Olive Oil Price Hikes Fuelled by Climate Change

Olive oil, the stuff posh cunts fry their chips in.

According to the article, there’s been a rise in snide olive oil, and extra virgin olive oil sales. Who’d a thunk it?
Just goes to show that there’s nothing sacred at all.

The cost of olive oil has, again according to the article, increased by 25% over the last five years! Gasps, and falls back, clutching pearls!
Please, show me anything that hasn’t increased in price by less than 25%!

Anyway, the point of this cunting, is that the writers of the article have shoehorned climate change, climate crisis and global warming into the narrative at least six times.


Why the fuck can’t they use beef dripping to fry chips, like what us civilised people do?

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

71 thoughts on “Olive Oil Price Hikes Fuelled by Climate Change

  1. Olive oil’s quite effective for earache. And used only to be sold for that, at chemists. Now I have arrived in Islington society, though, I use perfumed yak butter flown in daily from Tibet for frying. It goes better with the exclusive Dordogne balsamic vinegar on my artisan wild potato frites, I find. Olive oil? Pffft. For parvenus only.

  2. I admit I use Olive Oil, the flaming price of it has doubled in the last few years.

    Greedy bastards is my explanation. Funny how rapeseed, which isn’t good for you, seems cheap and plentiful and the climate con hasn’t affected that crop.

    • The wet spring this year seems to have boosted the local rapeseed crop. Never seen anything like it round here – but unlike olives, it gets harvested before high summer. IMO the oil smells and tastes like crap and even when I’m not being a fake elitist, I don’t use it. Sunflower or cottonseed are ok, not that I use much.

    • Yep.I often bought 5 litre tins of a nice peppery Cyprus brand of oil at 22 nicker from Amazon 5 years ago,now its pushing well north of 50 squids.Positively scandalous.

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