José Manuel Albares

is a cunt.

“Good morning. This is IsAC’s Foreign Affairs correspondent Ron Knee reporting on recent comments made by one José Manuel Albares.

‘Who he?’ I hear you ask. Well Albares is Spain’s Foreign Minister, and he’s puffing out his chest and sounding off on the subject of Gibraltar. Again. He’s threatening the UK with ‘a hard border’ unless we accept Spain’s ‘generous’ post-Brexit deal on border regulation. This could mean, amongst other things, that The Rock (in full ownership and control of Britain since the Treaty of Utrecht) would become part of the EU’s Schengen Area, and that Spanish troops could be stationed there.

Now of course there has to be border regulation between Spain and Gibraltar, and Albares says that sovereignty isn’t at issue, but I don’t believe that’s what Albares and the Spanish government are really about here. No, this is about them trying to ratchet up tensions again and increase their presence and influence over Gibraltar, as part of their long-term aim of taking sovereignty over the territory. In their eyes, it’s a real opportunity to chip away at the territory’s standing. Whatever the final arrangements agreed, the demands for concessions won’t stop coming.

Our Beloved Leader Sir Keir Two-tier recently asserted that British sovereignty of The Rock was not up for discussion, but after The Chagos Islands episode, are the Spanish sensing weakness and lack of resolution? This remains to be seen, but one thing is certain in my mind; regardless of the wishes of Gibraltar’s population, Spain sees Gibraltar as its possession.

Well Senor José, why not set us a good example? Why don’t you hand back Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco for starters? What’s good for the goose and all that. Until then, allow me to say ‘vete a la mierda, cabrón’. With a flagpole.

This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

39 thoughts on “José Manuel Albares

  1. Albares is a politician and by definition, a fucking cunt.
    Perhaps you are getting a different idea about his intentions than we are getting here.

    He is not bothered about the sovereignty of Gibraltar. (Although as a politician it must be said that he could argue sovereignty in the future).
    But for now he only needs to establish how the border with Spain is controlled.

    Boris’s ‘oven ready’ Brexit deal had no provision for Gibraltar.
    Just before the final deadline the Spanish government along with the EU, allowed Gibraltar to remain part of Europe’s trade free zone, pending further discussions.

    Just before the deadline, as in a few hours before.
    That’s after year’s of Britain allegedly working on Brexit.

    Albares is the forth Foreign Minister to try to get the British government to negotiate.

    He has given Britain the choice of leaving Gibraltar in the trade free zone, which will leave it under normal European laws, or pulling it completely out from those laws which will mean that there will have to be a ‘hard border’.
    That will entail passport and customs checks for getting in and out. Perhaps the need for visas.

    Britain have yet to come to the table even though the choice is firmly and generously with them. The British Government continue to act as if Brexit was just a bad dream.

    If Britain continues to refuse to negotiate then it is inevitable that Spain and the European Union at some point will have to make the decision for them.

    I have heard nothing about a Spanish police presence inside Gibraltar, but if there is a need for increased border controls then there would need to be more Spanish officials to enforce them at the border.

    Cueta and Melilla………

    If you look at any map from hundreds of year’s ago you will see a very different world with many different borders than today.

    Give these two enclaves back?

    To who exactly?

    Portugal, who had them before Spain or perhaps Italy as the land is in an area which was part of the Roman Empire.

    Certainly not to Morocco as the country never existed until centuries after these places were under Spanish rule.

    How far back in history do you want to go?

    Giving these places away just because on a map they look like they are part of Morocco just makes no sense.

    You may as well argue that Portugal should be a part of Spain by virtue of having a land border with it and looking like it should be part of Spain.

    Cueta and Melilla are a part of Spain and Gibraltar is a part of Britain.
    That’s the way things are and that’s the way things might stay, but for now Britain can’t simply ignore the fact that Gibraltar has its borders in the EU.

    Albares and the EU have been extremely patient with the UK over the Gibraltar border issue.
    As the Spanish Foreign Minister it’s his job to finally get things sorted.

    • Afternoon AC, is there an appetite amongst the general public in Spain for the return of Gibraltar and do parties in Spain campaign in every election on getting the Rock back as much as own cunts vow to ‘stop the boats’?

      • Not really LL.

        Almost every Spaniard that I know doesn’t give a fuck about politics.
        They care even less about Gibraltar.

        Spanish people just ignore ‘foreign’ areas.
        Even within their own country.
        Urbanisations and towns that have a majority of extranjeros are not relevant.
        They don’t exist.

        Independence for Cataluña is another story.

    • “He is not bothered about the sovereignty of Gibraltar.”

      Really Artful? As far as I can recall the Spaniards have been trying to take over Gibraltar for the whole of my life and I believe some time before. They have periodically put a lot of effort into putting the bite on Gibraltar including by closing the border from time to time. No doubt following the British government folding so easily on the Chagos Islands they think this is the best opportunity they’ve had for years finally to get their hands on Gibraltar. I think they are dead right in that belief. Within the next five years I expect Spain to get Gibraltar and Argentina to get the Falklands. 2TK will cave in when faced with their demands which will no doubt be backed up by a “ruling” in some dago “international court” that they should be handed over. The residents of both territories it is acknowledged are very nearly 100% in favour of staying British but who gives a toss for the democratic will of the people any more? After all they don’t know for what they are voting. Just look at how the plebs voted in the EU referendum.

  2. Scorchio!!

    Josie is a girls name in this country.

    Look you foureyed little greasy nipple,
    Gibraltar is ours.🇬🇧

    They are happy to be Brits.
    Even the fuckin monkeys wanna be Brits.

    Concentrate on abusing donkeys, lisping, and spitting in tourists food.

  3. Good one Ron, hard to see any weakness in the English government though. Not with their plans for us mentalists and older people. Real hardcore fuckers this Labour gang. Shit just been sick on a dog after writing that.

  4. Just remember these cunts obliterated the indigenous population of central and south America. The still have colonies in Morocco. They still kill bulls for entertainment.
    Fuck of you murderous greasy cunt.
    It as stopped raining, good afternoon.

  5. Spain has been moaning about Gibraltar since the Treaty of Utrecht. I suppose it’s a bit hard on them, being the only European nation to have ceded territory to another European power and still having to put up with it in the 21st century. A major loss of face for them – rather like having France occupy the Isle of Wight would be for us. But tough – suck it up dagos, Gibraltar is British and staying that way, unless Lamy and Two-Tier swap it for free tickets to a Julio Iglesias concert.

    • Indeed MMCM, meanwhile China has ongoing territorial disputes with Bhutan, Japan, Taiwan, India and Vietnam. Always have to show off the bloody tiddlywinks.

      • To add insult to injury for the Spanish is the wonderful spectacle of the Gibraltar people themselves.

        Most Gibraltans are of Spanish descent. They have Spanish names and look Spanish. They are ethnically Spanish. But they speak English, are proud to be British and hate the Spanish.
        The Spanish must loathe this and are no doubt puzzled and dismayed by these fiercely British Anglo-Spaniards. This sort of thing only usually happens in Africa and Asia, not to a major European country like Spain.

  6. This is easily resolved.

    Josie and David Lammy stand at either end of a football pitch with a Gibraltar ape in the middle .

    Then try and encourage the ape to come to them.

    If it goes to Josie?
    Spain gets Gibraltar.

    It goes to Lammy ?
    We keep it.

    No fruit can be used to lure it.

    But anything else is fair game.

    If Lammy drops his pants showing his puckered, inflamed balloon knot, and high pitch screeching?
    Fair game.

  7. Ps

    Josie looks like smug unfunny 80s comedian Tony Slattery.

    Someone on here told me Tony had a stroke of ill health,
    Culminating in a nervous breakdown, ending up homeless, and living as a tramp.☹️

    So I was wrong.

    Tony has made me laugh.

    BIG ISSUE!!!!.

    • I remember that Slattery cunt. Right smug bastard.

      That bloody shite, Whose Line Is It Anyway. With cunts like Tony Twattery and Sandi Toksvig.

      That Josie Lawrence when she was younger looked well dirty though.

  8. Gibraltar is ours. However you can have the apes back. Minus One, Some copper shot him in the head. Your welcome you 9 inch hips emaciated falmenco dancing sub standard Mexican….

  9. Let Spain have Gibraltar.
    Let Argentina have the Falklands.
    Let the jocks have Scotland.
    Let the taffs have Wales.
    Let the IRA have Ireland.

    Scrap the commonwealth.

    DEPORT all illegal immigrants.

    England and all England’s wealth for the English.

    Fuck the rest….🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  10. Was there in 1990. was staying over in Sauté Grande
    One cannot mistake the Rock in the near distance.
    Went in a few times from the Spanish side,, passport control, and presented to a bobby wearing policeman.
    Strange place once you cross the airport runway , we had to wait as a flight touched down and then under the carved rock arch before you witnessed Gibraltar in its essence.
    Tried to walk up to the highest point lookouts on occasions but those bastard bamboo monkeys became more sinister by elevation.
    Plenty of cheap booze and ciggies in those days but haven’t a clue as to what it is today.

    PS. had to bung a little spanish knt, so the rented car would stay safe outside.

  11. Speaking of monkeys, some abo protester yelled “You’re criminals, you’re criminals” at Chimp Boy Charlie and Camilla in Australia. They left Prince Andrew at home too, currently on royal family gardening leave.

    • Charlie should of replied

      “An your pissed!! Walkabout.”

      It’d of caused mayhem.
      And I’d of found some respect for him.

  12. He can fuck off, trouble with Spaniards is all the Middle Eastern blood deposited by the Moors. Can’t be trusted none of them.

    Anyone ceding British territory to another nation state or organisation is by definition a traitor and should be locked in the Tower.

    Bad show…….what!

  13. Be may well be a cunt but…

    Until we get our act together and get rid of our joke of a government, what rights do we have over any of the colonies or islands?

    Imagine being a Falklander reading about what is going on here and trying to stick by your convictions you want to remain British?

    Charity starts at home, being British starts in Britain and we really are not doing very well at that, what we need is to be more French to be British, mass, organised protests and getting in the face of our (incompetent does not even begin to cover it but is one pf the biggest words I know) incompetent government and reminding them they exist to represent us, the citizens.

    • Be, he, whatever, A 2 letter word in English will have no meabing at all in a few years when we are a little muslim island speaking everything but English

  14. We don’t know if this world has a future.

    What, with Covid plagues, Russia up to their tricks, AI as a possible threat and so on.You’d think that more people would be bothered about that.

    But instead, so many cunts are obsessed with the fucking past.
    Whether it’s uppity abos demanding apologies for something that happened over a hundred years ago. To cunts lying about history, and placing black people where they never were. To endless fucking whining about slavery.

    Tantrums in front of the King, toppling statues and settling scores for alleged ancestors will not help anyone or achieve anything.

    Loads of people could wallow in past tragedies. The Jews with Hitler, the Irish with Cromwell, the Japanese with Hiroshima. And even the English with Hastings or Caesar before that.

    But most people want to move on and make things better. But certain cunts can’t – and don’t want to – let go of the past, as they wallow in playing the victim and stirring up shit.

    An elderly and unwell King Charles visits Australia. And what does he get?
    Some self appointed uppity cunt ‘demanding’ an ‘apology’ for something that happened about 200 years ago.

    Get a life, focus on the hear and now, and stop wasting everybody’s fucking time.

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