The Left’s Wet Dream

NOTE: The Admin Team does not generate content. The nominations come exclusively from the cunter community. As such these are your nominations not ours. We’ve had a few ‘political unrest’ noms recently, but the goal posts do seem to move on an almost daily basis. Hence another one. Kudos for keeping it civil. Debate, disagree and trade facts but not personal insults. Fill yer boots.
The Admin Team.

Well here we go again. Our illustrious PM blames the recent civil unrest on ‘far right thuggery’


Okay Sir Kier, I’ll grant you that there may be an element of that in play. But simply to continue blaming this nebulous ‘far right’ for the outrage sweeping Britain is naïve and disingenuous.

Don’t you get it? People are sick to the back teeth with mass immigration. They’re sick of stumping up £8 million a day to feed, clothe and house cunts who come from who knows where, while they struggle to pay their bills and get a doctor’s or hospital appointment.

There is a massive problem facing this country. The Tories dodged the bullet by the simple expedient of losing the election; what’s your excuse for failing to get to grips with it? It’s just ‘the far right’ causing trouble?

Well it seems that millions of ordinary, long-suffering British people have had enough of being labelled as ‘racists’, ‘fascists’ and ‘bigots’, because they’re sick of it. The ‘far right’ hare isn’t going to run any more,and you’ll just pour petrol on the flames.

But off you go on your hols Sir Keir; keep the stick up your arse and your head firmly buried in the sand. And don’t forget to take the knee to BLM rioters again before you go (oh sorry, I mean BLM ‘protestors’; wouldn’t want to be provocative, would we?).

Nominated by Ron Knee.

138 thoughts on “The Left’s Wet Dream

  1. Check this out.

    Who needs Thomas “the Hitman” Hearns when you’ve got Dame Kweer “The Shit Man” Stalin.

    • Well, that is fucking pathetic.
      Looks like a fucking jelly has been poured into a suit and not been allowed to set properly.
      We all knew the cunt is lacking a backbone, but this is evidence of a complete absence of a skeleton.
      I’d love to see a 3 rounder featuring him and Sleepy Joe slap fighting.
      The wet paper bag would have him begging for the coup de grace inside a minute.
      Puny cunt.

      • I’d suggest him for the Women’s boxing team, but that really would be an insult to women.
        And the guy giving advice!
        “Try and breathe, relax”
        Well if he relaxed any more he’d be a puddle of piss on the floor, and he’s breathing way heavier than he is punching.
        I’can hardly see to type here, fucking crying.
        His missus will be thrilled having that ‘fighting’ for her honour when the peacefuls decide it’s her turn to take it up the shitter.

  2. Hello Admin Team.

    My last post disappeared.

    It made like Kier and went…Poof!

    Would you be so gracious as to investigate?

    Thank you.

    And in the meantime…an absolutely righteous nomination.

    • As my request was made shortly before 10AM PMT (Pommie Mean Time) and it is now shorty after 5PM PMT (more than 7 hours later), and there’s no reply and no restored post, I’m going to assume that’s a NO.

      So much for another unpopular view from the States.

      • It just happens from time to time that a post vanishes into the ether without rhyme or reason General. I’ve had it happen and so have others.

        Just treat it as a quirk of Word or whatever it’s called is my advice.

  3. Well it seems to me last night’s response by the government and the police was masterminded by Clinton Baptiste.

    ” im getting the word….. played”

  4. Forget all the pictures of the Hope Not Hate bellends and jobless wankers holding ‘refugees welcome’ signs. No, the most nauseating photo I saw was a little peaceful kid with a toothy smile trying on a coppers riot helmet as everyone laughed for the cameras in this bit of peaceful PR. He will be grooming young girls in a few years and you won’t be laughing then.

    • Just like those Paki cunts in the hospitals.
      They come it and take as many liberties as possible. They stink the place out, fart like camels, don’t flush the bogs, and play their Bollywood shit unchallenged by staff.

      Yet, when one of these sacks of muck utters an English word (here thrirty years, yet they ‘no speaky Engerlish’) the staff go giddy and praise them. Like they are a pet poodle that has learnt a new trick. ‘Oooh! He/she said an English word! I’nt he/she good?’

      It’s absolutely offensive. Utterly sickening shit.

      • One female patient – a friend of mine – kicked off in the dialysis unit last week. The staff put her on Bed No.4. Next to the dirtiest, noisiest, smelliest, devious Paggi in the place (and there are a few).

        Coughs his guts up without wearing a mask, farts loudly even with ladies present, has his phone on full blast, and he stares/leches at the white women in there.

        Not being unnattractive (well, I would), my friend refused to be anywhere near the cunt, and I don’t blame her. The staff tried the ‘But… But’ and ‘tolerance’ crap.But she was having none of it. She stated that while she had paid in all her life -and he almost certainly hasn’t and never will – she should be able to dialyse in peace and quiet, without some dirty fucker leering at her and farting like a camel with bad wind.
        I did back her up, and asked why the bastard isn’t put in a side room. Because everyone hates the cunt. It’s a thankless task talking to him.Beacuse he just pretends that he doesn’t understand you. But he does. The staff have created this monster. Because they have let him get away with evreything, because they are afraid of the race card being pulled.

  5. The Politicians on ALL side’s are terrified. They know that if they don’t pander to the ragheads then we will see more suicide bombings and mass stabbings. They seem to have forgotten what Chamberlin’s “appeasement” led to. “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”. Mass movement of people from east to west isn’t a knew phenomenon, allowing large groups of non integrated barbarians to settle within it’s borders as well as mass attacks from “migrant” groups moving east-to-west (i.e. the Huns, Goths, Vandals, Franks, Saxons etc ) is what destroyed the Western Roman Empire. The so called educated elites don’t seem to see the connection. Well the Empire that is Western Civilization is definitely burning now!!!

  6. Apparently on the anti “right wing” marches last night there were quite a lot of free Palestine chant’s.

    Not so much anti ” right wing” , more pro butchering TERRORIST supporters….!

    This is ok then is it Starmer…?

    • There are Palestine flags everywhere.

      If the bin men go on strike, the useful idiots of the SWP and their ilk will be there ‘in support’, but they’ll be flying the flags and chanting their chants, taking any opportunity to conflate Palestine with other issues.

      ‘Palestine’ is a very useful band wagon for the far left to climb on.

  7. And while all this shit is going on, Itchy Ballsack has been spotted in Beverley Hills.
    Getting out sharpish before Liebore’s Wealth Tax kicks in.

    What a cunt.

  8. no way am I religious. if you wany to believe in your sky fairy, then that’s fine.

    but if a politician said…look we are a Christian c of e country….for example. and no other non Christian religion will be tolerated then this to my mind is the only thing that the raggies understand. don’t like it…fuck off. laws will be amended and passed without consideration to any other religion. exactly the same as the fucking shithole countries the raggies came from.. tolerance to changes to the traditional British way of life, customs and beliefs should not be tolerated.

    diversity is our weakness and tolerance will see our country have the piss taken out of it for many more years to come

    • I absolutely agree Chuff.

      I am not a religious man and I have very little use for organized Christianity.

      But as I said in another post…the assault on our Western Values and Institutions by the Neo-Marxists and the Calpihaters puts me in the uncomfortable position of finding common cause with those I might otherwise avoid and criticize.


    this just now. met police deny two tier policing….can’t deny there’s definitely two tier msm reporting and two tier speed of convictions

    in court within days, strong sentences, now televised trials and endless msm reporting of names of the accused, ethnicity and back ground. all being hung out to dry to ‘set an example’ to the proles.

    if they weren’t white British it would take an age to get to court, there would be reporting restrictions and there would be queues of raggie solicitors desperate to get them off.

    all gone quiet on the Leeds riot front when those kids were taken away, and the colonel that was stabbed in medway

    • Which begs the question.
      Why is it deemed a necessity to sentence a white man within 24 hours for throwing a brick at a copper, but not so for some lunatic who’s just killed 3 girls and injured others?
      Answer. The well-being of a police officer or Muslim is worth infinitely more than a white child’s life.

      • That’s the frightening reality of this country, and the west in general. We are fucked!

  10. Just seen Mark Rowley on the news, he has redefined the far right, they are now the extreme right, well that’s fucking sorted everything out.

    Refugees welcome, the peaceful left have won, but don’t tell the Jews in the UK that the peaceful left are peaceful it may not go down very well

  11. Far-Right Disorder Fails To Materialise….(all media)

    Almost as if the word had been put out to get all available Guardian readers and immos onto the streets, with the promise that there wouldn’t be any real opposition. Which strongly suggests that for all the dire predictions, and macho COBRA bollocks, there was actually no evidence at all that “the far right” planned to hit “100 towns” last night, at all…

    Another helping of horseshit, Mr.Mushroom?

  12. Funny, how these ‘anti-racist protests’ are full of Palestinian flags and anti-Israel placards.

    How come that Israeli flag with a swastika on it wasn’t classed as ‘disorder’ or a ‘hate crime.?

    Because they aren’t sandfilth or black.

      • Well, they come from the desert and they are dirty. The term applies solely to the scores of barbarians that groom, rape, murder and leech off this country. It’s ‘OK’ for them to call us British Pigs and for the government and police to label anyone who questions unfettered immiigration as ‘far right’ and ‘racist’.

  13. A small aside. But telling, nonrtheless.

    I briefly read through my eight year old niece’s Beano yesterday. To see if any of my old childhood favourites were still there.

    The Bash Street Kids are, But the characters of Wilfred, Spotty and Fatty have been axed. In their places are a black lad and two ragheads. One male and one female.

    It is everywhere. Absolutely everwhere. We are frigged.

    • I still get VIZ. My wife always buys me an annual subscription, and anyone who still does will notice there is now a token blick barman been added to the Sid the Sexist strip, and the Cockney Wanker character has completely gone….due no doubt because he regularly gave his missus Shirl a back hander.

      • I did see the recent Viz ‘British High Street’ spoof, Chuff Chugger.

        Everyone was white. No blacks, no Dooshkas, no Pakis, and no Africans.

        It was nothing like a modern British high street.

    • DC Thomson comics haven’t yet realised that Lord Snooty owes everything to his ancestor, the 1st Earl of Bunkerton, who made his fortune from owning large tobacco & sugar plantations in the Caribbean.
      Also Snooty is the fifth and youngest child of the 6th Earl Bunkerton and has 4 older sisters who inherited nothing from their father due to hereditory peerage rules.
      Plus Snooty owns the Beano Retirement Home (Tavistock) Ltd for non-politically correct characters, such as the aforementioned Spotty & Fatty (both now sadly stricken with colon cancer) where he employs undocumented, underage, transitioning Filipino ladyboy “nurses” at less than minimum wage.
      When the Beano’s editors realise the potential in the backstory expect them to crowbar in plots around slavery, reparations, white privilege, lung cancer, diabetes, the patriarchy & feminism, the health benefits of veganism, open borders, child sex trafficking, gender identity, rampant homosexuality and elder abuse in carehomes due to years of Tory government funding cuts.
      Just the type of stories the modern pre-teen needs.

      • DC Thompson have always been cunts.

        My dad was a good and budding artist in his youth.
        He actually got turned down by DC Thompson because he was born Roman Catholic. True story.

        Now, I bet DC Thompson turn down people just because they are white.

    • PS this Labour cuntcillor has apparently been suspended by ‘The Party’.

      Wonder if the Old Bull will be around to ‘consult’ with him for the incitement of violence and hatred within the community.

      I’ve just started to hold my breath…

    • I wonder how they actually know that?

      Personally I’m more of a left wing supporter myself; Villa have got some great talent on that side of the park.

      • Is it a coincidence that these riots have happened shortly after a socialist government was elected? I know it was all supposed to be about those murders and attempted murders in Southport, but it came about because of misleading information being put online. It appears that right wing agitators were just waiting for an excuse to call their feeble-minded ‘stormtroopers’ into action.
        Very similar to what happened in the States on Jan 6th ’21 shortly after the Democrats were elected, when Trump stood before his brain-dead ‘soldiers’ and told them “If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country any more!” And that was all the encouragement they needed.
        If I was a conservative / republican / right winger, I wouldn’t appreciate attempts to manipulate me and the last thing I’d want would be to feel I was being represented by these immature cretins.

  14. This Beach Ball headed Cunt sucks the cock of every Pak!,Square head and Sub Saharan savage that sign’s on and recieve’s his monthly Reward from the British Tax Payer. The traitor is a disgrace to true British People but alas whoever is in charge cannot now stop the demise of our once Great Country.!

  15. The so called recent “anti hate march”.
    More like “anti British, anti Isreal, pro palestine, pro hamas, pro muslim” shitfest.
    Basically the same cunts who hit the streets every weekend bleating about fuckin palestine and the MSM lord over them as knights in shining armour in the fight against the nasty far right.

    • Hope Not Hate is actually okay with hate, as long as it goes in a certain direction that they feel is justified ie anybody who they don’t like and can label as ‘xenophobic, racist, fascist’ etc.

      Very tolerant is the far left.

      • And Tories, and capitalists, and Trump. But a lot of the time, lefty loony cliques despise other loony lefty cliques who they reckon aren’t of the true faith.

        Cunts falling out with other loony left cunts is a sight to see.

  16. Davos puppet at worst.
    Promoted beyond capabilities at best.

    If both true, horrifying prospect for us, the people.

    When he gets his no confidence vote, perish the thought of Yvette Cooper or Angie Rayner taking over, and you know they want that job. God help us.

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