Anjem Choudary [6]

Well it may have taken a lot of time and effort, but after an intensive international investigation, the long arm of the law finally reached out and felt the collar of fetid excresence Anjem Choudary.

Yes the infamous Islamist has been found guilty of terrorist offences after a trial at Woolwich Crown Court, meaning that the festering pustule could now be looking at a life sentence for his trouble.

And we all know what that means, don’t we? Banged up in one of HM’s prisons while his (no doubt) extended family rake in benefit money, all courtesy of the weary, hard-pressed taxpayer.

Mmm… there must be a quicker, more cost effective, not to say satisfying solution to this problem. If we could only figure out what it might be…

Met Police News.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

74 thoughts on “Anjem Choudary [6]

  1. It’s funny isn’t it. It’s taken decades to lovk this radical up but in a week they have arrested nearly 5 hundred and locked up 120 of them already.

    Maybe the reason for the rush to empty prisons is clear now. Protest against the government and you’re going inside.

    Time will tell if this only applies to those deemed to be right wing. Maybe Starmer fancies himself as a new Stalin and anyone not towing the party line will be off to the gulags.

    • I figured this would be the case before the weedy cunt even got into power. Being if eastern European heritage clearly gives you an insight into far left cunts.

    • Choudary was first banged up in 2016 – received 5 years 6 months.

      A mere slap on the wrist for a fanatical psychopath of his ilk.

    • They probably had to gather evidence for Choudary’s conviction first. Many of the rioters effectively hung themselves by providing enough evidence to convict on camera.

  2. Oh ffs. Admin, do you know why this is happening?

    Firstly, be nice. Secondly, yes we do! Being sent to mod jail should act as a deterrent for posting unnecessary comments to nominations on the Nominations page. The rules are quite clearly laid out along with the consequence for breaking them. We reckon you’ve been jailed for long enough to make the point. Released on bail. Others take note.

    • You know full well comments with multiple links go into moderation. I posted a couple of links as separate comments to get round this. How are THEY classed as unnecessary comments?

    • And no, it’s not made clear that posting like for a nom counts as a breach of the rules. If that’s the case it needs to be stated – if I remember rightly I’m not the first person who’s been caught out by that.

      We cannot be held responsible if your English comprehension skills are a little below par. For your information professor, in reply to yourself on the Nominations page on 2024/08/06 at 23:39, you wrote, “Funny, it works for me. Maybe it’s your browser -, I’m using Brave for the record.” Now let’s take a look at the Nominations page rules. The most important rule says, “Do NOT ask questions or add comments to nominations unless” :
      – specifically requested by an admin: was your comment requested by an admin? NO!
      – you are seconding a nomination: was your comment a second? NO!
      – you are the original nominator and are making a correction: were you the original nominator making a correction? NO!
      – you are adding a link at the request of the nominator or an admin: was your comment adding a link at the request of the nominator or an admin? NO!

      The rule goes on to say, “If you break this rule, you will be moderated indefinitely or possibly banned.”

      Far be it from us to state the fucking obvious, but you breached this rule and got moderated. Our site, our rules. If you don’t like it, you know what you can do.

      • Ahh, I completely forgot about that comment. Clearly in my wish to be helpful I also.forgot thr rule. Apologies.

  3. To think that our parents and grandparents prevented the enemy even setting foot on our island and now they walk amongst us, openly preaching death to our people, slithering about like unwashed, hate-filled zombies we are unable to eradicate.

    May Choudary’s arsehole be infested with the flies of one thousand camels, inshallah.

  4. Radical Islam will crack and fade when Craigslist bans the ‘Men seeking goats’ section of its personals. Fuck the ragheads; they’ve already assassinated one member of my family on Pan Am 103. They can fucking fuck the fuck off.

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