Diversity, as Suckdick never tires of telling us, is our strength. It is certainly true that certain cultural enrichers try to make journeys to and from work more “interesting” and sometimes more hazardous. Take this charmer: He was on a tube station platform, he wasn’t too happy having just told three women to “fuck off.” Then he spied a postman, who “disrespected” him, and had given him “a dirty look” so he did what any sane man would do, and pushed him onto the tracks. Luckily for the victim he didn’t came into contact with a live rail and a man pulled him to safety just seconds before a train came into the platform.

No doubt the poor lad has trouble with his mental health (and a bit of a temper) and will be free soon to prowl a tube station platform again, on the lookout for anyone who “disrespects” him.

What a cunt:


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

63 thoughts on “BRWA SHORSH

  1. Don’t believe your lying eyes. The real story is Suckdick feeling unsafe in London from the far-right as he swans around in his armour-plated Range Rover. I wonder which African toilet gave us this cunt or is he a homegrown product of diversity?

    • Every time that fucking idiot little shit says ‘Diversity is our strength’ he should be arrested for spreading fake news ?

    • Apparently he feels unsafe as a Muslim.
      I think he’ll find that people hate him because he’s an utter cunt who’s destroyed our capital city first and foremost.
      The race card won’t wash in this instance, Suckdick.

      • After the next inevitable terror attack will he say;

        a) diversity is our strength
        b) not all Muslims are terrorists
        c) Islam is the religion of peace
        d) don’t let the far-right divide us
        e) all of the above.

    • Now the interesting thing about little Suckdick and his armoured motorcade is that he doesn’t have it because of death threats from the far right. Oh no.

      Little Suckdick has an armoured motorcade because of death threats from Muslims.

      He promised them something in the election before last and didn’t deliver.

      Now what could that be? Is it:

      1. Raping underage English girls with impunity?
      2. Sharia law trumping British law in London?
      3. First dibs on closed down pubs to turn them into mosques?
      4. Turning a blind eye to electoral fraud? (This one is a given)
      5. Amnesty on illegal immigration for Muslims, so they can bring their entire extended family to suckle at the taxpayer teet.

      I’ll let you decide. But one thing is for sure, it isn’t the far right that little Suckdick knows is his biggest threat in Londonistan

  2. Another cunt who should never have been allowed to stay in the UK, Kurdish Migrant aka illegal cunt

  3. Doesn`t matter how you deal with this nodule of sub-human excrement afterwards, the fact remains we cannot legitimately eliminate the cunts beforehand, even when it is known said cunts are likely to spontaneously detonate at some point in the future – see recently nominated post …

    I wonder if there is a common thread here? …


    • The common thread is of course genes, as you allude to there Sam. Friends of ours used to live on a road near Broadmoor nuthouse. It’s quite a posh area and thus c**ns are thin on the ground. The police blocked the road one day because a nutter had escaped. When my mate’s missus pulled up at the road block the copper just glanced at her and told her to carry on. She asked the copper how she would recognise the nutter if she spotted him. He replied without hesitation;

      “Oh you’ll know him madam. He’s big and black.”

  4. I’d love someone to explain to be exactly how having this wasps-in-the-head deranged nutter living here enhances or culturally enriches us?

    Don’t bother with a trial, just deport him and save us the cost of a trial and confinement.

  5. He felt that he had been disrespected.

    The cunt had been sleeping on a bench in an underground station and shouting abuse at women.

    How much respect did he think that he deserved?

  6. Here’s an idea.
    Let all of the refugees and immigrants who are eminent doctors and surgeons wherever they came from operate on and treat the rest of them. NHS waiting lists will come spiralling down, it’s a win win situation.
    This can be extended to all the labour party who love them so much, including Starmer who refuses to go private.

  7. Eeeuurrgghh, London.
    What a shithole.
    Amazingly, the postman’s name wasn’t Dave Smith.
    It was ye olde English name Tadeusz Potoczek.
    Odin, are you the lone Englishman in London?

  8. And this is why you always move away from the most crowded part of the platform and pick the spot on the train that drops you right by your exit.

    Keep your back to the wall at all times when waiting for the train to pull in and be highly aware of your surroundings and anyone taking an immediate interest in you.

    Situational awareness will save your life in London.

    Too many illegals, too many nutters and so many people who haven’t a scooby about what is going on around them because fucking massive noise cancelling headphones and face stuck in phone screen.

    They’re the future victims.

    Don’t put yourself in their position. Ever.

  9. Interesting case. As a Kurdish migrant, the cunt was either (a) claiming asylum from one of the countries who , quite understandably, regard all Kurds as cunts: Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Here, the Kurds, who have never had a country of their own, persist in stirring the shit on behalf of their mythical Kurdistan. Their PKK was briefly taken under the wing of the Blair/Bush project -useful idiots for fighting Saddamites – but seem to have fallen out of favour since. They are now officially a terrorist organisation…
    …pauses for breath…
    …or (b), just another fighting-age illegal not long off the rubber boat at Dover, dodging the draft in one of the above countries and looking for a share in a nail bar.

    I think we deserve to know which. but the media aren’t about to tell us.
    I hope the postman, whose name is Polish, had the correct documents, btw.

  10. Fuck him, he should feel unsafe, the Russians have London at the top of their target list, though I don’t know if nuking the capital of the Caliphate is going to work out well for him….

  11. I’m having to transfer my reply for making a mistake of putting in the previous nomination.

    I’ve no need to divert my attention in another direction where I live, because I’m fortunate to live somewhere that hasn’t been spoilt yet. Being on the arse end humanity, the tortoise won’t know, or is saving till last. If I happen to see him around this area, I’ll kick him under a lorry for giving me a dirty look.

  12. I’m having to transfer my reply for making a mistake of putting in the previous nomination.

    I’ve no need to divert my attention in another direction where I live, because I’m fortunate to live somewhere that hasn’t been spoilt yet. Being on the arse end humanity, the tortoise won’t know, or is saving us till last. If I happen to see him around this area, I’ll kick him under a lorry for giving me a dirty look.

  13. BRWA SHORSH I’m sure I had last time I played scrabble..

    Another credit to society..

  14. Well in keeping with Two Tier Stormers surveillance state I must safely state..

    Gas the fucking lot.

    Fuck foreign parasites,fuck them all.

    Double Oven.

  15. Oh dear, another enriching, non-terror related, mental health etc. ad nauseum, stabbing in London today. FFS.

    • 11 year old girl and 34 year old woman, can we speculate mother and daughter or would that be a hate crime.

      Man has been arrested, maybe plod will actually give details of the cunt before someone get arrested for suggesting he is a ….. something that cannot be named.

      We can confirm it was in Leicester Sq

    • Oxford Circus (above). Leicester Square (today’s stabbing)… where next? I have it. Mornington Crescent.

  16. Bravo Brava!

    Those fuckin postie’s throwing moody looks at people.
    Probably a union rep?

    The cunts love strikes.

    Bet he wasn’t so cocky as he fell on the railway line?
    Made his peace with God.
    Repentance for all those kids birthday cards he rifled through.

    As Two tier Kier says
    More pushing, less shoving.

  17. I would just say to him what the old lady says in Blazing Saddles.

    ‘Up yours, ni…r!’

  18. I dare say this treeswinger will havve ‘mental health’ issues.
    I also reckon he will be on every benefit in the book.

  19. What you people don’t understand is that folk like Mr Shorsh enrich our culture,
    Diversity is our strength!

    Without professional tramps like him then postie’s would have to throw themselves onto railway lines.

    I can’t believe that fuckin postie !

    Showing a black tramp disrespect.

    He should of kissed his arse in gratitude .

    • He is the new diverse breed of tramp Miserable. Even English tramps have joined the white flight to the suburbs.

      • Black tramps are the future LL.

        That Nelson Mandela was a black tramp and they made him prime minister of Bongo bongo land.

        Never saw a ironed shirt in his life and mostly dressed in stuff he found at the side of the road.
        Didn’t even wear socks!
        Used carrier bags!

    • Kurd, CoP.

      Your guess is as good as mine as to where he actually came from.

      Kurd = Turd.

    • Yes, but as it’s not thought to be “terrorist motivated”, it’s just the usual ” man, 32″ that’s been arrested.

      I wonder if he’ll be up in front of the Beak and jugged in 72 hours?

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