Me neither.
And no, it`s not an alternative version of what you`re thinking, either.
Basically, it`s anything being done without protection or support.
Example …
Having cleared that up, I`m not cunting `raw-dogging`; no, I`m cunting the complete narcissistic hypocritical cunts who [say they] do it. And tell us about it on their beloved soshull meedia, of course.
As per the link, I do so love the way the younger generations are engaging in their plaintive duty to alleviate Climate Change by going on multiple long-haul flights all over the globe. Wonderful role models for gen-Z: just like the pneumatic court-shy chav Katie Price (but that`s another story which I`m sure will be further embellished on this hallowed site. Yet again).
You just can`t make this shit up.
Nominated by : Sam Beau
If I was in the window seat and one of these cunts was in the aisle seat I would soon get the idiot moving if I needed to get to the bog.
What the hell is that thing on his ( the cunt in the nom pic) head?! Does he think it makes him look “fit”?
Fuck no !
He looks the type that would wear one of those ridiculous jester’s hat to a football match.
I did 9 years (most of it in Parkhurst). I wonder if these twats could “raw dog” a lump of bird up their woke jacksies?