So what’s everyone’s favourite closet bender and vegan dog abuser been up to.
Well not winning races and titles..
So maybe that’s why the whitest black man ever is suddenly championing F1 races in Africa..
The last time was south Africa in 1993.
Hilariously little louie is championing Rwanda for a spot on the race calendar..
Best not let Rodney and the Labour Party know about that.. it’s dangerous out there.
Even funnier Lewis made this quote.
“We can’t be adding races in other locations and continue to ignore Africa which the rest of the world takes from, no one gives anything to Africa,”
Yeah Africa the continent of giving.
What 2 trillion not enough?
So look forward to the race of Africa in the near future, 60 laps around the bison piss waterhole, all the spare tyres hanging from the trees.
And the bloke who finishes last goes in the cooking pot..
So stick to dressing like a knobhead and finishing in the top ten you bellend.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
Great to see that his star is on the wane.
He is just a cunt, end of.
Does the stupid cunt not realise how fucking ridiculous he looks?
Do any of ‘them’ ?
Nicole Shirtswinger had the wrong genitalia for Lewis’s true desires.
Wonder if she ever aquiesced to his demands for a severe pegging?
History shows that F1 in Africa was around after WW1.
Somwhat inevitably:
Safe pic.
He certainly looks a bit of a jessie – a has-been, always second best – ideal material for a Labour MP
Not this twat again. I’m still waiting for the cunt to wrap a car round a lamppost.
I for one support him.
I’d like him to win the Rwanda grand prix in style..
and his prize would be a Soweto Necklace,in the proud tradition of Winnie “Fuck Off” Mandela.
Top sport.
Good morning.
After he finished black leaded your oven, I told him to fuck off out of this country of ours after continually criticising it.
Lewis, shut the fuck up and spend your “TAX FREE” money in Monaco….!
Big motorsport fan here. I hate the swarthy cocoshunter. Apparently he kicked off the other day about the FIA’s ban on swearing, too.
Effin’ and jeffin’ was said to be the preserve of rappers. Apparently that’s racist because most rappy types are Pat Boons. Where’s the lie?
If he’s that arsed about The Dark Continent, he should tackle the Dakar.
I’d renew my Sky Sports subscription twice to see the cunt stranded in the desert having to change a tyre and live off rations.
One question that needs to be asked. Are the tyres for Lewis or the audience. Just fuck off you cunt.
Much like anything modern, modern F1 sucks.
Apart from the internet, everything thing was better 30-40 years ago.
Completely agree TtCE, can you imagine this wankstain been about with the likes of James Hunt, when motorsports drivers were real men.
Niki Lauda might have been european, but I have got to take my hat off to him, burnt to a crisp and in no time at all he was back behind the wheel.
Was it James Hunt or Barry Sheene, that had the badge sewn onto their leathers, that said
Sex, the breakfast of champions
How black do you have to be to be black?
There are race baiting enthusiasts who insist that Queen Charlotte, grand mother to Queen Victoria, was black.
This theory is based on the sketchy evidence that one of her ancestors, nine generations earlier was a North African moor.
Other people point out that she was white and just fucking ugly.
If you claim that someone is black by virtue of an alleged relationship with a sand Pákí some 9 generations earlier then why not claim that Queen Victoria was black by going back 11 generations?
This of course would make Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III níg nógs too.
Well he does look like a chimp.
Lewis Hamilton is at best only half black.
From the age of 2 he lived with his white mother and white step father for 10 years.
His 2 step sisters are white.
He was brought up in a white household.
His father is from Grenada.
In Africa he would be insulted as being a ‘slave child’.
That’s what they call all western black people.
Lewis would not even be considered as black by Africans.
He is a western, multi millionaire vegan, and an idiot.
He is not one of their brothers.
It makes you wonder where in Africa Lewis would want a Grand Prix to be staged.
Probably not Egypt.
Not black enough for him I suspect.
Definitely not South Africa.
They have had the Grand Prix there before and there are probably too many white people for Lewis’s liking.
But these are the only 2 countries that have the facilities and infrastructure to host the event.
Where else can spend hundreds of millions on a once a year indulgence, building facilities which will conform to F1 safety regulations?
What other African country has the number and standard of hotels that F1 teams and their tens of thousands of supporters would stay in?
Lewis Hamilton is indeed a massive, thick, race baiting cunt.
And he is as much white as he is black.
That means, unfortunately for him, he is hated equally by blacks as well as whites.
Morning TAC/all.
I wonder sometimes when cunts like Meghan Markle, Lewis Hamilton, Barack Obama, etc declare themselves as black when they very obviously have a white mother…does that mother get offended by her offspring’s denial of half of it’s DNA?
At the same time, she deserves any ill will for getting knocked up by a simian.
Yup…said that for years. Why half chats side with the Black parentage at the expense of their White parentage is simply to garner ‘support’ from the oppressed blick brotherhood
If I was a proper blick and someone like Hamilton introduced himself as a blick brother to me, I would say he’s as much white as he is blick, so fuck off, cunt.
Good morning Thomas.
Yes, you are totally correct.
My wife is half black and she just sees herself as…….. Well herself really.
However our son is only one quarter black (if such a thing exists) and he sees himself as black.
It makes no difference to the disrespectful cunt that he has white skin and could not by any stretch of the imagination be recognised as black.
As far as he is concerned he is black.
The stupid cunt that he is.
This is not uncommon with kids who are of mixed race, but white kids always look back to the black in their families and try to relate to them and them alone.
They never look back and try to embrace their whiteness.
All part of wanting to be a victim I suppose.
It is insulting to their white relatives, but he pushed me as far as I could go many years ago and I happily have nothing more to do with the idiot.
Good for you.
By those standards, I’m Scottish.
Goodness me, no.
? toot-toot, tootsie …
That’s David Lammy rehearsing his turn at the “Kweer’s Here” Show at Blackpool this week.
Liverpool, surely?
You are probably right moggie – it will be a bloody goon show anyway, with Starmer playing Issy Bonn
Surely the whitest black man ever was Michael Jackson, closely followed by Honor.
He’s a James Hunt but not in the way he’d like to be.
A swordsman of legend in the seventies. Lucky sod.
The film ‘Rush’ is brilliant. Hunt v Lauda for the 1976 title was one of the all time motor sport epics.
The insecure race baiting cunt, last week accused the leader of the FIA (the governing body of F1) Who’s SECOND language is English of stereotyping black people by using the word ‘rappers’ language whilst attempting to reduce the amount of swearing during races via the pit to car/car to pit radios.
My feelings about sports people being eavesdropped on whilst doing their jobs in a heated enviroment by broadcasters, then those sports people being told to apologise is maybe for another NOM……(also includes listening to a boxers corner during rounds)
Some light reading for a Sunday in this synthesis of Charles Murray’s Bell Curve analysis of racial differences in evolved brain size and IQ ratings.
Put simply, to pretend there is no such thing as evolved racial differences is to refute the existence of evolution full stop. There are clear and distinct dominant racial groups amongst our species that were divided by land and oceanic barriers for millennia. Inevitable differences evolved – some of which can be qualitatively inferred without genetic mapping. Here’s the thought experiment, quoting from the article:
“ We can agree that we are all members of a single species—Homo sapiens—and that each of us is also a unique individual. The most basic evidence that races exist is the fact that we can look at individuals and place them, with some appreciable degree of accuracy, into the areas from which they or their recent ancestors derive. The process involved is illustrated by a thought experiment where one imagines a random assortment of 50 modern humans and 50 chimpanzees. No one, chimp or human, would have any difficulty in reconstituting the original 50 member sets by simple inspection. But the same would be true within our species with, say, 50 humans from Japan, 50 from Malawi, and 50 from Norway. Again, by simple inspection, we would achieve the same 100% sorting accuracy.”
When you then delve into more scientific measurements and note that brain size and IQ among randomly selected racially black subjects is approximately one Standard Deviation further to the low side than amongst an equivalent sample of white subjects, to pretend there aren’t very real biological and intellectual variations between the races, and to write off any such observation as “far right” bigotry, is to substitute scientific fact with political idealism; whilst resorting to science on all other occasions that it is politically expedient to do so.
Morning all.
Using that analysis is it wrong/racist to call a soot ‘thick blick cunt’
I used to work with a bloke from S Africa who said there is a marked difference between in intelligence between the S African blick and the European blick.
Why stick at cognitive differences? How about athletic ability – variations that are both pronounced between races and which can be traced back to the environments to which the ancestors of different racial groups adapted at the evolutionary level in order to survive:
“ Another tack has been to acknowledge racial differences, but then argue that they are generally small with respect to differences among individuals within races, and, in any case, likely to be functionally irrelevant for any features of particular importance for the species. Consider the following example from sports. Every year perhaps 75 young men newly make NBA (National Basketball Association) teams. Of these, about 60 will be Black, and 15 White. (I am here using four years as the average length of a NBA career, and the current racial composition of the league as a source for these figures. “Black” means, in this country, that the individual has a substantial amount of obvious recent sub-Saharan African ancestry. “White” means no obvious ancestry other than European.) These numbers mean that the chance for a Black to play in the NBA is about one in 4,500; the corresponding figure for a White is about one in 90,000. We can then ask from how far out on their respective bell curves these 75 are drawn. Recourse to a z-score table tells us that 1 in 4,500 takes us about 3.4 SD (standard deviations) from the mean; 1 in 90,000 is about 4.3 SD from the mean. I submit that this almost one SD difference between populations in this suite of abilities based on a fundamental human trait is pretty substantial. In other words, it is simply not true that “bipedalism is such a critical aspect of the human adaptation that one would not expect to see great differences from either the individual to individual level, or between populations.” Bipedalism is certainly a “critical aspect of the human adaptation,” but it does not follow that therefore individual and group variation in what might be termed the quality of the bipedal adaptation would have been reduced. Indeed, it seems to me that, if anything, we might expect quite the opposite result. ”
Do these differences exist or not? Is WISHING something not to be true the same as it objectively not being true?
Morning, BD,
You alright mate? Thank you for publishing The Inconvenient Truth.
Morning Cuntis all good mate, hope things are settling down and improving your end?
Day 27 on the wagon for me, and enjoying the better quality sleep and generally greater energy to deal with all of life’s endless shit. I note you mentioned you’d been giving the sauce a rest too. Makes you enjoy it all the more when back on it, don’t you find!
I stopped for 18 months until the end of last year. I didn’t feel any better, didn’t lose any weight and didn’t save any money that I could point to. On the other hand, my bloods were better and I didn’t have a single hangover, not that I had many before.
Fucking outstanding work moggie – it will undeniably have done you some good in ways perhaps as yet unrevealed to you. I generally take a month or so off twice a year, whilst trying to moderate the drinking more generally. Getting too old to ignore the deleterious effects it has on me.
I also have some majorly challenging shit going down at the moment, and I just know trying to tackle it with the fog of the booze ain’t gonna work. I only like to drink when I’m in a good mood, so on the current outlook I might see your 18 months and raise you a couple of years…
All good thanks, BD! The shit shower of a few months ago is largely passed. Cutting those cunts out of my life has been a bit of a blessing in disguise, to be honest. I haven’t seen or engaged with any of them since. It turns out that people are starting to see through that harridan’s poison and lies.
Regarding booze, I got heroically arseholed yesterday because I fancied it. Halfway there today! Top man for staying off it and addressing your problems head on – I found doing that was well worth it. It’s painful short term, but you definitely get a grip of the problems sooner than later. Keep it. up!
Made up for you to hear things have moved on for the better Cuntis – more power to your elbow for taking it by the scruff of the neck and bossing the situation; that’s all you can ever do.
For one reason or another my life has ended up such that I generally have at least one major trauma a year; resulting from the choices I have made in my personal and professional lives – the shit just sort of comes around again and again. I have gotten used to gritting my teeth and getting it sorted – partly because it’s often a result of a mistake I’ve made in the past so I’ve just got to own it, but also because my new partner has taught me to never give up and so the bastards have never fully beaten me yet and they’ll be lowering me into the ground before I do ever let anything fully get the better of me!
Anyway, I’ll be back on the turps soon enough I’m sure, but it’s nice to vicariously enjoy the drinking pleasures of others at times like this. Don’t be alarmed if I ask you to describe to me what you are drinking in almost erotic levels of detail – it just means I’m nearly ready to hop off that wagon! Cheers for now mate
The two trillion in aid given to Africa, only slightly more than Hamilton has probably accrued in his time.
If he wishes he can always move back to the UK and pay his taxes, some of which will go into the bottomless pit of Africa, or he could donate large sums of his personal wealth.
Why do those of mixed race always identify as Black. It gives them victim points and a chance to be as racist as they like at whitey, knowing that any retort will be treated as racism.
He should keep his gob shut, carry on waiting until he hopefully gets the best car again and then win some races.
You are welcome!
The Onion movie nailed it – homkies thinking they’re otherwise – with this scene…
Treat yourselves, cunters.!
p.s. if you’re watching and have a doubt in the opening minute, hang in ’til the cops arrive to arrest the cunt…
”My dad’s Irish and my mom’s Norwegian” ?
WTAF is that idiotic wanker wearing in the header? It looks like the aftermath of an explosion in a nursery groups play dressing room.
I’ll wager it cost a fucking fortune too.
I’ve got a new car for him :
The cunt.
What ever Africa gives it’s not world renowned.
Or anything really from the general populace.
The few blicks that have made anything of themselves have only done so with the benefits of a western education so come on
Hamilton come on B.L.M. prove me wrong!
Only a matter of time before this cunt is outed as a basher of the botty variety.
Amazing, how so many of these famous ‘black’ people are half or part white.
Bender Hamilton, Megain Mantis, Beyonce, Barack Obama.
Funny that they never mention it, isn’t it?
I find that some of these half bakes are more uppity than people with two black parents. Its almost as if if they are trying to overcompensate for not a being ‘properly’ back. In Japan if you have a parent from another ethnicity then you are never fully excepted and will always be a gaijin.
And its “sir” now, show some respect. My dad and i call him dame louise hamilton much to my mothers displeasure, well her mother was welsh.
They couldn’t pay me enough to get me to wear clothes like that.
He is a dame.
All that money, and looks like a total cunt.
If some African country can afford the infrastructures required to stage an F1 race. Then why the fuck is half the fucking World begging for part of my pension to help Africans. If this comes about the only ones who will benefit are government persons and their hangers on. Fuck F1 buy some more drilling rigs for water and throw a few quid at some basic health care. I mean what benefit is a load of cunts flying around a specially constructed track to little m’bongo now he will have to walk a six mile detour with his water container cos the track is in the way.,,Hamilton stick to driving weird cars and enjoying all that money you dildo.
Wateraid can piss off too.Sponging gits.
I’m ignoring Africa.Prick.Send her to Johannesburg excluding his security detail.See how long she lasts.
Fuck me in the townships they’ll cut off your legs to steal your trainers. I recall one of my Boer friends telling an African American bloke who was saying how wonderful it was that he would be able to visit the townships that he would be fucking lucky to escape with his life and some of his skin.