The Hobart Protestors

More thick middle class cuntheads. who believe wrecking a statue ‘settles the score’ with some bloke who lived over a hundred years ago.

Now it’s some uppity cunts, whining about something that happened to abos in Australia many years ago. All about them Black black blackty black. Yawn. Heard it all before.

Somebody should tell these utter fuckwits that William Crowther died a long time ago.It achieves nothing. Stupid as fuck. Any cunt who has a ‘beef’ with a stone or metal statue needs a psychiartist very quickly. Cunts

BBC News.

Nominated by : Norman

48 thoughts on “The Hobart Protestors

  1. Fuck the statue, it should have been made from the bones of the slain indigenous.

    What is best in life? Conan had it right.

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

  2. And yet they are astounded why WAAAYCISM (see, “correct thinking) is on the rise, race relations are down the shitter, and why we don’t like ’em.

    Also, it must be miserable to go through life being angry about everything, musn’t it?

    • That’s the thing about wokeys, Cuntis.
      They are so humourless, joyless and without any sense of fun.

      They are either getting offended themselves, ot getting offended on soneone else’s behalf. Usually some cunt who has been dead for years. They live just to be offended. They are better off dead.

      • Honestly. It boggles the mind. I only tend to give a shit about my family and work. Apart from that, I’m not bothered about what happens beyond my front garden.

    • It’s kit just the manager, I do think he’s inept and out of his depth but there’s nothing about United to suggest he’s the biggest problem.

      • I agree Sixdog. I’d get rid of the lot of them. That chocolate clown Rashford for a start.

        Yesterday summed up modern football . Gutless performance, iPad tactics and a manager with the personality of a brillo pad.

  3. So what? Every country has been conquered at some point. I did hear some Australian built say she forever lives in shame, silly bitch.

    The French and the Romans and Viking’s all conquered us but because so much time has passed no one’s bleating about it. The Arabs conquered much of Europe, no one says fuck all.

    It’s only bad when the natives are some shade of brown I take it?

    • But, but…we should revere Abo culture, art and music. Really? What does that look like? Getting pissed, blowing down long tubes and daubing cave walls with shit. Lazy cunts.

      Rolf Harris is the only truly great Australian, him and Kerry Packer.

    • To summarise,Churchill,when Home Secretary,fetched the army to obliterate some anarchists who’d barricaded themselves into a house..

      When it set on fire Churchill told them to let it burn with the cunts inside.

      That was 1911..if some fuzzy wuzzy types tried moaning in those days we’d have fucking shot them.

      Now we give them free houses and money.


  4. I always thought those Abos were laid back types,
    Happy to be painting on sand , blowing on a hollowed out log or pissed up in the dust on surgical spirits.

    But no, right fuckin attitude!!
    Moaning cunts.

    Getting arsey over Ayers Rock

    ‘ it’s first nations name is Uluru.”

    Isn’t that the black chick in Star Trek?

    Fuck them.
    Start selling their hands as fuckin ashtrays to tourists,
    The whining grammar nazi, caveman cunts.

    • When you go to Ayers Rock the local Aboriginals tell you all about dreamtime, probably best experienced with some of Cunt Engines pharmaceuticals otherwise its just a massive lump of rock, still very impressive mind you.

      They ask you not to climb it out of respect so I climbed it anyway. Good thing too as it was banned a few years later because people were pissing and shitting at the top, not me though, probably the French.

      • Carved your name at the top LL?

        Should of done.
        Be there forever.

        Id encourage anyone visiting Ayers Rock, pyramids, Parthenon Stonehenge etc
        Take a rock hammer 🔨
        Chip a chunk off.
        Great momento if you can’t buy a abos hand or a mummies finger.

      • I’ve climbed that big lump of rock too LL.
        And I’m sorry to say, speaking from personal experience, that it’s not just the French who relieved themselves up there.

        If they’d built a pissoir on the top, as they should have done, then there would have been no need.

        Besides, I’m rather glad to have pissed on a place sacred to the Aboids. The only places that seemed sacred to them when I was there were the bottle shops at opening time.

  5. This William Lanne bloke who’s body they defiled?

    You seen him?!!

    First thing I thought was his skull would make a good gearstick knob for the van!

    His eyes for fishing floats and scalp for fuzzy felt for the kids.

    That’s recycling that is.

    What’s the fuckin issue?
    Don’t you want to save the planet?

  6. They should have left it as another North Sentinel Island. Full of fuzzy wuzzys pulling shapes and brandishing Fisher-Price bow and arrow sets.
    It’s always white, middle class fuckwits doing this self loathing crap, have they not heard of ‘assisted dying’ ?

  7. So the indigenous people of Tasmania are nearly extinct?

    The Tasmanian Tiger is also debatably extinct.

    They seem to have a bit of a BeeGees issue.

    …. staying alive.

    Luckily they have plenty of valuable minerals and real estate space.

    Let’s get in there!

    • The Aboriginals wouldn’t know what to do with the vast mineral wealth of the land. In Outback Opal Hunters they cleared out the entire town of Mintabie in South Australia of opal miners and their families, and gave it back to the Abos. Millions of dollars worth of opal still in the ground, probably forever because the lazy bastards will be sitting under a tree yelling “wallaah whallaah” drinking goon.

      • I saw that LL


        Poor old Les still working can’t afford to retire,
        They should make that good looking one, Rod Manning,
        Sheriff of Mintabie and sole owner of all mineral wealth contained therein.

      • No shit,
        We could of hatched from the same egg.

        Wonder if any of my ancestors were sent to the colonies ?

        I might be a distant cousin?

        ” It’s big an it’s cheesy Les!
        It’s my pommy cousin!”

      • Its a hard life but the payoff is limited govt interference and its basically like the wild west. Open camp fires, go and shoot your dinner, drive demolition derby car wrecks…bit of a pain for the post but its all rubbish nowadays.

      • Yeah, pity about the flies and heat.

        Otherwise it’d be a perfect life.

        You ever go anywhere you’d happily settle LL?

      • And the wildlife that will fucking kill you.

        They even have a little spider that will chase you.
        If it catches you it will bite you and then you’re dead.

        That and fags at over 40 dollars a packet!

        Fuck that.

      • Yeah I reckon I could in Thailand Mis.

        My old landlady has just moved out there in her mid eighties.

  8. After 30,000 years and all the Abos could do is dig grubs up with a stick and blow down a tube. Even Africunts were more advanced (just) by those standards.
    Makes you wonder if some races are in a cul-de- sac!

  9. Down Under, the Convicts should erect a national statue as an ‘Abbo everyman’. It would be a scowling, drunken. piss-stained cunt clutching a foil bag of cheap, vinegary Aussie wine standing next to a small bonfire of furniture he’d been given free by the continually-apologetic government.

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