An Un-Civil Service cunting for this man in drag, a high flyer in the Civil Service, who, despite an obviously made up forename, likes to dress up in “fetish” gear, and clearly is a woman hater (he believes groups of women who advocate for women are “far right”), children demanding beta blockers should be given them, even if the parents say no, . He has also been appointed “Co-Chairman of the LGBT CIvil Service Rights Group”.

Ignore the paper calling it “her” – this is quite obviously an old poof with a few screws loose – and he lives on our charity. Labour has a plan

Daily Fail

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.


  1. I thought it was Steve Tyler in his “Dude look like a lady” get up, but its even uglier than that, Imagine turning up to work in a full Hugo Boss black SS uniform and telling HR you are exerting your personal rights and that they would discriminating against you if they objected. Reckon you would be sacked on the spot unless you are Mr Sparkles.

  2. Interesting… Rather than click a daily fail link I googled the first 2 parts of the name
    the only 2 google results…. ISAC

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