The Rolling Stones [7]

The Woking Stiones.

Once the most feared, controversial and notorious band in the world.
They have now turned into total pussies.

Brown Sugar has already been axed, due to Me Too psychos. whining that’s it’s ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’. And now Sympathy For The Devil has been self censored. That old fool Jagger has decided the ‘who killed the Kennedys’ line is not to be used, because of the recent Trump shooting.

Errrr. Wasn’t Jagger’s mate, John Lennon shot and killed? And there have been a good few shootings since then. So, why is Mick so concerned about it now, when he wasn’t before?

Simple, the Rolling Stones have bought into the woke bollocks and they too are now frightened of offending people who are there, waiting to be offended.

Never thought I’d see the day. One of their greatest songs, now butchered in case it upsets some soft cunt.

GB News.

Nominated by : Norman

57 thoughts on “The Rolling Stones [7]

  1. Like everyone else that operates any sort of business they are subject to ESG.

    The promoters, record companies and touring companies are full of the products of left wing woke education and the application of ESG pressure ensures everyone is subject to wokeness.

    I read something the other day that the hedge funds that birthed ESG and diversity scores deliberately take over or apply the pressure to brands that are traditionally conservative to ensure they become woke.

    The woke ideology comes from the top down and not the grass roots as they’d like us to believe.

    They ensure our politicians are the product of woke institutions and if any politician attempts to set policy that doesn’t meet their guidelines they will get royally fucked as per Liz Truss.

  2. Sympathy for the Devil dates back to 1968.

    Fans of the group will know the lyrics and pay good money to go to a live concert.

    Tickets are not easy to get and they are expensive.

    It’s not as if people will turn up for a live show not knowing who The Rolling Stones are or what their signature songs are.

    So yes, it appears that one of the best rock bands ever have turned into 4 old cunts, frightening of upsetting people.

    Fuck them.

  3. They did do some good stuff, but I was never a huge fan of the Stones.

    Bands’ reactions to The Jab Mandates have led me to stop listening to a fair few I used to like – RATM, for one.
    I avoid wokies like the plague.

    Something to think about, Artful, we all become old cunts unless we croak early.

  4. It would be better for everyone if all “icons” from one’s youth died early.
    Rock n’ rollers, sporting heroes, film stars.
    And in particular, good looking women.
    That way we wouldn’t have to witness them turning into wrinkly, boring old cunts
    Reminding us that we are all on the same conveyor belt headed south.
    Fuck them.

  5. As soon as arseholes like this open their mouths, or to be more precise – pander to the left wing establishment, they seem to effortlessly remove any lingering doubts that you had about whether they are total cunts or not.

  6. Brown Sugar, the biggest hit from the album Sticky Fingers 1971. I have an original copy with the Warhol zip. I think it’s one of their best, & probably my most valuable.

  7. They got old,very old and became fucking boring.

    Such is life,they were a great band once upon a time,more fool them for accepting any criticism at all.

    Age has made them into fools.

  8. As if the line about the Kennedys would upset anyone anyway.
    They’ve been dead for decades now. And most millennial and gen-z cunts won’t even know or care who they were.

    Also, it’s totally skewiff. Jagger wants the Kennedys line removed. Yet the line ‘I rode a tank, held a General’s rank. When the Blitzkreig raged and the bodies stank’ remains in the song.

    I reckon the shooting at Big Don was staged anyway, and Mick is just grabbing publicity and getting social media mentions. They are too old for their previous antics. So – like their peer, McCartney – the Stones try to remain ‘with it’ and ‘relevant’ by toadying to the woke loonies. Macca’s rewriting of ‘Blackbird’. From a simple ditty about a tweeting feathered little chap in the garden, to a right on hymn to racially oppressed black wimmin is a glaring and stomach turning example.

    • ‘Blackbird’ was probably the last decent song McCartney wrote.

      Don’t believe any of that ‘woke’ re-interpretation about it. It’s bollocks.

      • I have tapes from 1968 radio shows.
        John Lennon told Radio 1’s David Wigg,

        ‘Oh, that one is Paul’s. A blackbird was in his garden one morining. And he wrote a song about the bird. It’s that’s simple really.’

        McCartney also said in 1968 on radio that it was about a real blackbird, and the actual bird was even recorded and put on the end of the White Album version.

        Total revisionism and bollocks I agree, Ron. The way Macca goes into a lengthty speech in his modern live shows about how it’s about ‘black birds’ as in black women and how they have suffered is ludcrous, and it’s an insult to longstanding Beatles fans and experts who have long memories.

        But that’s McCartney. Ron. He’s a cunt.
        He has always told it as he wants it and how he sees it. Even Derek Taylor, Apple’s long time press officer, once said,

        ‘George Harrison is the only place to go for real horse’s
        mouth Beatles history. John is dead, Ringo can’t remember anything much. And Paul changes and rewrites history all the time. He’s always doing it. Always changing it.’

  9. Rod Stewart has also gone soft and pandered to the woke psyschos.

    Once a proper lad, and the ultimate working class boy made good. He did everytihng we dreamed of doing. He was in a top band (Faces), and he dated/shagged the cream of 70s celebrity crumpet.. Always did things on his own terms. His early solo career wasn’t too shabby either.

    But now he has axed the song ‘Hot Legs’ from his setlist. Not his greatest song admittedly. But that’s not the point. Long established rock stars are being dictated to by liberal loonies. Telling them what they can and can’t sing. These are the same sort of cunts who got Page 3 banned, and think that a couple of lines in a 35 year old song is a big deal. These sad fuckers really need to get a life, But Rod is a cunt for even thinking about caving in to them.

      • I agree Tez.

        Even Liam Gallagher ‘apologised’ because the LGBTQ cunts chimped out om Twitter when Liam called some poof a ‘Batty Boy’. What was sickening was Liam actually apologised. That would have been unheard of in his 90s Oasis days.

        It does baffle me too. How and why stars are afraid of a faceless and nameless social media mob. They capitulate and give in far to easily.

  10. Why don’t the old sods just pack tt in anyway?

    Charlie and Brian are dead. Wyman and Taylor are long gone.
    Woody is a capable sideman, But to pay top dollar to see Mick and Keef creak around the stage is not my idea of a good night out.

    Last time I saw them live was the 1990 Urban Jungle Tour at Maine Road.
    They were still good and capable then. They also dipped back into the back catlogue to dig out stuff like ‘2000 Light Years’ and ‘Factory Girl’. It was a good show.

    But – like Eagles – they have been a brand name circus for years. Barely any original members left, and people just go to see the ‘name’. An Eagles show featuring just Henley and Walsh is all but pointless. And maybe the Stones were once ‘The Greatest Rock ‘N’ Roll Band In The World’. But to trade on thar nickname now is ridiculous. Because there are hardly any of them left.

  11. New album, back on tour.

    Fucking hell, one of ’em’s going to cark it on stage one of these days.

    ‘It’s how he would’ve wanted to go’

    Afternoon all.

  12. Fortunately in the (their) day, I had a striking resemblance to either Mick or Brian, depending on the silly young women l took a fancy too and vice versa. This was straight from the start when they appeared on Top of the Pops, when the beeb used an old church in Manchester for the earlier programmes. Being a regular visitor to the Manchester Cavern Club, I was fortunate to receive a ticket when the Stones were appearing on TotPs due to the lack of males appearing in the show.
    The fun started there when after the show went out live on TV, girls had gathered outside at the end and pounced on me. I ran back in and was told to wait in the Stones dressing room until they had left.

    The following days after visiting the Cavern I was repeatedly congratulated by friends after seeing me on the telly. It was a big thing in the days of the sixties and only live tv and it meant I’d never seen myself on the telly until the nineties with umpteen visits to the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall.

  13. OT. Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said.

    Ah, but will misandry, Me Too witch hunts and mistreatment of unmarried or single fathers be seen the same way? Nah, course they won’t.

    Fuck you, Yvette Cooper.

    • Hi Norman,

      You reminded me when casting my mind back during the seventies at a pub I frequented, when a group of women entered collecting for battered housewives. Little did they know we had a regular friend with us who was constantly battered by his wife, with cuts and bruises to prove it ! They obviously didn’t believe us at first until the poor man convinced them with a few stories. All the women did was laugh. The irony ah.

      • Adding to that, I’m proud to be a philogynist. Most of my friends are female and it does make me more relaxed being amongst them.

      • Doesn’t surprise me, Sammy. But that’s wimmin. All for appearances and keeping up with the others.

        Our lot weren’t too bad the other night. Rashford is still there and he still can’t score (the cunt). McGuire was decent, and that goalie still fails to convince. I reckon Ten Hag will be gone by Christmas. He just doesn’t have it.

      • Laurence Fox was right.

        It’s hard to find a woman now under the age of 35 who isn’t an absolute loony.

    • I’d love to see hatchet faced Jess Phillips in prison for misandry, taking turns shitting in a bucket with Big Bertha the B Wing dyke.

      She looks like a lessie, sounds like a lessie, don’t like men and is probably a lessie in the closet.

      Time she came out by going in.

    • ” The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. ”

      So fk you Rolling Stones for being pandering pussies when the world needs Men.

  14. With the release of “Aftermath” in 1966 through “It’s Only Rock and Roll” in 1974 the Rolling Stones really were “The World’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band.”

    Then they went all Disco and simply made a bunch of worthless noise.

    Now they are just a bunch of decrepit, whiny old cunts acting like fools.

    They should call themselves “The Rolling Cunts.”

    And don’t let anyone tell you any different…Mick Taylor was their best guitarist.

  15. The Beatles and the Stones are two of the most overrated piles of crap in British music. Never got them, can’t listen to any of the pop tunes they churned out

      • I always preferred the Small Faces. A line in Itchykoo Park -‘You could miss out school – why go to learn the words of fools’ was a slap in the face for some of the old cunts who taught i my day. No idea what they were like by 1967 when that was recorded. In my time teaching was like working at the BBC for pea doughs.

    • This unofficlal blog has done a far better job than some official mixes. The mix of Sabbath’s Paranoid album is very good. And the Beatles mixes are better than the official butchery of Giles Martin.

  16. Pity Jagger/Richards weren’t killed in one of their private jets à la Buddy Holly.

    Straight after the Exile on Main St. tour would have been ideal.

    But no later than 1978 following the release of Some Girls.

    They should now do the decent thing and fuck off to Dignitas with Esther Rancid.

  17. They aren’t the first once-youthful, vibrant iconoclasts to sell out to commercial mediocrity. They did that years ago, or hadn’t we noticed?

    But what comes around goes around.

    Sooner or later “The Boiling Frogs” or some similarly named bunch of rebellious three-chord wonders will rediscover their roots and compose anarchically anti-woke anthems extolling global warming and misogyny…until the pendulum swings again, and then the cycle will repeat.

    The 80-year old wrecks currently limping their stuff to old tunes with sanitised words aren’t the Stones. If you really need it, I will lend a fuck, but I can’t in all honesty give one.

  18. It was also during the sixties when roadshows ran with umpteen up and coming pop acts and it was the Rolling Stones who had only just released “Come On” and were the first act on dressed immaculately in suits and ties, the jackets were a black and white check. Never forget them being introduced as “an up and coming group you might enjoy”.

  19. They’ve culled ‘Sympathy…’ and ‘Brown Sugar’, but not Some Girls?

    “White girls they’re pretty funny
    Sometimes they drive me mad
    Black girls just wanna get fucked all night
    I just don’t have that much jam

    Chinese girls are so gentle
    They’re really such a tease
    You never know quite what they’re cooking
    Inside those silky sleeves”

    Just play the songs, you geriatric, Weekend-at-Ronnie’s fogies.

    • Is Kamala Harris going to use ‘Respectable’ as her campaign song?

      Well now you’re a pillar of society
      You don’t worry about the things that you used to be
      You’re a rag-trade girl, you’re the queen of porn
      You’re the easiest lay on the White House lawn
      Get out of my life, don’t come back

      • With those gnashers, she could use Wild Horses, but Let It Loose might be apter.

  20. I’ve always regarded Jagger as a great, prancing tit. Which of course he is.

    But he’s rich and you’re not” I hear some say. So was Jimmy Saville.

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