The Thought Police

ADF International.

West Midlands Police were forced to pay £13,000 and apologise to Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a Christian volunteer who was “unlawfully” arrested for PRAYING SILENTLY near a CLOSED abortion facility. The officers arrested the woman for a supposed ‘Public Order’ Offence.

Now personally, I believe in Freedom of thought, speech, religion and expression, as long as your actions do not affect anyone else’s rights to the same freedoms.

We are now living in a country with an oppressive radically ‘Socialist’ government with a huge Parliamentary majority, who have the ability to enshrine new laws curtailing our Freedom of Speech, Expression and Thought.

I do not condone, nor encourage any acts of violence or vandalism….. but..The time is approaching where it is encumbent upon every free thinking citizen of this country to stand together in a massive peaceful, silent, march holding placards stating that we will not accept any further restrictions on our Freedom to think, say, write, travel without State interference or oppression.

Our ancestors fought wars and gave their lives in the Millions to defeat cruelty, opression and State Control. We cannot and must not allow a perversion of our laws, freedoms and denogration of our past, our history, our beliefs and ideals, our national character to continue, lest we find ourselves inside Orwells prophesied totalitarian state, and too late to do anything to change it.

“The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing”

Nominated by : Lord of the Rings

58 thoughts on “The Thought Police

  1. I hope the thought police never probe Mr Cunt Engines mind, the whole system would go into meltdown.

    My mind is white as the driven snow, is that racist?

    • Why of course not Lord C, that would be racist.

      Seriously, I don’t know if it’s still the case but for years they used to turn up outside Finsbury Park mosque and all sit down in the road and block it completely.

      • While some hook handed cunt wound them up into a frenzy…with the police looking on, powerless to act.

        Because they didn’t want to appear racist

      • Great thing is though Odin, we handed the cunt over to the Yanks who have banged him up in Colorado for the rest of his life. They even took away his hooks! He has a daughter-in-law who we wanted to deport but the ECHR wouldn’t let us.

      • Afternoon Arfur.

        He also has an absolute cunt of a bunch of offspring who think the law doesn’t apply to them.

        I near pissed myself when the Sherman’s gave him a ‘spork’ in place of his little hook.

        Looks a right laughing stock to his fellow jihadi sexual inadequates now.

        I understand all his sons are gay, so obviously the daughter in law thing was a ruse. ?

  2. What’s slightly encouraging is that we still live in a country where Miss Vaughan-Spruce was able to obtain legal redress for this action by the scuffers.

    Can any British government ever have become so mired in lying, sleaze and loss of trust so quickly after an election? On top of this, what’s worrying is what The Beloved Leader and his Politburo might have in store for with future repressive measures on freedom of behaviour and expression. The cunts.

    Morning all.

    • The government response to Ms VS’s success Ron, was to say they will change the law so that anyone emulating her behaviour will be legally arrested and banged up. Presumably since she was standing still and making no noise it will be illegal to do so when the new legislation is rushed through.

      • I assumed Ms VS was there to give the emotionally fragile women going for an abortion her moral support.
        Silently praying there would be no complications and that all would go well with the operation, God willing.
        That would be the Christian thing to do.

    • It really frightening what this Labour government considers to be reasonable. Their obvious two tier policing and judicial policies have already been put into action with the objective of silencing their political opponents, quietly on a Friday, a couple of weeks ago, they announced the abolition of hereditary peers sitting in the House of Lords. Whilst that is an action that many on here would agree with, it removes a vital piece of independent thought and a degree of continuity from our legislative system. It also undermines the monarchy, an institution I also believe in. All done without any Parliamentary debate and reported without any questions by the BBC.

      • I saw that and initially thought ‘Good. Bunch of freeloading doddery old cunts have been at the trough for far too long’.

        Then it dawned on me. Hereditary peers tend to be land owners and far more likely to be conservative.

        That leaves all of the cunts who either slung labour half a million in ‘donations’ or complete fuckwits like Doreen Lawrence and Satan’s envoy on earth, Tony fucking Blair.

        Socialist scum and their long march through the institutions springs to mind.

      • Right decision even if taken for the wrong reasons I think Odin. I’m reminded of when Gordon Brown blocked the UK adopting the Euro. He did so because he was afraid it would have taken away part of his empire. Thank god he did so though. Think what an opportunity it would have given the EU to fuck us over for voting to leave.

  3. “How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?
    “But if the party says there are not four but five – then how many?”

    That was George Orwell in 1984 (written in 1948)

    It’s a tenner to a Bing Crosby 78 that things are going to get even fucking worse under Starmer and his bunch of mincing poofters.

    • Afternoon WCB, everyone should read or re-read 1984; it’s a true prescient masterpiece.
      My favourite exchange is:
      Winston: ‘Does Big Brother exist?’
      O’Brien: ‘Of course he exists. The Party exists. Big Brother is the embodiment of the Party.’
      Winston: ‘Does he exist in the same way I exist?’
      O’Brien: ‘You do not exist.’
      Orwell nailed cancel culture 70 years before it existed.

      • Totally with you Thomas – the “telescreen” is CCTV – unknown 76 years ago the “pop music factory” which is X Factor today. It is terrifying, genuinely. Even Orwell couldn’t have predicted we would be saddled with a trollop as deputy PM!

      • Totally with you Thomas – the “telescreen” is CCTV – unknown 76 years ago the “pop music factory” which is X Factor today. It is terrifying, genuinely. Even Orwell couldn’t have predicted we would be saddled with a trollop as deputy PM!

  4. Am I allowed to think that despite spending £68,000 of our money on a vanity photographer, Dirty Ange still looks like a slag?

    • Yes she is still a whore – more Poundland than Shepherds Market. I think she should be locked up in a prison full of sex offenders so she can offer them a free go. She’ll die with er legs open – just the way she would have wanted.

    • She has the right dress sense and body language for a slag too Geordie. Probably has the matching smell also. I wouldn’t know.

      • I bet there are no knickers either – or if there are it is a novelty pair with a plastic dick in them.

  5. 1984 has arrived people ??.Stasi Starmer deserves to be thrown to the pigs for feeding ??.I despair.

      • I’m sorry but that’s a hideous, disgusting, wicked remark.

        Those nice brown shirted fellows with the funny jodphurs do not deserve to be dragged down to that level.

  6. It’s a good job the police and establishment can’t read my mind.
    They’d throw away the key.

  7. Wasnt this so called offence pre Kweer? If so it’s the cops who are imposing thoughtcrime from their rainbow cars.

    • She was arrested in 2023 (twice) under the Tories, and compensated under labour in 2024.

  8. I am going to stand outside an abortion clinic and pray for the filth to be abducted by aliens.
    Now in Spoons praying my Abbot lasts longer.

  9. The current collection of shit in ‘government’ are no different to the last collection of shit. They implement legislation following a hidden agenda, as instructed. Meanwhile the shit show pretends we are a democracy and are acting in the best interest of the country.
    They are a stinking pile of filth and nothing more.

  10. In that film clip in the link, it took three cunstables to carry it out. The W.P.C. could have done all that on her own, while the other two got on with more pressing work. That search took fucking ages. “ Where is that damn prayer book,” thought the police woman. Isabel handled that very well, if it had been me I certainly would have lost it. Spent a night in the cells, & got myself a well deserved A.S.B.O.

  11. A Christian woman praying to save innocent lives gets arrested.

    Do you think a Muslim woman praying for the death of some infidels would be arrested?

  12. Not sure how stood quietly is a public order offence?.

    But….then it isn’t.

    It’s a message.


    Welcome to 1984.?️?️

      • Aye up Odin!

        Couldn’t post for some reason.
        Thought obviously I’d been banned by admin ?

        So just didn’t post.

        Tried today,..
        No problem.

        Cheers pal?

      • Ah, did you get the little message at the top of the screen telling you to fuck off?

        If so, just restart your phone. clears it.

        if it persists, then try coming here on a WiFi network. That always works.

        Something to do with IP addresses and network providers I think.

        Glad you’re back though. ?

      • Yeah couldn’t post!

        I see myself as a missionary Pooter.
        Spreading the word of God and bringing lightness into dark places.

        There’s a lot of souls to be saved on ISAC.

        Obviously I’ve given up on Cuntengine ?

  13. Anyone wanting up to 13k, you know what to to do. Tell em you were praying to Darth Vader and you’re religion is Jedi.

    On a serious note, sure women don’t deserve to be screamed at entering or leaving an abortion clinic, but silent prayer, who gives a shit.

    This was a by law as I remember it. Bunch of cunts who came up with it.

    • Exactly Mrs C. The mobs waving placards and shouting abuse want locking up, but a woman alone and silent? It’s not as though she even looked threatening or intimidating. I think it’s very significant that the American administration expressed grave misgivings about the way she was treated considering the trouble they have with anti-abortion campaigners.

  14. If she was praying silently how the fuck did the plod know she was praying, is telepathy part of wokeism? I think we should be told

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