The ‘pro-Southport’ rioters are cunts


of the highest order.

I don’t care if you’ve ‘had enough’, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for smashing shit up or attacking the emergency services. Three is no excuse for using a horrific crime as justification for lawless, mindless violence and thuggery. If you engage in this sort of behaviour, you are not a persecuted victim.

You are not a martyr for ‘the cause.’ You are not a hero valiantly defending your country. You are a fucking cunt, and that’s all there is to it.


Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.

132 thoughts on “The ‘pro-Southport’ rioters are cunts

  1. Could be the whirlwind is being reaped, at least until the new strictly starts. Interesting to see how the powers that be figure out a way to turn this to their advantage. Couple of new laws restricting personal freedom, few more pages on the equality act, compulsory mosque visits for all school kids, machete training instead of football. All drops neatly into place, almost forgot health and safety inspection of all craft used to transport refugees. Sat nav and radar fitted but if craft is deemed unsafe the Royal Navy to bring the refugees to good old Blighty. These inspections will take place in France. The aim to reduce the RNLI call out before they go bankrupt. So the so called government can say yes we have achieved something, the financial position of the RNLI is financially secure.

    • Says it all BB.

      The stupid cunts rioting have given Starmer and co their ‘get out of jail free’ card.

      ‘Everything in the garden’s rosy; this is all down to a few far right thugs stirring up division and hatred’.

      Morning all.

  2. Just on good morning Britain, no necked balls is interviewing no tits balls..

    I bet that was brutal, ” what shall we have for dinner tonight darling”
    “How about a roast dinner?”
    “Sounds a bit far right”

  3. This is all by design, import the third world, create resentment, divide the population, implement facial recognition cameras everywhere and more draconian laws to remove the right to protest (whilst protecting against the “‘far right”) introduce CBDC ……… hello social credit system ……goodbye liberty!!!!

  4. Ooh, better not kick off or they will oppress us some more. FFS get real, we’re already under the boots of the loony left.
    Ignore people and they will eventually find ways to fight back. Sometimes they find the wrong way, but at least they are fighting, not acting like fucking sheep or just talking a good fuck.
    I think we tried ”pretty please will you fix this fucking country”, we also tried voting and that went fucking well didn’t it, under our 2 party rigged system.

  5. When illegal animals come to this country walking on their hind legs, they should be quarantined for a much longer period than one that can’t speak on all fours. Let’s say for an indefinite time which is the norm and to make things easier for all, imprisonment the answer. Best to be safe than sorry.

    • Jesus fucking Christ, once again showing the two tier policing all it’s glory! Where is the governments disgust? Still crickets.

    • Nice bbc link from o/c there, why are you still here?
      The mindless thugs are what used to be called the working class man…. the ones that keep the country running, and liberated it a number of times.
      Provocation by the old bill and endless trendy labelling of the usual names by that quisling starmer is just fanning the flames.
      I’m ready to launch a few bricks myself, anyone else?

      • For the benefit of the Gestapo, who by now are probably reading our comments. No comment!😂

    • The sad thing is that is virtually the Kweer view of the world. You can just see him reading his Guardian just before he and his NHS worker wife welcome the guests to tonights poncy dinner party, worrying if the champagne has been chilled enough, and have they invited enough homosexuals for equality purposes – and hoping Lammy doesn’t break the lavatory seat and block the bog this week.

      • If Lammy does block the bog then Wes Streeting will be called upon to sort it out. He’ll just roll up his sleeve and stick his arm down the pan and push the blockage out as he’s probably used to being elbow deep in a sh!t pipe.

  6. Can’t see how rioting is going to help but the simple fact is that in this fucked up country your voice is never heard till something kicks off and it’s a shitshow but that is the way things are.

  7. I heard Mini-Cooper on the Today programme (Wireless 4 0810) sounding like a Mother Superior with chilblains,and while nobody in their right mind would condone the ghastly goings on this past week, I only wish she would be so forthright and determined when you get Muslim parents demonstrating and threatening outside schools in the Midlands, or left wing demonstrators looting and causing violence in London – and soon – coming to a picket line near you, violent flying pickets, now that Kweer has decided to rescind laws on how Trades Unions conduct themselves. Make no mistake they will be coming.

    It is the turning a blind eye to left wing rabble and labeling everyone who doesn’t agree with the “progressive politics” horse shit as “far right” or “extreme” that is causing so much anger in this country.

    I hope Pixieballs remembered to pack a few extra pairs of knockers today, as I am sure she pissed and shat herself on the BBC this morning.

  8. The police should be playing the Hundred cricket, bashing illegals for six over to France. Don’t need any balls, just their own.

  9. All the cunts in Labour and the Cuntservatives went to the same schools, socialize in the same circles and all enjoy a week away to Davos to get their NPC updates from the real string puller Kunt Schwab. It’s similar in America to the Democrates and the Rino’s, they just take turns to keep the charade up. I call modern politics a ” Neo Aristocricy” cause theres nothing democratic about it, it’s who you know and what you’ll willing to do. The problem with Brits is that we’ve lost that fighting spirit that kept the krauts off our shores during two world wars. These camel fuckers did not make britian great, the local Briton’s made it great and this situation will only get worse while British values become more and more diluted.

  10. The government’s proposed remedy for the riots is to punish those involved to the full extent of the law.

    Nothing about listening to the community, no lessons to be learned. The usual BS rolled out after civil disorder is absent.

    Punishment of the rioters without addressing the underlying issues is going to make martyrs out of the rioters and leave the door open for more organised civil disobedience in the future.

    I’ve seen established immigrants state that immigration is out of hand, their voice doesn’t get heard either.

    The establishment response will guarantee more serious problems in the future. We can either sit here and complain in this site or we can organise and use the legitimate tools of democracy.

  11. Im sure there least one on this site that can answer this. “Can a Plebiscite demand an impeachment of the Government that has failed in its popularity ” ?

  12. You are right, they SHOULD be burning down Westminster, with ALL the two faced, corrupt, slimy, smirking cunt Politicians inside.

  13. Climate change has been the main focus of governments with an emphasis on ignoring population growth.
    The world’s population increases by more than 200,000 per day.
    There is no solution being considered, so it will exponentially keep on increasing.
    People are quick to blame Blair, and perhaps rightly so. But the real treasonous folk are the likes of Geldof and Bono, fast-tracking population growth whilst making millions themselves.
    When Live aid was held, we had a population of 60M, and Ethiopia was around 20M
    We are now around 70M, and they have over 130M, many of whom need and want to go elsewhere.
    Cheers Sir Bob, you meddling cunt

  14. Starmer, Islam by default is “far right”

    Oppression of women.
    Oppression of homosexualls.
    Oppression of other religions.
    Oppression of political opposition.

    You thick cunt Starmer, you protect the very thing you proffess to abhor….💩

  15. Politicians condemn protesters, but until they condemn the murders, rapes and general shit behaviour perpetrated by immigrants then what are protesters supposed to do, sit on there hands?

    • The likes of Suckdiq Khan tell us we have to accept migrant related murders as part and parcel of livinng in modern Britain. And the other well worn response ‘They won’t win’.

      But they are winning, and that’s because they are allowed to. One thing is 100% certain, there will be another murder of an innocent Britiah civilian by either a migrant or someone related to migrants. and then there will be another, then another. The UK is now a killing ground for these savages, and the authorities don’t seem to be even remotely concerned or interested.

      • I thought he is already resigned to Brits being killed off ‘People were killed, how awful, accept it as normal’.

        I think he only cares about spending money on diversity posters and telling people who disagree with him that they are far right, anti-vax conspiracy theorists. Does naff all else.

  16. The riots in 2011 London were caused during the searching of a black cunt after a white man. Which still proves a point that blacks are more likely to carry illegal substances.

  17. Some of the lads protesting in Rotherham are in court today..

    Funny though, if you get .
    Car stolen
    Bike stolen
    Property vandalised.


  18. On boy, the comments have been fun on this one. FWIW I do agree that we need to get a handle on mass immigration, but this isn’t the way to go about it.

  19. Btw how come some posts get the ‘newer/older’ comments tab relatively early whilst some can have 80 odd comments all on one page? Not an issue or anything but I’m just curious.

      • Occupy Parliament Square. It’s peaceful but something more substantial than walking around shouting slogans. It also inconveniences MPs without harming or disrupting the lives of regular citizens.

      • It’s also a tactic that would see much more public support due to the loathing that people have for politicians in general. All the riots are doing is alienating people who might otherwise be on side.

      • Bollocks, the police would be there within minutes and everybody would be herded away.

      • I understand why people are angry but violent protest falls into the government’s play book and gets you shut down. Protestors are now labelled ‘thugs’ even if you turned up to hand out sandwiches to the police. Facial recognition here we come. Much as OP’s view is unpopular, peaceful protest on immigration or 2 tier policing hasn’t been tried. Nobody has been complaining loud enough by lobbying and it is only recently that an alternative party has come to be.

        Coat ready.

        I also think it is a waste of time and there is the rub!

      • As opposed to now Moggie, where people are smashing up towns and cities across the country and making everyone else who wants immigration reform look like hooligans?

  20. I did a bit of a stroll down memory lane to remind myself what happened after in 2011 MarK Duggan-inspired riots (that sweet angel).

    To be fair, over 3000 people were eventually arrested and in many cases did feel “the full force of the law” with maximum custodial sentences.

    The issue wasn’t so much 2-tier policing as 2-tier reporting and political reaction.

    The powers condemned the violence, obviously, whilst acknowledging at length the “underlying frustration” experienced by the youths involved. Or should that be ‘yoots’.

    Feast your eyes on this shit from our dear Guardian, 10 years on;

    This quotation from some vicar tart sums it up;

    “There was a comment from David Cameron that it was criminality pure and simple. And I thought, it’s not simple at all, it’s very complex. I think people got involved for a lot of different reasons. I can never condone any sort of violence or damage to property, but I think the anger and frustration came out of a lot of different things, with the Mark Duggan case a catalyst. A lot of young people who, rightly or wrongly, felt aggrieved and in some cases left behind”.

    So yes, the complaint is that there will never be a sympathetic ear to the “lot of young people” who feel they’ve been left behind by decades of mass immigration, afterall, nobody cared when kids were getted fucked so why should they listen now.

    What we are witnessing is something similar to 2011, with different motivations. I would think it goes without saying that it should be condemned but if “it’s very complex” is good for the goose it has to be also good for the gander.

  21. Nobody’s going to listen to silent combat, that’s why we are using violence similar to the stuff against us. Once conquered, we will return to the tranquil surroundings of our past.

    • I see your point, Sammy. There has to be some form of response at some point. But it’s finding a way of doing it. The reaction to what happened in Manchester after the Arena bombing was nothing short of spineless and disgraceful.

      A mass murder at a pop concert, and the response was lighting candles, singing Oasis dirges, and flogging bumble bee merchandise. ‘Don’t look back in anger’? There was no bloody anger. People just tip-toed around them, and there were zero arrests at the Didsbury mosque where that murdering animal came from.

      Nothing wrong with showing some genuine and justified anger. And total capitulation isn’t the answer either. The government and police will do nothing to protect ordinary citizens from these migrants. There have been murders everywhere, from Southport to Hartlepool. And yet these rioters just play into the hands of the law and the media, and give them the ‘far right’ villains they so love to hate. So, what’s to be done, and how?

  22. I don’t like any of these pricks. But what I really don’t like is how the cunts who caused mayhem in Bristol during the lockdown and the BLM wankers dressed like paramilitaries were ‘protestors’. While the knobheads this past week are ‘thugs’ and ‘rioters’.

    There is no difference. Whether it’s toppling statues or setting fire to wheelie bins. They are all vandals and cunts.

    But, something is badly wrong. When there are elderly folk, who worry about putting on another bar on their electric fire in Winter, in case they can’t afford it. And there are scores of migrants, who live for free in four star hotels and are treated like rock stars. Something is seriously and badly not right. There is bound to be resentment, even without all the murders since Lee Rigby. But attacking coppers isn’t going to achieve anything.

  23. Fuckin ell Opey!

    You’ve took a bit of a kicking on here haven’t you?

    If it was in my emotional repertoire to feel sorrow for another person you’d be it pal.

    Don’t let it grind you down.
    Poison the kettle in the ISAC canteen.

    Chin up son👍

    • I’m fine MNC. I think some on here have just gotten worked up by what’s happened and are assuming that I’m in favour of mass immigration when I’m not. I could’ve been a. bit more cordial myself tbh.

      • Cordial?

        Never been a fan of being cordial myself Opey but go with that if you think it’s best.

      • It’s an open debate, nothing personal. A lot of problems in the world today is people failing to understand we can disagree without going to war about it. There’s probably more we agree on the man disagree on.

      • Starmer has said he will use the army to stop these rioters.
        But there will be no military presence in the Channel, where the boats are…

        That immediatley tells us where he’s at and what side he is on.

      • @norman

        Using the military on the people is martial law and compared to historical riots of much greater magnitude the weekend’s events count as minor disrupting.

        If he uses the military on the people he’ll create multiple Belfast’s on the mainland.

      • I agtee, Sixdog.

        Also, the world and his dog knows that mosques are a hive for these killers. They distribute hateful leaflets, some of them stash firearms. And yet they will now get special and official protection.

        Something British churches and ordinary citizens don’t get.

      • It’s certainly a messy situation, to be sure. Problem is I’m not sure how we even solve it at this point.

      • I don’t think anybody does, Opinionated. Least of all the government.

        And shit stirring bottling cunts like Tommy Robinson don’t help at all. Gobbing off from his deckbed in Cyprus.

      • Stopping illegal migration might go a long way to ameliorating things. And reducing legal migration. Saying and doing it!

  24. No mention of the hoards of Muslim thugs carrying weapons and putting people in hospital with impunity from the police while chanting allah Akbar then?.

      • I wasn’t having a pop at you, I meant the media in general. Go look at the BBC News website right now and there’s not one word about Muslims rioting. According to the mainstream media, all the trouble is down to right wing thugs. Muslims are victims again.

      • Yeah, I saw them mentioned in an article pertaining to the Bolton riot but even then they weren’t the sole focus.

    • This is what I meant by this country will become like Northern Ireland, sectarian violence is going to become the norm.

      If I were a Muslim I’d be getting tooled up to defend my property or my Mosque.

      The responsibility for what’s happened and what’s to come lays solely at the feet of government.

      Not one LabCon politician is ever going to admit it but they know it and so do we.

      • Did anyone suggest it was terrorism?

        ‘The former head of counter-terrorism policing says some violence during the riots has “crossed the line into terrorism”.
        Neil Basu, who held the top counter-terror job between 2018 and 2021, said: “I hope my successors are looking at that very closely.”
        He told the BBC: “I think we have seen serious acts of violence designed to cause terror to a section of our community.”
        Mr Basu said “people should look very carefully” at the legal definition of terrorism when considering some of the violence and actions seen since last week.’

      • oh shit! clarify that one …

        ‘misadventure’ if done by the original cunts that is, ..

        Attempted genocide if ‘twer honkies as the controls..

      • Basu is a copper bottomed cunt.

        Terrorism is nail bombs in Hyde Park that kill guards and their horses. Terrorism is innocent pop concert goers getting murdered. Terrorism is planes sanshing into the Wotld Trade Centre.

        And, of course, he didn’t say a word about that cunt killing three little girld last week.

  25. Starmer pledges allegiance to Davos over Westminster.
    Police tells Snackbars to stash their weapons in the Mosque so “we don’t have to arrest you”.
    Sky news reporter bangs on about ‘Far Right’ thugs while behind her an armed gang of Snackbars hold knives and machetes.
    Reporters chased out of town zones by gangs of Snackbars.
    Nick Lowles (Hope not Hate) tweets lies about ‘Far Right’ chucking acid out of car windows at Snackbar wimminz.
    Yet it’s the ugly, pale Proles who are the issue by complaining about the ruination of this country by an invasion force shoring up the sex abusers, drug pushers and money launderers already ensconced here ?
    Fuck right off.

  26. The police are aiding the peacefuls and telling them to hide weapons in mosques.

    Haven’t they seen these cunts in Luton and Rochdale, with their ‘Kill the Police’ banners?

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