Mark Robinson

He’s the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, he claims to be an Evangelical Christian and he’s the Republican nominee for the post of Governor in the 2024 election. Eager to identify himself as a candidate firmly affiliated to the right, he denies climate change, he opposes the legalization of marijuana and he’s spoken out in favour of gun rights. Controversially he has also made antisemitic remarks and has denied the holocaust. He has been praised by Donald Trump as “an unbelievable Lieutenant Governor”, “a very good man”, “a great one”, “a Martin Luther King times two” and “a Martin Luther King on steroids”. Yet Robinson himself described King as “worse than a maggot” and said that the civil rights movement was a communist plot to subvert capitalism and free choice.

Robinson has declared that he wants abortion to be outlawed completely, though he paid for his girlfriend, now his wife, to have her pregnancy terminated. In 2022 he criticized the availability of birth control pills and condoms, advocating that contraception should be banned. He described transgenderism as “filth”, but it’s now been revealed he was responsible for remarks put on the message board of the online forum Nude Africa, including that he enjoyed watching transgender pornography. “That’s fucking hot” he wrote, “Yeah I’m a perv too”.
On the same forum he wrote that he was a black Nazi who preferred Adolf Hitler to Barack Obama and supported the reinstatement of slavery.

Nothing like a bit of scandal and hypocrisy to instil confidence in the voters.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Allan

74 thoughts on “Mark Robinson

    • That Milton was a major disappointment 😥

      Storm of the century!!

      If you don’t leave you will die!!

      I was wriggling with excitement,
      Opened a packet of crisps especially.

      It was a disgrace to the hurricane community.
      More a gentle breeze!

      Caressed someones cheeky
      Tousled some old bids hair.

      Rubbish 👎

  1. Just read that Brave heart is Donald Trumps favourite film😀

    I like it too.👍

    Donny said
    “That movie was SUPER MEL GIBSON IN HIS PRIME. I was on a plane, there was nothing to do, they had Braveheart, I had never seen it, within 4 minutes I said “This is the best movie ever made!”

    Dunno if it’s the best film ever made but it is good.
    I like how optimistic he is about things.

    “Wow best beefburger ever!”

    “Amazing !!! This toast is the best toast ever made from bread”

    Sunny disposition see?

    Brave heart was full of historical inaccuracies but was very entertaining.
    Wonder if he’s seen Jurassic park yet?

  2. Sirs:

    Just a harmless eccentric. Let’s not contribute to the legacy of slavery by pointing out that he’s a whack job.

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