Nadiya Hussain and the BBC (131)

A double cunting for a whinging harridan and everyone’s favourite media outlet.
Poor Nadiya, desperate for some earth shattering revelation to promote her new tv series, has apparently come up with this.

“There was constant pressure to prove how British I was”
Sounds pretty damning doesn’t it? Only, that’s not exactly what she said.
What she actually said was this.

“ There was constant pressure to prove how British I was, how Bangladeshi, how Muslim”
So apart from her tiresome ‘woe is me’ self promotion, we’ve got the BBC resorting to headline writing so antagonistic that it would make Kelvin McKenzie blush.
Nadiya would do well to remember that her current career is based purely on her ethnicity and religion, fuck all else. Stop whinging and be grateful.

And the BBC are still a bunch of race baiting, divisive cunts.


Nominated by Field Marshal Cuntgomery.

63 thoughts on “Nadiya Hussain and the BBC (131)

  1. Can’t she just hurry up and fail to get her husband’s dinner ready on time and receive a beaker of acid in the face as punishment, just like any proper female carpet-rider?

  2. Well, if the BBC hadn’t banged on so much about her being a Muslim from Bangladesh she would have had a happier experience.
    As Morgan Freeman said when asked how to deal with racialism ‘Stop talking about it ‘.

    • I don’t feel the need to prove my Britishness.

      I wear it proudly like a stately crown🇬🇧

      Is she the new cleaner at ISAC HQ?

      Don’t tell her about the mice admin


    • Never heard of her, but I sense someone who thinks she’s owed.

      Fuck off.

      And fuck the BBC. I’d love to flatten the place.

    • If the BBC hadn’t rigged their silly cookery programme for her to win back in 2015, we would all have had a happier experience.

      • I recall that the woman who won it the following year, a white woman from Essex, had a cookbook published ,was allowed a couple of daytime TV appearances then disappeared.

  3. Just a thought. If she’s finding it hard to fit in she could always fuck off back to Bangladesh. After Tel Aviv, that’s the last place on Earth she’d want to be but would never admit it, the two faced fucker. She’s no gratitude for her underserved good fortune in the land of soft as shit politics, the useless cunt.

  4. Why do sooty women either wear a fuckin cheap Thulsa Doom wig or some rag tied around their nut?

    Because they’re embarrassed that the hair on their heads looks like pubes?

    Be proud!!
    Thought you were all proud of your black heritage?
    Prove it.

    Take off the Jimmy savile wigs and show us your stubble.

  5. The Pakis are getting as bad as the poofters used to be about how misunderstood and how under-represented they were/are. Now TV is lousy with gingers – the worst being that weird little arse bandit on Garden Rescue (his favourite plant must be the pansy). No doubt Halal Cooking will be the next big thing for daytime TV.

    • anyway the silly cunt should know by now that you don’t need to promote fuck all on the BBCistan as its utterly irrelevant to the vile cunts if precisely nobody ever watches any of their “leavings”..

      just so long as they get grannies to pay their telly tax.


  6. The one thing she wasn’t under pressure to prove was how cuntish she was.

    Even the hacks at the Beeb could see that.

  7. No idea.
    Who is this woman?
    A member of the Calais yacht club?
    Oh no, sorry, they’re all 35 year-old schoolboys, aren’t they?

  8. How British she is, fucking bollocks, born in the east Pakistan overseas territory of Luton.

    Fucking cunt only gets all the attention because of the headscarf and origin, they even shoehorned her into the mental elf series because she had anxiety bullshit.

    Fuck her and the BBC.

    Some dusky reporter in London today covering the usual Palestine bullshit and mentioned the counter protest saying some were carrying Hamas are terrorist placards like it was something bad, listen love even our useless government say Hamas are terrorists

  9. Her problem is down to entitlement. Never spoke up about these issues when her career was based on being a token, and not talent.

    Now she’s not as popular, and less money is coming in, it’s Whitey’s fault for repressing her. Typical of every fucking “victim” minority, just wants to blame someone else for not having the same outcomes in life as people who work hard and improve themselves.

    • Quite selective in the parts of ‘black history’ they’re highlighting/promoting, (as ever), I note ….

      Which paradoxically just shines a light on (the) overall inherent cuntitude, historically AND ongoing, .. except (said realisation)for low IQ cunts, of course .. and thus full circle is achieved.

      Unpleasant reality for some, perhaps, but sometimes you just gotta call a spade a spade.

    • Those cunts couldn’t even change a bike tyre?
      Only heard of big Maggie, but she just nuild spacecraft, hasn’t changed fuck all.

    • We have been sending monkeys into to space for ages.. how else would of chuck Heston crash landed there.
      Damn dirty apes..

    • Nothing surprises me with a corporation that jizzed its knickers a while back, promoting the fact that CBeebies bedtime story was going to be presented by a same sex couple.
      This on a channel aimed at toddlers!

  10. 2 facts:
    (1) The BBC actively promote stories like this to provoke `aggressive` responses.
    (2) The person being cunted is a peaceful race-baiter; it`s part of their culture to whine – see (1), above.

  11. Poor Ms Hussain suffers from anxiety, don’t you know.
    Let’s face it. Winning a rigged competition, going on to make television cookery programs with someone else’s recipes, being given a publishing contract for books you don’t actually write and earning a six figure salary for about three months work must be fucking awful,
    And to cap it all off, she’s a carpet rider living in a racist hell hole.
    Perhaps suicide if the only answer.

  12. Putting people in front of a camera does this, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual persuasion, genderism or sunny delight blood. It always brings out the lurking inner narcissist and hey presto, they imagine their words assume great gravitas and pathos.
    Fucking worthless cunts states the label on the bin of detritus they belong in.
    Let’s just offer a short cut to the Unkle Terry protocol instead, next !

  13. Ms. Hussain is someone who makes me switch over as soon as she comes on the telly and that is because she’s claiming to be something she is not. She first came to prominence when she won Great British Bake Off. From her first appearance it was obvious the series had been fixed to make sure she won. Following that the BBC have provided her with every opportunity to become a star. It is not something they would have done for any indigenous lady from this country.
    Her lack of ability was shown up when , shortly after she had won the series, she was asked to bake a cake for the Queen in honour of her Jubilee, the Platinum one I think. The cake was a disaster, I know I could have done better. It had a lean on it that would have made the leaning Tower of Pisa look upright. The icing looked as though it had been done by a 5 year old. The whole thing was an embarrassing fiasco I guess the Queen fed it to her Corgis.
    Having said all that she appears to be a nice person and I definitely would given half a chance. But her talent in the kitchen is pretty average.

  14. Why do people watch cookery shows? It’s not to learn how to cook is it. How many of us – even those of us who are dab hands in the kitchen – watch cookery shows to pick up new recipes? No, we watch them because they’re pleasant or entertaining and the chef has something about them that we like, and we find it momentarily interesting to learn about different cuisines they’re exploring, and also just to enjoy a bit of culture for culture’s sake.

    I used to like watching Keith Floyd. He would get pissed, fuck up what he was cooking, and put on a Stranglers track to distract everyone from the fact he’d burned the salad.

    I don’t remember him hectoring the viewing public about politics, religion or race. I think I would have switched off if he did that.

    I think I watched about three minutes of this race baiting bitch doing some cooking once. Personality of a mud brick. So in the absence of any discernible ability to entertain I don’t see the point of her, much less why we should listen to her self-absorbed victim bleating. Fuck off love, if your food is like your personality it must taste of rancid dung.

    • Keith Floyd was a legend.
      He once told a story about how he was paid over a hundred grand a year by the Mail on Sunday to put his name to a regular cookery column.
      All he had to do was put his name to it, attend about two photo sessions, and he did fuck all else.
      He was totally honest about what a piss take it was, unlike today’s tv chefs, who are mostly utter cunts.

      • I can highly recommend this documentary if you haven’t seen it – with the great man himself shortly before he died. His critique of modern celebrity chefs very much echoes your observations.

        As you can see, his liberal use of the word “cunt” will have made him very much a spiritual comrade of this neighbourhood

  15. Wonder if Paul Hollywood found her chocolate cake deliceous?
    Not knowing muzzies wipe their arses with their left hand. 🧕🏼💩

  16. So sick of seeing this fucking sub-primate’s grinning boss-eyed face plastered everywhere over the past decade.
    There has been no escape.
    Always in one media or other, on hoardings and in every fucking supermarket.
    Only place I don’t see her is on the BBC cos I don’t watch it.
    She’s become a multimillionaire on the back of being what?
    A poster girl whose mission it is to fool our dozy population into believing Muslims are no different from us and that Islam is a religion of peace.
    Yeah, right.
    But ordinary people are finally beginning to push back hard on that fictitious notion.
    May she and her ilk forever suck cocks in Hell.

  17. Right I shall try again!🙄
    Did Paul Hollywood really like her chocolate cake, not knowing adherents of Alan’s Snackbar wipe their árses with their left hand?

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