So what’s everyone’s favourite closet bender and vegan dog abuser been up to.
Well not winning races and titles..
So maybe that’s why the whitest black man ever is suddenly championing F1 races in Africa..
The last time was south Africa in 1993.
Hilariously little louie is championing Rwanda for a spot on the race calendar..
Best not let Rodney and the Labour Party know about that.. it’s dangerous out there.
Even funnier Lewis made this quote.
“We can’t be adding races in other locations and continue to ignore Africa which the rest of the world takes from, no one gives anything to Africa,”
Yeah Africa the continent of giving.
What 2 trillion not enough?
So look forward to the race of Africa in the near future, 60 laps around the bison piss waterhole, all the spare tyres hanging from the trees.
And the bloke who finishes last goes in the cooking pot..
So stick to dressing like a knobhead and finishing in the top ten you bellend.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
Didn’t Räikkönen’s missus call him a fanny or something a few years ago for whining?
Hamilton, with his privileged upbringing (despite the shit he now claims), is so far removed from black people that he actually believes that Africans like him.
The do not.
They don’t just dislike him because he is a childish twat with too much money.
They dislike him because Africans dislike all western black people.
As Mrs Cunter said the other day…. ‘What is it with these people wanting to get back to their African roots? Africans fucking hate us’.
Malcolm X said as much 60 years ago.
Anyway, he was a black person who DID deserve respect. I disagree with his early methods but he stood up for what he thought was right and didn’t give a fuck who he offended. If he were alive today I feel like he’d quite this site.
Agreed. All these cunts like Samuel L Jackson wanting to move to South Africa following Donald Trumps election win in 2016 and more recently Meghan Markle ‘discovering’ she is actually 43% Nigerian wouldn’t last a week in Africa before being robbed, raped or murdered.
They probably think its like the fucking Lion King or a David Attenborough series with antelope skipping though the Serengeti at dusk. Wankers.
I’d rob and extinguish/silence her
but rape? not even if she was willing! just in case my sperm done it’s nature intended job which as life has shown me, it is all too capable in cases where procreating is less that desirable.
Anyone but Verstappen
And Hamilton’s fucking ignorance when he says that people just take from Africa without giving back.
I was talking to a young Spanish woman in Madrid.
She works for an international charity.
On the rare occasions when she comes home to Spain she scrounges old children’s clothes from her friends who are mothers.
She uses all of her baggage allowance on her return to Africa and sometimes pays for additional bags for the clothes that she has collected.
She told me that the one thing that all Africans have in common is that they never show any gratitude.
They never say thank you.
She said that as far as they are concerned, you are white and you are supposed to look after us.
She was looking for another job.
The phrase “The White Man’s Burden “ is alive and well.
Did she not get additional bags paid for by her employer?
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to Artful.
Dunno. Didn’t ask, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if she paid herself.
She was the daughter of one of my customers and basically a kind and caring person.
She wanted to work for a charity to help people.
All that compassion had been sucked out of her.
She likely used that baggage allowance to import 20kg of condoms and coke, not wishing to contract the local aids but still there for a charity funded good time.
Grand Prix in Rwanda…..
You would need to be a really dedicated fan to get the injections advised:-
Courses or boosters usually advised: Hepatitis A; Tetanus.
Other vaccines to consider: Diphtheria; Hepatitis B; Meningococcal Meningitis; Rabies; Typhoid; Yellow Fever.
Selectively advised vaccines – only for those individuals at highest risk: Cholera.
Hamilton….. Thick cunt.
This F1 swearing issue at the weekend with Verstsppen being censured for profanity , the FIA President said swearing isn’t good for the sport , we’re not rappers we are racing in the pinnacle of motorsport (paraphrasing)
Lewis was straight into print saying that because most rappers are black this was a racist comment
FFS . Rappers swear a lot , that’s all he meant you fucking stupid cunt . Not everything is about race .
I used to like F1, it was always good for a Sunday afternoon sofa snooze. I gave up with it though when it changed into the Lewis Hamilton Show.
Hamilton should shut the fuck up and simply disappear.
What is it with cunts like him who think that they are some sort of towering intellectual with answers to all the world’s problems?
I don’t see this cunt spending any of his cash to help anyone, although he’s welcome to buy a one way ticket on coconut airways and get necklaced within 5 minutes of his arrival.
Besides Africa is a lost cause so who in their right mind wants to go there anyway?
My old man once told me that the country could feed the world, but through endemic corruption and ineptitude it can’t even feed itself so fuck off Africa and fuck off Lewis you total cunt!
I bet if I wore a dyed-black Vileda mop head and smeared my face with a Guinness-drinker’s diarrhoea I would still be more attractive than this cunt.
One word to describe this twat. THAT WORD IS “CUNT”