At one time I happily thought we’d seen the last of this charmless fat cunt on this side of the pond after he fucked off Stateside.
Sadly it was not to be. After polluting the airwaves over there for a number of years (inc. that infamous, cringeworthy episode of royal backside sniffing with Has been), the unfunny, obnoxious twat is now back in the UK, where he’s currently filming ‘Gavin and Stacey’ again.
The good news is that it’s apparently going to be the last episode ever. The bad news is that it’s going to be a ‘Christmas special’.
I can barely control my apathy, and won’t be cancelling all other engagements in a fever of anticipation.
Nominated by Ron Knee seconded by Termujin.
I was really hoping when the fat, gay twat did a parachute jump with Tom Cruise that either the plane would crash or the fat spaz would just crater into the ground at terminal velocity.
Hoy fucking gay is he? Does his diet just consist of soya and estrogen?
Fucking embarrassment.
The Fat Cunt needs a good dose of African Ebola and some Monkeypox Flying AIDS..soon be at or below fighting weight in no time.
He should replace Jake Paul (who really deserves many cuntings himself) as Mike Tysons opponent, would bring in much higher viewing figures
That header pic is truly vomit inducing.
Please tell me it’s AI, and not actually real.
Stop body shaming celebrities JP.
They have a hard life.
When have you ever spent 2hours in makeup?
Stealing it while they’re all on stage!
What’s your hair disaster JP?
Are you wearing your kimono as well?
Do you now look like this?
Happi jacket, Harold, happi jacket.
Just needs a bottle of red to complete the look.
Thank you LL.
I’ll be doing a nom, summat lighthearted and not time sense five, so Admin can have a ” mock the cunt”
at my expense.
I don’t care. I’m beyond embarrassment these days
Sensetive, ffs.
Time Sensetive.
Happi talking talking Happi Jacket
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
Then how you gonna make a dream come true?
Worse than that.
Home perm Jp?
Like this?
What’s nesting in that mess?
No, MNC, not that.
That’s Phil Spector!
Creator of the wall of sound
This is due to him
Good eh?
Never judge a man by his hair.
Judge him by the dead body in his hallway.
Is it like that bloke from Flock of Seagulls?
and on that note
You are a good sport JP.
I find the noms about music/films, Ron’s ‘wank bank’ one bring the cunters together more as there are no right or wrong opinions. Well, not if you admit to being a Taylor Swift fan but you know what I mean.
I’ll do my best LL, but I have to say that I was mortified and so embarrassed.
I hope it’ll amuse.
Just brazen it out and wear it like a badge of honour. It seems to work for Mis.
Cordon comes on, I switch off. Job done. Mahoosive cunt.
He gives blubber a bad name.
James corden blah, still he has made a good living out of being a one trick donkey.
I’m surprised the bbc are still interested in Gavin and Stacey?
Surely gav would be a far right reform supporter nowadays..maybe Stacey will convert to Islam and explode on the steps of Senedd screaming death to Israel..
Still welcome home fatty.. I hope you have got your money in a offshore bank, cause Rodney and helmet head have a £22 billion black hole to fill.
#General Cunster.
Don’t take your catchers mitt home, because not everyone agrees with you.
It’s a bit more than that, though, isn’t it.
You let someone get under your skin. Instead of saying
“OK, we must agree to disagree,” you let him rile you.
Bad for your blood pressure, General.
Have a days fishing at the lake.
Then come back.
Fuck me, you get on my tits at times, but I wouldn’t let on.
other ways of relaxing are
playing on motorways
hiding in fridges
and playing in mineshafts.
Hiding in fridges, I did that earlier to scare the missus..
She opened it and I said I am zuul..
Also do you mind I’m fridgescaping.
Ecking ‘Ell, Barry.
I nearly died! I was laughing with a gob full of vino, it went mostly on the cat, but I inhaled some.
Talk about choking!
Gi’ower, MNC.
You enjoyed riling him.
Oh no… has the general had another one of his legendary meltdowns?
He’s taken his baseball, bat and catchers mitt home.
{{ sighs,,,}}
I tried to reason with him MJB,
But he was like a crazed animal.
He apologised for bullying me though so that’s something eh?
It’s a definite step in the right direction, MNC. ?
He has my sympathies though.
It must be hard for him never being wrong about anything ever.
Tbh I never thought my little rant would blow up as much as it did. But yes, this is what I was on about – if I had behaved like Cuntster did today I would’ve been banned far, far sooner and yet he gets to stay no matter what. I don’t hate the bloke or anything but it would be nice to see the rules applied equally. Hopefully me being booted is a sign that they’re set to be tightened – been far too much cunting the cunter for a while now and to my shame I’ve been part of it.
Given that you’re the one who got banned, I think your logic is a bit upside down.
A song for James on his return to the homeland..
Unless the first line is
Fuck off, you irrelevant fat cunt
I’m not interested.
Sorry, Baz.
It’s actually “You’re the One for Me, Fatty”
Classic Morrissey, JP.
Such a cunt is James, he couldn’t even manage to be the star of his own cunting.
He’ll be complaining about me to the media any day now
Only if you speak to him when serving in a restaurant.
Full Lubbock treatment for the mincing iron hoof.
Never saw an episode of that Gavin Stacey programme after accidentally catching ten seconds of it. It was awful. It looked as tediously unfunny as Mrs.Brown’s Boys.
This overweight, one-trick hippo always seems so desperate to be liked. He gurns, he flatters, he does a fake laugh, he speaks like a nine-year-old, he clasps his brow histrionically, and, probably, he has taken it up his chubby, muddy fudge-hole by copious TV executives. It’s the same kind of sympathy that that retárded female comedienne lezzer receives or a down-syndrome kid winning a potato sack race.
When he was hosting his primetime U.S chat show both guest and host must have been thinking ‘who the fuck is this guy?’
In America he must have looked malnourished compared to the locals, like an Ethiopian circa 1984.
In the US they call him Slim Jim.
To them he’s a anorexic.
“Hey buddy get a burger!”
For a fat, ugly bender with pancake man tits, the cunt really does think a lot of himself.
Good afternoon (here in the States) Cunters. I’ve just returned from my excursion into the real world to YET ANOTHER foray into the land of CDS by the pitiful remnants of the T&Pf Mob.
My oh my where to begin?
With the schitzo OC/CG who argues for my banishment and then tells me it’s not an attack and assures me I’m OK?
With the obsessed, gas lighting, Troll known as MNC who now has taken a page directly from the Markle playbook and accuses me of the things he does?
With the cowardly Minge who pokes and prods and then piles on when the other Trolls come out?
With a drunken JP, who told me to never respond to him again and then tries to solicit a response from me?
All of these Cunters have one thing in common. It’s called Cuntster Derangement Syndrome (CDS) and it is characterized by an obsessive hatred for yours truly.
Mis for example openly expresses his hatred for me and constantly claims I’m mentally ill…a refrain the others are all too happy to agree with.
But I submit to you that he and those with the obsessive hatred are the ones who are truly mentally ill. He and those who obsess about everything I say are the ones who need to calm down. He those who accuse me of having a meltdown are in fact the ones melting down.
They scan the forum for anything I say in hopes of using it against me, They encourage others to make nominations that they think might induce me to respond. They make baseless accusations often accusing me of doing the very thing they are doing themselves.
And it never stops.
Because I live rent free inside their heads.
When I respond then they congratulate themselves and each other and say see he’s mental! He’s having a breakdown!
The truth is I participate when and if I choose. I call you out when I feel like it. I call bullshit when I see it. And I don’t give a fuck if you or anyone else likes it.
You poke and prod, bait and incite, Troll and flame and blame me for it with you idiotic “if she weighs the same as a duck, then she’s made of wood” logic.
EVEN WHEN I’M NOT AROUND you cannot stop yourselves.
Yours is classic Troll behavior. And it won’t stop me from participating when and if I want.
And you can kiss my “Septic” Ass if you don’t like it.
It must drive you absolutely IN-FUCKING-SANE to know that you can’t defeat me! And I must confess…I enjoy the hell out of that.
Now before you dragged me into this…what was this nomination all about? Oh yeah…James Corden. A true cunt if there ever was one.
I like you General. Not so much soy boy cucks ,arse lickers, pretend hard men, lefty baiting wankers. I miss Vernon but enjoy the wit, intellect and reminisces of lots of cunt posters. If it’s an echo chamber fuck off else where. James Corden absolute cunt unlike Helen Mirren who I bumped into the same day at Twickenham.
God I’d have loved to ‘bump’ into Helen Mirren.
Did I miss something, GC?
Hey Foggy T,
You didn’t miss a thing. It’s just same old, same old.
My apologies General.
Your clearly well balanced and of perfect mind.
Dont know where I got the idea you were a mental from?
Get it off your chest and clear the air General.
I think your contributions are welcome on here.
I think everyone else does too, even if there’s a bit of piss-taking from time to time. I think we’ve all been on the receiving end of a bit of that at times, but Admin sorts out any genuine unpleasantness.
Stay tuned.
Nothing to do with our General, this one…
But, one or two Americans I know are totally sound and sane people.
However, mention anything about American politics or Big Don, or Senile Joe, or Kamala Knickerless and they throw a fit. They go seriously divvy.
Us ‘Limeys’ are ordered to ‘Stay out of it, man!’ and ‘Ya don’t know nuthin!’
It really seems to be a trigger with them. And they seem to base everything around which one they – or you – like or don’t like. Say, if they are pro-Harris and you’re not, they won’t speak to you again. Straight up.
OT. One of the government’s just released early prisoners has already been charged with sexual assault..
Starmer, I spit on you.
I wouldn’t piss on Keir Stapo if he was ablaze.
He’s the biggest cunt of all cunts for being a cunt without trying to be a cunt.
He falls into the category of ‘Cunt for our Time’!! Right up there with Harry and his despicable yacht slut cunt wife, Cliff ‘Colostomy bag’ Richard and Tony ‘my wife has mouth that will fit 5 cocks in one go’ Blair. I’m not a vindictive man, but I would happily feed these cunts feet first into an industrial meat grinder. I’d probably masturbate as I watched it happen, too!
Now THAT’S a weirdo wank bank entry if I ever saw one!
When even the USA rejects you, you know you’re an unfunny cunt.
That goes without saying.
His ‘we the people’ and ‘us football supporters’ speech after that European Super League was announced didn’t fool me for a second either.
This slippery fat fuck going on about how he knew what working class football fans went through. This fat fucking bastard only became interested during the early 2000s Premier League era. And Corden became the beg friend of Rio Ferdinand and Wayne Rooney. He was like a fly round shit with Manchester United players at that time.
His ‘impassioned speech’ from his US TV studio about ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’ with proper football fans? What a load of fake steaming shit. That immense vat of dripping couldn’t care less if any ‘ordinary’ person lived or died. Corden will only bother about anyone ever if they are famous or loaded. He is a complete cunt.
I’d say he was a starfucker. Except no star would fuck him.
This has been an interesting read, a baying mob for Cunster, a return for the little boy still playing with his scalextric and a fat fuck being cunted.
On the plus side for myself, I’ve survived this weekends wine binge
Rock on.
I wish I was still little Pooter. Become something of a chubby fuck recently – blame ankle problems.
Talking of twin accounts, are Minge and Shit-cake one and the same, they sure do write in similar fashion, previously banned too perhaps ?
What happened to Big Vern?
Did Wokegate really have him arrested?
The Viz character or someone else ?
He was called Vern, Pooter.
And he was a contributor to this site.
He apparently wrote a message to then England manager, Gareth Southgate. Telling him how woke and how shit he was.
Vern said the police picked him up over it, as somebody at the FA grassed hin up. And he’s not really been seen since.
Vern was alright.
Good for him, I sincerely hope it was an expletive riddled diatribe.
Knowing Vern, it will have been.