Antonia Harrison

If you can imagine the magnitude of the thick-as-pig shit stupidity of David Lammy, Dawn Butler, Diane Abbott , Joey Essex and Ant & Dec mixed together, it doesn’t begin to compare to the stupidity of this fucking daft twat, who is a Lib-Dem councillor, who claims to have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because of Brexit.

She has frequently lost her voice (probably a blessing in disguise considering she talks shit), been really ill, poor cow because she “regards herself as European before being British” and they have ripped away her “identity”.

However at the end of her fucking daft speech the real reason for her sadness comes through – she has a daughter who would like to work in Europe and she herself planned on retiring to Spain.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind. These remarks were made at the South Coast Autumn Pantomime – The Liberal Democrat Party Conference.

I think the silly fucker IS ill – she is fucking insane:

Daily Express.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

60 thoughts on “Antonia Harrison

  1. The EU isn’t Europe you dozy bint. The EU erodes the identity of member states.

    Mass uncontrolled immigration is destroying European culture but I would but you’re all for it.

    Your daughter can still work in Brussels ffs.

    Political change causes you to have a breakdown? Best get out of politics.

    Spain doesn’t want you.

  2. This women is suffering from a mental illness which has not been diagnosed. Fucking insult to all people who suffer from PTSD, after experiencing real trauma. To claim that Brexit caused her to suffer PTSD is beyond wankery unless she was molested at gunpoint then tortured by a mob of right wing fascist anti Europeans . A scenario I very much doubt. So what this eejit is saying is that on discovering that the vote was in favour of telling the eu to fuck off, she developed. PTSD. God help us all and we pay the fucker as well.

  3. The fact that a person can suffer PTSD from a thing which never actually took place (albeit in name only) is quite an impressive thing to behold.

    I’m so incredibly not surprised by the fact that her motivations for her Brexit Derangement Syndrome are both self-serving and shallow. I am however surprised that she didn’t whine about the long queues while being served at Pret.

    What a clueless, out-of-touch, middle-class, lefty cunt.

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