Marieha Hussain

I am a cynical cunt, and it’s reports like this that make me so.

BBC News.

This lady decided to attend a pro Palestinan rally in Londonistan with a placard depicting Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman as coconuts having fallen from a coconut tree.

Her only defence seems to be it was intended to be ‘satirical’ although a dark skinned person being referred to as a coconut is a racial slur meaning dark on the outside, but white on the inside. This is the point the prosecution put forward, and again, she said it wasn’t racist but ‘satirical’ Was she asked why these people were depicted at coconuts? If she was, it certainly wasn’t in the report, and if she wasn’t I really would like to hear her reasons why…as there can be no other reason than what I have described above.

So, why may I ask was she not prosectuted and let free? Here is where my cynical side comes in…….she is a Muslim.

When we have white English being sent down for ridiculously petty and trumped up charges to ‘make a point’ for lesser ‘crimes’ such as hurty words on fakebook I do wonder.

Nominated by : Chuff Chugger

With further legal analysis by Sam Beau:

I`d like to second this cunting by providing another link which totally exonerates the cunt: Link.


43 thoughts on “Marieha Hussain

  1. Two-Tierism in its full and undiluted form. Politicians, police and judiciary all need disinfecting. Dirty cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • I’m with Black Mariah on this.

      That Bounty bar cunt Rishi and that
      Dessicated cunt suella ARE coconuts.

      Hollow inside, and best opened with a machete ( now outlawed)

  2. It’s a well known fact that Muslims cannot be racist, never lie and are always peaceful. Just look at the Middle East 😂

    I wonder if she is an import of born to an import, whatever …. DEPORT (not for the placard but for being a rag head)

  3. Take a step back for a second and ask why a bunch of student wankers, middle class virtue signallers, illegal immigrants, SWP members and a handful of very vocal jew hating Muslims are allowed to strut around the streets of London every weekend?

    The answer is because we have a weak government, a politicised police force and far too many useless , Braindead cunts who are willing to jump on the next right-on bandwagon.

    Not sure exactly what Ms. Hussain expects Sunak or Braverman to do about the escalating conflict in Gaza and Lebanon, when the only way this ever ever going to stop is for Hamas and Hezbollah to call it a day and promise to leave Israel the fuck alone.

    Perhaps she would like to take her protest to whatever shithole country she hails from and see how it is received, coming from a woman, with her hair out.

    • I don’t even get the coconut reference, Sunak and Braverman certainly done nothing on behalf of any whites in this country.

      • It’s because anyone darker than a latte is meant to instantly identify as black and toe the line.

        If said individuals see sense, and respect the law and traditions of the land that they have done very well by, they are classed as a coconut.

        dark on the outside, white on the inside.

        it’s basically racism, from the people who usually like to scream racism for such things as not instantly getting their own way, being expected to adhere to the laws of the country you reside in and paying child support for irresponsible behaviour.

        In other words. Racism.

  4. Well people has been asking what’s Lord alli getting from Rodney? Apart from a go on his well worn arsehole..

    Pàķi immunity from justice..

    • I wonder if Mandy and Kweer have reached the stage of bowel incontinence yet?. If not, Lord Alli will soon make sure they are and he will be buying £32,000 of heavy duty nappies.

  5. That is 100% bang on Odin. Western governments have been spineless in confronting radical Islam whilst Israel gets on with it. The war news from Israel has been all good recently and yet you have governments calling for a ceasefire. I am ashamed of the idiot we have as Foreign Secretary. The only way to stop this is for unconditional surrender from Hamas and Hezbollah and their paymasters in Iran. Should we have had a ceasefire in March 1945 withe Germans?

  6. She should have been sent to Tel Aviv so she could protest properly. No coconuts there love.

    One thing you can say about Bibbie is what you see is what you get.

    I’m totally fucked off with these cunts from
    Either side protesting over here.

    • This is sad. Loved him in ‘Pat Garret and Billy the Kid’, ‘Heaven’s Gate’, ‘Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia’, and ‘Convoy”. Films made when men were men. RIP.

      • Men still are men round here. It’s just that we have to be careful how and when we say it with all the work-shy, thick as pig shit but fancying themselves as on-message lefty intellectuals and shitting themselves at the sight of a fist weedy cunts listening at keyholes. I’ll be out with a crowd of them tonight. In a pub in a room of our own, all white and straight. The only downside’s the price of the beer.

    • Kris was a star.

      Proper bloke. Premier fanny magnet. Talented singer and songwriter. Good actor.

      Brave lad too. Had the balls to screw Streisand and face that massive conk.


  7. Thing is, the Israelis are cunts who started invading every fucker around them the day after we gifted them some land that wasn’t ours because Churchill didn’t want them here. Their neighbours on every side are murderous barbarians living in the fucking dark ages but still have good cause to have the hump.

    I really could not give a fuck who wins.

  8. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Muslim Win a Bin Bag (filmed in front of a live Muslim audience) and here’s your host – miss Cillashameema Blackbinbag.
    (Rapturous chanting, sound of several Kalashnikovs being discharged into the ceiling, two perhaps three explosions.
    So, our first guest is Mohammed from Bradford with three delightful bin bags to choose from, let’s get started.
    (Ripple of chanting, some gunshots and a stabbing)
    Over to you Mohammed.
    Thanks, so, binbag one, what is your favourite way to dispatch infidels?
    Oh that’s easy, beheading.
    (Outbreak of chanting , several gun shots and an explosion)
    Good answer, good answer.
    Binbag two, what’s your favourite page from the homey book?
    (No answer, ripple of chanting from the audience, one but perhaps two gunshots, no explosions. Bin bag two is the booby prize containing kitchen rubbish and recently liberated pork sausages passed their use by date).
    Bin bag three, your favourite pastime?
    Unintelligible childlike grunting.
    (Bin bag three is very small).
    Allah be praised, a twelve year old virgin, I’ll take bin bag three.
    Congratulations Mohammed, you’ve won a dwarf.
    Rats cocks!
    (Outbreak of chanting, some gunshots, a stabbing and a few explosions).
    Now let’s have a look at the holiday prize. You and bin bag three will be flying migrant class in the unheard wheel wells of a poorly maintained aircraft of your destination country – Afghanistan.
    (Wild outbreak of excited chanting, countless gunshots, multiple stabbing sand next numerous explosions).
    Where you’ll both be spending the next month in your very own drainage ditch complete with running water and your very own IED, here, you’ll be able to while away the hours gazing at the unbroken view of sand and poor quality rocks.
    (More rapturous chanting, gun shots and explosions).
    Stay tuned, we’ll be right back with our next guest, Mohammed from Bradford.

  9. What a load of old spunk bubble shite.

    Here’s another example, very similar.

    It’s ok for a blek to call another blek nigg*r but it de white man do it all hell would break loose.

  10. How’s she got a ale gut like that?

    She’s not skipping social activist meeting to moonlight playing darts down the pub is she?

  11. Oh, when treeswinger or camelfucker does some shit like that, it’s ‘satirical’.

    Just like when that black fucking bitch Sophie Duker openly encouraged murdering white people on BBC television (where else?).

    And that slithering smear of curried slime, Asim Rafiq. Shit stirs and spreads poison to bring Yorkshire CCC to their knees. Turned out to be total bullshit. Yet this little paki slug was believed automatically and without question.

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