Laura Kuenssberg [4]

A ‘cunt one get 2 cunts free’ in the form of the BBC and Cunt Kier Starmer cunting for the questionably fragrant Laura Kuenssberg.
Admittedly she did ask Herr Starmer a hard question the other day but here we have this which suggests he is avoiding the trickiest issue.

BBC News.

Great I thought, she is gonna point out the burning question on everyones minds is the uncontrolled immigration but nope, not today from Laura K.

She is like the unflushable jobbie that just won’t go away and generally has nothing of any use to say, although… I would very much enjoy a sordid night with her, I suspect she would make some bizarre angry faces but thoroughly enjoy it eventually.

Nominated by : Cunt of Peeblesshire

24 thoughts on “Laura Kuenssberg [4]

  1. What the public knows and cunts like political and media class need to understand is that stopping illegal immigration completely and drastically cutting legal immigration will help solve all these other ‘unspeakable’ issues; housing targets, social care, school places, transport , dentists and the never ending permacrisis of the bloody NHS.

    • Had to look up Mariana Spring. No doubt her voice would annoy me but with a gag and paper bag over her head she looks like a bit of good old fashioned corn fed fun.

  2. Orla Guerin is the one that gets on my tits. Her voice exudes total depression. Ten minutes of listening to her and suicide becomes attractive.

  3. The BBC, as a whole, nailed their colours to the mast up to and including during the election campaign. They’ve got the government they wanted, so expect nothing more than a fairly soft ride for Starmer and Co.
    Why expect anything else from these ‘impartial’ shithouses?
    As for Kuenssberg’s doability, it’s equally as questionable as her impartiality.

  4. With the help of the Armed Forces, ISAC’s gentlemen would have the solutions to the country’s myriad problems well underway in a couple of months.
    Deportation at gunpoint, islam and mosques banned, stabby darkıes ruthlessly suppressed at the point of a soldier’s bayonet, our fellow white long-term jobless dole scum forced to do manual work for the community or starve to death and enforced sterilisation of ne’er-do-well baby producers of both sexes.
    It would be glorious.

  5. I don’t know who this bird is?
    But probably a cunt.

    She looks like a hybrid of Graham Norton and celebrity hairdresser Nicki Clarke.

  6. Has anyone else noticed that her mouth is similar to Kate Adie’s?
    She talks out of one side of her mouth, like she’s slightly palsied.
    Is this a BBC thing where years of leftie indoctrination leave you looking like you’ve had a mild stroke?
    And facially she looks a bit like Ellie Simmonds.
    Taking all that into consideration, there must be loads of depraved cunters on here who would love to have a go on it.

  7. I can’t understand why they must have a house for the likes of these stupid cunt, when we know full well they’re going to be out on their arse in a few weeks. Why not try them out in a tent first and they can carry a few plastic bags with a few belongings, to see whether they are up for the job ?

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