Eppie Sprung Dawson

is a cunt. Well me and my mates used to fantasise about shagging our English teacher when we were 15, she has been shagging a 17 year old. reckon his mates were jealous C.A.

In 2012 Eppie, a teacher at the time, was discovered half naked in a car parked in a lay by, having sex with one of her 17 year old pupils.

She pled guilty to a breach of trust, was put on the sex offenders register and given a 6 month Community payback order.
She was also struck off the teachers register.

Twelve years later, she decides to call a BBC Radio ring-in on the topic of living with a criminal record.
Her main whinge was that she’s not invited to her daughter’s friends birthday parties. Fuck sake, you’re 38 you daft twat. Why would you want to go to a kiddies party?

Here’s the nub of it though. She wanted to promote a charity she has set up, using grant money from the National Lottery Community Fund to help reformed criminals overcome the stigma of having a record and help them find work.

I’m not going to name the charity, I refuse to give this whinging cunt even a tiny amount of publicity.

Eppie, you’re a conVICT, not a VICTim.

Daily Record

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

60 thoughts on “Eppie Sprung Dawson

  1. Fucking ridiculous to fuck around like this for shagging a 17 year old lad. I remember being 17. I would have fucked a frog if I stop it hopping for long enough. She hasn’t ruined his life, she emptied his balls and made his day.

  2. Hey Epipen, sorry you’ve not been invited to some kids birthday parties.

    But cheer up, I’m holding a party in my Transit van this Friday and you’re very welcome to join the fun. I’ll be parked at Washington Services on the A1 from 7pm and there’s a new mattress in the back.

    Btw, is it okay if a few of my mates watch?

  3. Sob story with added begging bowl.

    Unfortunately a daily occurrence..

    Isn’t it,Harrods?

    Better get your cheque book out.

    The wimmin seemingly will tell any tale they can as long as there’s money in it.

    Anyway why didn’t Eppie simply “identify” as a fifth year schoolgirl..or even better a mentally ill Trannié?

    Case dismissed!

    Good morning.

  4. Don’t see why she can’t carry on shagging 17 year olds or even younger, now she’s been found out. Plenty of male teachers do and they’re not fussy.

  5. In my view a 17 year old is not a “child”. He could join the services (with parental permission) or become a police cadet. I think it deeply unfair that this woman was charged, and in my view – like the police sargeant charged, but, praise be, found not guilty of killing that “poor harmless” 24 year old criminal at the Old Bailey yesterday – she, like him should never have been in the dock.

    But there you have it – stay at school till you are 18 and get treated as a child. We are deliberately trying to make childhood last longer and longer.

    • A very valid point WC, the inconsistency, the contradictions. The one that comes to mind here is the fact that both of ours at the age of seventeen were legally authorised to drive a car on a motorway at 70mph

  6. I would have loved to shag my biology teacher ( Miss. Murphy ), a sexy little brunette. Also the girls games mistress, who was tall, dark haired and sultry. An absolute stunner. 💋👍

    Either of them could have abused me until the fucking cows came home, or, even better, both at the same time.💪💪

    Cor !!

    These two females were responsible for an awful lot of wanking amongst the male pupils and probably a few staff members too 😁

    It always amazed me how Chris Woodhead got away with it. Ended up living with one of his pupils. He said that the relationship had only started when she ha

    • Funny how teachers were the objects of such a furious wanking epidemic.

      Did you ever see any of your teachers ‘out of hours’ in town shopping or down the pub, Jack? It was like “what the fuck are YOU doing out in public”?

      • Never saw a one LL. When they weren’t at school they were resting in their coffins 😃

    • Oh, I do remember well Chris Woodhead Jack. He got away with it because at the time they hadn’t raised the minimum age of a pupil to be screwed legally by their teacher from 16 to 18, that came along later. The bit that amused me was when he asked his wife to engage in a threesome with himself and his young girlfriend. She told him where to stick it, meaning no longer in her. Mean sod.

      • PS, probably futile lusting after a games mistress Jack. A number of women have told me they are virtually all dykes.

      • This one was being rogered by our games teacher.

        The bastard.

        The lucky, lucky bastard 😃

  7. I’m sorry I’m not convinced of her guilt – she definitely looks innocent to me.

    There was some mention of “half naked” pictures. Well I require firm evidence to change my mind on this matter so let’s see the pics. Any pics will do, don’t have to have been from the scene of the crime.

  8. Seems to be a lot of this about of late. Female teachers at it with underage boys, esp stories from across the pond.

    We always hear the ‘I’d have loved to be “educated” by Miss’ line, but the fact remains that a teacher having sex with a minor is a crime, not part some teen’s school life.

    There’s often a fair bit of hypocrisy at play; reverse the sexes of those involved, and you know that a male teacher’s feet wouldn’t touch the ground on his way to the slammer.

    Morning all.

    • If you are going to make young men go to school, I guess it is inevitable Ron. I think it would be far better had the school leaving age remained at 15.

  9. I seen this in the nominations and knew the name straight away, She was a teacher at my old school when she got caught.

    If said 17 year old was anything except a pupil at her school then no laws were broken and chances are in rural Dumfries and Galloway the only reason the police caught them in a layby was they were there for a bit of a fumble themselves.

    No, this poor woman was a popular teacher has had her life ruined for doing nothing illegal, in fact she should be celebrated.

    Lots of kids say they have shagged a teacher but this one has court documented evidence he has.

    Another thing, the school is a catholic school and while I am not into any of that,It has a history of much worse things happening. it is a condition of employment that the teachers are, so she should have been allowed confess all and move on to making her next selected pupil a very happy laddie.

    • I hope the parents now get to eat a great big slice of shut the fuck up.

      They knew what a nasty little cunt he was a probably profited from his exploits.

      The CPS should be going for them under the proceeds of crime act…and then deporting them.

  10. It’s a good name for a spring water, Eppie Sprung Dawson waitrose will be stocking it by days end.

    This 17 year old is not one of those middle aged dinghy rats,grey hair and no teeth. The ones the government like to place in secondary schools.

  11. It takes two to tango.

    If I was 17 and she offered me a Shanghai Tugboat, a filthy rimming, a sloppy bj, a reverse Texan Cowgirl or even a Mississippi Mud Pounder I would certainly have said no.

    This boy is a disgrace.

  12. I used to wank over my the thought of my French teacher opening up her legs and letting me into her hairy minge – think I would have shot my load before any sex happened!

      • Calling her a criminal is fucking ridiculous. As though she ruined his life. Fact is, she gave him the time of his life, and probably enjoyed it immensely herself. He wasn’t stabbed, shot or beaten up, he got his dick wet. Too many people telling others what they can and can’t do. It’s only sex.

      • Allan, he is one of the very few who can legitimately claim to have knobbed one of his teachers, almost every schoolboys wettest dream.

        No harm, no crime?

    • If that treeswinging banana guzzling scumbag had been white, nobody would have given a fuck about his richly deserved demise.

      Funny, how child killers, pea deauz, and terrorist human filth ‘can’t be named’, no matter how henious their crimes. Yet now an innocent man who did his duty to protect the public is now a named – and marked – man.

      British ‘justice’ is a piece of shit.

  13. Get the jammy little sod his luckiest boy in the UK medal.

    At 17 years old I’ll bet any red blooded English kid would give his entire pube collection for a go on Miss Sprung-Dawson.

    What a shame that all of the female teachers I had looked like the SS officer at the end of Raiders of the lost arc and probably had the same training.

      • You’re a lucky boy Norman.

        All of mine were part time gargoyles or sadistic nut jobs, or both.

      • Mrs McGrath.

        She wore those long hippy skirts, Odin.
        But I copped those legs when she did a school fun run.
        A monumental MILF.

        The other art teacher, Mrs Kenyon, was a fire breather. She was always OK with me. But I saw her reduce other lads to a total wreck. She looked as fearsome as she was.

      • I had an absolutely shit time at school and actively hated every second of it.

        It really fucked me up for life.

        The female teacher that fancied the arse off me was a 55 year old hippy English literature teacher, who used to flash me her gusset on hot days under her desk and had a face like Andrew Lloyd Webber.

        The greying knickers and profusion of spider legs hanging out the side made me want to throw up at the time.

        I knew what she was doing and so did she.

        Now, that vision is firmly implanted in my gentleman’s interest depository and gets an airing on a regular basis.

        Did I mention that school fucked me up for life?

  14. Our 23 year old french teacher showed us her boobs when me and my mate were the tender age of 14.
    I must of lost half my body weight wanking in the following weeks.
    Thanks Miss…….

    • My English teacher often wore floor length skirts with a waistcoat, baggy blouse, no bra, and would lean over the front of your desk to see how you were doing, leaving you cross-eyed and with a dangerous length of wood.

  15. My PE teacher, Miss Kendall.

    Fit as, tits to die for. She did a demonstration on how to use the trampoline.

    ‘Did you all get that?’ The delicious Miss K asked us.

    ‘Sorry, Miss. Could you please do that again?’

    If only time could go in slow motion, I thought (amongst other things).

    Some lucky bastard physics teacher married her. I hated that cunt.

  16. Our RE teacher was a right little raver !

    Wanked off a few of the 5yr lads.

    He got escorted off the premises by the police….

  17. What a load of nanny state do gooding busy body curtain twtiching bollocks.

    When I was 17 – and if I was lucky enough to screw a well fit lady teacher – it would have been the ultimate status symbol. I’d have been as smug as hell.

    And I certainly wouldn’t hold it against her or wish her ill. In fact, I would send her a card every Christmas, as a lifelong thank you. That’s what I call a favour.

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