Starmer should have been a headmistress at a girls school. Look what the silly bugger has done now:
Starmer attacked for ‘petty’ removal of Thatcher portrait from No 10
He finds the picture “unsettling” – he is frightened of a woman who has been dead for over a decade. It seems to me Labour is a party of old women of both sexes. I never thought I’d say it, but Blair was a saint compared to this jerk. He probably wet the bed the night he moved into Downing Street if the picture upset him that much. Blair invited Mrs T round when he moved in. Poor Lady Victoria had piss stains – and worse – on her night dress, where the silly cunt messed himself, after waking up from a nightmare. This is the face and actions of an elderly and decrepit soy boy. A closet poof. When they circumcised him they threw the wrong end away.
It is good to see the ridiculous old cunt getting down to really serious matters – stopping adults smoking out of doors for example,, taking away a picture of a woman who was a fucking sight better t and more of a man than this four eyed arsehole will ever be.
Who cares about energy bills going through the roof, increasing violent crime, depriving pensioners of their allowances, allowing undocumented “asylum seekers” to enter this country illegally , by their thousands, and the possibility of World War 3, when you have really serious problems like these to deal with. Pictures that scare a spineless old , where he has clambered an
Yet another layer added to this sick bastards ambition to be the Fuehrer. I never thought I would say it, but Blair would be a better alternative to this old queen, who is scared of his own shadow.
How much longer is even the Labour party prepared to put up with this clown?. When you think of him, you automatically think of the smell of shit, where he has clambered up so many EU arseholes.
If Kweer is terrified of a dead leader, we are fucked if Putin ever comes after us.
Nominated by W.C.Boggs.
This picture is probably more to his liking…?
**Caption comp!**
‘Oh Keir, what a big helmet you’ve got!’
‘Do you want to feel how hard it is?’
“If you have the money I have the time. £20 for the night or £15 for a short time”
He is a helmet Ron
I would love to see Starmer get his right ear “clipped” but a little more central.
Yes – they’re going to be top quality aren’t they. Fucking slag Rayner.
In the past when some MP has stuffed it, other MP’s from all parties will praise their colleagues commitment to their job.
Regardless of whether they agreed with their politics or not.
That’s politeness.
Starmer seems to be an ignorant cunt as well as everything else.
*snuffed it.
Big Mags would’ve had his balls for breakfast.
That’s what worries him; the maddening sense of his own utter inadequacy.
That, and the fact that who weren’t aware of it already are waking up to the fact he tries to make up for it by being a nasty little lefty authoritarian.
Morning all.
Doubt he has any RK, just a cunt with a big old fanny.
Thatcher was the last PM we had with any balls.
She must have had daily injections of testosterone.
We need Maggie back as she has a backbone
The real power behind these Labour politicians (tv presenters, essentially, with no actual power) is going to hammer us flat with tax theft and utter control over every patriotic Englishman.
We should be unnerved.
Imagine the state of this once mighty country in 4 years, after the commie/darkıe/bender alliance has had its way with our collective ringpieces.
We are in for an indigenous population wide Lubbocking.
Fuck Starmer, Labour and all the quisling traitor leftie cunts (including a couple of Judases on this very site).
My last sentence means fuck them for representing the shadowy powers in the background with their hands on the levers.
The problem is Thomas, when the slimey piece of shit gets kicked into touch, none of his draconian policies will be reversed by whoever takes his place.
That’s what happens.
The opposition will criticise whatever the ruling party does, but when they get into power they never reverse anything.
If Starmer manages to ban smoking in open spaces do you think that his replacement will once again allow it?
They are all cunts.
Spot on with that observation, Artful. In opposition parties try to take the moral high ground, to hoodwink the gullible amongst the electorate to get them onside, and then do fuck all to right past wrongs when eventually they come into ‘power’. Power my fucking arse. I detest the lot of them. Where’s Guy Fawkes when you need him?
I imagine Starmer does.
Change is coming.
Every cunt in power since Maggie has been a puppet for the WEF NWO wankers.
The commies have a weird tradition of embalming their dictators and then putting them on public display. Lenin, Chairman Mao, Ho Chi Minh and both the Kims of North Korea are currently available to view if that is your thing. I doubt they would bother with comrade Starmer, he looks and talks like a corpse now and who would queue to gawp at him in a mausoleum?
I would as long as Blair was tucked up next to him, probably go round twice such is the joy it would bring to me.
I have always been convinced that Hugh Gaitskill the great white hope of the 1950s and early 60s, when he kicked the bucket in 1963 was embalmed and by some Hammer horror film trick, the corpse has been taken over by Kweer Rodney. Gaitskill was a piss and wind merchant who was all things to all men. I saw him in Portsmouth in 1960/61, given an “informal” tour and he was as dead then as he was in 1963. Right up his own arse. Given me the idea for a horror film “The Private Morgue of Dr. Mandy”. Bits of Gaitskill, Callaghan and even Atlee laying about on marble slabs The film ends with Mandy and Kweer pushing each other off Beachy Head.
With that ashen makeup Rodders wears and those ridiculous thick black framed specs he looks just like one of those old East German leaders who had the decency to fuck off and kick the bucket by the end of the 80s.
I saw Lenin in Moscow – although the cunting guards wouldn’t let me linger long enough to see if he was real.
We can only hope for a tragic accident; unfortunately we’re stuck with this pillock and his loony policies, many of which he hasn’t even told us yet.
If he ever tries to means test the state pension, then he’ll be in for a proper backlash that’ll have him hiding inside number 10 with very wet pants.
My first instinct was what a happy event that would be So Long. But then it occurred to me who would immediately take charge and my blood ran cold.
Means test the state pension? They should means test the illegal dinghy architects, engineers and doctors. No means means no entry. Fuck off back, hard faced scrounging pretending to be refugees cunts.
How can they be entitled to means test something that everyone pays into, rich or poor?
That they’re even thinking about it shows what a bunch of shameless cunts they are.
Starmer is the sort of deluded autocratic pen pushing cunt who would happily sit in his bunker with his fellow arseholes never once wondering how he’d managed to assist in starting thermonuclear armageddon.
I hope his diesel generator and all failsafes were installed by Capita,which will guarantee he chokes to death..probably from the stench of his own shitstained trousers (that some other ponce bought him as a favour)..
Fuck me what a monumental Cunt this worm is.
Good morning and all Hail the Supreme Leader!
I bet that the cunt is just itching to get rid of the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.
The next time the lefties damage it there will be no arrests, the statue will be taken away never to return.
oh dear I think my vitriol has got me in the Moderation.
To recap:Starmer is a Cunt.
Good morning
Starmer is the sort of deluded autocratic pen pushing cunt who would happily sit in his bunker with his fellow arseholes never once wondering how he’d managed to assist in starting thermonuclear armağeddon.
I hope his diesel generator and all failsafes were installed by Capita,which will guarantee he chokes to death..probably from the stench of his own shitstained trousers (that some other p0nće bought him as a favour)..
Fuck me what a monumental Cunt this worm is.
Good morning and all Hail the Supreme Leader!
aha! silly me I forgot about WordPress being controlled by the Far Right!
anyway I’m off to phone MI5 as I’ve just seen some cunt walk past my house smoking a cigarette.
From that header picture, have he and Edwina Izzard ever been seen in the same place? I think we should be told. Either way, not human.
The saving on Winter Fuel Allowance is said to be £1.5 billions. The annual squandering on accommodating ‘irregular’ ILLEGALS is around £15 billions and endlessly rising. Is there a maths O level in the house? What a shower of useless cunts you are.
Yours truly,
Mr Numerate Far Right
1,5 billion would be the figure that you are asked to believe.
The true figure will be much more.
The other bit of propaganda that you are fed is that there are 4,1 million Muslims in the UK. Just over 6% of the population.
Even when I lived in the UK, a long, long time ago, a drive from the eastern suburbs of London to the west would prove that figure is bollocks.
There were large towns where you could not see anyone except Pákís.
And that was just Greater London.
Fuck knows what it’s like now.
£15 and not £1.5 billions, Artful. On top of that there’s the cost of policing, kangaroo courting and jailing far right cunts, of which I’m proudly, moderately and sensibly one, for having the audacity to speak out about the uncontrolled invasion.
Misread your post Isabel.
Whatever figures you are given and asked to believe will be grossly underestimated.
15 billion (supposedly) just to look after illegal immigrants.
I wonder what the overall figure is to pay benefits to all of the immigrants, including the one’s whose asylum claims have been accepted over the past decades.
First thing Stalin/ Hitler did was imprison political opponent’s…..!
Must be a Dictator “thing”…..⚒️
The very first thing Adolf, before the rest of his cuntishness was banning Jews from owning firearms. Watch this space.
I can see where you coming from, but the problem is that when democracy becomes a sham (i.e. now) then it is expected that people get pissed off and do things like that. I recently went to the Stasi museum in (what was) east Berlin. Very scary – there are many parallels you can see with the current Government and how they are “cracking down”. Eventually, the peolple have enough – unfortunately, it took the ost-krauts over 40 years to do it .
What a thin-skinned pussy this authoritarian turd is.
Like her or loathe her, Thatcher would have had this fucking wet wipe on toast every week at PMQ’s.
She would have seen through him just like she did the Welsh waffler Kinnock, as the poseur he is. He is a practised and inveterate liar and his cowardice would have got up her nose just as he does ours. For example the other day he was asked if any dissenting MP about the CWP would be “disciplined”. He replied that was a matter for the chief whip. We all know the chief whip takes his orders from Starmer so why not try to be a man and answer the question. Maggie would have exposed him for the fraud he was from day one.
If that raddled old cunt ever played cowboys and Indians as a kid I bet he was the lady having a baby in the last carriage.
This cunt and his rabble of knee taking, peaceful loving, trouser invaders, have been duly elected by the mentally ill, sponging mongs who now make up the majority in this new Venezuela. This fully entitles them to kill pensioners, release murdering psychopaths, and even do away with second class postal deliveries on Saturdays. Fuck him and the tide of social effluent he rode in on.
Good morning, everyone.
In five minutes and he’s already putting people away without a fair trail for protesting against immigrants murdering children , now he’s taken vulnerable old folks heating payments.
You happy now you woke cunts? This is what communism does. It silences opposition and keeps people hungry. Remember the USSR? It’s not all rainbows and happy Muslim neighbours.
I truly fear what state this country will be in when this cunt is voted out together with the rest of these stinking lefties. I bet old Kim Jong Starmer will be the most hated cunt PM of all time.
As he aspires to be Hitler, just imagine his last day in power. He and Rachel “Eva Braun” Reeves will go down to the basement with a box of Swan Vestas, and get married in a ceremony conducted by the Revd Chris Bryant. He will be shot in the back of the neck as he tries to leave, Kweer will set fire to the basement shoot Eva Reeves then shoot himself. Upstairs General Von Streeting will push his cyanide capsule up his arse….. something up his arse would be the way he wanted to go….
O.C. Te man enjoys giving orders and half of his bollockless little twats are too scared to defy him, even if they don’t agree with him. He is a dictator. I don’t suppose any dictator sets out to become Hitler, but unless they are curbed that si what they become in essence.
as the capsule needs to be broken, will Mandy and his “husband” take turns fucking him up the arse in order to shatter said capsule? Bit like Lubbock.
Reeves is warning that there are hard decisions ahead in the budget. How about being hard on the parasitic illegals for once? Like telling them all to fuck off and sending them all back. Now, that would be irregular.
Starmer is a fucking wankstain.
Sir Jimmy’s pal.
A wankstain on a used disposable nappy on the bench of a piss soaked bus stop.
Poor Rodders, loved being in opposition and now he is going to reset everything, in other words he has got a clue, a bit like the voodoo woman throwing a load of bones on the ground.
It’s a sign ‘smash the gangs, grow the economy, a new deal with Europe, more wind’, so no actual action except taking down a picture of Maggie ?
A late news item about the flabby buttocked old whore – the great Bank of England tea lady:
I am struggling to understand why MPs can claim heating costs on expenses when no other person working in the public sector can do the same?
Clearly “the rules” are massively stacked in the MPs favour.
An inspired comment PM. Come the counter revolution Stasimer and his ilk can be sent to mine the vast coal reserves 3 km beneath the ice in Antarctica.
Especially with a fat arsed tart like Reeves, and the likes of Lammy and co, great thick fat wankers. I think as we are experiencing austerity again, there should be a much more transparent way we can see what these arseholes are claiming on “expenses”
His father, ( a toolmaker) produced a tool. A not vey good tool mind you, and a tool that one day transform itself into a turd. That in itself is quite an achievement.
To marry a Jew, have kids in the faith then try to fuck over Israel, is the classic skid mark you hate to see in your knickers. Oh yes. “Mammy and Daddy were poor you know” “and ! know and understand what it is like to be raised up in poverty “( coz Daddy was poorly paid ) That is why Im going to fuck over the elderly impoverished !
Well, I think old dickhead here is off to a cracking start. Hope to fuck he falls into and drowns in a barrel of shite, and the shite of his own making…fucking cunt!
But his dad was NOT the poor fucking downtrodden factory worker Kweer makes him out to be – he was the owner of his own company The Oxted Tool Company – might have been a sole trader but he was clearly not as Starmer junior presents him. The man just cannot help lying, and he is as “working class” as Jacob Rees-Mogg. Starmer crawled his way in his profession, (“if it please Your Worship…..”_ no doubt as he did his political one by crawling up Blair and Mandy’s arseholes.
Thanks for that snippet ! The fucking lying cunt ! And fucking me for taking in that shite in the first place……shhh lets keep that between you and me, ( pal )
If you think the Thatcher painting is bad, take a gander at this pile of scrap metal …
When a new prime minister moves into No 10 they always have it redecorated and done up the way they like it. And why wouldn’t they? They have to live there. So what possible reason could there be for a Labour prime minister to want a picture of Thatcher on his wall? I know I wouldn’t. If no-one can think of anything apart from this to criticize Starmer about, he must be doing a damn good job.
Oh we can think of plenty to criticise ‘Two Tier’ about Allan, it’s just that this particular cunting places the emphasis on his decision re. the Thatcher painting.
I think there are possibly maybe more than one or two other things we could criticise Keir Starmer about.
His taste in portraits aside – the man is a loathsome cunt. Is he not?
I wonder if when the old cottager Tony “Charles Lynton” Blair had the place decorated to his taste he had it done as a public lavatory with urinals and graffiti on the walls to make him feel at home?
Did you know, by the way, that portrait was commissioned by Gordon Brown – former Labour PM?
“If no-one can think of anything apart from this to criticize Starmer about, he must be doing a damn good job.”
Allan. This is not LabourList – I feel you might be happier there, if you think this two faced bastard is worthy of praise.
Are you sure?
It’s not their house.
It is always temporary accommodation and most of the place is used for state occasions.
They might be able to do up their private rooms to their own liking but I doubt that they can refurbish the majority of the house.
10 Downing Street is fucking huge.
He’s probably put a 2 inch by 2 inch framed picture of himself in Larry the Cat’s Hut outside. Even the Cat looks fucked off lately. Keir’s probably cut off Larry’s winter Dreamies allowance as well,
“what possible reason could there be for a Labour prime minister to want a picture of Thatcher on his wall?”
Good question. The portrait was commissioned by Gordon Brown when PM and he hung it on his wall, maybe he was secretly in love with her.
That said, it is entirely reasonable for the current PM not to want it hanging in any of his private rooms. As usual his political opponents and their client media sought to make a big deal out of nothing.
That’s Edward and Tubbs from the local shop.
“What’s all this shouting about, we’ll have no trouble here. This is a local shop for local people, there’s nothing for you here”
Prince Philip looks like he’s inherited Ronnie Krays eyebrows. That statue is as fucking shit as that Christiano Ronaldo one where he looks like he’s got a gland problem.
His father was a stool maker
And the son always look like he needs a good evacuation.
What is with labour leaders, Blair had a perm-a-tan and rictus grin, this cunt Starmer pasty fat faced quiff and looks like he’s surprised/needs a shit.
Must be the pacts they make with satan.
Starmer – Live (just about) on the pan:
I heard a podcast by the lotus eaters this morning, they were discussing a report from one of their listeners who was visited by the police after she made a comment online.
She was visited by anti terror police.
They refused to tell her what she had said or where she had said it.
They didn’t identify themselves.
They confiscated her father’s ornamental samurai sword which they are now refusing to return.
They were keen to know if the obviously Roman helmet was actually Anglo Saxon as an interest in Anglo Saxon history may be an indicator of far right white supremacy.
They didn’t leave any paperwork for the item removed or any reference number.
When she contacted Merseyside police they said they couldn’t confirm that officers had visited because there was no reference number but have since confirmed officers did visit.
Listening to radio 4 last night it was stated that the government used social media to target likely far right rioters that it they went and protested they would go to jail, this was a collaboration between the government PR and the security services.
The story about the police visit can’t be confirmed but the use of social media to target a certain audience has been admitted by the government.
Tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1933z
We need to arm ourselves!
They could have been advised to leave it in the mosque of course. Why is your need to act the bleeding heart liberal so prevalent on you later posts?
Oh, by the way, Seig Heil.
Better now ?
He’s always got a gormless, vacant, slightly surprised look on his fat pasty face.
Is he perhaps walking round with permanently installed anal beads or a large dildo?
Don’t forget he’s a lawyer. Therefore probably very well versed in not saying a lot or anything truthful.
In other news, his dense foreign Secretary is off to see the thief of Kiev, along with his US counterpart, to discuss letting the Ukrainians use NATO supplied long range missiles to hit targets inside Russia.
Was he a perpetual arts student that did 3 useless degrees until the university let him do a law degree just to get him to fuck off? Unfortunately I’ve encountered many and he seems like the type. Most were SWP cunts that eventually joined the Labour party for the money.
5 chuffing years of this…⚒️
Sir Keir Two-Tier, along with his chancellor, Deirdre Spart, haven’t a clue.
“My father was a toolmaker”. Well, it takes a toolmaker to make a tool, and Sir Keir’s father certainly did that.
You cant fault his workmanship, they guy’s an epic tool.
Illegal Immigrants and early released Prisoners in 3 and 4 Star Hotels this Winter, all nice, warm and cozy. Whilst OAP.s shiver to death and some of our Veteran’s will be living on the streets. And the left then have the AUDACITY to wonder why people are fed up and have had enough.
As I’ve stated on this nomination and all others, the only way forward is peaceful protest. The dick heads, idiots and fools who violently protested shamed decent hard working folk. Why would you trash your own communities and shops for gods sake? The shameful attack on coppers and other emergency workers, I was brought up to respect them and still do. Another sign of the state of the country is at present.
Read Tony Benn’s diaries post 1975/80. He kept repeating, people had to engage in constant but peaceful struggle or they’d be ground into the mud … as happened post-Thatcher. (As she said, her proudest legacy was ‘New Labour’.)
Some attempts have been made here to liken Starmer’s appearance to someone else’s. Boggs: East German Politburo heavy… nice try. But the cunt he reminds me of is Scott Adams’ “Dilbert .” Dilbert’s heavy glasses, blanking out his expression; Dilbert’s weird hair…only trouble is, Dilbert has a sense of humour.
Scott Adams, if anyone missed it, was cancelled by all the outlets syndicating “Dilbert” because alleged waycism. He is now behind a paywall.
Raffles? Moriarty? Stromberg? That sort of bad egg?