The BBC’s [130] Reporting of Events Afar

THE BBC (This corporate nomination really is becoming fucking tiresome)
… are, once again, utter fucking cunts.

This `report` is somehow a top news story (on the BBC news outlets) …

BBC News.

What, in the name of FUCK! has this got to do with anyone outside the desolate, god-forsaken shit-hole they call Afghanistan?

Why is this even news?

Why, in the name of Jehovah and/or Allah, are we being made aware of this?

What, exactly, do they want us to do about it?

? Spoiler Alert.
Yes, it’s a human tragedy: But this is what happens when you spend all your hard-given money (from your Saudi & Pakistani mates) on guns and ammo instead of sustainable crops, traditional animal husbandry and the upkeep of the burka-clad spunk receptacles that pass for women over there.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Nominated by : Sam Beau

66 thoughts on “The BBC’s [130] Reporting of Events Afar

    • Perhaps the BBC should conduct a survey to find out what percentage of the non mudslime UK population care about what is going on there.

  1. Those cunts need to stop using aid money for beard oil and Toyota landcruisers.

    Still fuck em, send lammy there he could suckle a dozen babies at a time, the massive tit..

  2. I don’t think it’s a human tragedy.
    I see it as pest control.

    I’m about as moved by it as watching rentokil clear out cockroaches.

    It says Amina has lost 6children before the age of 3yrs.

    I call that careless.

    One you can understand but 6?!
    She obviously gets turned on by poverty.

    Fill her boots for me.

      • ?

        Meant her dead kids never saw the age of 4.

        Dunno what she’s whining about saved a fuckin fortune in birthday presents.

        She should be grateful!

    • …and how did she manage to lose them? They’re not car keys.
      It’s probably to do with the getup she’s wearing, can’t see a bloody thing.

  3. Ps
    Look at that header pic.
    That’s what we’ve allowed into our country.

    Hey kid what does your mummy look like?

    Sort of a giant blue handkerchief.

    A alien culture and a threat to our own.

    • There’s not much to be done with sand and poor quality rocks. They could try giving Aggregate Industries a call, but I doubt they’ll be interested

  4. Poverty in Afghanistan? Who’d a thunk it?

    I would have thought the Taliban would have sorted that whole war torn region thing out by now.

    So thank you Auntie Beeb for that breaking news update. Anything new on the Hindenburg or the Titanic?

    Actually, I hate to think of babies and small children dying but at least they won’t grow up to hate us and become illegal immigrants.

    • The trick is not to think of them as human.

      More a 5ft dung beetle that smells of curry and is a religious nut.

  5. The problem with Afghanistan is insoluble because of the mindset of the general population there as is the case in all these third world shitholes. The BBC is wasting electricity broadcasting these reports and the foreign aid money would be more usefully spent on booze and gambling.

    • They can’t play music.
      Or musical instruments.

      Kids dolls aren’t allowed to have faces.

      Dancing is also out of the question.

      Where the Taliban lead Kier Starmer follows.

      Not much fun to be had in Afghanistan ?

      “You coming My birthday party?

      Naw .

  6. Burkha Clad Spunk Receptacles !!

    That is PHRASE OF THE YEAR 2024 !!

    Just pissed myself laughing in the canteen at work !!

    Don’t worry, it’s an all white/all male work force so no issues…

  7. You cunts seem obsessed with the BBfuckingC.
    Similar to Mary Shitehouse, watch something then complain.

    • Dear Sirs,

      I recently watched your channel ‘Babe station ‘.

      I was horrified to find it was nothing but endless smut and sexually explicit depictions of women.

      I watched from 9am till 8.30pm and not once did I hear any mention of jesus Christ.

      Same the next day.

      On Friday I went to church so set my TV to record it and sure enough!

      Nothing but mindless filth.

      Probably be the same when I watch on Monday.

      Your a absolute disgrace.

      Mrs M. Whitehouse

  8. If they are so fucking poor, they shouldn’t spend all the family allowance on bingo and alcopops. I bet the kids have to have make do with second hand school uniforms. They should stop whining and think themselves lucky they are no living under Sir Kweer and had their winter fuel allowance cut. The BBC can fuck right off, cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. Afghanistan as a nation only exists outside of Afghanistan. If the BBC was informative more people would understand why there will never be peace in a nation state forced upon people who have no desire to create a nation state.

  10. Its all because the women are only allowed to dress up as postboxes for male only to be posting their members.

  11. It’s all just part of this treacherous organisation’s ongoing sob story about assorted raghead shitholes and their pathetic problems..

    Every fucking day (if you can be arsed to look which isn’t advisable) there will be pictures of Arab kids,grannies etc from a variety of cesspits like Lebanon,Gaza and Afghanistan with unsubtle tripe about how dreadfully they are treated by everyone..

    Never any mention that they rejoice in the mass murder of other religions,are happy to vote for terrorisț savages continually and will be delighted to live off the proceeds of major international crime.

    They are all trash.


  12. I saw some things in Afghanistan. I spent many a month in Helmand and I can’t put into words how utterly backwards the people are.

    I saw children quenching their thirst by drinking brown water from an irrigation ditch. I saw an old woman (by their standards probably in her 20s) eating raw chicken. I saw the flies swarming over the meat in their markets and the spices blowing in the wind every time a Chinook flew overhead.

    Some of the lasses with us worked for something called the FET (Female engagement team) as a kind of soft skill way of gleaning intelligence from the local women. The stories they came back with! They had to teach the women the basics of hygiene. One poor sod burst out crying because she thought you should stop giving water to a baby dying of chronic diarrhoea.

    It is a marvel they have survived so long. Our ancestors were pretty backwards too, in the middle agea, but I would like to think they at least understood cause and effect.

    • I think the problem is insoluble.

      You could give a Dark Ages shithole like Afghanistan a trillion in aid, and it would still be a shithole. It’s the nature of the beast.

      As for shitholes, the BBC can fucking do one. I’m sick to death of the cunts.

      Morning all.

  13. A well deserved cuntng. Before posting, I turned to the BBC news site to see if any similar shite adorned this morning’s home page. One of the first things I saw concerned the UK. So far so good? No: they’re running a story about the return of a stomach churningly sick TV programme ‘Drag Race’. In this excuse for entertainment ‘Fabulous Queens aim to be the next Drag Race superstar’. What kind of twats and utter creeps would devise, commission and appear in such a vat of foul sizzling shit? If my kids were young again I’d rather they sat up and watched hard pork than this pantomime for despicable deviants. The cunts responsible should be spit roasted alive ‘pour encourager les autres’ as a Beeb darling would doubtless put it.

    • I saw “Drag Race” advertised on the tv schedule and tuned right in, I like a bit of top fuel action…how disappointed was I.

    • kamala harris did a cunt-vote-chasing bit on that drag race programme a few weeks ago.

      Sickening shit on several levels.

      It’s on YouTube to be found, but I’m not linking it. ?

  14. Like Lebanon and Iran, Afghanistan was going westernised and fairly civilised in the 70’s, but then the mad mullahs got in, and this is what you get – straight back to 800AD.
    No cunt running Western countries will admit this, and we let these savages in.
    Morning all.

    • Give the Cunts a few more years and we’ll have Afghanistan mark II right outside our front doors, some parts of the UK are nearly there already.

  15. They’re alien to us.
    Don’t think like us don’t see things like we do.

    The kids can’t watch Star wars because they get upset seeing mum sword fighting on the telly.

    They watch things like

    Sandal and Hopkirk
    Currynation street
    The price is Shi’ite
    And Mr and Mrs and Mrs and Mrs.

    They’re suffering?
    Stick it up their khybers?

    • In the Muslim version of Star wars the character of Han Solo is played by muslin actor Saracen Ford.


      • The Great British Groom-Off
        Homes Under the Hamas
        Burka Grove
        The Semtex Factor

        …..and The Berber of Seville, they are not all savages and like a bit of culture.

      • Luke Skywalker played by mark kammill.

        And the droid was RU-P.

        The sand people are easily spooked,
        But will be back…and in greater numbers..

  16. ALL these third world shitholes are so great places to live….


    Then turn the places they infest into the very same SHITHOLES whence they came…???

    • Why the fuck do western politicians allow this to happen..?

      We on here know the answer to that rhetorical question, don’t we…!

  17. Fuck ‘em! It’s more merciful to let all those cunts in the third world, and Israel, just perish! I don’t like kids anyway, especially the Sons of Abraham. Especially those cunts who torment the Kings guard in London. I refuse to give any money to charities that insist on sending money abroad. Started with LiveAid, but that was brought on by a sudden loathing for that old Irish tramp, Bob something or other! Enjoyed the music while enjoying a takeaway and a few beers, then off to the marital bed to snuggle up to a refrigerator! Happy days!

  18. WHY is ANYBODY watching ANYTHING on Bastards Bothering Children. They’re all a set of perverted cunts. You’ll never see any truth there.

  19. I reckon it’s a precursor to a charity being formed to benefit university ne’er-do-wells. Like Oxfam ever relieved famine.
    They can virtue signal, and pay themselves a massive salary out of donated funds.
    Starving Afghan kids and mothers who can’t say no will receive 0.00001p in the £.

  20. What really boils my piss is the humongous amount of money we and our allies pissed up the wall whilst we were basically in charge of the country. Literally seconds after the last plane left the Taliban were back in charge. All those lives lost for what ? I think the only benefit to the West has been a small reduction in the amount of opium poppies grown. So, why are the best bugger children going on as if all that money and lost and fucked up lives never happened. By the way according to a friend a new cereal is being developed. Apparently the cereal will be named Talibran the strap line for the ad is “you’ll shit yourself” (stolen from an anonymous poster on another site”
    It really does appear that our total failure in Afghanistan is being removed from our current.cultural narrative.

  21. Give £36 today.
    Just £36 will help towards the inflated salary of the charity CEO, your money makes a difference by providing them with an easy and comfortable life.
    Thank you.

  22. Just drove passed lunar house in Croydon it’s an immigration office about 300 cunts waiting outside blocking the fucking pavement why we don’t just tell them to fuck off back to the shithole they come from but no it’s put them up up in a hotel ,feed them give the cunts money and fuck our pensioners and ex servicemen who are living on the street the cunts in charge need fucking

  23. Sirs:

    When I am elected dictator we’re gonna straighten some things out. Up at the top of the list:

    No money for asslifter countries. They need better hospitals, let their co-religionists pitch in. That way they can be sure no infidel snuck in a ham sandwich.

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