I’m late to the party on this one, but Rachel ‘Raygun’ Gunn deserves a cunting.
This bitch represented Australia in breakdancing at the Olympics. Well, I say ‘represented’ – she put in an awful performance and rightly got slammed for it. In the aftermath of said performance, she cried about ‘bullying’, attempted to play the victim and made no attempt to apologise for or own up to her dreadful display.
She also happens to be a university lecturer in – yes, you guessed it – breakdancing, and got given AU$20000 OF TAXPAYERS’ MONEY to go to the Olympics. She has, in essence, gotten a free holiday at the taxpayers’ expense and used it to embarrass her country on the international stage. For that, she deserves all the criticism she gets and then some.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.
Another useless cunt chancing her arm at a professional athletics meet :
… there has to be something lacking ‘intellectually’ in the nommed cunt besides being .. you know what, I’ve just watched 30 seconds of her shit, mid-sentence. (Its all I could tolerate). Cut to the chase : she looks retarded thereat.
I thought the Eddie Edwards situation saw restrictions put in place to eliminate the likes.
Eddie the eagle made a bloody good effort that was nowt to be ashamed of. He launched himself off a ski slope in front of millions and landed it without breaking his neck or making a tit of himself. He didn’t win but he’s no cunt, proud to call him British.
Yup! … I wasn’t lumping him in with the other 2’s *lack* of achievement (both wimminz doing no-risk events) .. just recalling from the outro of the movie about him, .. that a rule was implemented to weed out amateurs(from any event type).
Wikipedia has it listed as the “Eddie the Eagle” Rule.
Although he did land on his chin most of the time. Aw it’s like a dream come true ?
On the flipside … a kid with real life problems to deal with just fucking nails his chance to shine, sportswise.
If this was the climax of a movie, you’d dismiss it as o.t.t farfetched.
The opposing team didn’t seem happy for him, though, .. fuck ’em!