Strictly Come Dancing [7]

Strictly Cunts Dancing

Psssssst! I say you chaps. Have you been following the ‘Strictly’ saga in the light of all the BOMBSHELL coverage the Beeb’s knees-up show has been getting of late?

Stories of sackings and rumours about behind-the-scenes feuding, allegations of abusive behaviour and bullying; the meeja’s been buzzing with ‘revelations’ for weeks. The show’s in ‘meltdown’.

Things are apparently so bad that the Beeb is suggesting that it might even have to cancel the long-running old warhorse. Cancel? Are they having a laugh?

This is the kind of sensationalistic publicity that money can’t buy. The viewing public loves a bit of scandal to spice things up a bit. It’s a pound to a penny that the producers are secretly rubbing their hands together with glee in anticipation of record viewing figures when the new series hits the screen.

Cancel? I’ve as much chance of a long weekend with the divine Salma Hayek. What a pile of fucking old donkey.

The Sun.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

102 thoughts on “Strictly Come Dancing [7]

  1. Can’t be arsed to read all the comments but most of them seem to be missing the point which is that the so-called Pro dancers subject the contestants to a terror regime of degradation and remorseless physical grind in order to get a performance out of them. Professional dancing and ballet is like that. Very hard graft under the spiteful tutelage of old queens and has been dykes. Have had to intervene myself at various times to prevent sobbing kids being abused and damaged for life (said kids can be very grateful).

      • Mecuntry@. It was a cracking punch. Clay never saw it coming.

        He’d disrespected ‘enry big time, before the fight.

        Got some humility for his trouble.

        Good evening.

  2. BBC wouldn’t cancel Strictly it’s the most ‘BBC’ show on the fucking BBC apart from Dr Who perhaps. Just trying to keep it relevant with any old sob story. Huw Edwards doing an Argentine tango with Philip Schofield to win the Gary Glitterball trophy and a Jim fixed it for me badge guys and gals wouldn’t get it cancelled.

  3. So did any of these “abused” celebs quit? or did they wait to be voted off per their contract because they like the smell of a £ too much?

  4. OT. It’s being reported that a mass mobilisation of anti racists is being assembled, to counter the threat from the ‘ far right ‘.

    They’re going to counter demonstrate planned protests.

    The pot boils.

    All this could have been avoided if we had politicians with backbone protecting our borders.

  5. Great news ,

    The “far right” ( indigenous white English people ” are finally fighting back….🔥

    Fuck off Starmer….and your Muslim supporting quislings…☠️☠️☠️

  6. OT, ongoing looting and burning in Sunderland at the moment. I wonder if sir Keir will be taking the knee for them? I wonder where else is going to go up this weekend?

  7. Well, what do they expect?

    An environment full of relentless third division celebrities, who would sell their own grandmothers and eat their own dogs just to get on the telly or in the papers. And, I have no doubt at all that these ladder grabbing F-Listers woiuld -and have – lied to suit their own agendas.

    The amount of backbiting, skullduggery and venomous one upmanship must hang in the air like a noxious cloud. That Amanda Abbington cunt is a prime example.

    But, it’s the BBC who are to blame for this shit. Along with Doctor Gayblack and Lineker’s preaching, this is what they are now famous for. And also pea dough newsreaders, of course….

  8. OT. I bet that insufferable woke luvvie turd, Tennant wanked himself to near death over that Algerian boxer creature. Always likes to see his ‘friends’ doing wel…

    Probably also loved the little Italian chick getting her fizzog smashed in.

  9. Concocted sensationalistic bollocks by the BBC and other meejah outlets, to divert our attention from the real issues, such as the continuing invasion, the killer NGS, epidemic of peaceful religious incitement, the Paliwankery, and most importantly so we won’t notice the creeping authoritarian police state being sneezed in by Captain U-turn and his politburo.

  10. The fucking BBC are ” aghast ” at the behaviour of these white thugs protesting…!

    Well, it was only a matter of time, when we have had enough of 70 years of uncontrolled immigration….!

    Fucking BBC can only call white British people ” THUGS”


    • Three little girls have been murdered by yet another killer treeswinger.

      Yet, the BBC sees the ‘ghastly’ behaviour of some rioting ‘thugs’ as a more serious crime and also a bigger news story.

      The Beeb must die.

  11. Strictly come mincing more like.

    I suppose if you’re a poofter you might like it.

    Don’t even get a glimpse of fanny.

    What a liad of old shit

  12. When that little shit Martin Freeman was giving one to the repulsive Amanda Abbington, that was arguably the ultimate cunt couple.

  13. Who fucking cares? An actor being harassed by a rotten Italian dance teacher. They get paid whatever happens. There should be a show Strictly Come Punching where Giovanni gets beaten up by her fiancé. Very cheap to make. You could film it in a car park. The judges could give points for style, grace (when falling), poise and timing. This won’t do Giovanni’s dance school (they all have them) any good.

    I remember Angela Ripon was very upset when the BBC axed the original Come Dancing because it was too old fashioned. It has now been on Saturday Night BBC Prime Time for the last 20 fucking years. They never even invited her on the show when they brought it back. At least they had the decency to let her have a go last year.

    It wouldn’t have happened if Brucie was still alive. He’s no puff.

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