Strictly Come Dancing [7]

Strictly Cunts Dancing

Psssssst! I say you chaps. Have you been following the ‘Strictly’ saga in the light of all the BOMBSHELL coverage the Beeb’s knees-up show has been getting of late?

Stories of sackings and rumours about behind-the-scenes feuding, allegations of abusive behaviour and bullying; the meeja’s been buzzing with ‘revelations’ for weeks. The show’s in ‘meltdown’.

Things are apparently so bad that the Beeb is suggesting that it might even have to cancel the long-running old warhorse. Cancel? Are they having a laugh?

This is the kind of sensationalistic publicity that money can’t buy. The viewing public loves a bit of scandal to spice things up a bit. It’s a pound to a penny that the producers are secretly rubbing their hands together with glee in anticipation of record viewing figures when the new series hits the screen.

Cancel? I’ve as much chance of a long weekend with the divine Salma Hayek. What a pile of fucking old donkey.

The Sun.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

102 thoughts on “Strictly Come Dancing [7]

  1. I’d no idea you were a closet woofter, RK? 😉
    Because anyone interested in this mincefest is either a full Freddie Mercury or Freddie-adjacent.

    • My secret’s out TC

      Seriously I’ve only ever seen this when forced to endure it with the grandkids at Xmas.

      Cunts in tight sequined shirts and tackle nipping flares, birds with sprayed on faces and perma grins…

      It’s truly gruesome. It’s much more fun reading about all the back stage shenanigans in the papers. Guaranteed to spice things up and keep viewers glued to the box.

      Afternoon all.

      • But were you secretly aroused when Anne Widecomb was on?
        Asking for a friend.😃

  2. It’s gone from Ola Jordan to a bum boy and freak show, it was inevitable under the BBC mantra, if it isn’t broken we will fuck it up because we can, it’s your money but we are untouchable.

  3. Poofs football. A programme for benders by benders, so it suits the BBC well. Years ago Peter Mandy Mandelson expressed a desire to appear on it – hopefully one of these days the old queen will appear on it, and the nancy dancers will bully him as well.

    Victor Sylvester wouldn’t have touched it with a bargepole.

    Meanwhile Autumn and winter Saturday nights will drear on, with this shat, so take your partners for the Pea Dough Polka, the Mandy Mince and the Starmer Samba.

      • I remember the old series Ron – used to go out every Monday night about 2215 from The Carlton Rooms Maida Vale. Peter West and Judith Chalmers(!) used to comment on the merits and demerits of South Yorkshire versus The West Midlands. Eric, who worked for the gas board was partnering Iris, who is a hairdresser and sewed on all the sequins on her dress herself “and I only wish this programme was in colour, so you could see the shimmering beauty” To be frank some of the men looked a bit poncy, but not as openly bent as a boomerang like they do now.

      • Am I imagining it WC, or did the blokes all used to have a big piece of paper with a number on it pinned onto the back of their jackets?

      • Old Oscar Gresso on the violin there, Harry – he was with him for years. I think he also played the saxophone as well – that would be no good today – have to be guitar or a synth.

        In those early shows by the way, I always remember while the two team sat in out old Victor used to give a lesson on how to do a dance.

        At the time my parents lived in Maida Vale (it was cheaper pre Richard Branson) and I always remember coming home on a Monday evening you saw the audience waiting outside the Carlton Rooms to get in – I often thought the audience must have been unemployed to go and see a live programme which wouldn’t end till 11 p.m. then have to get up for work the next day.

        By the way, old Lammy wears Victor Sylvester trousers – the ones with plenty of ballroom.

    • Yes Ron they did have a number like a big L plate on their dinner jackets. It was never my sort of dancing – the jive on Six Five Special was my sort of thing – Don Lang and his Frantic Five.

      • I just did a quick dive into You Tube and found this 2 minute clip of the original Come Dancing with old Victor – the competition element must have started a year or so later in the 50s – this one seems to be from 1948 – this was a general prance round as they cut a rug to “I’m A Dreamer – Aren’t We All?” an old pre war tune which is probably Ed Miliband’s signature tune:

  4. A bunch of fudge packers and general cunts doing bummery stuff. No interest in it at all. I know nobody who has any interest in it and if I did I would avoid them like the fucking plague.
    As mentioned above so eloquently, it’s council.

  5. Strictly come dancing, Britain’s got talent the masked singer, all absolute shite . Never seen a fucking one but you know from the trailers they run that an hour of it will be complete fucking torture, the 10 second trailers are bad enough. Modern life what a fucking joke, roll on the happy release of death ⚰⚰

    • So called entertainment is almost at the stage portrayed by Chris Rock in the 5th Element. Much prefer Bill Hicks vision of 50 channels of American Gladiators using real fucking chainsaws on each other, and the coke advert.

  6. Didn’t one of the so called celebrities claim to have PTSD..

    “Darling after performing the Pasodoble I feel as if I’ve been in a firefight”
    “Frightfully traumatising”

    Change the name to strictly come mincing, then shove people into a industrial shredder.

  7. Wasn’t Come Dancing strictly for serious ballroom entertainment ? Now its that white stuff you see sliding across the floor.

  8. A few years ago a mate of mine told me about a trip to Hamburg, where for one reason or another he ended up in a bar frequented by homo S&M enthusiasts.

    At certain times in the evening the DJ would announce over the tannoy “it’s slippy-slidey time!” whereupon any willing volunteers would take to the dance floor and stimulate themselves to the point of emission all over the dancefloor. Two large rubber wearing balaclava’d units would then flay with whips a couple of skinny little fags, who would writhe around on the dance floor in the freshly sprayed man fat.

    I don’t know why, but every time I hear “Strictly Come Dancing” mentioned to me, that story always revisits me.

  9. As soon as they started same sex couples it went from mildly interesting to downhill rapidly.

    If you can think of an unlikely combination, the BBC will do it.

    Wheelchair Passe Doble anyone?
    Dw@rf with normal size person?

    I’m waiting for the trained dancing dog to be partnered with a human being.
    It’s only a matter of time.

  10. I’m a great dancer me.
    Light on my feet for a big fella.

    The Stockport Fred Astaire they used to call me.

    Ok I’m flat footed.
    Ok I’ve no sense of balance, rhythm,beat, but boy….I sure have style.

    When I was younger and I’d misbehave in a pub and the coppers had to get me out even they’d argue about my dancing

    Tango foxtrot.

    • EXTRA ! EXTRA !

      Read all about it !

      MNC admits to being ‘ light on his feet ‘

      ISAC in shock !!

      Look at the muck in here 😲

      All right Ducky ? 😂

      • He would have us believe he is sweating away digging over his allotment Jack, when we know he is really in the shed trying on his sequined trousers.

      • Hiya Honky-tonk 👍

        I’m shagged out Jack.
        Working in this fuckin heat is killin me.😫

        And I’ve got to empty the van full of pallets before tomorrows job!

        On the plus side I’ve just had a really nice tea of fish n chips!

        Small pleasures pal, small pleasures…

        You winning Jack?
        Off any where good?

      • I’ve not got a shed on the allotment yet LL.

        It’s got a massive chicken shack that I’m going to pull down for the space for a shed.

        It’ll be a masterstroke in shed design and shed innovation.

        Shed enthusiasts will travel from all over the UK to stand agog mouth open in awe.

        A shed that fuckin Noah would say

        ” cracking bit of carpentry that pal”

      • Just had steak pudding, chips, peas and gravy 😋

        Off to Arnside tomorrow.

        Walking, eating and boozing.

        I shall be with you in spirit, tomorrow. 😁

        As you’re sweating your bollocks off.

        Never mind, tomorrow evening you can binge watch Strictly.

        Whilst drinking Lambrini .🥂

        What a gay day !

        Evening chaps. 👍

  11. Never watched it. Always thought dancing was a bit effeminate anyway.

    In the header picture, the thing on the left looks a tad masculine and the thing on the right appears to be eying up its arse. Figures.

  12. Strictly Come Dancing is a symptom of the overall problem with television these days which is that there are far too many channels. When there were only four channels padding them out with crap was required. Now there are scores the problem is vastly bigger. This is why most of what is broadcast is repeated over and over and a quarter of the transmission time is devoted to adverts, that and competition from the internet.

    • Same problem over here in Yankland, arfur.

      We have access to literally 500+ channels with the vast majority of those showing absolute bollocks, 24×7. Hardly surprising given US telly is 98% shite. The only sliver of a silver lining is the other 2% is usually very good. But it is a tiny proportion.

      I’m no visionary, but I did think the reality TV genre would have run its course by now. Seems not. The general public is so pig shit thick that it continues to lap up that crap.

  13. It is not funny. They bullied a bloke with no legs into jumping off a table ffs. Apparently such cuntishness goes way back. I heard they made Anne Widdecombe use own her teeth as castanets. It has been totally out of hand ever since Brucie died and Anton DeBeak fucked off to Botofogo.

    Good evening, everone.

    • Evening Ron 👍
      Yep, Strictly’s been good for the occasional wank or two.
      Could be tricky though.
      For instance, still remember the time some cunt kept switching to the boxing while I was having a sly tug in the public bar over Ann Widdecombe.

  14. The BBC simply have no idea how much shit they are storing up for the future with their gayness and trans fascination.
    If married newsreaders are a risk, fuck knows what the current bunch of raving irons are up to beyond the cameras.
    So far it’s some precious z list celebs kicking up a stink.
    How long before it’s anonymous underage kids (again) and their parents being the victims of yet another attempted cover up?
    Pretty soon it’ll be the BBC studios getting bricked as well as mosques.
    They honestly think they’re untouchable.
    Let’s see for how long.

    • You dance Mecuntry?

      All got 2 left feet on here.

      Expect you do that Riverdance thing eh?
      Just your legs dance.

      I’m like Gene Kelly.

      All ways pissed wet through

      • How are you Mis, I have a pair of black square tipped leather boots with leather heels and souls.
        I brought them into the local shoe repairer for new souls and heels and he done a great job except for the buffing.
        I walked or clacked into my local sporting the now patent pair.
        ” a for fks sake here’s Micheal Flatley” was my greeting.
        I still have em, just waiting for the sheen to turn matt

  15. Cannot understand the attraction of this program. Just a load of bollocks, why is this shite so popular. well weird

  16. Havent watched it since king of the cyclists and all round moral cuntpass vine was on it. Like all things bbcunt a huge bloated corpse that does what it wants to with the little peoples money. Huw edwards for dg anyone.

  17. O/T Latest contribution to diversity in Valencia – three people have been beheaded.had throats cut. Can’t find anything about it on BBC.

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