Keir (24) and kittens

Sorry Jeezum, thought you meant his pussies not a fucking cat. C.A.

I found this delightful little non-news story on the BBC news website (where else?)

As well as Larry, and Kiers own family cat, Jojo, the Starmer family were contemplating getting a German Shepherd. Two cats and a GSD, what could possibly go wrong? The perfect combination!

Anyway, after much discussion, the family Starmer decided to purchase a Siberian kitten instead. Hardly any difference between a GSD and a Siberian attack cat.

Fuck me sideways, is this an attempt, by the BBC, to make Starmer appear more like a real boy and not a wooden puppet being manipulated via the strings under someone else’s control?

Hello? It’s not working. Hello? Can you hear me?

I wonder if his nose will grow everytime he lies?


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Additional material provided by W. C. Boggs:

This wannabee Blair has fucked up yet again. It seems that not only is the Toolmaker Son, so poor (well he only has £8 million to his name poor cunt) he accepts charity from a rich donor who buys all his clothes and glasses, he has such a lack or pride he accepted them for his wife as well.

This government has lost all it’s goodwill and popularity – he has only been “in” for two months, and we are already fucked off by his own brand of sleaze (friends of his and Sue Gray – including her own son – given jobs within government), the constant desire to look tough, which might pay off dangerously over his stance in Ukraine., being told what to do by his large collection of bum boys etc etc. Old has-beens from a decade or more ago,l to show that they have learned nothing and are even more stupid and dim than they were then – PixieBalls Cooper-Balls, Edward Miliband, even more fucked up than they were 15 years ago. Enough already!

Daily Express.

The clothes donor is also a poofter, and got special access to the Downing Street garden. He sure loves men in receipt of swollen goods!

98 thoughts on “Keir (24) and kittens

      • I agree.

        Apparently Two Tier Free Gear Keir only recently gave up vegetarianism. That would not have been a good look, a vegetarian leader with a German Shepherd!

  1. I don’t suppose we’ll ever find out the truth about a certain two tiered chap and a tinted botty boy with a swanky penthouse. There’s no way the former State Prosecutor would leave himself open to being found out. He’ll be fully lawyered up.
    Super injunction anyone?

    The kitten thing is just a distraction to make out he’s human and likes animals.
    Probably pulled the legs off spiders when he was a kid.

  2. It seems there is some sort of rumour in the cesspit of Westminster regarding the private life of Comrade Chairman Stormer..

    I wonder what it might be?

    Best not speculate…the cunts seem to have the Great British “justice” system in their back pocket.

    He’s a closet Freddy at least that’s what the deputy PM said.

    Dung Heap of Vermin.

  3. At least we now know why Kweer always has that appearance of someone who is very uncomfortable and constipated.

    Always grimacing and sweating nervously.

    The cunt is on the take.

    In more ways than one.

  4. 10p for a cuppa tea kier shouldn’t be allowed to own a German shepherd.

    They’re great dogs,!!
    We always had 2 in the house growing up.

    Hell call it something gay like sparkles or Binky.

    German shepherds by their very nature are Far Right.
    Whole fuckin point.

    He’s probably gonna bum it the greasy Reg varney looking cunt.

  5. This Siberian cat (another fucking foreigner) sounds like a high-maintenance house cat who will probably have someone looking after it for £40K a year. The cat flap was really for Wes Streeting.

  6. Sir Kweer now gets all his policies direct from the Hamas playbook. Just a matter of time before Angie and the rest of his girlies are burqua’d up. As for the cat, it will be revered as the Holy Moggie of Westminster and attract crowds of the faithful.

  7. It’s frankly depressing the way our Prime Minster is insulted and abused on the site.

    Let us not forget he is a Knight of the Realm.
    Let us not forget he is popular with entertainers, past and present.
    Let us not forget his father was a humble toolmaker.
    Let us not forget he is fighting a war against the far white.

    The cheers for Sir Keir of Bungalot. Everyone likes to stay in and eat something Asian now and again!

  8. Is that header pic from the days when he was a lying bastard lawyer rather than a lying bastard politician.

    He promised a government of service, forgot to mention it would be self service, sleeeeeeeze on steroids!

    One of the kittens in the header has since met its demise, Tangum Debondare didn’t make the cut 😂

  9. Total and utter cunt, been saying that since he stabbed his ex boss Corbo in the back.
    Fence sitting, weathervane, lying bag of shit.
    Fuck off.

  10. Well now let’s see, what can we call Keir Starmer today? Haven’t we got any fake news? (scratches head) I know, we’ll criticize him for his choice of pet! Would you choose a kitten? Of course not. So that’ll do. And someone gave him and his wife some clothes. Ok here we go.
    Yes the Conservatives are desperately trying to find something, anything, that’ll put him in a bad light, despite the fact that they’ve fucked up just about everything they’ve touched over the last fourteen years and Labour have only been in power for five minutes. So we need to give them some help.

    • Classic whataboutery.

      Lefties spent 14 years picking up on any misdemeanour, no matter how minor, that the Tories committed.

      Boot’s on the other foot now, sunshine; Two Tier Keir and Granny Freezer Reeves deserve every fragrant morsel of ordure heaped on their disgusting troughing heads.

      If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t have dished it. That’s the problem with lefties, they cry when they get some back. Sly, superior bullies, but cowards with no principles when it comes down to it.

      As I always despised them, it’s nice to be proven right (as it were.)

    • “…the Conservatives are desperately trying to find something, anything that’ll put him in a bad light…”

      I can see that.

      What with quelling far right protests, locking up indigenous Englishmen for their social media posts, cutting pensioner benefits, wearing free clothes, and freeing the sausages I can totally see how they would be desperate to find something…anything…that would portray the Dear Leader in a bad light.

      Let’s be real. He won in a Landslide and he has a mandate.

      Make England Suck Again
      Diversity is our Madness

      Get to fucking fuck motherfuckers!

    • Allan

      Who dislikes him the most?

      Rank and file Labour members or the Conservative Party.

      If ever anyone was blindly partisan, you’re it!

    • …so let’s play fair Allan – on the terms you seem to be suggesting.

      Let us first accept the fucking abominable record of the preceding Tory administration – zero fucking argument from me there, and, I’d wager, pretty much everyone else posting here.

      And let’s give the new lot a chance – and let’s accept your premise that they’ve only been in power for five minutes and are yet to reveal just how great or shit they are. Let’s remain agnostic.

      Go on then. Tell us what it is that made you vote for them; presumably you must have had some idea of what made you choose them over the Tories? What is it that you are expecting from them that you believe should silence the criticisms and give us reason for cheer. No really, tell us. You might find we all change our mind about him and his government.

  11. I have a theory that Kier is actually a robot made by the WEF that runs on Bovril. If he really wants to treat himself, he has TWO scoops of Bovril and half a Rich Tea on a Friday evening. Not Friday night, that would be far too exciting for the Starmtrooper.

    Let’s be honest, nobody can be that fucking weird. Nobody.

      • I have a grudging respect for The Magic Grandpa. Cat’s Piss mad, but he stuck to his guns with old school socialism.

        And he was a keen gardener.

      • Corbyn also campaigned for 30 years to leave the EU… until it came to the Referendum, where he campaigned for and voted to Remain.

        Obviously a man of principle.

  12. I can’t imagine Kier enjoying owning a pet.
    He’s a bit dour, humourless, isn’t he?

    A little puritan.

    Don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile?
    Or laugh aloud?

    He should be laughing his head off after all those freebies the scavving cunt

    • Off topic mis but it has just come back to me. Rico Daniels, the salvager. Big, bald cunt with the trike. Done some shows from France but don’t hold that against him

      • That’s the fella.

        He was brilliant!

        Haggling in timber yards and scrapyards.

        Cheers Mali!👍

      • I was just enjoying a rum and coke ( we are an hour ahead so it’s legal) when it all came flooding back to me

    • I think he chose a cat rather than a dog, because cats make their own lavatory arrangements. If he had a dog he would have to take him out to do his business. Kweer draws the line at that. He doesn’t mind wiping Alli or Mandy’s arses, but he won’t touch anyone elses – unless he gets a nice present in return.

  13. He had a show called the Salvager
    Then when he moved to France Le salvager.

    Rico was a breath of fresh air.

    Down to earth, no airs and graces,
    Funny, and knew his stuff.

    • I used to love watching Rico.

      Kind of bloke you’d like to have as a neighour.

      Rummaging in his wood pile on a Sunday afternoon, ratting.

      Knocking up a coffee table out of an old pallet and sections of a telegraph pole 😃

      Then making a fire with the offcuts and having a few beers 👍

      Pity he’s not on the telly any more.

      Evening MNC / All. 👍

      • Evening Jack👍

        Yeah I liked Rico too
        , hes the sort of bloke that’s easy to be around.
        He moved to France and in the last one I saw had some young blonde bird with dreadlocks with him.

        They should have him on telly again he was interesting and entertaining.

        Good luck to him wherever he is👍

  14. If Starmer had gone with the German Shepherd dog it would take him for a walk.

    And its also a bit far-right looking. Imagine if it savaged a sootie? Or a pensioner!

    PR disaster for Kier.

    • Hehehe 😂

      That’d be great that.

      It tore Di Abbott’s throat out
      She’s laying there farting in a big pool of blood while Kier shouts in his Dalek with a cold voice

      ” Mittens! No Mittens! Leave Mittens!”

      I’ll giggle in my sleep at that image.

  15. Dear old Harold Wilson (I had a soft spot for the fake old bugger!) said that ” a week is a long time in politics”. this is proven by this nomination. At the time we wrote them, we were unaware that Lord Alli gave the old grifter £32,000 in clothes (I hope that included frilly knickers and suspender belts). We were also unaware he had “A Big Secret”, which the social meeja people are all hinting at.

    I think I will start work on my new musical “KWEER!!”. I am writing his songs now, “I’m Pally With Lord Alli”, the love songs “Feeling Your Behind” and “Waddle Up My What-D’you-ma Call It Duckie”. Anyone knows who has the rights to “If I Ruled The World?” I might make it a Western musical “Daddy Keir and His Boy Wessy” By the by, have you noticed as the proud dad of a son and daughter he only ever mentions “my boy”?.

    I bet poor little Starmer Minor has to be Neil from the In-Betweeners at school – “oi, my dad ain’t bent!”

    As Simon replied “He is a BIT though”

    • Evening Mr Boggs,
      I’ve been meaning to ask but keep forgetting,

      Know your a lifelong Tory voter,
      What do you think of Reform UK?

      Has your vote swayed?

      And what do you think of the current hopefuls in the leadership race?

      • Hi MNC. As a true Conservative I rather resent Reform for splitting the vote in July and giving Kweer a much larger majority than he would have got.

        My favourite for new leader is Mr.Cleverley. That said, whomever wins all Conservatives needs to pull together, and stick with him or her. We don’t need the shenanigans we had between 1997-2005 again.

        To be honest, I would have stuck with Boris, but we have to soldier on.

      • Fair enough WC,

        I’m not impressed by any of them if I’m honest,
        But I only lent them my vote anyway.

        Lee Anderson is very well liked up here.
        I think you missed out letting him go.

        But think we’re on the same page with the current bunch of Cunts.

      • Trouble is WC, none of em are ‘tories’ anymore, I watched some of the leadership contenders and their verbal jousting. It was like watching slapheads arguing about who gets the hair brush.

      • I take your points, MNC and Leonardo, in my opinion Boris would have weathered the Partygate bollocks – we all know Kweer was stuffing his fat face with curry and beer at the same time and just as that little schmuck got away with it and it was forgotten so would Boris. Boris also had a degree of charm and not taking himself too seriously. By his arrogance Starmer’s p@ncing will be remember (“I’ve given you my explanation” as he kept telling Sky News).

        On paper, Kemi looks the right choice, a black female leader, but like the other three she lacks all round govermental experience – this is even more true of Messrs Tugenhat and Genrick. James Cleverley has the appearance of being more measured and experienced. Very sadly for us, there will never be another Maggie – when they made that dear lady they broke the mould, Heseltine was a total bastard and still is.

      • Bye bye Iranian nuclear facilities. 👍

        Wipe the cunts out.


      • Probably not a good idea to launch missiles at the capital city of a nuclear nation that has two nuclear subs parked on your doorstep, backed up by an entire US of A carrier group.

        Not to worry though. David Lammy, international statesman and Mastermind Colossus will guaranteed diffuse the situation.

        I’ll get the popcorn on.

      • Well it ain’t Octopussy, or even Pussy Galore, for that matter Ron. & if it were, the dumb cunt still can’t figure out what a real woman looks like, tastes like, or even smells like. There’s no fucking hope whatsoever.

      • Bottom lefts alright as well Ron. ‘Bottom left’ is that a new name for an arsehole Labour Cabinet Minister?

  16. Poor old Rodney.

    I saw this on X.

    Sing to cool for cats..

    The Indians buy some glasses and a dress for her at home.
    My colleague wants a big house so I ask them for a loan.
    My son he needs a study room and gets a penthouse suite.
    I give a wink to Alli and we keep it all discreet.
    Pretending I have morals but I’m a nasty little cheat.

    I get a box at football, it’s a lovely little stash.
    And Alli gets in number 10 because it’s Keir for cash
    It’s Keir for cash.

    Keir for cash.

    My clothes are looking tatty so I ask him for some more.
    Another game of footie and we watch Bukayo score.
    He takes me to a restaurant and he feeds me till I’m full.
    We talk about my father and how he made a fking tool.
    an’ how I’d screw the country if I ever came to rule.

    Then it’s back to Alli’s for a go on his prayer mat.
    A little glass of champers and some Harrods aloo chaat.
    It’s Keir for cash.

    Keir for cash.

    Now I am the governor and I’m feeling pretty smug.
    Granny might be freezing, but she’s a racist little thug.

    I fancy this, i fancy that, my suits are Savile Row.
    Another little kickback just for letting Savile go.
    Releasing all the sausages, just to sound like Joe..
    and when I make a promise, just remember it’s all crap.
    I’m doing what they’re telling me because I’m Keir for cash.

    Apologies for the length.

  17. I fondly recall a little ditty sung by the ‘shed end’ back in the day, to any opposition striker they disliked (back when football was a thing)…

    ‘He’s Gay’
    ‘He’s Bent’
    ‘His arse is up for rent’
    ‘Insert name here’ and repeat ad infinitum….

    Seems appropriate given our PM is a fan of kickball. Allegedly of course.

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