The BBC’s [128] Grenfell Tower Wankfest

Wireless 4 in particular and the BBC in general have gone into full Queen Victoria in Mourning mode as the most recent Grenfell Tower report has been published today (September 4th). Today this morning anticipated it, with a long interview from one of the fathers, and the misery will no doubt go on all day, wheeling out loads of Starmer arsehole crawlers.

But the poor BBC news reporters – let’s hope they all have the Samaritans number on standby- what with the drownings of illegal immigrants this week, now all these “why are we treated so bad?” darkies coming out of de woodwork innit.

The BBC wank themselves sore when stories like this come up -this is but one of several BBC website stories today:

BBC News.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

112 thoughts on “The BBC’s [128] Grenfell Tower Wankfest

  1. Slightly off topic but related. 250 million spent on the Rwanda plan, Sir Keir of Davos has shelved that plan. Enter the Germans who are considering taking it over.

    What a fucking travesty. This tragedy happened because successive governments forced councils to house the third world, in London that’s no easy task.

    Now Sir Keir is likely to solve the illegal migration problem with a blanket grant of citizenship for existing refugees/migrants/invaders whilst solving the boat problem by creating safe legal routes.

    Safe legal routes? Safe means providing transport, legal means they are no longer entering illegally which I’m sure equates to fast track acceptance of their refuge status.

    Given that Grenfall was still being occupied because of a shortage of available housing where the fuck will the incoming flood be housed?

    Can’t put them in unsafe housing can you? So we can expect elderly people living in council or housing association that exceeds their needs after the kids left to be pushed into care to free up housing. Then the migrants can have jobs helping the government kill them off.

    Once all those state owned houses and flats are used up what next? Second homes, spare rooms in your house, share with kids?

    They need pushing on numbers and where these people are going to be housed, how much it costs us.

    PS Germans, if you do use our plan can we have our money back?

    • There are 850,000 empty properties in the UK.

      The problem is they are all in areas that the dinghy filth don’t want to live in, because it would mean they might have to work.

      There is no housing shortage, just a surplus of illegal immigrants.

      • True Odin.

        That’s why the filf end up clogging up hotels.
        These vermin are far too picky.
        But, whatever they want, they et.

      • Send the fuckers to Bradford or Smethwick. Those parts are gone anyway so you might as well turn it into a free for all district… Bro.

      • If that’s actually true, Odin, that they are in areas where illegals don’t want to live, could you provide a list, because I’d like to move there.

    • Interestingly on Wireless 4 News Briefing this morning, it was announced that Pixie Balls is cnsidering some of our prisoners to serve their sentences to Eritrea (no doubt those naught “far right” ones, da niggas no doubt will continue to stay close to de famileee), so there are just as gimmick ridden as the Tories allegedly were with Rwanda .

      I wish somebody would give that frustrated old bag a long hard brutal reverse cowgirl, put a smile on her sour old face. Ream her arsehole just like Mandy’s has been.

  2. Its a wonder the beeb haven’t started to give up their own lives for others. Its the least they can do after brushing everything under the carpet for decades.

  3. The burning question is whether the tower was named after the legendary comedienne, Joyce?

  4. When the list of victims names were read out I think there was one English name before I turned off the radio. Don’t get me wrong the loss of life was deplorable as the danger fire posed to the cladding had been known for a long time. It was just surreal listening to all these Ali this and Fanzare that. In fact a shock that a block of flats in London appeared to have no English people living there. Fuck me I just don’t get this shit anymore. Something is very badly wrong and it ain’t my meds for a change.o

  5. If I recall correctly, wasn’t this caused by a fire caused by a fridge?

    No doubt one that some scruffy cunt got on the cheap and didn’t get it PAT tested because they probably got it knock off or stolen by one of their mates, coming from a unregulated country that’s probbaly never seen electricity before.

    My point being, the contractors aren’t responsible, the calibre of filth of the individual with the appliance and their disregard for UK regulations caused the fire.

    • The fire was caused by a peaceful who incorrectly wired up a 3 pin plug to bypass where the fuse should have been.

      • I think he may have copied the wiring diagram on the Hawkwind PXR5 album cover M.J.B. That would have sealed it.

      • And no doubt the brown cunt was first out of the building. I’m sure he could have made more of an effort to stifle the fire, even the neighbour who saw it said it was a small fire.
        Never mind though, I’m sure he got some lovely compo from the fire he fucking started.
        If he’s still a taxi driver, would he object to transporting a hotpoint fridge than I plan to set fire to? Just for a laugh, nothing malicious.

      • What made me sick was how that bitch Teresa May automatically ‘pardoned’ all the still living illegals who infested Grenfell. She just simply ‘let them stay’. Without looking into their pasts and some undoubtedly criminal activities. I also have no doubt that these parasites will be lving in the lap.Topped up meters and money aplently. Fucking cunts.

  6. Modify the Shard. Fill it with as many of those 8000 illegal migrant cunts, that have come over the Dover Straights on Heir Starmers watch no less, then set it alight. The sequel will be better than the first!

  7. The Buggering British Children are still going on about the towering inferno on the 6am news.

    And apparently it’s been the hottest summer evvvaaaa.

  8. All that’s going to do is reignite the Grendfall whingers and we are going to have to listen to another 5 years of fucking moaning, that it’s all our fault that their free accommodation wasn’t good enough.
    Let’s not lose sight of the fact that these lazy fuckers could have gone back to their places of birth, or got jobs and moved elsewhere rather than a lifetime of benefits and substandard housing, or of course just been more careful in the first place.
    Anyway the should be happy, they got to see Lilly the mong and Adele as soon as they realised there would be cameras their to film them doing good deeds…..

  9. The fact that the shithole that is/was Grenfell was well overcrowded, and illegals were subletting to other illegals isn’t mentioned either.

    And the ever cringeworthy Beeb, bleating on their news site about some dark woman type…

    ‘She was so proud to live in Grenfell Tower’.

    Do sod off. First of all, who cares? Second, a rat wouldn’t be proud to live in that flyhole. But, of course, they have to portay them all as jaunty ‘characters’, potential architects and the salt of the earth ‘beautiful souls’.

  10. I await ‘Grenfell – The Movie’.

    Starring Denzel Washingcunt, Idris Elbow, Ncunti Gayblack, The Black Anne Boleyn, Naomi Campbell and, of course, Sir Lenworth of Henry.

    It’ll be like a BBC production of the Towering Inferno.
    Oh, and Lizzo will be the fire service trampoline.

    • The film would obviously americanise the facts so that Denzel saves all the lovely, cheeky rascal personages, but all the whitey bastards get crispy.

  11. OT, It’s now the 50th anniversary of the great and classic sitcom Porridge.

    But now in 2024 it is repeated with ‘warnings’, about how some of its content could ‘offend’.

    Tells us all we need to know about what Britain has become…

  12. So, David Lammy had mates living in Grenfell Tower…

    Well, I never knew that. First I’ve heard of it.

  13. The beeb will be pleased. The more wollygoggier they get with humbongo names, the wankier they get.

    • They’d have preferred Wank Tower to have burnt down before help had arrived. Why they didn’t throw themselves on the flames mystified me.

    • Typical frog. Happy to sells sub par goods but as soon as the shit hits the fan he grabs his cheese and fucks off.

    • This might not be so bad. Hopefully the Estonians have still got some forbidding Sov-era nicks they can dump our riff raff in. No playstations, halal dinners and mobile phones but plenty of unheated cells and a diet consisting solely of buckwheat porridge.

  14. They interviewed some ragheads/bleks on AlBeeb, they needed a fucking interpreter – seven years on and the cunts couldn’t be bothered to learn English, bet they knew how to claim benefits/compo.
    Fucking vermin!

    • There are many “charity” groups and funded advisors to assist those who cannot be bothered to learn any English to claim everything they need to live a better life than many indigenous persons. This is why the twats don’t bother they do not have to. Even a judge presiding over a sexual attack case remarked why the defendant originally from Bangladesh who had lived and worked as a taxi driver in London for over twenty five years needed a public funded interpreter.
      No visa or residency until a working ability in the English language is proved, no benefits fuck all. Get ready for a massive influx of Sudanese due to the bollocks war that is going on.

  15. Start at 3am taking it down it’s not a monument brick by brick till it’s gone The lefties will love this trying everything possible to stop it ???

  16. If we didn’t have an army of 10 million invaders there’d have been no need for a Grenfell tower to keep them in in the first place.

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