Sainsbury’s and Esheru Kwaku

Yahoo News.

Once again an example where two completely seemingly innocuous words, when put together to mean something straightforward gets misinterpreted in a completely over-the-top fashion, and, when a member of a certain demographic complains, the company in question (in this case Sainsbury’s) back down immediately no questions asked with their heads down low (and their knees to the floor?). The offending product is “Grey Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Woven Trousers, 2 pack for children of 7 years of age”. That is Knee as in a person’s knee, and grow as in the trousers will presumably grow/stretch with the child wearer. Neither a 7 year old kid or the average parent would see any specific double meaning in the title of that product. Unless your a cunt who actively looks for this shit just to complain about it of course.

Nominated by : Sir Motley Quim, OBE, CofE, MOD, VD.

82 thoughts on “Sainsbury’s and Esheru Kwaku

  1. I foolishly said Esharu Kwaku out aloud and the kitchen cupboards started slamming open and shut.
    I’ll get my coat.

    • I wish I could afford to go where Charlie gets measured up. They’re so exclusive that he calls their garments ‘tryzers’.

  2. Four reasons why I have boycotted Sainsbury’s for some time….

    1. Their ‘safe space’ rest rooms for blacks only.

    2. Their deliveries are shit, and they give you stuff near – or past – it;s sell by date.

    3. Their bread is crap. and goes green very quickly.

    4. Their pushing LGBTQ in your face the minute you walk through the doors.

  3. The asylum seekers have taken over the asylum.

    Wtf is wrong with “ne&ro” anyway? It’s the Spanish (and Portuguese) for “black”.
    I have composed a message to Sainsbury’s objecting to their labelling of chenin blanc and white bread, on similar grounds.

  4. I could understand if they were called sambo slacks, tar-baby trousers, junglebunny jeans or kaffir keks because that kind of alliteration is so obvious it MUST be racist.

    What’s not obvious though is how it’s racist to think that children whose leg lengths are in constant flux shouldn’t have the benefit of trousers which a flexible at the knee.

    Spoiler alert! Even black childrens’ ……. patellas increase in size.

  5. The actual original complaint was from a woman who should know better.
    Esheru Kwaku just picked up the baton and ran with it.

    Let’s find out who the original sock puppet was. I say sock puppet, because when you allow yourself to be manipulated, that’s what you are.

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