A tribute to Alex Salmond who sadly died yesterday.
Alex was a slimy odious little sex pest who got away with it. He began the decline of Scotland and then fell out with wee Krankie who continued his work, adding a dash of (alleged) corruption.
RIP you repulsive cunt.
He has been praised as a champion of Scottish independence when all evidence is that the SNP couldnt run a whelk stall never mind a drug addled country.
And of course Scotland is badly treated by Westminster. Well, just like everyfuckingwhere else outside of London and the Home Counties. And don’t the fuckers get more per head in benefits etc than England?
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Having lived in Scotland for a number of years – Edinburgh, before coming home in 2021, I have absolutely no time for the Scottish, they hate us English, and guess what the feeling is mutual, racist bigot cunts ! I think the reason they hate us so is that they know deep down, that we are the Master race !?????????????????????
Reading these comments I must confess I wasn’t aware there was so much animosity between the English and the Jockistanis.
Not to mention the ongoing animosity between Salmond and Trump.
It’s all one way, the English couldn’t give a toss.
There isn’t
Pity it wasn’t Wee Nippy the vile bitch.
I’m not one to speak ill of the dead, but Alex Salmond was a smug, English hating, freeloading, arrogant, flabby, steaming heap of smart Alec dogshit.
And an oily sex fiend to boot.
How long after the deaths of Savile and Al Fayed was it before their crimes were properly investigated? About a year, give or take.
Fucking disgraceful.
Wouldn’t be the least surprised if Salmond doesn’t follow in their wake.
Nowadays the mere sound of a Scotch accent is enough to make my stomach turn.
Wasn’t always that way.
May Salmond and his ilk be forever bummed in Hell.
bummed or burnrned.
Kinky bugger.
och nae’mind laddy
He certainly had a face for radio.
His legacy? Mmm, creating division, and paving the way for wee helmet head.
Nicola wee krankie sturgeon is top of my list of politicians I hate ! I can’t describe how much I enjoyed watching her downfall, fucking horrible little Cunt
Pity the cunt wasn’t chopped up and fed to the pigs. Would have saved a bit of coin instead of flying his lardy arse back.
If I had the money I could have spent some of it on a Salmond fishing break. Too late now, so fuck it.
A word of defence. I am a Scot. I have worked many years in England as well as a fair few other countries all round the World.
The only Scots who hate the English are ones that have never spent time with them so are trapped in their own wee bubble of bigotry. Scots and English are like people all over the World. A minority are Cunts, but the majority are ordinary folk.
Unfortunately many Scots that you have the misfortune to come across on holiday abroad, like many Yanks, appear to be obnoxious loudmouths.
When we come across these wankers on holiday my wife and I make every effort to avoid them and don’t want to associated with them. In truth they bring their home culture with them – they want keg beer, fish suppers, cheap booze, laugh at the locals, get burnt raw by stupid sun exposure. Cunts.