This renaming of diseases malarkey


is a cunt. Just because it “could” be used as a potential offensive word to a certain ethnic background: monkeypox to mpox. As it states in the article at the following link…

who new

The monkeypox name was chosen because the disease was first discovered on captive monkeys in 1958. That sounds like a good reason to call it monkeypox. But no, in today’s world where no hurty words of any kind are allowed, it gets changed.

So what next? Changing Chickenpox to just cpox, because Bernard Matthews’s relatives may find it offensive to chickens?

A pox on the WHO for being stupid soft twats. I will still refer to it as monkeypox and always will, and I don’t give a feck what anybody else thinks about that.

Nominated by The More’s Whinge.

39 thoughts on “This renaming of diseases malarkey

  1. The bedwetters equating monkeys with black people or anything to do with bananas or big lips, its always the same cunts who describe themselves as anti-racist. It just confirms what we have always known, the left are the real bigots. The Black Death will be next.

    • ‘Black Death’ is deeply racist and offensive LL.

      Please use the correct term ‘Death of Colour’ in future or I may have to seek refuge in my safe space.

      • I always thought Yellow Fever was something to do with the Yellow River in China, Geordie, not the Tiddlewinks themselves. Wiki tells me it originated in Africa anyway, another gift to the world from the Dark Continent.

      • Geordie, lie own with a lovely bottle of Dog*.
        As opposed to a lovely dog.
        Although, that’s your prerogative I suppose.

        *That`s Newcastle Brown Ale as its known in `Geordieland`.

  2. That’s a rather flattering pic of Dawn Butler in the header top right.

    Monkey Pox named because it came from monkeys and transfers to other monkeys or similar by close contact, where is the problem.

    Close the border now!

  3. Our rights to the King’s English are being stripped from us by legislation. Access to certain words, phrases and idioms are no longer granted to us as white males. Nor are certain erstwhile normal behaviours such as – the wooing of the opposite sex, applying for certain jobs, refusing to make fruit cakes for bum boys..These are the bars of our new cage.

    On the other hand, fuck that. Join the “far right”, carry on calling a spade a spade, and bugger the consequences!

    Good morning, everyone.


  4. Is Warwick Davis offended by the name Smallpox? No, of course he isn’t. it’s just a name.

    The only way our darker hued cousins could be offended by the name monkey pox is if they think it is directly mocking their physical attributes. This in turn means they would have to admit to looking rather simian in their appearance. Which they aren’t going to do.

    Therefore it is just the racist left who associate blacks with monkeys and don’t credit them with the intelligence to just ignore the name monkeypox. Like sane people would.

    Anyway, the current advice regarding monkey pox is don’t bum monkeys. Or the people who bum monkeys, or the people who bum people who bum monkeys.

  5. What about the Black Death? Racist mediaeval cunts.
    German fucking measles. What about the Krauts being maligned.

    • The primate in the picture has a better chance of winning “Mastermind” than the Foreign Secretary.

  6. ‘A cunt by any other name’ .. all current cunters will see ‘mpox’ whenever, and immediately think ‘monkeypox’ .. this, like everything else, is for the cotton-wool world of the upcoming/future brainwashed masses.

    Like how a gunt on a fat cunt with a huge gut is now described as ‘lower tummy fatty area’ in medical parlance.’Tummy’ and ‘fatty’ ffs. Child words.

    It’s still the same thing, stupid cunts. Y’should maybe worry about the issue(s) themselves more than feelings.

    • A bugbear of mine CuntemAll. When I see the words “wee” and “poo” on an NHS web site it gets right in my fillings.

      • You might want to avoid the NHS page on ‘FGM’ altogether, then, Arf’ ..

        .. I’m personally of the opinion that – given the current rate of relinquishing on every level – FGM on the NHS will at some future point, .. as absolutely ridiculous as it sounds – be bullied in to being. Akin to ‘community leaders’ bossing the cops about on policing matters and suchlike, recently. (Also the current NHS gender treatment for persons too young to legally get a tattoo!). It might be a few generations, granted, but weight of numbers is the only delay to the total tipping point of western somewhat-decent society at this point. And that is surely only a matter of time at current trends.

        So I had a read of the NHS literature on the dangerous and unquestionably backwards practice (of FGM).

        And their advice for any young female(4 to 14, it says) that suspects they are being brought abroad ‘for the summer holidays’ in order to be subjected to FGM? … print out their page about why it is not a safe procedure (mutilation might be a more effective word) to undergo, and bring it with you. and present it to whoever it is that’s wielding the blade and also perhaps the other persons complicit, the ones tasked with holding you down for example.

        To reiterate: print a page out that says you don’t wish to undergo a pointless painful dangerous ‘tradition’, and carry it with you ‘in your bag or purse’ to present if you should ever find yourself in the unimaginably horrific situation.


        Anyways. Never mind monkey pox. It’s Lemming syndrome(being exhibited by politicians and idiots)that’s the bigger story.

  7. Spanish ‘flu, German measles and I’m sure there are other examples which I can’t recall at the moment. Only the melanin enriched and the woke lefties get offended by the names which mean no more than where the disease was first identified geographically. When a variation on the covid virus first turned up in India it was referred to as the Indian strain. The woke were on to that but while everyone remembers it as the Indian strain I don’t think anyone remembers the suitably anodyne new name which was promulgated. Me included. Problem is that the evidence is monkeypox got into the human population because some folks down in the Belgian Congo saw bumming a monkey as a good night out. Combine the facts that the WHO is saturated with the woke mentality and the man in charge there is a sub-saharan African (I’m not joking, look it up) and it becomes obvious why we are where we are.

  8. Has anyone checked In and asked the monkeys if they like being associated with the low IQ,violent stabby race.

    No I didn’t think so.
    So please stop bad mouthing simians.

    • Monkeys have their own disease: N-pox. Its symptoms are gibbering, hypocrisy, foaming, and rapacious greed for chiggun.

  9. Mmmbox, ba duba dop
    Ba du bop, ba duba dop
    Ba du bop, ba duba dop
    Ba du, oh yeah
    Mmmbox, ba duba dop
    Ba du bop, ba du dop
    Ba du bop, ba du dop

    C’mon Hanson………

    • Some vus bit further removed from swinging um de vines than others am!

      The lucky ones hybridized by Anunnaki, perhaps.?+?=?‍?

  10. Spookily enough, when they changed the name to Mpox I immediately thought of the 90’s pop group, M-People who as we all know where n*gnogs! Wonder what the group N-Trance were trying to say?

  11. Foot and Mouth Disease is being renamed Lammy’s Disease – it is extra virulent because Lammy always puts his foot in his mouth and then shoots.

  12. I remember the good old days when the words “idiot”,”imbecile” and “moron” were used to classify various categories of stupidity, sorry, mental retardation.

    These were explained to us by the Professor of Psychiatry during my 4th year of medical school.
    As far as I can remember (it was over 50 years ago) he described an imbecile as a country bumpkin who,when seeing a horse and cart approaching would have the nous to jump out of their way. Conversely, an idiot would just stand there giggling whilst they were mown down.
    Nowadays these individuals would be described as having “learning difficulties “
    In those days the word “spastics “ was used .to describe kids with cerebral palsy, and kids who had congenital iodine/thyroid hormone deficiency were defined as being “cretins”

    There was also something called the “Singh Bin”,a dedicated receptacle containing all the job applications for medical staff from a certain ethnic group .

    • Personally, I prefer the word ‘Mong’ to describe someone who is a bit slow, or ‘special’. Another all encompassing label is ‘Joey’ named for the 1980’s children’s favourite, Joey Deacon! Being a teen of that era I like to preserve his memory by pushing my lower lip out with my tongue, and frantically wave my arms about while making a loud ‘MMMMMMMNNNNNNNUM’ type noise! Never fails to get attention from adults my age, who know EXACTLY what I’m getting at!

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