JD Vance

This is the US Vice President nominee who has been chosen to be Donald Trump’s running mate. The same JD Vance who went on record describing himself as a ‘never-Trump guy’. The JD Vance who said ‘Trump’s actual policy proposals, such as they are, range from immoral to absurd.” The JD Vance who said in a text to a Democrat politician “I go back and fourth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad, and might even prove useful, or that he’s America’s Hitler.”

Other things he’s said about Trump include “I never liked him”, “He was a terrible candidate” and “You were an idiot if you voted for him”. He has also described him as ‘noxious’ and ‘reprehensible’. So what did he have to say when confronted with all these quotes? He said “I was misled by the media and I made a mistake”. Yeah right. In other words he decided to alter his stance when it became politically expedient to do so.

He’s in good company. He is joining the likes of Johnson, Graham, McConnell, McCarthy, Cruz and all the other Republican politicians eager to exploit any opportunity with no regard to principle. They’ve all vehemently criticized Trump in the past, and he’s criticized them, but now there’s an election looming, they’ve suddenly become the best of friends.


Nominated by Allan.

70 thoughts on “JD Vance

  1. I can’t see anything wrong with him. He ticks all of the boxes under integrity and principles that are prerequisites for anybody striving to be a contemporary politician.

  2. A bit like Deputy Labour Leaders (the likes of Prescott and Rayner) they really are given courtesy titles but are kept away from real power, because they are so fucking stupid. I Imagine it will be the same for Mr. Vance – especially with Donald Trump in charge.

    Anyway far better that pair than Ms Harris and the wanker she has appointed as her deputy – Hammy Lammy and Mandy will have a harder time with The Donald – Harris and co will be having mutual masturbation with them. – anything to annoy Kweer.

    • But satisfying. Trump never caused a war. You can be sure if Harris does, Starmer will be right up her arse supporting her and become her poodle, just as Blair did Bush. We all know hoe me, too Starmer is. I stand by what I said OC. Let’s not make Lammy, \mandy or Starmer any more swollen headed than they already are. Trump will give them the cold shoulder, Harris will welcome them with open arms.

  3. Trump wants Vance for blue collar votes and Vance needs Trump for a shot of being vice president.

    That’s about the size of it.

    Any politician ever, anywhere.

  4. I think I’m entitled to say that yankie shite should be removed from this site and plonk it somewhere else.

    • No!

      You need to welcome diversity and integration, Sammy.

      A cunt is a cunt is a cunt no matter where they are and deserve equal rights to be cunted.

      But its mostly the same old cunts every time, though.

      • Exactly Sam!. Amy Lame’ for example is a bloated American matron, who from some obscure reason is SuckDick Khan’s “Night Czar” – she needs as big a cunting as PixieBalls Cooper and Rachel Reeves because she is equally a great fat cunt.

      • “But it’s mostly the same old cunts every time, though.”…she says in a first time Cunting.

    • As any sane conservative should be. Present American conservatives probably understand the word as “serving the con”, why else would they support the abomination the T represents.

  5. It’s not my election. I don’t really care. US elections are like fucking reality TV. The whole circus boils my piss.

    I like Vance’s stance on stopping the Ukraine bale out and prolonging the “war” – the war in which the Ukrainians are avin’ it on beaches and in night clubs – though. Ukraine will never be part of NATO and the EU. Nor should it be. Ukrainian corruption and oligarchy makes Russia look like amateur hour.


  6. If indeed there was to be an American Hitler all the same bent cunts lining up to jump on Donald’s ticket would happily do the same to serve a dictator.

    It’s all about The Gravy Train,there’s hardly a politician anywhere who wouldn’t sell their granny to book a seat.

    Cunts the lot.

    Good morning.

  7. His name and his looks are like those of a country and western singer. “Stand by your man” would be pretty ironic in his case.

  8. Vance is clearly a very shrewd operator. He’s managed to convince Trump he didn’t mean all those nasty things he said about him in the past; not hard to do when your target is easily charmed and craves approval.

    So what’s his endgame? He’s obviously banking on Trump carking or getting impeached or assassinated at some point during the ensuing four years. When Trump wins (and he will, it’s the Republicans turn to rig the ballot this time) Vance will be perfectly placed to become president in 2028 (or before) assuming he keeps his snout relatively clean.

    But here’s the rub: Vance has to forestall Big Don tearing up the Constitution and proclaiming himself President for life. After all, Trump has already said he’d be dictator on day one. And will no doubt stipulate he is to be succeeded by Little Don Jnr. (or the other goofball, if Little Don is indisposed).

    Not that I could give a tuppenny fuck.

  9. If Donald “I was definitely shot, honest” Trump gets in cleanly, I hope he does indeed turn out to be America’s Hitler (or better still Stalin) and exterminates the enemies of America, all the lib liars, all the corrupt judges and DA’s, the RINO’s in the Repuplican party and disbands all the media.
    Then sets to work throwing out all the wetbacks, recently arrived 3rd world spongers and slitty-eyed pooch munchers.
    He could go on a literal rampage and it would be glorious.

    • Could we have Kweer and his henchmen in his sites too please?. We will be fair, and give Kweer, Streeting, Reeves and Rayner cyanide capsules they can shove up their arses if they don’t have the guts to face the hangman. : little Wes is adept at shoving things up his arse

  10. All is fair in love and war and not forgetting politics.

    Just look at our current joke PM, served under fucking Corbyn, thought he would make a great PM and then threw him out of the party ?

    Trump-Vance or Harris-Walz, there is only one choice otherwise it will be 4 years of the first woman, woman of colour, woman of two ethnics and an absolute waste of space.

  11. Did you not see the democrat debate when Harris attacked Biden Allan? Not a fucking word did you say or line did you write.

    It’s why I can’t take your noms seriously, in your eyes Trump is Hitler, what do you do? You pick Satan as your preferred option.

    Ideally Trump wouldn’t be a candidate and neither would Harris but given the choice of a capable but egotistical Trump and an incompetent extremist Harris I’d prefer Trump.

    Is this what you believe in Allan?


  12. Vance showed disturbing signs of intelligence before he hopped on the Fat Orange Fraudster bandwagon, and maybe he will again as Trump descends further into incoherent imbecility. Since we know that Trump (though not the GOP as a whole) is securely in Putin’s pocket, this comes as welcome news:


    Looks like Governor Holcomb (R) can think for himself. Better pre-empt his fellow-Hoosier, GC, though: “Holcomb is an evil, corrupt traitor to the cause, and is a (ptui) Democrat in all but name. And Russia is an enlightened democracy.”

    FIFY, General.

    But, contradictorially, I agree with Sammy S. Septic elections are even more tedious than UK ones, and go on for years. Enough, already.

    • Trump’s ramblings are becoming increasingly incoherent by the day.

      Doesn’t matter to his fanbase, though. So long as he ends every word salad with “make America great again!”

    • Hey Komodo,

      Is that My quote?

      While I would agree that Holcomb is indeed an “…evil, corrupt traitor to the cause…” I would have most probably referred to him as a Republican hack from the forever war wing of the party rather than “…a (ptui) Democrat in all but name.”

      But I would have never said; “And Russia is indeed an enlightened democracy.”

      • Komodo,

        I always respected you even though we often disagree.

        A deceitful. dishonest and disingenuous tactic like that is unworthy of someone with your intellect.

        I seriously hope we do Make America Great Again!

  13. OK JD Sports is a bit duplicitous but its the same with politicians the world over. Its U.S politics and its an election year. Just look at the Democrat party convention last month, they will be calling each other a pig to a dog next week.

    Two words, Michael Gove.

    The cunt turned stabbing someone in the back into an artform.

  14. When I discovered ISAC around ten years ago, it was much like it is now, the majority of contributors liked to criticize Labour politicians and ‘lefties’ in general. One cunter who didn’t have any political affiliation went by the name of Fred West. He would call anybody, left wingers, right wingers, full backs, he didn’t give a toss. If somebody was a liar he called them a fucking liar. Genuine bloke, I liked his style. Haven’t heard from Fred in a long time. Hope he’s ok.

    I’ve noticed that British people who claim to agree with MAGA politicians never seem able to explain why – it’s as though they’ve simply picked a side in the same arbitrary way they’d pick a football team to support. And their side, once having been picked, can do no wrong.

    Despite everything he’s said about Trump, Vance quickly changed his tune when the whiff of power was wafted under his nose. Everyone knows he’s a liar, the question is, was he lying then or is he lying now? He can’t have it both ways. Trump hasn’t changed but Vance’s opinion of him has. This is a fact that the pseudo Republicans who have picked their side don’t want to hear, but they gain no credibility by insisting on defending the indefensible.

    It would be a refreshing change if they were honest and said ‘I imagined this man to be virtuous and principled, but now I see him for what he is’. There’s no shame in that.

    • You could argue the same for Starmer. Between 2016-2019 he was saying that Jeremy Corbyn would make “a great Prime MInister”. When that flabby faced liar became leader of his own party he disassociated himself from Corbyn and threw him out of the party. It is not a question of whether he was lying then, or lying now – it doesn’t matter because he has proven himself to be an habitual liar,

  15. How anybody would vote for Harris is beyond me. The intelligence of a very shallow soap dish. I hope The Donald rips her a new one on Tuesday.

  16. Another excellent and beyond righteous cunting from Allan.
    I was quite surprised when Trump took on this Vance fella as his VPC.
    Not only because he called Trump an idiot, a cynical asshole, and compared him to Hitler, and loads of other shit that’s hard to argue with.
    No. I was surprised because Trump is notoriously germophobic and by extension a pogonophobe*
    Anyway, fuck them.

    * That’s the posh word for extreme dislike of beards, for all you deplorables out there. ?

  17. Being cunted because you changed your mind about someone and are supporting your party’s nominated candidate.

    One of the stupidest cuntings ever.

    • Your timing remark is way off base.

      Vance renounced his “never Trump” remarks and deleted many of them long before he was ever in consideration for VP.

      It began after he saw what an effective President Trump was and escalated after the Demonrats stole the 2020 election.

      Scroll down and you can find a brief paragraph here:


      I fucking hate wiki-fucking-pedia!

  18. I must say after reading the comment I’m surprised at how many English Cunters buy into the bullshit of the far left.

    Many here don’t seem to have the faintest clue what the MAGA (American First) movement is really all about.

    They just seem to believe what Auntie Beeb, The Goniad and other MSM propaganda outlets tell them.

    Maybe that’s part of the reason you now have an enlightened Labour Government.*

    Trump / Vance

    *The Tories may have been stupid, fucking, worthless, traitorous cunts, but as I’ve said before, there wasn’t an issue the Tories fucked up that Labour won’t make worse.

    • I think it’s more than some crosseyed Billy Bob, who spits when he talks and carries a assault rifle to the toilet isn’t compatible with British sensibilities.

      I’m open to any opinions even ones that are counter to my own,
      but draw the line at some banjo Strummer calling for revolution.

  19. Sov stooge sucking on Putin’s cock. High time someone investigated his bank accounts.

  20. I want to disagree with this nomination but the best choice for VP would have been Rand Paul or Tulsi Gabbard.

  21. Media outlets have delighted in showing a clip of Vance criticizing top Democrats for being childless. He singles out Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg who happens to be gay. Harris actually has two step-children and Buttigieg and his partner adopted infant twins more than a month before Vance made his comments.

    “How does it make any sense” Vance says “that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t have a direct stake in it?”

    This has to be one of the daftest statements anyone is likely to make, and there’ll be plenty of those before November’s election. He’s also suggested that people with children should be allowed two votes while people without should only have one. There isn’t even any twisted logic to this, it’s just plain stupid. He was chosen by Trump because he’s a ‘yes man’ who’s not afraid to make a fool of himself.,

    • A non politician in his first term in office, who is married to an Indian woman and has mixed race children throws the whole leftist narrative out of wack.

      They want you to believe that a childless whore*…and her philandering husband**…are much better family role models. As is the South Bend Sword Swallower Pete Bootyfag and his male wife.

      And when people look at that icon of honesty and integrity, Tampon Tim Walz, the far left has to manufacture some kind of outrage if they are to create a false narrative and turn the thinking impaired against the America First crowd.

      *As we all know, Ole’ Flatback was too busy sleeping her way into office to have time to raise a family, let alone have legitimate children.

      **Dougie is scum. His first wife divorced him because he had an affair with the baby sitter and got her pregnant. What happened to that child is anyone’s guess. Aborted…abandoned…nobody knows. The only thing that is known for certain is that he didn’t support it.

      A pair of real family role models if you ask me.

      • MJB,

        Aborted (i.e. dead) and abandoned babies (i.e. unknown parents) don’t qualify for child support.

      • Hmm…
        Something decidedly fishy about that anecdote.
        If the outcome of the pregnancy is “anyone’s guess” then how do you know the child wasn’t born and thereby qualified for child support?
        Also, if what happened following the pregnancy is “anyone’s guess” then how is it “known for certain” that Dougie “didn’t support it”?
        There’s nothing to say he “didn’t support” its abortion or, assuming it wasn’t aborted and the nanny didn’t suffer a miscarriage, the child’s subsequent upbringing, is there?
        If “nobody knows” then any scenario is possible.
        Maybe Dougie liquidated the kid and hid the body under the crawlspace of his and Kamala’s house.
        Surely it’s not beyond the wit of the Trump organisation to hire a fancy PI to thoroughly investigate this matter?
        You never know, could dig up something actually detrimental to Kamala’s bid for the Presidency!
        Other than mere tittle-tattle.

    • ” Pete Buttigieg who happens to be gay. Harris actually has two step-children and Buttigieg and his partner adopted infant twins more than a month before Vance made his comments”

      I have to say, whether it is an Olympic diver, or some aged pop singer – or a politician, I really dislike the idea of homosexuals, male or female, adopting children. Children are not dogs, and even with dogs too many people obtain them who shouldn’t

  22. Fight, fight!

    Gather round, all.

    Form a chanting ring, we’re back in the school playground!

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