is a cunt, isn’t she.
Six-time Olympian toff was caught on secret video “training” her horses by whipping their legs. Not once or twice, but 24 times. How long has inbred bitch been allowed to do this?
Olympic cunt.
No, you’re not sorry and you’re probably not ashamed. You’re only sorry you were caught. Moreover, who’s the chuckling hayseed hee-haw hick filming it?
Fuck this contemptible, cuntington lowlife.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous, seconded by Fuglyucker and a third helping from opinionated cunt below.
Seconded, I hope the toffee nosed cunt gets the same treatment as that slag Sarah fucking Mould, so now she can become a green wellie wearing doley, who cant get past the animal rights activists with whips camping in her driveway, I would like to see what she would think getting 24 lashes.
Well done whoever filmed that and put an end to this cock gobblers career…. What a cunt, stupid fucking sport anyway, horses and toffs poncing together, so hopefully it’s only going to be a hobbies horse this fuck knuckle can get close to any time soon….
A third opinion of this:-
Horses are among my favourite animals, and one of only a few I am categorically against using for meat. How dare that snobbish, stuck up, privileged cunt treat such a majestic creature so cruelly. Hopefully she gets banned for life and is made subject to the same treatment that she dished out.
Charlotte Dujardin apologists.
“B-b-but she’s only human! Everyone makes mistakes!”
“It was a simple error of judgement!”
“She didn’t harm the horse really.”
The horse would’ve barely felt it!”
‘She’s being tried by social media!
“Won’t someone think about her mental health?!”
Fuck off you absolute cunts. Whipping an animal TWENTY FOUR times is NOT a mistake. it is NOT an error of judgement. It is animal cruelty, and nothing less. Cruelty which the horse clearly felt judging by the amount of bucking in the video. She knew what she was doing, and she counted on being able to get away with it because of her status. This woman deserves no sympathy whatsoever. Fuck her mental elf. I hope she gets exactly the same treatment she gave that poor animal and then some.
She done this in the presence of students if the article I read is correct?
Should be banned from going near a horse again.
Her CBE should be removed as well.
People that hurt animals ate dangerous.
No fcking respect.
disgusting cunt
Well known fact that most child abusers do their apprenticeship on animals Termy.
I would give her arse a couple of whacks with my sjambok. That would make the little bastard reconsider her approach to horse beating.
The horsey types have always got a certain look about them. And they can’t drive for shit in their huge twat wagon horseboxes.
Indeed. Some of the Penelope’s you see driving huge horse boxes surely don’t have the legal right to do so according to their driving licenses.
That’s probably why they avoid the motorway and clog up the fucking B roads.
The sensation to touch for a horse is about twice that of a human.
People think that when you ride one you have to pull the reins one way or another to turn the animals head and get it to go the way that you want.
That’s not the case.
You lay the rein on the side of the horse’s neck and it will veer away from that side to try to get away from the sensation.
Just a very gentle squeeze of your calfs will get the horse moving.
Horsey people know these things and there is no excuses for ever hitting one.
It will experience the same level of pain as you would get if someone was to whip you on your bellend.
I understand that some people here may enjoy being whipped on their bellend, but that’s beside the point.
This woman is a cunt.
I knew a bloke that was kicked in the face by a horse, he wasn’t being cruel BTW.
Disfigured him for life.
Does this stupid cow know what she’s fucking with?
hopefully she’ll find out.
Wherever animals are used for sport there is cruelty – Horse racing etc, horse poncing like this fucker, greyhounds, fox hunting packs (and the fox of course) . We dont usually hear about but it is always there.
Confirmed! I asked my daughter if this was a normal way to teach a dancing horse. At this level of competition the answer is 100%.
This is another case of, ‘I’m sorry I got caught’ i.e. I’m not sorry how I treated my horse.
Used to work for the Bentley driver back in the day before he died, quite liked old W until I found out he was a fox hunter, and the fuck him, no more help from me…..
If she’d whipped Doreen Lawrence I’d be completely behind her but not a horse.
My father in-law had his teeth kicked out by a horse.
I could understand him getting some payback,
But he doesn’t seem to hold a grudge?
Anyway say goodbye to olympic gold you awful cunt.
Just to take your mind off what a cunt she is…….
I was going to cunt hobby horsing months ago AC.
Totally batshit.
Originated in Finland which explains a lot. Those long dark winter nights and whipping themselves with bits of bushes in the sauna must give them lots of time to think.
If wierd and pointless sports are your thing you can nominate Extreme Ironing instead.
Look it up if you haven’t already.
Wait until you see the rabbit grand-national – also from Finland.
Mad country.
Don’t forget the wife carrying championship.
She didn’t need to do this at all. Everybody knows that the horses do that charming, hopping dressage stuff for the sheer fun of it.
I’d put a riding crop across her arse for a bit. I bet she’d enjoy that.
Would you spank her, would you, would she like it, suits you sir!
She’s a cunt. Not sure what she was trying to achieve beyond annoying the horse to the point where the rider was in some jeopardy. Maybe she was trying to make it move hard into the corner – horsedancers like straight lines and square angles – but that was the rider’s job, in dressage as in every other discipline. Cruelty? Not so sure. Tantrum, more like, and not very bright, also a terrible example for her student Still, good grounds for booting her off the team, though.
She should be sentenced to be “Catherine the Great”ed.
Or “Mr Hands”ed…a gentleman who encouraged a horse to bum him and, entirely unsurprisingly, died of a ruptured colon.
Riding crop, those tight riding pants, little black bra, now what is she going to wear.
She is a cunt but on the grand scale of animal cruelty this comes way down the list.
PS. I have eaten horse meat in Italy, it’s fucking crap.
I agree.
Horse meat tastes like rancid beef to me.
I quite liked it in France
Did you have your horse steak with potatoes?
I think horses are a beautiful animal,
Poetry in motion.
I like them.
I also fear them.
Temperamental types.
Alongside the father in-laws dental treatment,
Mrs Miserable has a finger that was reattached as a little girl due to a horse biting it off.
She says it was a accident.
But it wasn’t a accident when one bite my tit.
It was malicious.
Never felt pain like it.
One site of my chest turned completely black.
If I’d of had Charlotte’s whip that day I’d of battered the goofy cunt with it.
I’d fed it a apple,
And we seemed ok,
Then the cunt tried to bite my nipple off.
Horses are sly fuckers.
I got bit by a donkey in Skegness, and I would happily have shot the cunt.
Does that count?
I think so.
You wouldn’t expect that from a donkey would you?
Everyone likes donkeys.
Harmless little guys ….till one bites a chunk off you like a XL bully.
Fucker almost took my finger off, bastard.
A donkey bit my sisters finger when she was about six, the more she cried the more I laughed. I loved that donkey.
The equine fraternity from Shetland to shire like nothing more than human flesh.
People used to like that champion the wonder horse.
He’d of tore your throat out soon as look at you.
Snap L.L. I thought it was hilarious too but my old man curtailed my mirth with a sharp boot to my jacksie.
Donkeys are treated like shit.
Why they don’t lash out more is a mystery.
Victims of their own passive temperaments, I guess.
Think yourself lucky you only got a finger bit.
Imagine having to hump brats and obese adults
Up and down the beach all day in the hot sun.
Did you sue the owner?
That’s where the blame lies.
Fuck them.
Well cunted gentlemen.
In a just world this bitch would be force fed a hundredweight of horse manure then have her cunt kicked in by me wearing a sturdy pair of golf shoes.
This cunt got everything she deserved, two faced posh “daddy bought me a horse” slag.
That said, I’d definitely romp her in the barn. I had a horsey girlfriend once and fuck me she knew how to ride.
It’s all that bouncing up and down in the saddle in those tight jodphurs CM.
One of my sons used to brig home one of these horsey types and you could hear her orgasmic oohs and aahhhs for miles around the dirty slag.
Not that i was jealous you understand.
More fool you. I’d have said, king’s rights, I get to pork her first.
Exactly right CM, straight in there.
I prefer the term “droit de seigneur” Cuntus. It has a little more “je ne sais quoi”. Like having a poncey surname, Dujardin for instance.
never mind all that poncy stuff arfur, just get straight in there, they love it, dirty slags
Here’s another cunt who got his just deserts for animal abuse…?
Shamima Begum loses final UK court bid over citizenship.
Oh joy of joys. Fuck off back to your inbred gang of murderers, Ta-ra, Bigbum…
I have heard this evening on you tube that Cooper may be trying to intervene. Not sure if this is a piss take of bum info, but its the type of thing that Cooper would do.
Those Labour cunts will be tonguig Bigbum’s smelly arse if they can. That, I have no doubt about.
Update 18.44. The info was released by Begums Lawyers who are now to appeal to the ECHR allegedly following advice form ?
The last thing Starmer & Co want to see is the Begum bitch allowed back in the country.
The consequent negative publicity would be disastrous for the government.
Stockports red queen Mangy Angie on telly speaking about the Far Right Rioting.
She can’t say ‘ thuggery ‘ ??
Said it about ten times.
Being a Labourite she is more used to saying “buggery”.
I bet she’s more used to buggery and all…
Dirty Ange said ‘thuz no excuse fur fuggery on are streets,’
Funny, she didn’t say that when those middle class cunts were vandalsing Bristol city centre during the lockdown. Oh, I forgot. They were ‘protesting’ about long dead slaves and Chiggen Floyd George.That’s allowed.
Silly me.
She’s a walking PR disaster Norm.
You’d think she’d have some training in media and public speaking considering wouldn’t you?
Wooden as fuck.
Like a kid reading lines in a school nativity play.
And. the .shepherds. saw. A. Star. In. The. East.
And . Said. Follow. That. Star.
The fugs.
Wouldn’t work though would it Mis? As a geordie mate of mine used to say; “It’s like trying to teach pork.”
I’ve known and seen scores of Angie Rayners, Miserable.
The school slag, up the duff the minute they turn 16. Thinks a kebab and a bottle of White Lightning or Lambrini is the height of good taste. Their kids have a 35 year old ‘nana’.
A snap IsAC straw poll for today puts Keir Starmer on 3% approval rating, Charlotte Dujardin on -17% and Baz Zuckercunt on -38%.
When the chips are down mate……
-38 I demand a recount, I thought it would be -50 plus..
Chicken and ham pie if you must know..
Barry is polling just below dog shit but about even with Joe Biden.
He’ll be tucking into his tea about now,
Chickpea casserole.
Poor old Tesco the horse, no need to be cruel to animals.
I wish her everything those nasty training methods have brought, may she be ruined and have to eat Greggs horse pasties in purgatory for all time.
Women whipping horses, footballers kicking cats, it’s all a form of bullying. ‘I’m going to hurt you because I can, there’s nothing you can do about it’. These people are pathetic.
I received a new DVD today and I’m getting rid of it because it depicts animal cruelty in one scene and I don’t want it in my collection. That’s how much I dislike it.
I’ve met a few men who kick cats without any qualms or conscience Allan. Without exception they possessed sub-saharan levels of IQ.
Every dog has his day.
If you haven’t seen this, I urge you to. Imo it’s an amazing film;
Apocalypse now, poor water buffalo.
Is she some foreign cunt and I only like horses when they are steaks yum yum.
Wish she’d have ill treated an elephant, we wouldn’t be talking about her after today. I’ve seen what they’ve done without forgetting to their owners on the YNC, my favourite place for karma.
Well now, why did the person who took the video wait two years, until just before the Olympics, to release it?
Was it the fifth wheel?
Who gives a fuck, an animal abuser gets everything they deserve, I have absolutely zero sympathy for this cunt.
I wonder if those Antifa cunts and rapeugess welcome mob kick off tonight, will they be called rioting ‘Far Left Thugs’?
Somehow I doubt it. Already, the BBC is labeling their skullduggery as ‘protests’.
Those cunts today saying ‘We won’t allow any chaos in Bristol.;
What the fuck do they think that was during the lockdown?
Hijinks by some middle class poofters and BLM ‘characters’?
It was no different to what has gone on this past week.
Oh, and the amount of Palestinian/Hamas flags at these ‘counter-protests’ makes the stomach turn.
The Saint George cross is a ‘racist symbol’ and yet a terrorist flag is acceptable? To sort of borrow from the Four Tops ‘Cause it’s the same old shit…’
I remember the BBC photoshopping out the piece of wood or metal bar some BLM enricher was attacking police with in one of their reports.
If BBC Verify had been around I’m sure Marianna and Oscar would have independently fact checked it and found no case to answer.
Why does England have a fucking foreigner as its patron saint?
Typical of our ruling elite to replace St Edmund with a foreign cunt.
This is where it all gets horribly confusing for me. Does the predominantly left-wing support for the Palestinians mean that I, as a nominally right wing opponent of illegal immigration, have to support Israel’s bastardy in the West Bank and Gaza? Which, at base, is due to illegal occupation?
I wish we could keep issues of this sort separate. Sorry.
Anyway, cue Radio 4 News playing the lovable-leftie card, reporting from Bristol and Brighton (where else?) and big protests – not riots, oh, no – against the far-right fascists who don’t seem to have turned up there as “expected” by the media.
Smells of the Nudge Unit, doesn’t it?
I’m not to bothered about myself, I’m an old git and won’t be much of a loss to this world, except to my loved ones.
But I really fear for the Lass, and I think I ought to buy her a gun and several boxes of ammo for her 15th birthday, and a crossbow, and a hunting knife…..
Did I miss owt?
A well trained XL BULLY with a paranoid hatred of some “communities”..!
Yes, you’re quite right Arch.
Thanks. I didn’t think about a companion.
Stab proof vest.
Rape alarm.
Pepper spray.
Bottles of battery acid.
It’s the least you can do.
Evening, JP.
I had horse steaks in France. Was ok but couldn’t manage a whole one.
Donkey is ok but needs marinating.
As for the subject. Could not give a fuck. It’s shame there’s not more outrage in the ‘press’ over halal slaughter or the destruction of the North Sea and English Channel fishing stocks by EU super trawlers….