Ed Miliband MP

There as so many angles to cunt this cunt, from condemning Britain to power blackouts and enormous domestic and commercial bills thanks to his fetish for “green” energy, in 3 years time, his 2015 “Edstone”, his two kitchens, inability to eat a bacon sandwich (though oi vey he shouldn’t have even gone near one already) down to that stupid adenoidal voice which sounds as if he has a Brillo pad down his boxers, but the reason for his ugly mug popping up today is his apparent willingness to wallow in the Starmer sleaze by failing to be exercised by “cash for influence” so beloved of Blair and Kweer.

It seems for a mere £30,000 you could have dinner with Jonathan Reynolds, the business secretary with the ill-nourished beard which looks as if he has hung Rachel Reeves minge round his chin – imagine seeing the soup stains dripping of that!.

When confronted with the details, far from being appalled Miliband merely said “don’t do it again”

What is that witless arsehole doing in the upper reaches of “government”. he and Lammy should be fighting for the job of House of Commons lavatory attendant.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

83 thoughts on “Ed Miliband MP

  1. If you tipple off a balcony, there’s only One Direction you can go in 😃

    I think it’s a brilliant marketing strategy, Liam’s record sales will go through the roof. Great timing too, just before Christmas 🎄

    It worked wonders for Elvis .

    Bob Geldof take note.

    Good morning 🌅👍

    • Works every time Jack. I’d never heard of Otis Redding until I heard he was dead and then his latest record went straight to no.1. Last night the political discussion on Newsnight was abruptly stopped to tell us this character had carked it in some banana republic. Then we had live video of an ambulance and a bunch of coppers outside a hotel. Victoria Derbyshire then proceeded to tell us again and again that he was dead, like she was on a loop. Pffft!

      • It’s sad for the poor lad, but a pity he didn’t do it on Sunday night – that would have fucked up Kweer’s “business conference” on Monday – it would have hardly got a look-in, judging by the way all the other news stories are being ignored by the BBC today

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