Kamala Harris [5], Tim Walz and Mark Rowley [2]

Well, if you good folks will tolerate an American point of view, I shall press on with my cunting vote.

Being a free speech absolutist and huge fan of your fine website… I nominate a couple of race baiting, progressive, wankers and a, so-called, law enforcement professional, all of whom are outrageously anti free speech.
Current Vice Resident Kameltoe Whoreiss and her running mate for VP Tampon, stolen valour antihero, Tim Walz. Bringing up the arse end of the dog MET Police Commish Marxist Rowley.
Between the 3 of them…that’s enough cunt for about the next 10 years.
May God save us all…

P.S. being a former fan of his…I would love to re-nominate, F1 crybaby race baiter, Louise Hambletard.

Nominated by: Jacob Barlow

Strong Second, Third and Fourth by: General Cuntster with links

As this is a 3 party cunting I would like to second, third and fourth his righteous nominations beginning first with Ole’ Flatback Harris’ position on free speech:

Harris NY Post Link

Next I would like to move on to her Cowardly Communist Running Mate, Tampon Tim and offer this as support:

Reason News Link
Finally, your own Metropolitan Police Commissar, Comrade “Marxist Mark” Rowley:

Two out of three is pretty good for me!

Rowley NY Post Link

102 thoughts on “Kamala Harris [5], Tim Walz and Mark Rowley [2]

  1. November has all the markings of a spicy shitshow. As for that pencil-necked namby pamby Rowley, he’s just one of a long production line of feeble system drones straight off the conveyer belt carrying delusions of adequacy.
    If the Donald doesn’t get in fair and square, who knows WTAF will happen, something’s going to give, my nap is martial law of some form or other.
    We’re sinking, that’s for sure.

  2. I nearly choked laughing when Rowley said he was coming after US citizens.
    The feckless cunt can’t do his own job in his own country.

    • If he’s lied, then that’s a dick move. However, if I had to guess I’d say he retired when he did because of family reasons. Apparently his son was born in 2006, so if his wife was pregnant with him at the time then it would make sense that he wouldn’t want to risk his life. He certainly should’ve been honest about that sooner though.

      • Makes sense that he didn’t want to risk his life? He’s not the first serving member of the armed forces to face such a decision, what did he do it for?

        Male bonding and those delicious MREs?

        Don’t get me wrong, it would be a rational thing to do but not something to crow about if you ducked out of your first deployment.

      • Maybe he was just scared of potentially losing his life? That’s a valid perspective to have. I agree he probably shouldn’t use his service as a selling point but hey, it’s an election – we all know how this shit works.

    • It’s a 2nd source of income that requires a few weekends and a 2 week stint for training exercises at some point per year. They help out in natural disasters and social unrest.
      My Dad was in it when I was a kid in the 80s. He would bring home MREs that were fun to eat. They came with 3 cigarettes and a book of matches back then.

      • MRE is a US military acronym for Meal Read to Eat.

        They are food rations that require no preparation. Just open and…enjoy.

      • Fun fact; we used to trade our gopping rations for MREs whenever we could, until we felt the onset of diabetes.

        They eventually improved our own rations to include…..curries!

        But you could never beat corned beef hash.

      • @Mickey Blue Eyes

        To this very day I still don’t understand why so many people give the corned beef hash from the rat packs such rave reviews …. it was fucking boggin.

        I’m glad that it was popular though because I was always unlucky enough to get a horror bag containing CBH, so was more than happy to trade it for something that didn’t taste like ass.

      • Of course it was bogging! That was the charm.

        What did you swap it for, I can’t remember anything worth more than it, the best of a rancid bunch.

      • “MRE is a US military acronym for Meal Ready to Eat”


        Not universally loved, however, they were also known to many servicemen during the Gulf War by the alternative : ‘Meals Rejected by Ethiopians”.

      • @Mickey Blue Eyes

        For the life of me I don’t remember. I hated the rations almost in totality, just some more than others.

        One time I accidentally got an Halal ration pack and it was really nice – filled with curries and the like. It made me want to recite the shahada.

      • My old man would bring them home (pinched). Weird tin with a crystal sleeve, pierce it and some magical chemical reaction would occur.
        Hot grub in a minute. Ace. Rooster stew.

  3. These rotten cunts are bound to win.

    Big Donald won’t be allowed to win,its too upsetting.

    Just as the West and its greatest saviour,America,faces its worst threats in decades it will be governed by a bunch of ultra Liberal elites who couldn’t run a bath with a DEI committee meeting first.

    Shower of Total Cunts.

    I expect to see the breakdown of law and order,Texas and a few other righteous States excluded.

    Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.

  4. The U.S doesn’t recognise the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in giving up combatants to face trial for alleged crimes in times of war so why the fuck would the Rowley cunt think they would give up citizens writing stuff on social media?

    • Because he wants to look ‘tough’. He’s the lizard of Oz hiding behind the lace curtain.

  5. Funny how all these so called “black” wimminz look almost indistinguishable from mildly suntanned white wiomen, isn’t it?

    Narcissistic cunts like Harris and Markle (with their nose jobs, cheek implants, botox, fillers, skin whiteners & hair straighteners) look whiter than fucking Harry Halfwit and whatever white cunt Harris is married to.

    Presumably she’s banking on whites voting for her because they don’t really believe she’s black, and blacks voting for her because she identifies as black.

    I suppose her one saving grace is she’s not a tranny.

    Although to paraphrase Foghorn Leghorn, “Ah said boy, ah could be wrong…”

    Anyway, either Harris is 95% white, or she’s had extensive cosmetic surgery to make herself appear that way.

    If she hasn’t then I’ll be a silverback’s uncle!

      • Only the higher caste Indians. Untouchables are very dark.

        She’s also half black (her father) but you’d never guess it looking at her today.

      • Her mother was an Indian and her father was an Afro-Carribean from Jamaica.

        He is a full blown Marxist Economist and taught at Stanford University.

        He no longer speaks to his daughter for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is said in a public interview that she smoked weed because she was Jamaican and it was in her blood and part of her heritage.*

        *I’m paraphrasing but you get the point. It was on a “black” radio program called “The Breakfast Club” with a character who calls himself “Charlemagne tha (sic) God.”

        More like Shaka da Groid.

      • Charlemagne as in the Holy Roman Emperor, King of the Franks and Lombards?

        Cultural appropriation much!

      • I used to smoke cannabis, until 1983 when I stopped smoking fags.

        Rarely partake nowadays – not more than once a month – but when I do it’s baked in cakes.

  6. It depends on the comments that American citizens have made. If someone has actively told a Brit online to engage in violent behaviour, then throw the book at them. If it’s just vague anti -immigration/pro-disorder ranting then leave it be.

    • I’m afraid I must disagree.

      If I’m in my own country, I’m subject to American Law.

      If I’m in England, I’m subject to British Law.

      If I’m online, I’m NOT subject to Sharia Law.

      • If it affects British people though then it isn’t that simple. Say, an American directs somebody in Britain to kill another person living in Britain – they would likely be tried in a British court because their actions helped contribute to the death of a British citizen. Obviously no one died during the riots but it’s the same general principle. .

      • Good luck trying to get anyone extradited from the USA to the UK. It doesn’t happen.

        Only works the other way round.

      • @OC

        None of Starmers business what a US citizen has to say if they are not in this country. Free speech is protected under the US constitution and a US citizen only answers to US courts if they are in the US.

        I’ve not heard mention of attempts to extradite Muslim Clerics calling for a world wide Islamic state as yet. Or Antifa activists in the US being prosecuted for influencing the militant activities of their colleagues in the UK.

        Starmer and his Marxist backers are proving themselves to be the biggest threat to democracy in the UK as Harris and her backers are doing the same to the US.

        The leftists will try and say that the law is the backbone of democracy which in their minds justifies their use of lawfare.

        The backbone of democracy is consent and law ceases to have value without consent, unless of course you’re actual goal is tyranny.

        Starmer will set this country aflame before he is done.

      • If I live in the States and I “blaspheme” the Prophet I have not committed a crime under US Law.

        In my country I have the right to say and do as I see fit…as long as it’s legal under US Law.

        There is International Law, as well as agreements, extradition treaties and so on that deal with capital crimes such as murder.

        But if you want to charge me, arrest me, extradite me, put me on trial and incarcerate me because I called Kweer a Faqqot…from the safety and security of my own home.

        Fuck You!

      • I don’t want to do any of that, GC. I am simply saying that where a crime DOES get committed in such circumstances things can become quite complicated. As others have pointed out one of our lot would be extradited if the roles were reversed.

      • Anne Sacoolas killed a boy on a bike in the UK and extradition is not happening.

        I have seen a lot of people fantasing about Musk being snapped up by the US Marshalls (and in one particularly deranged case, ‘The Regiment’), to stand trial in the UK for..

        According to a US lawyer who was consulted by Dan ‘Blackbelt Barrister’ ShenSmith, Musk could’ve said and done far worse and the UK government would be powerless given it is entirely legal under the First Amendment.

    • Don’t forget that Lord Haw Haw, William Joyce was a U.S. citizen. He didn’t hurt anyone, had a wicked sense of humour, but was executed for treason against the British crown. Something I have never been able to work out.

      • Hey OC,

        Sorry for the late response. Been busy all day. (Story to follow later.)

        That Fuck You was meant for Herr Starm Trooper and not you.

        My apologies for any confusion.

      • Hey Scuny,

        If I remember correctly that vile cunt was born in the US but at some point I think he lived in Bogtrotter Land.

        He was a known associate of Oswald Mosley and the British Fascists.

        I do know that at some point he moved to Germany and the Nazi’s made him a citizen of the Third Reich.

        Not sure as to the legal justification for Treason. But I hope they used a short drop when they hung him.

  7. Spoiler alert!
    The US Presidential election will be stolen again this time around just as in 2020.
    Say good bye to any disposable income. All will be spent on basics that now cost a fucking fortune.
    Unless you’re a parasite on the dole of course.
    Afternoon y’all.

    • Many States have passed laws or taken action to stop the kind of massive and extensive fraud we saw in the 2020 Election.

      However, the Demonrats are past masters at stealing elections and always a step ahead.

      Here’s Megyn Kelly and her guest Gene Hamilton talking about illegal aliens registered to vote in America.

      It’s almost 13 minutes but worth the watch:


  8. Mark Rowley thinks he’s hard doesn’t he?
    Aiming the current buzz phrase ‘Full force of the law’ at the Americans.
    Seems like he’s not exactly up to speed on the true nature of the US/UK ‘specially relationship’.
    Here’s how it works Marky boy.
    If someone in the UK upsets the yanks, we shit our pants and extradite them asap.
    If it’s the other way round, the yanks tell us to fuck off and mind our own business.
    If Jimmy Saville were alive today and hiding in Florida, they’d have not the slightest intention of handing him over.
    That’s how it is me old china.
    Now wind your neck in.

  9. If Rowley makes life inconvenient for the cunt Musk, then good luck to him, say I. If you don’t want our cunts interfering in the US then kindly don’t let your cunts interfere in the UK.

    As to the other two… Still-vaguely-democratic government you don’t much agree with versus oligarchical dictatorship by extremely stupid old congenital liar? Not my call. But I know which one the mass-murdering bastard Putin wants. And will pay for.

    Have a nice day.

    • Yeah, I don’t know much about Walz’s policies but he does seem like a genuine family man. That’s in stark contrast to the brashness and vulgarity of Trump/Vance. You only have to look at the mockery of Gus Walz to understand the current mindset of the GOP – that shit is uncalled for regardless of political beliefs.

      • This Walz cunt, puts tampons in men’s toilets, had police goons fire paintballs at folks sitting on their own verandahs during lockdown, Walter Mitty his military service, that Walz cunt ? What’s ‘family’ about any of that ??

      • What’s ‘family’ about wanting to row back IVF treatments, making fun of a disabled teenager and mocking your opponent’s ethnicity? They’re all cunts, but it’s about voting for the least worst cunts. And right now that doesn’t seem to be the GOP

      • Having looked up the paintball incident it was to do with the George Floyd riots, not lockdown. That doesn’t justify the situation obviously, but if you’re gonna try and argue a point at least be honest about it. That’s a pretty big piece of information to leave out, and one has to question your motivations in doing so.

    • That’s not to say I like the Dems mind – far from it. But rn I like the GOP even less. I appreciate that will be an unpopular view, but it’s where I stand.

  10. I have no doubt that if the knickerless one becomes President, she will infesrt the United States with migrant muck.

    Governments around the world have failed their own populations by letting in savages from the third world, and they all must be held to account.

  11. https://youtu.be/8Z2UQXHiqk0?si=8-eNZdYXdhRV6Wjf

    Donald’s got the backing off a Kennedy.

    Anyone tries to shoot at him again,
    It’ll hit the Kennedy.
    Every Kennedy in 6 decades has copped for a bullet.
    It’s what they do.
    Smart move Donald?

    He’s a odd Kennedy though!
    Not polished, or slick.
    He has a scratchy voice that sounds like he’s crying.

    Listen to him.
    Less a political pitch
    More a cry for help.

    Sounds like Shaggy from Scooby doo,

    Jeepers scooby!
    It’s a ggggghost!!

  12. Never liked Bobby, so maybe that is why I couldn’t take RFK junior seriously.
    He was one of the luckier Kennedys though, he’s law firm was just down the road during 911 but he managed not to be there on the day.
    Always thought that junior had no serious chance and was only going to take Trump votes. I think this was the plan all along, a partnership of sorts.
    If Trump is let win, a biggy position for independent junior

  13. This Walz character was on the news
    He set off my spider sense.

    He was mingling at some democratic party fundraiser.

    Big fake smile .
    Like Liberace.

    And I took instant dislike to him.
    Which is out of character for me because I’m a lovely fella who sees the good in everyone. Ahem.

    Bet in a year or so they’ll be a news alert and it’ll be the police digging up his back garden and finding the rotting corpses of runaways and hobos.


  14. OT. The ususal remarks about Marcus Rashford.
    ‘Indifferent.’ ‘Below par.’ ‘Lack of positional understanding.’
    Just three of the weekend’s media headlines about him.

    I have never disliked a Manchester United player as much as I dislike him. Even the likes of Birtles and Brazil tried and put the effort in.

    Radhord. An absolutely stinking attitude and a complete cunt.

    • Probably be improved by getting rid of the Dutch fraudster pretending to be a manager.

      • I’d get rid of then both, Sixdog.
        I have no love for Ten Hag. But I have seen Rashford do this for/to everal different managers.

      • @Norman

        There’s something badly wrong at United. They have the name but none of the attributes that made them successful.

        There’s no defined way of playing, the players don’t seem to understand what it is meant to mean to wear the shirt. I don’t think it matters who they sign or get rid of until the mentality of playing for United is restored.

        Ten Hag makes as much sense as Brendan Rodgers and like Brenda it’s never his fault.

  15. The ‘man’ who did the recent stabbings in Germany has been named as ‘ Issa Al H’. Omitting his surname because of Germany’s privacy laws.

    So, yet another piece of savage sandmuck. Didn’t see that coming.

  16. Martin Luther King (1968): “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

    Kamala Harris (2024): “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the content of their character, but by colour of their skin.”

    Which has been the default position of black racists for at least 20 years now.

    • I often wonder how he would’ve fared as President. Presumably he would’ve run at some point – probably in place of Carter in 76.

      • FFS why did I say Carter when he was a Republican? I meant in place of Bush Sr in 1988.

      • Hey OC,

        MLK was associated with the Democrat Party.

        Carter was in fact a Democrat and ran (and won) in 1976 and 1980 (lost.)

        Bush the elder was a Republican who ran (and won) in 1988 and (lost) in 1992.

      • Who Martin Luther King?

        He was a sex Pest.

        So probably be like Bill Clinton.
        But with less saxophone

      • MLk was a cokehead.
        And constantly cheated on his missus Coretta.

        Ok, she looked like zira from Planet of the apes,
        But that’s no excuse!!

        He married the fucker knowing she was a bit of a mutt.

        He also visited brasses(whores).

        Now I’m no Christian but I’m pretty sure a minister shouldn’t be doing that.

        He was always going to get shot.
        I’m just surprised it wasn’t climbing out of a bedroom window in his undercrackers.

      • Ps
        Probably without paying the prostitute and stealing the fruit off the sideboard

      • Well at least he didn’t murder Marilyn like serial adulterer JFK did.
        Nor was he a degenerate tranny like FBI boss J Edgar Hoover. ?

      • Yeah JFK was a dirty dick too.
        The whole of the Kennedy family are a bit suspect in my opinion.

        JFKs dad cut a deal with the Mob to get Bobby Kennedy into power.

        That’s not a conspiracy theory.

        The Mafia admit it.

        And if you can’t trust what the Mafia says?

        Then I don’t know who you can trust.

      • I’m aware of Carter’s and Bush’s parties, yes. I think MLK would’ve ended up running for the Republicans because of Democrat animosity towards him – y’know, Southern Baptist, anti-abortion, NRA member, etc.

      • I’ve just spent over an hour searching for my stanley knife.
        One minute I was using it, the next it had disappeared!
        Reckon one of those stabby cunts at the carnival must have thieved it.

    • St Martin Luther King certainly knew and knew of rapists.
      And some say he was a rapist himself.

  17. Fuck America,we have our own problems.

    Rodney ” stalin ” starmer and his communist party of retards.

    Daily invasions of inbred Pàkis and pavement apes..

    At least you have guns in America..

    A two-tiered peaceful cock noshing police farce who will stomp a white person no questions asked.

    We will all be in internment camps by Christmas..

    • There’s just a hint there that the polis and the effnic had some sort of connection. How vibrant.

  18. I honestly think there’s another pandemic perpetrated on the west by those slit eyed chinks and ruskies. The pandemic is fuckin stupidity and has taken hold of western leaders and lettuce munching lefties. God fuckin help us.

    • Plausible isn’t it? A few commentators I’ve seen have pointed out that Chinese TikTok is wholesome good stuff, whereas Western TikTok has a good number of bampots talking about their gender/pan whatver- binaryness, how Trump is bad for their mental health and the latest I saw on Bearing was a couple of youngsters pretending to be gay werewolf-vampire hybrids.

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