Kimberly Cheatle

‘Well blow me down, that’s a surprise and no mistake; absolutely no one saw that coming’. Said absolutely nobody. Ever.

I refer of course the resignation of Jill Biden buddy and DEI pick Kimberly Cheatle, erstwhile Director of the US Secret Service, in the wake of the near catastrophic failure to protect Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet at a rally in Pennsylvania.

After being virtually dragged before the House Oversight Committee on 20th July, Cheatle was slowly barbecued by speaker after speaker as she gave a shabby, shady demonstration of dissembling and evasiveness as straight answers to questions were demanded;


As patience with Cheatle’s stonewalling quickly ran out, there were repeated demands for her immediate resignation, and failing that, for the White House to act. In spite of this, she refused to step down, but having (as they say) ‘considered her options’ overnight, finally fell on her sword (or was pushed) as her calamitous performance made her position utterly untenable.

In my opinion, this woman’s performance in front of the Committee constituted nothing less than the perfect blend of arrogance, incompetence and self-delusion. She looked and sounded like an absolute cunt, but I’m sure she would have clung on to the post if it had been remotely feasible to do so. But an innocent bystander is dead and two others seriously injured, while a former president came within a whisker of getting his head caved in. She simply had to go.

This was nothing less than abject. Cheatle has finally fucked off in disgrace, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

The Sun.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

43 thoughts on “Kimberly Cheatle

  1. If only our politicians had to face the same sort of oversight – and then shamed into resigning. Pixieballs, Lammy, Reeves and Rayner will be there till they carry them out feet first (Angie in a Y shaped coffin of course)

    • If things carry on in the direction they’re going this government won’t see out its first term.

      They are attacking the working class English, the elderly, and the middle class already.

      Come the budget and they will have the opportunity to antagonise what’s left!


  2. Indeed it was a most amusing grilling the daft cunt received.

    Delusional,arrogant,entitled hopeless windbag cunt.

    A diversity appointment,utterly incapable of doing the job.

    I assume an appointment to Chairman Stormers cabinet is imminent.

    Good morning.

  3. She’s got ‘next Met police commissioner’ written all over her.
    To make it an absolute certainty, she simply needs to black up and become a lezzer (if she isn’t already)
    She’s got all the other attributes such as incompetence and arrogance.

  4. How did she get the job? It’s lot like incompetent people get selected these jobs due to some agenda meeting box ticking or it?

    Over too you Kamala…..

  5. Is that photo from the moment the shameless disgraceful cunt swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

    Pretty sure everyone has seen the woman in pink, Nancy Mace, pick this cunt apart(“you’re full of shit” a highlight) that day so won’t dash to get the link to that .. but this short clip here is worth seeing if y’liked the other one … a different woman straight out calling for a perjury charge.

    There’s a 33 minute supercut of cheatles ‘toughest moments’ that day, I see. ‘Add to watch later’, indeed 🙂

    “Face on her like a slapped arse” was never as applicable to anyone else as to that fucking sullen faced yoke at the hearing that day (and in general).

    • It is indeed the moment that she swore to spill the beans, then spent the next few hours ducking and diving like Flash Harry.

      ‘You’re full of shit’ just about summed her up.

      Afternoon all.

      • Yeah, for sure, .. but symptomatic of this stupid fucking world it went like this – in a hearing about incompetence(at best) nearly having a presidential nominee’s head blown off – lie/dodge, lie/dodge, lie/dodge, ..

        “You’re full of shit”

        ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ of exasperation at the naughty word, and a call for Nancy to be admonished for decorum. “We have to remain civilised, mr.chairman.

        Cunt priorities in 2024.

  6. It is being reported in the American press that when cocaine was found in the White House she wanted to destroy it allegedly because it contained DNA.

  7. Some serious people are beginning to ask real hard questions. Not just about her incompetency but about any actual involvement the Secret Service may have had.

    And these aren’t the usual howling political partisans or conspiracy nuts.

    Isn’t it strange that there is virtually nothing known about the shooter and that the story has basically evaporated from the news?

    The local police are also saying things that aren’t being reported in the MSM.

      • It is serious Ron,

        Allegations are being made that the Biden Admin deliberately reduced and compromised the quality of Trump’s security detail.

        For the record they denied Robert Kennedy Secret Service protection.

        Some of it includes the following:

        1. The overall size of Trump’s team was systemically reduced and experienced agents were transferred to other details.

        2. Even after that reduction and transfer, Trump’s Top Tier Agents were pulled to cover a Jill Biden event.

        3. Secret Service counter sniper teams were eliminated from Trump’s detail for some events and reduced for others.

        4. Funding for Trump’s security was cut.

        5. Requests from the Trump team for increased protection were denied.

        6. Protection was relegated to local offices with no experience rather than Washington based protective services.

        7. Agent Puba and others were pulled from Homeland security and other agencies who didn’t have proper protective training or experience.

        8. Trump’s Secret Service detail did not do proper advance work but rather left it to the local police and did not even show up for the final briefing.

        9. The Secret Service Command center was not tied into local police radio channels and communication was cut of.

        The allegations being made is that Trump’s reductions and the denial of RFK was directed from the highest levels through Cheatle and was deliberate and for nefarious reasons.

        In short, they may not have been actively involved, but this could not have happened without a coordinated effort to allow it to happen.

        Allegations are also being made that the FBI is covering up information on the shooter although I’m unsure of any direct information.

        Based on documented facts that are not disputed, the allegations are security was reduced and denied for a reason.

        I may not be explaining it well but the general feeling is not all of this stuff was a coincidence and the Secret Service is less than forthcoming with their answers leading many to believe it is covering up.

        Many insiders and retired agents are looking at this in disbelief and saying this could not happen under normal procedures.

      • Crikey.

        Who’s actually making these allegations General?

        Is it ‘official’ (ie an investigation in Congress or the FBI perhaps), in the media, or within Republican circles?

      • Ron,

        It is an unquestioned fact that the Democrats tried to reduce and eliminate Trump’s Secret Service protection.

        The Democrats in congress, led by Representative Bennie Thompson, actually proposed legislation to strip Trump of his Security Service protection.

        Failing that, the Biden Admin did what they could do to reduce and compromise Trump’s security.

        There are open investigations in Congress, but where they go remains to be seen.

        Right now, the investigations seem to be focused on the DEI aspect and only a small minority of folks are asking the conspiracy questions.

        The MSM is ignoring the issue completely. It has been talked about on the cable network Newsmax. And some podcasters, most notably Megyn Kelly and Joe Rogan are covering this issue.

        Kelly is a legit journalist and very credible. She has sources and is responsible.

        Rogan is a stoner and should be taken with a grain of salt.

      • Like many/all of us, I’m not in possession of all the facts. But from my perspective, while I don’t think Trump’s political enemies orchestrated the shooting, I do think they laid the groundwork so it could happen. If it didn’t happen in PA, it would have happened eventually. I think it was Tucker Carlson who said this would be the next thing they try to stop Trump.

        Impeachments? Nope, didn’t work.
        Investigations of corruption/collusion? Nope, didn’t work.
        Stealing an election? Nope, didn’t work.
        Accusations of insurrection? Nope, didn’t work.
        Attempts to destroy his reputation? Nope, didn’t work.
        Attempts to destroy him financially? Nope, didn’t work.
        Attempts to tie him up in legal knots? Nope, didn’t work.
        Attempt to take his life? Nope, didn’t work.

        It’s easy to look guilty when the political establishment (deep state), the DoJ, FBI, bent DAs, bent judges, bent special prosecutors are all out to get you.

        But TDS is all in our imaginations according to some.

  8. This “incident” was either:
    1) Incompetence of the worst kind and indicates the shambles our most trusted institutions are in.
    2) Intentional and allowed to happen and indicates the shambles our most trusted institutions are in.

    We are not left with a 3rd option.

    Here is an idea: hire those who are qualified for critical leadership roles. DEI needs to DIE.

    • We must give credit to the Biden administration for persuading her to step down from her position as Director of the Secret Service. The safety of politicians is paramount and the Democrats have acted with commendable and appropriate speed in preparing the way for someone more competent to take over.
      Yet another reason why Kamala Harris should be elected to the position of President in January ’25.

  9. Just as well the cunt was a crap shot (at least for Don). How the shooter managed to get on a flat roof in clear view of secret service snipers is something that needs to be sorted out. The women was not fit to oversee a piss house in Penge. Security 101 all over looking buildings etc should be checked again and again especially flat roofs in direct line of sight. If I was big Don I’d pay for my own security team. Unless of course it was a conspiracy to get rid of the Don hmmmm…

  10. Biden is reputed to have said ‘Time to put Trump in a bullseye’. Which reminds of joke of the day I saw yesterday:

    “Time for you to go Mr President, time to step aside”, said a bunch of supporters.
    Biden: “Joke’s on you. I don’t remember who any of you are.”

      • I said reputed cautiously. All of a sudden I’m worried somebody comes after me. We live in worrying times. We’ll be all trench coats and berets saying ‘I will say zees only wance’ soon enough.

        There sure are some fishy circumstances about Trump’s attempted assassination.

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