Multiculturalism (4)

WARNING: There is currently heightened sensitivity and scrutiny concerning inflammatory race related language online. Let’s not give the Stasi any additional reason to poke their anti legal free speech noses in our direction. The Admin Team.

Back in the 17th and 18th centuries people who could afford to went to various countries on extended holidays to experience the cultures of those different places.

The Grand Tour.

They would return enriched with being immersed in the architecture, music, language, artwork, customs, food and general way of life of the countries that they had visited.

Artists and musicians were inspired by their foreign counterparts.
Architects would reproduce the beauty of the buildings which they had seen.
Adventurous chefs would add a different dimension to their food, using newly discovered herbs, spices and techniques.

Some of the most important buildings throughout the world are based on The Parthenon.
Besides Greece, other popular destinations for the tour would be Italy and France.

The Grand Tour as it was ended many years ago.
If anyone wants to experience different cultures it’s a lot easier and cheaper now.

Jump on a plane and spend a few weeks keeping away from the beaches and naff tourist traps.

If anyone doesn’t want to experience different cultures by travelling abroad then they are free not to.

Several decades ago it was decided that British people were not cultured enough.
I don’t know who had the audacity to decide that or for what reasons.

Instead of people having the free choice to culturally enrich their lives or not, it was decided to force other cultures upon them by firstly the gradual, and now the uncontrolled importation of various peoples.

There is absolutely no benefit of learning about the culture of countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia or Pakistan.

These people have nothing to offer.

The people from third world countries have no culture which is useful to the people of developed countries and they are determined not to adapt to the culture of of their new nations.

They hold onto their archaic religions and their medieval way of life regardless of where they settle.

But we are still told that multiculturalism is good for us.

Now that the ‘Far Right Extremists’ are asking important questions about immigration perhaps it is now time to ask anyone who supports the wholesale destruction of the UK….. “How exactly has your personal life improved by your multicultural experiences?”.

It was a a failed experiment which has fucked the UK into a position from which it can never recover.

And still it continues.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

90 thoughts on “Multiculturalism (4)

  1. I don’t know what to say.

    Well, I know what I want to say but I dare not.

    I guess I’ll just continue to avoid contact or communication of any kind.

  2. Back in the day…

    Hillary Clinton called those who opposed her husband; members of the vast right wing conspiracy.

    Some of us began wearing T-shirts that said; Proud Member of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

    I’d like to have a shirt today that says; Proud Member of the Far Right Extremists.

    TAC did an excellent job in his narrative outlining the Multicultural Plague that infects your country, my country and most of the Western World.

    Righteous is the word that comes to mind.

  3. To be fair, most Indians I have met in my life have been alright. Some of them have been top people.

    They loathe the Pakistanis and Peacefuls with a passion, and I don’t blame them.

    • I have never once had an issue with Hindus or Sikhs.

      Fine people who are very much aligned to our way of thinking.

      Bloody brilliant food too..

    • Indians –
      No problem at all with Sikhs. And I hope they don’t have one with me. I once had to get nasty with a Hindu who was trying to cheat me, and my opinion of those was somewhat coloured by that.
      An Indian Shi’a Muslim was a very good friend, but we’ve lost touch.

      Moral: Don’t generalise.

  4. References to ‘monkeypox’ on the previous page are racist, now, dont you know?..It’s mpox from here on out.

    From …

    “Following a series of consultations with global experts, WHO will begin using a new preferred term “mpox” as a synonym for monkeypox.

    When the outbreak of monkeypox expanded earlier this year, racist and stigmatizing language online, in other settings and in some communities was observed and reported to WHO. In several meetings, public and private, a number of individuals and countries raised concerns and asked WHO to propose a way forward to change the name”


    What next in the great big multicultural blender?


  5. There are huge differences between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims.

    These are evident if you ever go to their homes.

    Hindus are very welcoming people.
    Their houses are usually immaculate.
    There will be statues and pictures of the various deities on show.

    Sikhs houses are also very well kept.
    They have a matriarchal society.

    I have never been to a Sikh or Hindu house without being offered food, which invariably has been delicious.

    Muslims are totally different.
    They are extremely unwelcoming.
    Their houses stink.
    They offer you nothing.
    They have nothing decorating their walls except text from the Koran.

    That’s the problem.

    Your average thick, knuckle dragging racist doesn’t recognise the difference.

    They see these people on the streets and to them they are all Pákís.

  6. Thank goodness Free Speech, thought and the desire to hear all points of view is alive and well without fear of censorship …….. err

  7. It’s a fucking mess. But what did anyone who cared think would happen if you dump a load of people with totally different culture into the middle of a basically settled and sorted community. The problem is the numbers.

  8. Due to having a mortgage and a young family. I dare not say what I want to.
    Kier is most definitely Cunt of the year 2024 …

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