Angst Over Other Nations Supplying Arms to Russia

Whinging and getting the hump because Russia is getting weapons from Iran, China, the arse of the devil etc.

yeah I know the invasion of Ukraine was a bit spazz but fuck me from what I read in the msm the western allies have given Ukraine every thing apart from the starship enterprise. We might as well go and join in probably.cheaper than all the military aid. What do our governments expect Russia to do? Damm sure that if the”west” had been a bit more helpful when so called communism vanished up its stinking arsehole we would not be in the fucking daft place we are.

But of course the reduction in super powers was welcomed by many. Wait till China starts really throwing its impressive weight around. Make the old USSR look like a WI meeting and they know how to deal with peacefuls.

The Bulletin. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Black Biscuit

80 thoughts on “Angst Over Other Nations Supplying Arms to Russia

  1. 90 seconds to midnight, oh woe is me, the end is nigh.

    Anyone fancy 90 seconds with the 10-pinter on the left? Probably take an age to get that bussle off.

    • Well, they said that in 1984, Geordie.

      Threads was on the telly, Two Tribes was Number One.
      And that clock was at a minute to midnight.
      A load of bollocks.

  2. As long as Putin drops a bomb right on top of me, I’m not bothered.

    I wonder if the terrorist appeasing Liebour party will retaliate?

  3. So, anyone giving arms to Russia are demons, yet US, UK and most of EU are sending so much to Ukraine that they are leaving themselves short. US is also keeping things going in Iarael by supplying bombs being dropped on hospitals, schools and supposed ‘safe zones’

    Somehow, just about every country has allowed a spoiled, petulant child to attain power. These are the people starting wars but never putting themselves in harm’s way, just sending the local cannon fodder to die for their childish disputes.

    All those in power, every fucking where are CUNTS

  4. Jesus, talk about falling in with a bad crowd…

    Iran , china, Mali, Niger, Belarus ,North Korea …

    Right shower of Herbert’s.

    Know a man by his friends.

    The Legion of Doom💀💀

    Just need the fuckin Klingons for a full table.

    • When George W Bush called them the ‘Axis of Evil’ oh how they laughed and laughed.

      Turned out to be one of his most prescient statements, except they’re better called the ‘shower of cunts’

    • Remember Claudia Webb, the dumb MP who couldn’t even pronounce Belarus correctly?

      I cunted her, richly deserved.

      Anyway, she’s a former MP now, lost her seat this year.

      Say dumb things, do dumb things, you get voted out, so farewell, Sausage King and your OAP freezing poodle, too.

      • I imagine we may well see an uptick in what remains of ethnic Western European population’s wishing to emigrate to some of these countries in the not too distant future though.

    • Good practice for future problems and they do not give a fuck about casualties. They will carry on till they get it right, what’s a few fuck ups among minions.

  5. Putin’s missed out on all the fun through his truculent behaviour.

    As a ducky type he could of swapped emails with Huw Edwards,
    Gone to puff Daddys freaky parties,
    But now he’s persona non grata.

    Hell never get the chance to spaff his baby gravy in Justin Biebers freshly washed hair.

  6. The Soviet Union was a super power, now some fucking failed spy is begging for weapons of the biggest cunts on the planet.
    Pity much of them went bang last week….
    Vlad sooner the window catch fails the better.

  7. I suppose it depends on what you regard as evil – Russia, Iran, China, N Korea or Nato and the West.
    Ukraine will be followed by the Baltic states and fuck knows where else if evil wins.

    • “…the invasion of Ukraine was a bit spazz…”? That’s one way of putting it. The democracies of the world are giving support to a democracy that’s being attacked by a dictator, mindful of the consequences for their own security if the dictator succeeds. I don’t see how this could be difficult to understand.

      • It’s easy to understand if you get your information spoon fed by the BBC etc.

        I thought you’d be more up on all things Ukrainian given the Biden family’s deep links with the fucking place.

    • That Iranian hypersonic missile that the Yemeni cavemen hurled at Mossad HQ in Tel Aviv?

      It managed to make a small crater in some wasteland and scorch some grass.

      Pretty sure Mossad don’t advertise their homa address in the yellow pages either.

  8. Iran must so flush with money and weapons, supplying Russia, Hezbollocks, Hamas and the Tooty Hooties.

    That’s what happens when you pay £400,000 for an Iranian national Naz Ratarse.

    Fucking disgrace 😂

    Isn’t little Rocket Man giving Russia any missiles or is he too busy dropping them into the Sea of Japan

    As for Israel, fucking good show getting stuck into Hezbollah, fucking unaccountable cunts operating in a nation state, the Lebanese should be cheering them on.

  9. What a fucking shit fest this Ukraine conflict is.

    Whatever happens, the Ukraine is fucked.

    If they or NATO “win” then Kyeeev will resemble London or Paris inside a decade.

    Should they lose then it’ll become a Russian satellite state.

    How many young men have to die before these blood thirsty, war mongering bastards have had enough?

    No doubt the figures for the number of dead on both on sides will have been fudged.

    There are no good guys in this.

    Not that cunt Putin or Russia and certainly not that coke sniffing cunt Zelenskyy, NATO or the woke globalist West either.

    Just a load of evil cunts making money and a shit load of innocent people being fed into a meat grinder.

    While we’re at it, thank fuck that Lord Ali’s sausage swallowing imbecile bitch and UK PM Dame Kweer wasn’t granted his wish of firing British missiles into Russia either.

    There are approximately 650 cunts hanging around Westminster who would be ideal for conscription to the front line.

    • This sums things up nicely, Herman. Well put. I’ve been to Ukraine a few times and never met an unpleasant person over there. Extremely hospitable folk!

      I feel sorry for your regular Ukrainian who’s lost a loved one in the war. It’s shit. I’ve still got the hump about us emptying our coffers for what’s essentially ‘Donbass 2.0 – The Electric Boogaloo’ and the younger lot out living it nightclubs and beaching it up on the Black Sea. I’m not against people lifting their spirits during tough times. I’m not a fucking monster. Some gratitude wouldn’t go amiss, though.

      Thank fuck Starmer didn’t get the green light to fire weapons into Russia. I don’t take much notice of the news, but that genuinely had rattled for a bit.

    • Anyone who thinks Ukraine wants to swallow ‘liberal-democracy’ in the style of France, Germany or UK knows nothing about them.

      They’ll take Poland’s lead and be better off for it.

      • I think liberalism or woke/BLM/globo homo politics will be given to the Ukraine whether they want it or not.. A bit like the US, UK and the other western nations

        I get the argument that most ethnic Ukrainians would utterly reject Western Woke-ism and with good reason, but let’s face it, the way things are going, it’s not as if there’s going to be any or at least enough ethnic Ukrainians left to resist it.

        If Dame Kweer, Macron and Cackling Kamala Harris get their way, Ukraine will be the poster child for a melting pot of globalist dystopia.

      • Oh I don’t doubt they’ll try, HJ.

        They’ll be barking up the wrong tree though. The Ukrainians are as conservative and traditional as the Polish, on average. But this war has made them very, very nationalistic.

        Ironically, it’s been Putin’s major success of the war, unifying the Russian-speakers in the East and the Ukrainian-speakers in the West into a far more coherent national identity, knowing what they collectively are not; Russian! The fucking retarded goblin. Fuck him.

    • Russians are right cunts, always have been. Their armed forces are composed of alkies, drug addicts and violent criminals. The more of them that get turned into dog food in pointless meat wave assaults the better off the world will be. Hopefully the war will make the Ivans’ already piss poor demographics fall through the door and they’ll be extinct in a generation, helped along by copious quanties of self administered krokodil and methelayted spirits.

      • @Stanley Pontlarge.

        And be replaced by Africans and Middle Eastern Carpet Kissers.

        Who needs Dostayevski and Tchaikovsky when you can have Ooga Dooga and Mohammed.

      • I don’t draw any distinction between them. Most of Ivan’s lamentably violence prone solidiery are drawn from sandy ex-Sov ‘stan republics anyway or far eastern Siberian shit holes. Putin’s blocking troops are mainly from Chechnya. What do you think the predominant religion is in those sorts of places?

      • Ok I take your point about the Chechens and other assorted Muslims from the Caucasus and you are probably correct.

        It’s just that you referred to Russians as Ivans.

        Ivan is a Slavic male name.

        The Orthodox Christian Slavic Russians are the best of what Russia has ever contributed to the world.

        Chechens and Dagestani’s are probably less likely to drink themselves to death as their Muslim counterparts.

      • A few composers, authors of long books, and chess players doesn’t really make up for a history of gangsterism, terrorising their neighbours and generally acting like vicious cunts. Even the cultured ones are thoroughly imbued with the Muscovite mindset. Fuck ’em.

      • Evening again Stanley.

        Not forgetting that the Russians put the first human into outer space either.

        Which is an achievement beyond the reach or capabilities of any Africans or carpet kissers.

        The Globalist liberal elites are currently in the midst of replacing western culture and civilization with Africans and carpet kissers.

        I’d also add that no Russian/Ivan ever called me a Gammon but I imagine the UK foreign secretary probably would.

    • Glorious result and good news for Austria.

      I see they want to instantly close their borders and start ejecting those who refuse to integrate.

      The Guardian and going to be having a temper tantrum this morning and hopefully it gives them an aneurysm

  10. Christ, I’d send back anything from China.

    Bayonets that bend
    Rifles that misfire
    Rockets that explode in transit

    What’s Iran sent them ?
    Walkie talkies?

  11. We should be sending both sides British made weaponry.

    Cash in on it.

    Bayonets made with Sheffield steel🇬🇧

    We could pay the pensioners winter fuel payments with the money?

    Earn a fortune in a war!!

    But not these sadsack Westminster homosexuals.
    Pay for it and we aren’t even fighting in it.

    • I used to have a lovely BSA A65 MK1 Spitfire…!

      Amal GP carbs, bugger to start, pissed oil all over the place, brakes were shite. Skinny tyres…!

      How the fuck I survived my teens I’ll never know.

      Now, a 120 bhp Honda. None of the above fault’s..

      Sort of sums up GB really.. good fun though…😁

  12. The Spuds have invaded very old and creaky Trafford. Will NATO send some attacking power to assist Ten Hag?

    Spurs are similar to Ukraine, big ideas but unable to implement them, United true to being Reds live on past glories but really can’t win a big match.

  13. Id love to have a root through that rubble in Lebanon after Israel has finished bombing the cunts.

    Bet you’d find all sorts of goodies?!

    Gold rings, jewellery, gold teeth,few quid in scrap metal alone!

    Wonder how you go about the clear up of something like that?

    Dream job that.

    • You will have to battle through all the curly shoes and tea towels first mis.

      Still you might find a flying carpet or magic lamp.

    • Mis, we see the result of an IDF strike on one of these Hezbollah nests on the telly. Next thing they show us is a funeral, a big ornate coffin draped with a terrorist flag being carried shoulder-high through a huge crowd of angry mussies. Now considering the IDF munitions literally reduced a steel reinforced concrete tower block to a crater I just wonder what’s in the coffin?

      • Just a smoldering fez.

        They dont seem to like getting blown up much do they Arfur?

        Thought they’d be happy to get a express to paradise?

  14. Fuck Ukraine.

    Fuck Russia.

    Fuck every virtue signalling arsewipe Western government chucking money they don’t have at a conflict that means pricely fuck all.

    Russia clearly does not fundamentally possess the logistics to invade anything..the laughable notion that “Poland is next” is a lie.

    Eisenhower was entirely correct and a very great leader and President…its all about supplying and feeding a war machine that is self perpetuating.

    Zelensky is a fucking crook,join the queue you little fucking thief.

    EMP strike should settle us all down.

    Good evening.

  15. Nations supplying Russia with arms ? They must’ve found a way of attaching them back on, since the days of lobbing them off during the concentration camp days.

  16. Vlad’s so called “special military operation” has worked out well for him, hasn’t it?

    He even managed to convince Norway & Sweden to join NATO!


    • Too true, fatjon.

      The UK and Europe has been invaded by Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, Malawi, Sudan, Romania and Albania.

      And you’re dead right. Our governments have willingly allowed this to happen. And if Kamala Knickerless gets the White House, that really will be the end….

      • The UK’s invasion began in earnest in 1997.

        Satan Blair letting in hordes of Somalian muck and cunts from behind the former Iron Curtain. It was infested.

        The job I had then was ruined by that. And I resigned in the year 2000, due to the preferential kid gloves treatment the bastards got even then.

  17. Zelensky (yyyy) really is a fucking bum.

    A head of state (and a head of state at war) wearing T-Shirts to summit meetings?
    Can’t imagine Churchill, JFK, or De Gaulle doing that.

    Pure dooshka eurotrash tramp.

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