Gen-Z and Autotune

GEN-Z & AUTOTUNE (or rather the lack of it)

(The Star-Mangled Banner)

As if their own contemporary music was not dire enough, when invited to perform traditional melodies and actual “anthems” this generation of fucking jelloid brains seem to be unable to do so unless they`re continually assisted by autotune.
Yep, not only are their “songs” composed by AI, they are also “sung” by AI.
So, no human intervention required then – apart from actually inducing the cretins to download or stream said effluent thereby consuming its juicy diarrhetic angst.

So, cunters, ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls (and all the other sad mental degenerates and narcissists with whatever gender you want to be this week) I give you Ingrid Andress …


The more mature generations of you will appreciate that being drunk on stage during a performance was an essential pre-requisite of being able to deliver a properly magnificent song extremely well and with sincere expression – and for the most part actually singing in tune.


Nominated by : Sam Beau

46 thoughts on “Gen-Z and Autotune

  1. I watched this, it was truly painful on all counts.

    Someone please tell this woman that, not only can she not sing, but she really must not sing.

    I could have done a better job despite not being able to carry a tune in a bucket.

  2. Jesus Christ Sam, you should have attached a warning to that link. I never heard of the woman before; now I wish I’d never heard her.

  3. Our neighbourhood cats yowling at night sound better than that.

    I wonder what she sounds like having an orgasm.

  4. Overproduced shite.
    The tasteless little bastards deserve it.

    As a youth the thrill of live music was in the feedback of the guitars,
    The echo and the LIVE sound of a band.

    Glad I am that I was born in a golden age for live music,
    No R2D2 overdubbing .

    Here’s some Iggy and the Stooges

    • Back in the 70’s, my fav Iggy song was “I’ve got my cock in my pocket”.
      Memories of playing that at a disco…..

  5. Admin – please bin my 7.22am post. I was so put off by that yowling that I spelled my name wrong.

    I wonder what she sounds like having an orgasm.

    • That made me smile Geordie. I’ve heard of a paper bag job but ear plugs are a new departure to me.

  6. Ah, this reminds me that seeing The Faces off their faces was a pleasure and a privilege.

    AI is music is here to stay. Does away with the need for a composer or a lyricist, then the performer too. Perfect economic model. Not long now and they will complete the circle by doing away with the listeners.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. I reiterate, if the public are gullible enough to allow this shite to continue, more fool them. Its they who are to blame for entertainment to come to a standstill. It doesn’t effect me with my own choices already chosen, I’m only thinking of the poor fools who let this carry on and want to be helpful.

  8. Like all modern celebs who’ve dropped a bit of a clanger or ended up in the shit, she immediately claimed she was booking herself into rehab.
    Anyway, she sounded fairly contrite.
    “I’ll let y’all know how rehab is – I hear it’s super fun.”
    Let’s hope so love.
    Beware though. We had a famous newsreader over here who did the same when he fucked up, and it ain’t done him any good.

  9. Why all this commotion over a simple game of rounders, that’s normally played by girls at school ?

    • I liked Meat Loaf. First artist I listened to over and over(via my dad’s LP’s). Bat Out of Hell, mainly. From age 9 or 10. First live show for me too, aged 12. I notice the vid in the link had been dormant for years, then when he died it spiked big time for the next while.

      There won’t be many still many talking with passion about the yer wan in the nom in fifty years time, I’d wager. aIf anything, that mess she made of the anthem will be the main recall.

  10. What you get now ain’t proper songs.
    I’ve wailed more melodically when I’ve sat on me own bollocks!

  11. Confession time – and I hope I do not embarrass the lady concerned, but when I am not directing adult films of appalling depravity, I return to my old profession of violinist and orchestral leader and conductor – my ensemble The Shimmering Strings of Bernie Cohen, had the great honour – and I mean that most sincerely, already, of accompanying Angela Rayner in her unreleased LP – she decided she didn’t want to show her soft side to the world, and she regarded me as “Tory scooom”, so the record wasn’t released, but it DID escape and here is the track all the critics regard as Angie’s finest (although she was miffed we would not allow her to use her favourite word for “love”. This is the twenty-fitth take.

    Brings tears to the eyes does it not?

    • Delightful WC.

      I have it on good authority that Crayons gave a tuneful rendition of that very number one evening whilst providing relief to Stockport County’s entire first team, the reserve team, the coaching staff, the groundsmen and the bloke in the hot dog stand.

      She’s a star.

  12. There’ll be no talentless tarts prancing about with fuck all on singing out of tune in GB when Starmer allows Shari law to rule….??

  13. Can’t stand the fucking song anyway. It now has to be sung with quivering lips like some black RnB singer, no one sings it as a national anthem but always as a performance like they are on the fucking X-Factor.

    Sums up modern America, image over substance.

  14. I have been impressed by the Australian athletes at the Olympics singing their National Anthem, the wonderful Advance Australia Fair. The Americans and French also have great National Anthems, which the winners also tend to sing. Outs is a bit of a dirge but at lest it has some dignity, and the modern generation don’t tend to sing as they I guess they don’t know the lyrics. The Brazilian, which is just plain jolly, I suppose reflecting the national character.

    • The French certainly do have a good national anthem.

      The Italian one is a bit of a belter too.

    • I disagree about the Yank national anthem.

      “bombs bursting in air” has always seemed such a violent image to me. Plus the Yanks will burst into song at the drop of a hat which makes their national anthem quite nauseating. Land of the free and the home of the brave? Hmm….how do you get America involved in a world war? Tell them it’s nearly over.

      Being a Brit, I prefer things to be understated. It’s still God Save The Queen for me too. That woke jug eared cunt can do one.

      • Goes on for ever, too. At least a verse of GSTQ/K doesn’t bring on cramp even before the entertainment starts. The tune is British, btw. Irony.

  15. If anyone’s interested, there’s a channel on YT called Wings of Pegasus run by an audio engineer. His thing is analysing live/studio audio and showing you where artists are using (ahem) corrective techniques to help them sound better than they are. Or not using any embellishments at all because they’re that good. He did an amazing job exposing the fact The Eagles are now miming during ‘live’ performances. The same band who were just about to start a residency in Las Vegas. Hmmm….people paying lots of money to watch some old guys lip sync to a backing track. Impressive.

  16. There is a circle in hell for mutilators of the Star Spangled Banner, but this plumbs a new low.

    Just as well there’s Planet Rock.

    • I particularly enjoyed the bit where she attempted to sing!

      This nom reminded me of the Billy Connolly sketch, where he suggests that our dirge like national anthem should be replaced by the theme tune to the Archers, with suitable lyrics.

      • The Archers – like all other BBC productions – is now crammed with treeswingers, Paggis, pooves and trannies.

  17. Autotune is a cunt but I always found Cher’s song ‘Believe’ which birthed Autotune a guilty pleasure Cheers m8’s I’m having a Gin cocktail nightcap right now

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