Vehicle Excise Duty

In August 2022, then Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced that, having encouraged people to buy EVs or other low emmision vehicles, the exemption from paying VED would be lifted in April 2025.

So, we knew this was coming, but some cucks obviously hoped a new Government would reverse the decision.

Not so, so look forward to paying £190 pa for your EV.
Now, I don’t drive, so forgive me if I get this a bit wrong, but wasn’t no VED the big selling point? How many companies switched to EVs, at great expense, delivery companies like DPD and Amazon, bus companies, too.

But here’s the sting in the tail. Some drivers may find theirselves liable to pay a little known extra rate known as the ” Expensive Car Charge”, which applies to EVs costing over £40k. This includes Tesla, BMW and Mercedes.

GB News.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

With a second gear change from Chuff Chugger:

May I second this nom. I have been arguing the case against buying an EV for years. EV cars are nothing more than a disposable purchase with pretty much zero used market appeal or value. A lot of the electrical items you used to spec your new petrol/diesel car with at extra cost were YOURS to keep for the life of the car. Now…..not the case. If you spec your new EV with the latest satnav, heated seats, heated steering wheel, all singing and dancing headlights, interior mood lighting fact anything electrical, you will only get a subscription for a certain amount of years, before you either pay a renewal subscription per year or you lose it. So the car you purchased with all the toys, will lose those toys when you come to (if you are lucky) sell it on. Everything will be a subscription service that they can get away with. Buy a top of the range tv 3 years it will be out of date and will have zero second hand value…same with electric cars.

Now, this guy when it comes to his food reviews is a cunt, and he has a cuntish hairstyle, BUT he drives an EV, and his vids on his EV experiences are very good. Here is his latest, and I would suggest you view the earlier video of his that he mentions in this video as it is enlightening.


57 thoughts on “Vehicle Excise Duty

    • synthetic fuels are the answer. can be used in all existing petrol and diesel cars with no modifications and zero emissions and more environmentally friendly to produce than the batteries to power ev’s.

      only drawback is cost, but that will come down with volume. all f1 cars will be powered by synthetic lab produced fuel…either next year or year after. if they can do it with no detriment, then your old mondeo wont have any issues. this product needs to be promoted over and above all this ev shit. trouble is, the government has fucked the car market over, as they have effectively ceased production of petrol and diesel vehicles, so there is no development of new models to come through

  1. There was yet another electric car on the approach to a roundabout not far from my home.

    Completely burnt out.

    Nothing left of it.

    A few month’s ago on a relatively short motorway drive there were 3 seperate cars on fire within about 50km of each other.

    When these cars burn you can see the flames and smoke from fucking kilometres away.

    I don’t think that they can be put out.
    They are just left to burn until there is nothing left.

    Not a good selling feature.

  2. And its no fun replacing the 3½ million AA batteries when they run out of juice, neither.
    🪫🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋… 💥

      • I’m sorry to hear about your car charging difficulties Sam.

        You need to get yourself a Van Der Graaff generator, attach your 37 kids to the belt and tell them there’s a lion on the loose. They’ll run like Mo Farah when he hears there’s a doping test due and there’s your problem solved.

    • Thanks for that, Geordie.
      But a bit dangerous I think.
      I once touched a Van Der Graaf Generator and look what happened to my face.

  3. As I work with racing cars (piston-engined, of course, not electric gayness), I know plenty of people who have to deal with ev’s.
    Everyone knows that insurance companies’ll write ’em off if they get damaged, but they’ll also write ’em off if there’s a software or hardware fault that’s not cost effective to fix.
    A certain large German manufacturer, they have cars come back in for serious electrical faults that are so complicated that not even the stealership csn fix them, they have to go back to the manufacturer.
    Ev’s suck balls in every conceivable way, except their admitted mind-warping acceleration.

    • The only reason I can see to have one of these milk floats would be if they cost less than a real car.

      But they cost twice as much, have shit range, take all night to charge, are prone to exploding and Teslas have an annoying tendency to randomly kill the driver/passengers/pedestrians when in self driving mode, or catch fire, or both.

      A great big pile of wank.

      • Country Cunt…..and they can be stealthily tracked with all the electronic gizmos on them…will only take someone from ‘head office’ to request your electronic info from your car and they will know where you’ve been, when at what speed and what you talked about.

        You think ANPR can track you….this will bring it up another notch….plus they can restric remotely where you can go when and at what speed. No thanks.

    • Don’t forget it also keeps the darkies busy mining colbalt thomas..

      No time for looting and finding where the white women are at..

      • And the toxic product in its mined state chops 30 years off life. See….their is a positive benefit.

    • Don’t forget it also keeps the dàrkies busy mining còlbalt thomas..

      No time for loòting and finding where the white women are at

  4. I understand these electric battery powered vehicles can explode and burn like Joan of Arc.

    Have the authorities properly investigated if this is the work of the Far Right?

    We have a right to know.

    The lazy cunts.

  5. They sound like milk floats but they are an excellent way of instantly spotting a cunt that should be avoided at all costs.

    • You should certainly avoid parking next to one at all costs.

      The amount of smoke along with the need of the emergency services in their petrol and diesel vehicles when one spontaneously combusts will wipe out the carbon saving for several of these useless fucking things.

      Another reason for their lack of resale appeal is that once you have had one you would not want another.

  6. This is why I kept my old Fiesta Zetec S. I electric cars are a waste of time. They’re putting the tax on then because they sold poorly

  7. EVs should be restricted to city buses and taxis which actually makes some sense.

    What the fuck is vehicle excise duty anyway, it’s just tax, like fuel duty and VAT.

  8. I should think these new taxes will just about snuff out the tiny market that exists for privately owned EVs. TtCE identifies the single solitary advantage of an electric motor over a piston engine, i.e. full torque at zero revs. After that the ICE is superior in every respect.

  9. The Russian that lives 2 houses away from me has 2 of them.

    Both Teslas, one for him and one for his wife.

    She works with him at his dental practice less than 100 meters from his house.

    They both drive the ridiculously short distance to work every day in seperate cars.

    Why he has 2 of the fuckers I will never know.
    They can’t charge them both at the same time.

    In Spain you are restricted to the amount of electricity coming into your house.

    For instance Casa de Cunter has the usual 5,75Kw which is more than enough to run the house, but not enough to charge an electric car and run the house.

    The maximum ‘potencia’ which a private property can have is 9,2Kw which is about enough to charge one electric car while using selective appliances in your home.

    With reference to the standing charge nom…… A 9,2Kw contract is much more expensive than a 5,75 one.

  10. Heavy, expensive and as green as a coal fired locomotive..

    But the smug value is off the charts..
    Driving around smelling your own farts..
    Should have a extra tax on that..

  11. If you buy an EV you will also be saving the world’s tits and beavers. Fact*. If you still drive a petrol or diesel engine jobbie, you are clearly “Far Right” and responsible for murdering millions of orangutans. Fact*.

    * All facts checked by Daisy McTwee at the BBC. Fact.

  12. If they insist on the ban, then they’ll be less cars as not everyone can afford the electric ones and I doubt they’ll come down in price. Which means they’ll have to increase VED to get the same money in. After all, they need to send it to Africa to combat climate change. Arseholes.

  13. I wouldn’t be seen dead in a electric car.

    Id rather have a lucky dip surgery at the Tavistock

    I’d rather go on Stars in your eyes as Gary Glitter.

    You know who drives a electric car?
    Huw Edwards.

    Nuff said.

    • Afternoon Mis, nice to be discussing something that’s not ‘far-right’, well for the moment anyway.

      Cunt Engine at his most masterful to OC at 7.43am today “Choose your side, boy”.

      Hee hee, it was like something out of fucking Highlander!

      • I felt sorry for the poor cunt LL to be honest.
        He said his opinion and got ripped to shreds.

        Got to admire that.
        I don’t agree with him,
        But respect anyone who sticks to their guns , swims against the current etc.

        I’d still throw a brick at him in a riot but it wouldn’t be personal.

    • I haven’t driven an electric car since the late 1960s.
      At Charlie Mannings Fun Fair in Felixstowe.
      Cunts kept on running into me!
      Put me off electric cars for life.
      Never mind, it’s time for lunch now.
      Stilton cheese on toast.
      Fuck them.

  14. Back now my mind, always, was … “we’ll pick up a new ICE in 2029, keep it well, it will prolly see us out” …. preferably *late* 2029, .. but I imagine the price gouging – beyond the pale price gouging – will be in full swing by ’29 and even earlier .. anticipating that a huge number of folks just don’t fucking want electric goddamn cars. Like everything else, it wasn’t put to the people, just put upon the people.

    As for the nom seconding … I became aware of the BMW spec situation/policy about a year ago (YT vid about tech cunts)… the mandatory heated seats, specifically, that upped the base cost OF the model, but lattetly only worked on a month to month payment basis. Blackmail/extortion in all but name.

    Pay up or we will remotely disable your heated seats, legally, because you were stupid enough of a cunt to buy a car from a company who would deem to contemplate, letalone instigate such absolutely shameless avarice in the first place.

    ANY cunt who bought a car with a condition such as that attached, is a 9-litre W16 quadruple turbocharged cunt!

    It sold tens of thousands.

    Of course it fucking did.

    • Be careful with leaving it that late, all new models will have the government-controlled-speed-limiter by then.

      We’re probably looking at getting a lightly used car in the next year.

      • I also imagine there will be ‘punishments’ in store for those who (while following the letter of the law, mind you) strategise thus to keep themselves in a common sense *honest* fuel burner (electricity disnae come from pixie dust, green cunts!) for as long as possible. Doubling down on all the current methods of fleecing us, at the very least.. ICE owners being treated (or ‘shamed’) like lepers. Some bullshit reason for 2030 insurance hikes, tax hikes, all the usual.

        Something like …

        “There’ll be more ev’s on the road. Twice the value(well, twice the COST that’s for sure) of a standard car. So more chance if you DO have a collision, the repairs to the other party will be much higher .. ergo insurance HAS to double” … that kind of cock…

  15. VED was never the driver. £7 to fill it is the driver.. Unless you can’t charge at home in which case it costs more to buy and more to run than 3L Audi tank it replaced.

    Quite like mine. Solar panels and a home charger and not spent a penny on charging it since April probably won’t until October, then it’s about £6.5 to fill it up while snoring my fat arse off.

      • Fucking depreciation? The Audi went from £88k to £26k in 3 years which is £56 per day and cost me £50 a day in fuel and had the performance of a dead slug.

  16. The subscription model pioneered by Abode is now catnip for all major businesses. Residual income deals with the peaks and troughs. Create for the Corporation but smoke and mirrors shite for the customer.
    Unlocking horse power via an app, what fun. The reality being that the Corporation need only build one/two engines instead of ten. Thus allowing them to close production plants en masse. I’m guilty of working on this particular shit, my conscience is not clear.

  17. Proof that the EV scam us just one of many that have got fuck all to do with saving the planet, but more to do with screwing yet more tax from the good old motorist. A fuckin blind man could see that when enough of these pyromania cars were sold the cunts in government would start charging VED. Basically the motorist is the go to person to fuck over with taxes, tolls, clean air charge bollocks, congestion tax bollocks. The only thing that causes climate change is the fuckin big yellow ball on the sky.

  18. Mate of time works for an ‘eco’ based company so changed all the petrol reps cars over to fully EV. That sounds fine from a PR point of view, but he normally travels 250+ miles a day. When he gets home he has around 10% charge left (less if its cold and he’s had heater/lights etc on) which is great if all you do is when you get in, you don’t want to go out again in the evening. For it to be fully charged for the following mornings work, he must put it on home charge as soon as he gets in at 6pm, otherwise it won’t be fully charged by 6.45am when he leaves.

    Which means he is fucked it he wants to take the missus out in the eve after work…or he has to pick the kids up from their mates house etc. So he has had to buy ANOTHER car (little petrol Fiesta) so he can go out in the evenings. Fucking bonkers situation.

  19. Was it Gordon Brown who was going to reinstate the Window Tax? I seem to remember that. My point is, because they can’t control spending then they can’t be quick enough to raise taxes or come up with new ones to pay for their mad schemes and lush expenses.

    Let’s see, how about a rural tax? Country Cream gates and surrounded by fields? That’ll be £1500 a year on a rising scale. House at the worst EPC rating? That’ll be 5 grand a year on a rising scale because Greta. Do more than 5 washes a week? £500. Have a 10 year old fossil fuel car? £2000 a year. You get the gist. I expect by the end of this Liebour government, that we will all be better off throwing away our passports and coming in via dinghy to be housed for free, given free food and heating.

      • I think that they’ll carry on looking to cut more stuff, like the pensioners heating allowance first, before they raise taxes.

        There’s the pensioners £10 Christmas bonus that they could have, not to mention free prescriptions for pensioners, because as we ALL know, pensioners don’t vote!

        Stupid, shortsighted cunts. It was probably pensioners that voted these liars into office because, quite frankly, the younger generations are too busy making things for ThickTwat, Facefool and Twatter to be arsed to go and vote, hence the appalling turnout.

      • Yes they will cut stuff, defence probably at the top of the list, then hand out millions to Ukraine, like Turdeau (allegedly). I do think they will put up taxes too. Will never see them take a salary or expenses cut though!

        They are short sighted bastards, 100%.

  20. In 59 months after 2 tier Smarmer, Millipede, Bikerack Raynor and the Reeves Bint have finished, there won’t be any fucking cars on the road.
    Apart from the elite of course.

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