evidence for this is that she has to repeat herself to me but doesn’t have to do so when speaking with others. I’ve told her the problem is her mumbling but she won’t accept it, silly woman.

    • Women are cunts for that sort of thing. Mine will wait till I’ve left the room and then start speaking to me so I have to turn back and ask her to repeat what she said. Then I get “your hearings getting worse!” My reply “Oh what, so I’m expected to be able to hear you through a fucking brick wall and two layers of plaster am I, you bloody idiot!” Fucking split asses!

      • My Mrs can top yours FT. She fucking either talks to me from upstairs, or talks when she is walking away from me. I am clueless what the fuck she is on about.

      • Got to agree that women are the worst for this torture.
        The most annoying knt of a thing is talking through the walls.

        “Are you there , will you make me a cup of tea”
        I happen to be in the kitchen but the fridge just kicked off with its compressor and the boiler started another cycle simultaneously, when this mumble transmits through the wall.
        “What” I reply and still cannot make it out.
        Im getting her walkie talkies for Christmas.

    • Last night I went into the front room to see if he wanted some tea, and he was watching a thing called Ludwig ( that smug cunt David Mitchell is in it) with subtitles on. I asked why the subtitles were on and he said he’d just been watching a thing called Aussie Gold Hunters and couldn’t understand their accents , so put subtitles on and could not be arsed to put them off again. Getting creative now, I thought.

      • He should get wireless headphones Mary, with an interface compatible with your television. When he’s the only one watching they’re great because they shut out extraneous noise and mute the speakers on the TV and he can go for a piss without losing track of the programme.

        So I’m told.

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  4. I have the same issue with Mrs Bastard…
    I had a boss at work with this malady.
    The problem was when he found out he had very poor hearing, and turned up with 2 ultra modern hearing aids, he could hear every fucking thing!

  5. Getting old is a cunt.

    Sooner or later nothing works right then next news your body does its level best to kill you.

    I suspect none of this would ever have happened if we’d stayed in the EU.


    • Hey UT,

      It’s a little different here in the States but basically I agree.

      I never had any trouble hearing when Trump was President.

      • Indeed General.

        It’s a little known fact that when Churchill was PM cases of deafness disappeared.

        It was only when that cunt Attlee got in that it returned with a vengeance.

        And that’s why they had to invent the NHS.

      • You might be right Mort.

        My ears definitely hurt when I listened to those two brain donors.

        Finally, I stopped listening to them…unburdened by what they had said before.

        Nonetheless, I think we all got a bit dumber listening to their mindless drivel.

  6. When a child, I would say what a lot and was sent to have my ear’s syringed. Found out later it was just a habit of saying what, regardless whether I understood or not. Later when working in noise factories, I’d wear earplugs for protection from damaging my hearing when going to classical music concerts.

  7. Mary, you need the wonderful world of sign language.

    If he doesn’t hear you the first time bounce something off the back of his deaf head.

    Then make a gesture for wanker.

    Helen Keller did that.

  8. I am not deaf, I am ignoring you.

    I can hear fairly well except when background noise interferes, how is it that I can hear the TV very well except for Yank films, fucking mumbling and a constant background noise… cunts (I say yank films but not exclusively yank)

    That tart in the Handmaids tale fucking mumbled everything, I thought it may just be for effect but I have seen two other films with the same actress and she mumbled them as well ?

    • I think that is the Meryl Streep school of acting. The trick is to read the script AFTER you have taken your Mogadon.

  9. There was a relative of mine, she was hard of hearing.

    She woukld wear her hearing aid and natter to any fucker. Any two bit jobsworth or total stranger.

    But, she wouldn’t wear it when she was talking to her own family. Like they didn’t matter. And I know that hurt other family members quite a bit. It was quite a cuntish thing to do.

  10. That picture in the header shows why Thangham Debbonaire lost her election in the summer.

  11. Part of the problem is with background noise I think: Enunciate. I`ve never had a problem with people being able to hear me.
    Und kein Fehler !

  12. Also cunts who say yes and agree with you in conversation and when you ask what did i say? Dont know is the reply, so why the fuck did you agree. My dear old dad is the best at this and when he says what did you say i reply, i just called you gay or im adopted.

  13. I went deaf once.
    For about a week.

    Had some sort of cold and was full of cattahh.

    I didn’t realise until the missus said

    “Jesus! The telly is blaring!!
    Why’s it so loud?!”

    Your ears nose and throat are all linked.
    It was quite nice being deaf.

    But once I took something for the cattahh I regained my hearing.

    So if anyone says for me to stop mocking the deaf and how would I like it if I was deaf?
    I can in all honesty say it was fuckin marvellous
    And to fuck off virtue signalling.

    • I know the feeling, Miserable.

      When I caught Covid, I couldn’t hear anything,smell anything or taste anything. It took weeks to get back to nor,ml.

      It was like Ihad earplugs in. Mind you, it was welcomed when I was in the kidney unit with all those noisy Pakis.

  14. Aᛋᛋ. Happy days, Geordie.
    Taut buttocks straining beneath the sweaty vice of the unforgiving lederhosen.
    It`s an image that screams “I`m in control of my trouser department !”
    Es ist mein Geschenk an Sie, Herr Twatt !

  15. OT. Good riddance to that boring bald edam eating cunt. Worst United manager since Dave Sexton. Nothing was ever his fault, and treated Ronaldo like crap. Fuck off and hit the road, Baldie.

    But that piece of shit Rashford has to go too….

    • Agreed Norman.
      How long has that cunt, Mucus Rashford, been sulking for now?
      Got to be at least two years.

      • Can’t believe those two cunts, Marcus Rashford and Luke Shaw, have seen of/survived five managers. If Ruud has got any sense, he will finally and permanently dispatch them both.

    • I am glad to see him go.

      But the ‘reaction’ from Youtube bellends like Mark Goldbridge, ‘Saeed’ and Steven Howson is stomach turning.

      All cunts, who never even knew Old Trafford existed before the league title win in 1993.

      Needless to say. I loathe Youtube fan channels.

  16. 40 years of firing weapons, punk and metal gigs. Festivals and wearing headphones metal detecting my hearing is fecked. But if you have to lose it then what better way.
    And no I refuse to wear a hearing aid, it’s the first step towards being a mong.

  17. I’ve worn hearing aids since my mid thirties after years of trouble and various operations, and I’m here to tell you that it’s a total and complete cunt.
    I took the decision myself, as I knew I was fucked.
    Luckily I was married and settled by then, because fuck knows how I would have felt looking like a spaz trying to pull birds in pubs and clubs in my twenties.
    And therein lies one of the issues. They’re great for conversation in relatively quiet conditions, but noisy venues render them little more than amplifiers of everything around you.
    The modern ones are great to be fair, but they are what they say they are, an aid, not a natural hearing replacement.
    Still, could be worse.
    I could be a park key.

    • And yes. People who live in denial about their hearing, or poor eyesight (which can also be fucking dangerous) are cunts.
      If you live in a vacuum and never have contact with another human being, then fine.
      Otherwise, sort it out.

  18. Good cunting. It’s a real piss steamer. What’s worse for me is selective hearing. I used to work with someone who could hear perfectly well, but chose to be deaf whenever it suited him…just to be a cunt. Not too bad in its own right, but working with bladed machinery and pretending not to hear any of it, is a twattish thing to do.

  19. Richard Tice saying he distances himself from Tommy Robinson and his ‘lot’.
    And wants nothing to do with them.

    Who do you think voted Reform Rick?
    You dullard , snake fucker.

    • He is diddling Isabel Oakeshott who used to be on GB News, I quite like her and has bigger balls than he does.

      • Is he?
        Didn’t know that.
        I remember her.

        He’s a slimy cunt.
        Fake as fuck.
        He’s in it for the money ££££

        If he was in a film he’d be played by Nigel Havers

      • I’ve said it before and say it again. He’s a wrong ‘un. ?
        Evening Mus, evening all.

      • I’m with you Cuntalugs.
        Something ‘amiss’ with Richard.

        I don’t trust him.

        You winning pal??

      • Yep thanks and you?
        Still getting bitten by mosquitoes, it’s so tropical down here! ?
        He’s married to Isabelle Oakshot isn’t he.
        A right dodgepot.

    • The rats always abandon ship, first sign.
      The honourable citizen would rather go and meet the abyss, rather than compromise to a failed political ideological farce that the West has become, without permission from the majorities.
      This applies all across the so called democracies.
      its rampant and repugnant behaviour by the elected.

    • Interesting how TR was jailed just a couple of days before the budget eh, MNC (and good evening).
      I reckon after this budget, when those Labour commies finally slip their milquetoast masks off, that people are going to be absolutely apoplectic and TR is seen by the establishment as a focal point for the public to rally behind.
      I reckon they’ll try and bump him off in prison, Epstein-style.

      • Alright Cuntengine ?

        Nice to see you back.
        Yeah, I thought pretty much the same.

        Tommy Robinson just won’t be quiet.
        Saying awkward things and shining his torch in dark corners.

        They have said they’ll reduce his 18month sentence if he takes the film down from his site.
        Hope he leaves it on there.
        But would understand if he didn’t.

        I’d take Tommy Robinson rather than a thousand Richard Tice.

        Oh Tommy Tommy ??

  20. Mary @. You are Ethel and I claim my £5.

    Now get those dishes washed ?


  21. All joking aside. I went completely deaf in my left ear last Saturday.

    Woke up and had that feeling after a plane journey, but totally deaf. Hearing has not returned.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Couldn’t get a doctor’s appointment until Friday of this week.

      • Why did the money grabbing reparation stabby type cross the road. ?
        To eat the chicken and design a building.

      • Might be cattahh like I had Odin.
        See if any decongestant like sudafed helps?

        Or maybe you need your ears syringed?

      • I had exactly that quite recently Odin. Out of the shower one morning and it seemed as if I couldn’t get the water out of one ear. Got my ears syringed, problem solved. Arranged through my GP took several weeks to get an appointment, for the syringing that is. You can get it done by people like Specsavers but costs around £60. I’m too tight to pay.

  22. There was a deaf girl who was at the college where I worked in the 90s.
    She was absolutely stunning. Great sense of humour too.
    She couldn’t hear a thing, but was a master at lip reading.

    And, she wasn’t at all chippy or felt she was owed anything. Unlike Blair’s Somalian pets. And she was one of my few genuine allies when I railed against the early stages of woke favouritism, And I won’t forget her for that. God bless you, Nikki.

    • There’s a dead fit deaf bird round here Norm.

      Has a assistance dog, but don’t know if that’s because she’s deaf?
      Maybe she has some other health issues?
      Stunning looking ?

      And I wouldn’t be put off by the dog licking my arse either ?

      • You’re a disgrace, and the re-incarnation of Chubby Brown, and I claim my free bag of scampi flavour fries!

  23. Or cunts who won’t admit their voices are fucked, yet still charge the earth for concerts.

    Fat Reg and Macca being two of the worst.

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